Chapter 128: (Part 2)

Xavier alongside Ryan and Azazel looked for a way out. "Yahoo!! The bear's gone! We won! Right snake?" Adam asked cheering from the top of the tree.

Cassiel and seraph with Poseidon and Heber who were slightly surprised by the word 'Snake' instead of 'Seraph' looked at him confused. Suddenly all of their faces turning as white as sheets stared at Adam.

Adam who gleamed at the snake which rested on his shoulder smiled at the middle schoolers from above. His skin green and eyes yellow, the snake tossed his head aside with question marks on his head. After realizing for a little while, chills went down Adam's skin as he gulped at the snake, sweat dripping his forehead.

"Snake…?" he asked himself speechless.

The two of them looking at each other intently for a while. Adam as scared as a mice, shrieked out, "IT'S A SNAKE?!!" Throwing his arms up, the snake flung up into the sky alongside Adam who jumped misbalancing and slipping from the tree going down. "Uwaaah!! Help me! Sera, Sera! Ryan!!" he yelled in fright.

Seraph eyeing him stood up to catch him as Gabriel pushed him aside. "Crazy! Do you want to get hurt?" he asked irritated. However, up to Gabriel's surprise, Adam fell over him with a loud crash followed by the snake who sat over his head, his eyes rolling. "Grk!!" Gabriel growled in pain as Cassiel pulled Adam up.

"Hey, Gabriel. Are you alright?" Helios asked pulling him up and looking at his arm which was injured. "Tch! You rascal!!" Gabriel eyed Adam annoyed. Seraph too cross scolded, "Don't cause trouble now Adam. I am warning you!" Adam seeing him seriously angry hid behind Cassiel with a blackened gaze.

Walking over to Gabriel, Seraph sat beside him moving his arm. "Don't worry, it isn't fractured. Just a muscle stretch. It would be fine after a while." he assured. Gabriel who wasn't even slightly affected stood up, "It's alright. It doesn't hurt."

Kenzo stood up. Looking around he eyed Adam, slightly surprised to find the little snake over his shoulder, ready to bite him as he stepped forward throwing it back. "Watch out, Adam!" Adam slightly surprised eyed the snake which was thrown of his shoulder onto the ground with a slam.

Hiding behind Ryan, Adam felt chills leaving his spine. Suddenly Feng pointed out, "Guys… get up… I think, we are really doomed now!" The boys hearing him stood up, to find themselves surrounded by little green snakes which had camouflaged themselves on the grass. Azazel standing behind Heber pulled him back. "They are everywhere! Everyone watch out!" Poseidon warned looking around.

Amid them a white skinned snake stood before all of them. The top of his body curled up in the shape of a crown, he stood before the little green snakes hissing continuously. "Is- Is that… the queen?!" Azazel shrieked as Helios shaking his head corrected, "Nope, I think that's the king!" Gabriel at the sight smacked his head.

"Is this the real example of 'Out of the frying pan and into the fire…?" asked Seraph speechless.

"Nope, Seraph, it's out of the frying pans and into fires, to explain our current situation…" Cassiel corrected hopeless.

Xavier returning back called out, "Every one…!" Halting in between he eyed the sight with his eyes widened. "Snakes?!" he thought baffled. All of a sudden, Helios eyed a snake crawling over Ryan's back, he called out, "Little prince, watch out for your back!" Ryan who was instantly alerted shoved his shirt off throwing it away. Clicking his tongue, he eyed the sight annoyed. "Everyone, watch out for each other, don't let them bite anyone!" Kenzo ordered.

The snakes approaching closer surrounded the thirteen of them as they stood around in a circle. Xavier instantly sight looked around. "What do I do?!" he thought hard to find something useful.

Abruptly tracing the similar looking rocks he picked them up, "Thank goodness! They aren't wet." he thanked rubbing them together with full force. In the meanwhile looking at the boys who were in trouble, he collected the broken branches in one place with his feet. A spark igniting between the rocks, he kept a thin branch in between it. "Come on!!" he whispered restless.

And, in a blink of the moment, a spark ignited creating a flare as smoke surrounded the tiny branches producing a light fire. His hands charred. He placed branches over branches to create a huge flare. Stacking the burning woods together he tied them up with vines.

Making four beacons he rushed over to the middle schoolers calling out. "Azazel! Ryan! Helios! Cassiel! Catch!!" he threw the flaring branches over to them.

"Whoa!! How do we catch that?!" Azazel asked shocked. "Tch!" Kenzo clicking his tongue, twirled over his shoulder instantaneously catching the beacon which flared brightly.

Helios, Ryan and Cassiel doing the same, pointed the fire towards the snakes as the smoke brew around. The snakes unable to tolerate the scent of fuming smoke and raging fire which was pointed towards them scattered away. The boys sighing a breath of relief coughed. Xavier making his way towards them supported, "It's alright now. They went away."

Suddenly Ryan hugged him from behind. Xavier who was startled turned around to grasp a look. Finding his figure which felt cold he patted his head back consoling him. "It's alright now, don't worry."

Feng bringing his shirt back gave it to Ryan. "Come on, wear it back. There's nothing inside, Ryan. Or else, you might catch a cold." Eyeing his shirt, shudders went down his spine as he refused. A fear for slithering snakes taking him. Xavier realizing his temporary trauma nodded at Feng.

Turning around at the others who blew the fire off from the three beacons keeping one of them safe he told, "I think I have found a way to see this place from a large picture." "You did?" Cassiel and Poseidon asked back. Xavier nodded walking out from the dead end, "Come, I'll show you follow me."

"Good boy." Kenzo smiled commenting. The thirteen of them picking each other up followed Xavier climbing the mountainous forest up. All tired and strength less marched onward.

Suddenly tracing the setting sun from above a revealing cliff Adam and Heber along with Feng and Ryan ran forward to grasp a look. The sky turning twilight, the boys stared at it with their eyes widened. The night all ready to hover their heads the thirteen of them stood at the edge of the mountain's cliff, eyeing the sight with their mouths agape.

"What is this place…?" Poseidon asked baffled. Standing on the cliff, behind them a huge mountainous top rested, whereas before them many mountains of different sizes stood straight, with flowing rivers alongside them. Not a single soul, nor a single path.

All forests and mountains covered their sight. Till the very farthest corner not a single sight of residence was to be seen. And below them, a huge height rested to the mountain's end. Which felt impossible to climb down. And if fell from, a sight of no return. The boys feeling frightened yet confused at the same time backed off sitting down despairingly. "Are we really thrown here in the middle of nowhere?" Azazel gulped disbelief.

Helios looking around stood silent as Kenzo stared speechless. Soon, tears strolled from Adam's face as he cried, "Wah~! Wah~! Wah~! Oh god! What did, we- even do wr-ong?" he asked desperately. Seraph eyeing him bit his lip as Cassiel patted his head. Xavier looking at Ryan who clutched his bat with a blackened gaze stood helpless. Feng and Heber along with Ezekiel too sat with their heads held low within their legs.

Hopelessness drifting every corner, the twilight faded away, welcoming the dark night.

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