King of Eschatology

Chapter 6 - Get the airdrop package

The sudden strong wind changed the landing trajectory of the airdrop package. Lu Fan had to be in danger and came to the zombie gathering area.

Especially when he saw other survivors staring at the airdrop package, Lu Fan’s heart could no longer be calm.

In order to prevent accidents, Lu Fan must get the airdrop package as soon as possible. Judging from the current situation, he can only kill them by force.

Upstairs in the residential building opposite the toilet, dozens of survivors were trapped in a crowded corridor, and one of them was wearing a suit.

“You waste, what do I want you to do, so many people can’t beat a few brainless zombies, it really irritates me.”

The angry young man was named Ye Dalong. His father was the president of a company. He was a typical rich second-generation. He was arrogant and became ill.

Listening to Ye Dalong’s scolding, one of them couldn’t help but respond: “Ye Dalong, close your stinky mouth, what time do you think it is now that your family’s money has become waste paper? Shouting here, then believe it or not, I’ll pull you. “

The name of the person who opened the mouth was Jiang Ming. He couldn’t get used to Ye Dalong on weekdays. At this time, he heard Ye Dalong’s constant clamor, and finally couldn’t help speaking.

When Ye Dalong was scolded by Jiang Ming, he was so angry that when he was noble, he yelled loudly, “What do you know, my dad is the president of Luluo Group, and a senior member of the federal military. There is a close connection. Who dares offend me, I asked my dad to shoot them all. “

I heard Ye Dalong’s shouting, and everyone around couldn’t help blinking, then stopped speaking, which was tantamount to acquiescing in his words.

Now that the end of the world has just arrived, people still have some concerns about the identity background of the previous civilization. Especially, Ye Dalong said that his father had a connection with the federal military. It is too critical in this end world.

Ye Dalong glanced around and was satisfied with the response from everyone around him. He continued, “My dad is just such a son. I do n’t believe you wait. Soon the military will send special forces to pick me up, as long as it is mixed with me. Yes, I will ask the special forces to pick you up. “

When I heard Ye Dalong’s words, everyone couldn’t help but let his eyes light up. If what he said was true, it didn’t matter if he was a little brother for a few days.

Ye Dalong’s reactions were all in his eyes. At this moment, a cruel smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. He suddenly yelled and stretched out his finger to Jiang Ming and shouted: “Now I order you, give him from me Throw it upstairs. “

As soon as this word came out, everyone was shocked.

You know, here is the fourth floor. Let ’s not say if you throw someone down and you will be killed. Just the mass of zombies below is enough to eat him.

Jiang Ming’s face became iron-blue for a moment, and he slaped in the direction of Ye Dalong, screaming angrily: “You **** mother still wants to kill me, who gives you courage.”

Ye Ye Dalong was emaciated, and Jiang Ming slapped the fan with a slap on his face. The blood immediately flowed out of the corner of his mouth, and the hit cheek instantly swelled up.

此时 At this moment, the roar of the helicopter came over, and a package fluttered down with a parachute towards the place.

Seeing this scene, Ye Dalong immediately flashed up and hurriedly got up and shouted loudly: “Seeing that, the special forces came to pick me up, and now I order you to throw him down, otherwise no one should want to follow me Enter the survivor base. “

When I heard a few words about the survivor base, everyone’s heart was agitated. You must know that the world is now a zombies. Only the survivor bases stationed by the army can fight against zombies.

I heard that humans in the survivor base don’t worry about food and clothing, and live the same life as in the civilized period.

Thought of this, everyone’s eyes changed obviously.

When Ye Yelong saw a play, he became even more arrogant. He pointed at Jiang Ming and shouted, “I counted three, and you threw him down, and I let my dad take you all to the survivor base.”




Seeing this scene, Jiang Ming was even more shocked. What he didn’t expect was that there really were military helicopters coming here. Couldn’t Ye Dalong’s father really know the great people in the military?

叶 When Ye Dalong shouted “Three”, several burly men immediately surrounded Jiang Ming, one of them said poorly: “Brother, I’m sorry!”

During the conversation, several people immediately subdued Jiang Ming and then knocked him to the ground. Several others quickly opened the window, and a living man was thrown away.



After a scream, Jiang Ming’s body fell heavily to the ground, and the blood blew instantly to the ground. At this time, his body was shaking violently, apparently not dead.

Zombies around boiling instantly boiled, accompanied by the **** smell, all the zombies at the crossroads were attracted to come. com instantly drowned Jiang Ming’s body.

Seeing this scene, Ye Dalong’s eyes showed a cruel excitement.

At the other end of the street, Lu Fan was carefully hiding in a corner. When he was going to kill him, a scream interrupted him.

Upstairs of the resident opposite him, someone fell from it, and all the zombies were attracted to it.

Seeing this scene, Lu Fan first stumbled for a second, and then flashed a bright light in his eyes.

I do n’t care what ’s happening there first. If you do n’t seize it, it ’s really stupid.

Lu Fan immediately grasped the huge axe in his hand, the cat was on his waist, and ran quickly towards the toilet.

All the zombies were attracted to the residential building, and Lu Fan rushed to the toilet in an astonishment, and then kicked hard with his legs. After several levers, he climbed to the top of the toilet.

Looking at the airdrop package in front of her, Lu Fan finally showed a knowing smile.

I have to say that the speed at which zombies are eating is too fast. In just a few tens of seconds, Jiang Ming’s body was confined to a pile of bones.

Even on that bone, there is still a layer of scary tooth marks, which looks shocking.

Zombie 啃 After eating Jiang Ming’s body, he quickly found Lu Fan at the top of the toilet. For a time, a large number of zombies snarled and rushed towards Landing Fan.

However, Lu Fan was unhurried, opened the airdrop package directly, took out a heavy machine gun, and quickly mounted it on the top of the toilet.

Looking at the mass of zombies in front of him, Lu Fan was eager to try. This was all points. He couldn’t help but figure it in his heart and secretly said: “I should be able to become a first-order evolutionary by destroying this wave of zombies!”

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