E015 – Soon all the thick thighed women will be mine! Hua hua hua!

After a few of the women revealed themselves to be with others, they also joined the wagons. Ares cursed himself for being so stupid to have ignored such a matter, but it would have to be a lesson to not forget such details.

They continued along their journey, still heading West, although this time veering slightly South. They weren't far from the plains when they camped the previous night, so they arrived at the plains by noon.

"Can we speed up in the plains?" Ares glanced over to Rori, who nodded his head.

"It is safe to do so. I would recommend it."

"Alright, I'll let the others know, you continue to lead on ahead."

"I'll go inform them, you should continue to lead." Rori replied back, and with that left to inform the others that they were going to speed up.

As they continued forward, Ares could see a large group of ox in the distance, as well as some humanoid creatures. Some of them leapt onto an ox and then began to charge their way.

Rori had returned by this time. "They've noticed us." He said. "Remain calm and steadfast, they are challenging us."

"Challenging us?"

"To see why we are here. They will show great respect if you do not flinch."

Ares nodded and then crossed his arms, waiting for them. The humanoid were definitely ox people, the horns on their head betrayed such. They were larger, well built people, the men and the women both, and they were quite tall too. Most had hair of brown, though a couple had more of a reddish tinge to them.

They approached rapidly, and they halted but a few metres away. Ares had remained steadfast, though the group behind them had made sure there was quite a distance between them.

The ox people numbered a dozen, though there were more behind them that had casually followed, still slowly approaching.

The woman at the lead grunted out, and Rori threw a glance to Ares, then responded back in his growls.

"Very well." She said. "You are the leader, human?" She asked, her voice laced with suspicion.

"I am their leader, but I'm no human."

"If you are not a human, then what am I? A tigerfolk?"

"If you so choose to state so, I will respect such a statement." Ares replied simply.

"Very well, what are you?"

"I am Ares, chief of this tribe. My race is complicated, for even I do not know what to refer to myself as. Perhaps in the future it will become more clear to us all."

"I am Lana, a horn of my tribe. I greet you, Ares, and ask you why you've come."

"I have come to speak with your chief."

"I am a horn, what you would call chief."

"Excuse me, I am unfamiliar with such terminology." He chuckled. "You said you are a horn? Does that mean there are more?" In retrospect he should have asked Rori about it.

"Yes. For our great seven tribes have unified, and there are seven horns."

"Then I seek an audience with the grey seven horns, to speak of aid and companionship."

Lana was taken aback and Rori cleared his throat.

"Companionship means a certain task." Rori whispered.

Ares turned to face him. "What?"

"It means to mate."

Ares froze as he turned red, then his eyes filled with tears before he let out a roar of laughter. "Oh! Oh no! I mean, certainly if something happens between our members, I won't forbid something like that, but that's not what I meant! I just meant good company, as in to eat, dance, sing, that kind of thing!" He quickly said between bouts of laughter. At some point he needed to figure out all of these phrasings so he didn’t embarrass himself further.

Once he was done laughing, forcing himself to stop by half choking on his saliva, clearing his throat, Lana continued.

“Very well. I will ask the horns to convene for such a matter, if it is a matter from a chief.” She said as she motioned her head. “You may sleep under the skies with our people for the night, the chiefs will convene on noon tomorrow.”

“Is it really that simple?”

“It will be so. We will listen to your request, nothing more will be promised from me.” She said as she then rode away, leaving with her original entourage. As she turned, Ares noticed just how huge her thighs were from aside. He couldn’t help but wonder she could have crushed a watermelon between them, a fad that had appeared for some time in his world. Suddenly he was very motivated to have the ox people to join them.

‘I see, so maybe my dreams could come true…’

Those that had followed her lazily were given some instructions, in which they continued to Ares and then flanked his people, leading them along a path.

It took some time until they finally arrived towards a few hills, where large tents were set up around and then atop the hill. There were hundreds of ox people around from what he could see, and probably hundreds more where he couldn’t. He couldn’t estimate just how many people there were.

