Chapter 19: Battle of Hidong Plains(1)
The Raiga Tai´s camp came within full view as we stepped onto the plains, and they had been awaiting us. As soon as we stepped through the forest, and reached the plains. They had already formed up.
It wasn't unexpected, not by a far shot. It made sense, we had camped about 2 hours walk from this position, in the forest yesterday. Resting up for today's battle, and therefore. Their scouts had easily spotted us.
"Alright, men form up." I shouted, and the men immediately began forming, the 1 through 3 infantry units, 400 each. Formed a square of their own, and lined up with the other infantry lines.
Their lines were 50 men wide, and 8 men deep, forming a total of 150 men side by side.
Behind them again, the cavalry was formed up. The 800 men stood 100-men wide, and 8 men deep. Or horses.
And as we formed up, as I caught the Raiga Tai switch up as well, mirroring our formation. Only they had an additional 300 men in the back, forming the reserves and camp-guards.
I turned my horse around, facing my 6 staff-officers.
"Alright, so as you know, we outnumber them in cavalry, both numbers and skill. But their infantry formation far outperforms ours, as usual." I said, earning me the chuckles of Hozu and Roku.
"Either way, you all will serve as my aces. Ishiro, you will be tasked with countering Shinrai Kaku, the enemy Commander. Genji will remain in the headquarters as always, but this time. Roku, Kaen, Hozu and Tetsuji, you will also remain in the back." I said, shocking most of them. They were always put at the forefront, to deal with morale and enemy commanders.
"You will serve as my little strike team, once an area is suffering heavily, you'll strike that place. Meanwhile, your second in command will take care of your units." I told them.
"Understood, perhaps it'll be good to not be in the frontlines constantly." Kaen said, and I smiled.
The Hi Shin Force, was now known for their incredible strength, both in their commander, the infantry, and the cavalry. But they had a secret, an unintentional ace, one which came from Shin´s natural charisma.
Essentially, their entire units output was heavily influenced by certain individuals.
The Hi Shin United had many talents, including the 3 giants. And the various other officers and commanders. With skill levels varying, but many of them could take on a 500-Man Commander, and Shin had over 10 of said unique characters.
They led from the frontlines, dealing heavy damage at all times. Continuing to grow and improve as time passed, and that is what I believed to be their true ace, their elites.
Of course, now that they had faced many battles, and even more training. I´d say the individual strength of a Hi Shin Infantryman and Cavalryman was heavily adding to their wins, but they still relied on their elites.
"Alright, advance on the enemy positions." I said, and Genji nodded. Blowing into a horn as we began marching, at a slow pace. Towards the enemy camp.
Hmm, their infantry is the problem, their individual strength is just too much, and with a talented fighter and strategist. We won't be getting any breaks, so we need to play towards our advantages.
The Raiga Tai had also begun a slow march towards us.
"Hmm, alright. Split the Cavalry into 2. Our 500 elites with Ishiro and Roku, and the 300 recruits with Ryo." I told Roku and Ishiro, and Ryo. The second in command of the Cavalry, let himself fall back to us as the discussions directly involved him.
"Ishiro and Roku, you'll strike the Raiga Tai´s left flank, Ryo you'll strike the right. We need to harass and soften up their flanks for our infantry. But remember, we still have to deal with their cavalry, so don't commit fully to a charge." I told the three of them, before they left.
And with that, I watched as the cavalry split up right and left, charging forth. Towards the Raiga Tai Unit.
They quickly smashed into the undefended lines of the Raiga Tai, or that'd be wrong to say. But the Raiga Ta was an offensive unit, with most of their men having swords or spears, which they used without shields.
Some even had glaives. Which weakened their ability to counter cavalry, but again. They were an infantry-heavy unit, specialising in infantry vs infantry.
However, the cavalry did a fine job, smashing into the Raiga Infantry, engaging the infantry for a few moments, before retreating, regaining their momentum.
This was significantly weakening enemy morale, and surprisingly Ko Jin had yet to counter, but of course. All things come to an end quickly.
"Sir, the enemy cavalry is heading for Ishiro´s unit, they have been stopped by the infantry in a charge, and the infantry is attacking them with renewed strength." A messenger said.
Hm, so they plan to trap them. Most likely quickly destroy them.
The Infantry's task is to hold Ishiro and the cavalry down, just in time for their cavalry to smash into their backs.
"How many? And whom leads them?" I asked.
"400, no 500. And the man at the front fits the description of Shinrai Kaku." The scout said, and I smiled.
"Blow the horn."
It was a risky gamble from Jin Ko, charging his entire cavalry force into ours meant he wanted to exterminate them in a single clash, he had separated over 400 men to deal with the cavalry.
As soon as the horn was blown, our cavalry quickly retreated. Stopping all fights there and then as they bolted backwards, escaping the infantry.
And then, it became a cat and mouse, both of the cavalries formed into long lines. But Shinrai had the advantage of speed and position, and as Ishiro was making a right turn, Shinrai was about to smash into the middle of their cavalry line, separating the tip from the back.
But, Raku and Ishiro appeared from the middle, the 2 men charging at Shinrai.
And in a blow of combatants, Ishiro and Shinrai dealt the first blow, the mace colliding with the glaive. As both were stopped in their tracks, but Ishiro wasn't alone.
Raku passed Shinrai, striking his cavalry. His massive glaive cutting down 5 of the first men, sending them flying backwards. As their cavalry was stopped, due to their general stopping, and their tip being exterminated.
And of course, my elites weren't elites for nothing, they split. Enveloping the Raiga Tai cavalry from both sides, forming a U circle around their cavalry, as a massive and brutal melee was started, 500 of our cavalry, against 500 of theirs.
Meanwhile, Ishiro and Shinrai continued to trade blows equally, as their cavalry units did.
"Slow our infantry down, switch to a defensive style." I said, as a messenger immediately ran off, but my eyes quickly caught a movement in their infantry.
"Sir, their HQ Guards are moving out, they're headed for Ishiro´s unit." One of my scouts said, so he wanted to exterminate my bogged down 500 elites, a decent move.
"Send Ryo to slow them down." I said, as I gripped the reins of my horse harder, I could not afford to let the infantrymen reach my cavalry, and therefore I had to lead them into their vanguard.
"Send Kaen, Hozu and Tenjiro to the left flank, switch the left unit to offence." I said, as I saw our vanguards were about to clash, meaning the true Battle was about to start.
Captain Vaughn: +11 Chapters
House Bracken: +12 Chapters
Hyou Ren: 40+ (soon, gotta fix a few things)