King of Eschatology

Chapter 20 - 1st order storage space

In the narrow alley, Lu Fan stood up and pointed to the southwest, then looked at the three of them.

I heard Lu Fan’s question, Xu Xiaopeng immediately stood up in excitement and responded: “Of course I know that I used to live there, and it cost more than 2,000 yuan a night.”

Xu Xiaopeng couldn’t help getting upset while talking, and suddenly he showed a superior attitude, as if he had lived in a rich palace hotel.

I heard Xu Xiaopeng’s answer. Lu Fan smiled suddenly, looking at the other person’s eyes full of charity, I am optimistic about you.

As a result, Lu Fan got up and patted Xu Xiaopeng’s shoulder, and said, “I have things to deal with next. You take everyone to the Fugong Hotel and wait for me. Well, that’s it.”

At the beginning, Xu Xiaopeng saw that the big hero in his heart slaps his shoulders so close to him, and his heart blossomed instantly, but when he heard each other’s words, his face turned black instantly.

“Fu Gong Hotel? A dozen kilometers away from here, OK, and there are so many zombies on the streets and lanes, are you sure we can walk there alive?”

Lu Lufan smiled unwillingly and said, “I believe you are all right. I have cleared the zombies on the road. If you move fast enough, you will definitely be there within an hour.”

When I heard Lu Fan’s words, everyone’s minds couldn’t turn around for a while. The amount of information in this sentence was a bit large, which meant that the other party had been here from the Fugong Hotel?

So how horrible should this man be?

Regardless of the shock of the crowd, Lu Fan continued: “If you want to follow me, I will see you at the Fugong Hotel in an hour. By the way, my name is Lu Fan. It should be easy to mention my name.”

The lingering voice didn’t fall, Lu Fan picked up Chiyan Halberd and turned away. Several landings rushed to the roof, and soon disappeared into the sight of the three.

“Lu Fan, our boss is Lu Fan!”

The three of them looked at Lu Fan who decisively departed. Everyone’s eyes were exhilarating. The Fugong Hotel is imperative. Even the most difficult problems must be overcome.

Lu Fan turned over the high wall and walked on the top of the building. For now, there is no need to worry about the zombie attack.

I just added three degrees of faith, which made Lu Fan feel good, and was originally empty because of the lack of points.

After a long fight, Lu Fan finally has more than 5,000 points, which is because there are more than 2,000 remaining, otherwise there are only 3,000 points.

The goal of 10,000 is too far away. Lu Fan does not consider the second-order storage space for the time being. He must download a first-order space to make use of it.

Lu Fan opened the Super God Link System again, and the familiar layout came to his mind. He subconsciously touched the first-order space a little, and the sound of the mechanical watch sounded instantly.

“It takes a thousand points to download the first-order space. Do you download?”

Lu Lufan responded without hesitation, “Download!”


It was almost Lu Fan’s words that had just been spoken out, and a clear voice sounded. Suddenly, Lu Fan’s whole mood was much better, as if his exhausted spirit had recovered a lot.

恭 “Congratulations, the first-order storage space was successfully downloaded. The size of the space is one cubic meter, and the points required for the second-order storage space are 10,000.”

Mechanical sounds rang constantly in Lu Fan’s mind, making Lu Fan very excited.

“Find something to try first.”

Lu Fan was eager to try, and took out the self-defense dagger hidden in his waist. When he thought about it, he was preparing to put it in the storage space, but a hint popped out in his mind.

“Do you want to upload?”

Lu Fan was a stunner first, and then it was revealed in solitude. It seems that to get things from the super link system needs to be downloaded, and when you put things in, you upload them.

As a result, Lu Fan nodded without hesitation and responded: “Upload!”


The dagger in Lu Fan’s hand disappeared and disappeared. Looking at the storage space, the dagger appeared quietly inside, and it was put in.

Lu Fan was so happy in his heart that he took out the dagger again and then put it in again and again and again and again.

I am satisfied with Lu Fan that the system prompt sound will only appear when the item is put in for the first time, and there will be no prompt sound after putting in or taking out again, otherwise Lu Fan will be annoyed.

After a short while, Lu Fan’s brows frowned again and he secretly said, “Hey, it’s a pity that the space is too small. My Red Flame War Halberd can’t fit in it at all.”

After Lu Fanyu passed away, he muttered in dissatisfaction: “The Red Flame Halberd is too big, and it is inconvenient to hold it in your hand. Besides, this is too conspicuous. No matter where you go, people will definitely be caught by this. It ’s attracted by the shocking blade. “

Lu Fan took out the dagger with a sigh and put it back in his waist. This is a life-saving weapon and must be carried with him.

With a try attitude, Lu Fan is going to put the Red Flame War Halberd into storage space and see how the system will prompt for things that cannot be put.

“Do you want to upload?”

The exact sound of the system sounded, Lu Fan responded without thinking: “Upload!”


With the sound of a clear voice, the red flame war halberd in Lu Fan’s hands disappeared from UU reading book, and suddenly there was a big guy in the storage space, which almost filled the entire storage space.


Suddenly Lu Fan was surprised, stopped suddenly, and looked surprised in his eyes.

“Don’t you say that there is only one cubic meter of storage space, why can such a large Red Flame Halberd be put in?”

Lu Fan’s consciousness entered the storage space in a hurry. When he saw the change of storage space, the whole person suddenly showed great joy.

“It turned out to be this way, a cubic meter of space is not a square cube, its shape can be ever-changing, as long as the total space is not too large, you can put it in.”

Knowing this, Lu Fan could not help but laugh up. Before that, he was still 惆怅 for the astronomical price of the second-order space. However, the problem was simply solved.

As Lu Fan’s laughter sounded, the surrounding zombies were instantly plunged into rage, and they gathered wildly towards the house where Landing Fan was located, and the dense zombies began to pile up, just like a stack of humans, and they piled up to three floors in a blink of an eye. high.

The zombie claw crawling on the top was already on the edge of the roof and could soon climb up.

“Well, why are there so many zombies here!”

Lu Lufan was just happy, he didn’t notice that he had reached the dense area of ​​zombies, and Tianlong Temple, which attracted many zombies to gather here, was not far ahead.

Lu Fan’s eyes were cold, his excitement calmed down quickly, and there was a bit of dignity in the eyes of Tianlong Temple. I don’t know why, when he saw Tianlong Temple, a kind of bad feeling rose in his heart. feel.

This feeling is extremely dangerous, as if there is a deadly threat waiting for him.

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