King of the Mountain

2 - Reality Hurts, Make It Stop!

Chapter 2:  Reality hurts make it stop.

Double checking everything before I leave the starting cavern, I finally head out into the passage.  It’s strange even though the tunnels passage looks natural I get the impression that it is artificial.  The tunnel has been running in a fairly straight manner for 15 minutes.  Sometimes it narrows, sometimes it widens up.  It looks like it is supposed to be mimicking a lava tube.  That must mean that I am headed either to a vent on the outside of the volcano or towards the heart of the volcano.  Nothing indicates which of the two options it could be.  The temperature has remained constant and there is no discernable air flow.

As I have been walking, I have stopped randomly every few minutes and turned off my light and listened and strained my eyes to try and determine if there are any changes ahead of me.  Finally, after 30 minutes of walking I reach an intersection.  I decide to use this as an opportunity to rest and make a decision.  I tried to calculate how far I had come so far.  Probably 20 minutes of actual walking with all the pauses, listening and just plain distractions.  So about 800 meters to 1 kilometer.  There are just too many other factors to be more precise.

After I finish my break I pulled out my compass.  I want to know which direction each passage takes so I can make a mental map of this place in case I need to run away, um I mean perform a strategic retreat.  That’s weird the compass needle is pointing to the left hand passage.  Almost as if there was something magnetic pulling it in that direction.

Well that solves my dilemma about which direction to choose.  I really want to know what could mess up my magnetic compass.  I feel that with this being a game like world unusual circumstances will either mean greater rewards, greater danger, or both.  Either way this beta test is the best chance for me to find out with limited penalties.  I mean if I die here, it may be horrible and even painful but the power that brought me here promised a respawn.  With all of those people that lost their memory most likely being beta testers also, I can at least trust it that far.  Who knows if respawning will be possible later, I cannot waste this opportunity.

As I start walking down the left passage I consciously make an effort to be as quiet as possible.  I feel that I should run into something soon.  What I don’t know, but beta test implies I am going to be tested somehow.  It looks like the walls are getting shinier.  Curious I stop to check this out.  Metal???  It seems the walls are becoming metallic.  Now why would that be happening.  Is that a glow ahead?  I quickly turn off my flashlight.  It IS a glow.  Somewhere up ahead something is giving off a light.  I carefully put away the flashlight.  If I let my eyes adjust I should be able to work my way forward without giving myself away.

I notice as I approach the light source that the passage seems to be opening up.  Suddenly another screen pops up,

“Welcome to your first challenge.  There is no escape until it is complete.  Remember like calls to like and anything else is useless.”

Great what does that mean like calls to like?  I examine the chamber that I have entered.  Where did the tunnel I came through go?  It disappeared.  So that’s what it meant about no escape, but what do I need to do?  Suddenly a rumbling sound starts.  What is going on?  I look at the wall and too my amazement, a humanoid shape seems to be stepping out of it.  I back up quickly while examining this new being.  It seems to be some sort of earth/metal golem about 6 feet tall.  It turns towards me and to my shock speaks, "Defeat me for the blessing of the Earth.”

Defeat it?  It’s a walking talking man made out of metal, what should I do, splash water on it and hope it rusts to death?  No wonder it seems that no one else has passed these tests.  Isn’t it just a bit unrealistic to think unprepared people can defeat magic constructs?  I mean come on.

It’s coming in my direction, well crap this not going to last long.  I take out my machete hoping that it can do something against this thing.  Thing?  I need to call it something other than thing.  How about Steve?  Why is my mind wandering so much right now?  Focus!  At least Steve is slow.  As Steve the metal golem reaches for me I dodge to the right and take a swing at his elbow trying to disable it.  Perfect hit, and nothing.  It felt like I was hitting a metal post.  Oh well keep trying.  Wait something is wrong.  Why is my weapon stuck?  Suddenly, Steve’s other arm comes around and punches me.

Damn it that HURT!  While trying to unstick my machete Steve hit me.  It feels like he might have broken my arm.  Luckily I quickly retreated.  No I need to tell the truth.  I stumbled back and landed on my butt while crying out in pain.  There went my hope of this being a game like world in which I won’t feel any pain.  I scoot along the floor as quickly as I can to give myself some time to think.  OK quickly let’s review the situation and come up with a new strategy, because well, my last one sucked and hurt like hell.

Primary weapon lost, my left arm is injured, pain level rising, fear surprisingly low.  Right now I am angry more than anything else.  I didn’t want this to happen, I’m not a hero, an athlete, or anybody special.  What I am is pissed off.  I should be in my underwear, lying in my hammock right now enjoying a good book.  NOT trying to survive.  None of that matters now, if I am going down I am going down fighting.

As quick as an out of shape 30 something can, I run as far away from Steve as possible.  I start pulling out everything I can from my pack, looking for anything that might help.  The cans of food.  Maybe if I hit it hard enough I can at least knock it over.  I really wish I can say what followed was an epic battle filled with inspiration and a mighty victory.  No such luck.

Years later my daughter still loves to embarrass me by retelling this story as the reason why I always carry a magnet in my pocket.  You see after I decided that throwing things would be the winning strategy, the first thing I grabbed out of my pack and threw was not a can of food but my compass.  When my compass hit metal Steve it broke and Steve collapsed to the ground.

What the hell?  How did my compass kill that thing?  I hit it with my machete and nothing, but being struck by a little compass causes it to break apart.  While I am trying to understand what just happened I cautiously approach the remains of the golem formerly known as Steve.  I cautiously reach out with my foot and nudge the Steve pile.  As soon as I touch it another green box appears in front of me.

“Congratulations on finishing your first challenge.  Results will be tallied at the end of the beta test and applied to surviving characters at that time.”

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