Kingdom: Hyou Ren

Chapter 26: The First Day(2)

I saw Ishiro and his men slam into the hurriedly reformed lines of the Zhao, after Duke Hyou rushed through. But this time, they were much weaker, and smaller. Allowing just a thousand men alone to push through relatively harmed.


But at the same time, I could see Duke Hyou´s forces began to turn left. As their massive war machine of horses began heading left, gathering momentum as they charged forth. Going for their left-flank. 


However, I also saw a dust cloud spark up from behind them, the flags of Man Goku´s army flickering in the wind. The survivor of the Great Burying, Bai Qi buried 400 000 Zhao prisoners and civilians, alive. 


And ever since, his goal had been to kill as many Qin Civilians, Soldiers, Nobles, Officers, anyone coming from the Kingdom of Qin, and his unit followed the same goal.


And on pure mental strength, they had risen to prominence as one of the strongest units alive, without being so physically. 


But Man Goku needed to be killed, and the rear needed to be protected. 


I watched with bated breath as the Man Goku army came closer and closer to the rear of our men, exhausted and terrified. 


And at the same time, the path of destruction my 7 officers caused as they rushed through the Zhao Lines, was also drawing closer.


It was only a matter of who came first. 


Just as the Man Goku Army lined up their spears, to pierce the slower rear-troops of Hyou´s Force. 


Ishiro, Roku, Ryo, Gankou, Tetsuji, Hozu and Dan pushed through the Zhao Infantry, and smashed into the unguarded sides of the Man Goku Unit, and no matter how mentally unstable and suicidal the men of the Man Goku Unit was, a head cut off, was still a head cut off. 


My 7 officers halted the Man Goku in their tracks, and my men followed up by smashing into their flanks, decimating hundreds within seconds. 


I couldn´t help but let out a breath, one which I didn´t know I was holding in, it was good that they reached them in time.


At the same time, I saw Duke Hyou stop. The news of his backline likely reaching him, so I picked up one arrow. Loading it back, with all my power. Before shooting it high and wide, passing over Duke Hyou´s head.


And the sound could clearly be heard, and Duke Hyou pushed forth the next second, without thinking.


The unique sound of said arrow, meant "continue on" or "forward", meaning Duke Hyou was not to stop, but continue on. I would handle his rear. 


But of course, I wouldn't do it alone. And as the flags of the Hi Shin Unit pushed against the flow, I let a smile slip onto my face. It was going as planned. 


**Ishiro POV**


I chuckled as I saw the flag of the Hi Shin Unit press through, coming up beside us. As they too began fighting the Man Goku Unit. 


And finding their commander wasn't hard, just head towards the place with the most chaos. 


Commander Hyou´s play had been perfect, he had predicted that the Zhao Army would strike at Duke Hyou´s rear, because they were unable to stop their front.


He had also predicted the Hi Shin Unit would most likely come to the rear, which had happened. Even if I wanted it or not, my opinion of Ren increased, by some margins. 


But I put that out of the way, as I reached the young commander with a sword, I had seen him many times before.


"Commander Shin!" I shouted as I rode up to him, beheading 3 Zhao soldiers in the process.


"Ah, Ishiro. Good to see you." The youngest said with a wide smile. 


"I'm supposed to pass on a message from Hyou Ren." I said, and Shin quickly got a questioning look on his face.


"This unit is led by Man Goku, one of the only survivors of Ban Qi´s burying." I said, as it dawned on Qin.


"He and his men follow the singular goal of killing as many Qin inhabitants as possible, civilian and otherwise. It´s also why they're so hard to kill, for they are the survivors of a great tragedy, and if they reach our capital. All inhabitants will die." I said, and Shin quickly got serious.


"It is why he must be killed, and it's Hyou Ren´s goal, it is why we are here. We are to assist you in killing him." I said, and Shin nodded. Before turning towards his men.


"Alright! Let's kill this murderer!" Shin shouted, followed by the roars of his men. 


"We have some general idea of his position, follow me. Shin." I said, riding ahead, and the young commander followed me, alongside his entire cavalry. And half of mine.


The Rear Troops had joined the fighting, leaving my men to manoeuvre easier than at first. 


"Men, you know what to do! When we reach him, form a protecting circle around him and Shin!" I shouted.


"YES, SIR!" They shouted, including my 6 officers. That murderer would die today. 


**Ren Hyou POV**


I barely spotted Shin engaging Man Goku through the dust-cloud which was forming, guarded by our men. And I knew that would be the end of it. 


However, Duke Hyou had taken 15,000 men, all cavalry, leaving the rear troops. Whom were now having to fight the regular infantry. 


Duke Hyou had charged through the centre, and into the left flank. Whom weren't prepared to fight Duke Hyou, and therefore found themselves at a loss, as the 30,000 left flank was beginning to suffer, even with an almost 2-1 advantage. 


However, the rear-guard, or the 10,000 men fighting in the centre now, was the real problem. They would not be able to escape, even after killing Man Goku.


"Send in 8000 men, including the Hi Shin Unit. We´ll carve a path for the rear guard to escape." I shouted, and 8 flags were raised, of different divisions. All the while a messenger rushed off to inform them of their task. 


The day's goal was to kill Man Goku, his unit had nobody noteworthy, nor skilled enough to take over after him. Meaning his division would be dissolved, or placed under another. But it would make life much easier, and anyway. 


Duke Hyou and his men were taking down 3-4 men each before dying, the kill and death ratio was 1-4 as it currently stood, meaning we'd be winning the first day battle, in all ways of perceiving it. 



Captain Vaughn: +11 Chapters

House Bracken: +12 Chapters

Hyou Ren: 40+ (soon, gotta fix a few things)

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