“I have been instructed to allow you to rest here. The horns shall gather on the hill at noon.” An oxman had told him.

Ares nodded. “Many thanks. Is there a place we can set up?”

“We are to offer you a place to sleep since you do not have such things.”

“Oh we have such things, we’ll be fine. We just need a bit of space, if you would be so kind.”

They nodded their head apprehensively, but then motioned an arm to the empty space around. “Pick a space that pleases you. I shall go and speak with the hoof.”

Ares nodded and then as he led his people to an empty space, he asked Rori. “A hoof?”

“A horn is the chief, a hoof is something of the adviser.”

“Shouldn’t the hoof be the chief, and the horn the adviser?”

“It was once that the horn was the tribal leader, but eventually various hooves then over took them and became horns themselves. It was then a hoof was no longer needed, until they finally did need some that were well versed in lore and had some worldly wisdom.”

Ares nodded his head. The story was pretty common, even in his old world. Eventually he then returned the items he had stored for the various families. As he did, he spoke with a few of the family members to make sure everything was there and if they were alright.

Most seemed tired, which wasn’t too surprising. He went to check on Rala and her family, making sure they were all fine too. They had decided to stay with him, and he was glad that they trusted him enough for such a thing. She seemed fine, the various injuries that they had sustained seemed to be healing. Even Rash seemed much better, though they were still afraid of him.

Finally they had settled down, and this time he was dining with Ash and his family. They seemed mostly fine with speaking of the journey, how well it had gone. They didn’t seem to have any complaints, and though Ares assured them that they could voice any displeasure, they were hesitant to do so. He left it be, and continued to speak with him, trying to see what could be wrong from what they talked about, and what they didn’t, but didn’t manage to figure anything out. Mala was silent the entire time too, which wasn’t a surprise at all.

Once they were done eating, Ares went to check on the others. He decided tonight he’d sleep since he’d have to be in tip top shape in order to not embarrass himself in front of all the horns. Plus, he really wanted the ox people to join him.

He fell asleep quickly, letting the dreams take him tonight.

When he awoke, it was a little before dawn. He naturally woke up and saw there were quite a few of the oxfolk already moving around.

He got up and then went to start his morning training, going off to do some cardio, followed by some calisthenics. He also swung his mithril sword around, keeping far enough away that people hopefully didn’t realise he had a mithril blade. Once he was done, he dunked himself in some water that he had stored from the river for the past few days, having some a little at a time as to not arouse suspicion. He dunked his clothes in the water too, and then dried them off by carrying them over his back, letting the water flow off of his magical cloak so he didn’t get wet.

Then he returned to his people, though several oxfolk were about too. They were speaking with Rori, but when Ares arrived, they stopped. Rori motioned their head to him, and then the oxfolk addressed him.

“Chief, your people are invited to break fast with ours.”

“That would depend on what’s on the menu.” Ares chuckled. “We would be honoured to break our fast with you.” He said to the perplexed oxfolk, who didn’t seem to get his humour. They nodded and then left, and Ares informed his people of the matter.

They walked into the heart of the tent village, where several large pots were already working to cook food for so many people. Many others seemed to have been cooking their own meals too.

It was then Ares remembered his bird experiment, which should come in fruition soon, but he decided to hold onto it until the evening.

“Should we have brought something for them?”

“It’s fine since we’ve only just arrived, but next time it would be a good idea.” Rori nodded his head.

When they sat and then began to break fast, Lana had arrived to join them. “Did you sleep well?”

Ares tried to keep his eyes away from her thighs, this time admiring her horns. They were large, which no doubt was the reason why her neck was so thick. She had an incredible physique, well, most of the ox people did. They were either built like machines, or curvy, but in all the best places, at least to Ares.

This was his people.

He quickly snapped out of his thoughts. “Oh yes, thank you. How about yourself?”

She nodded and then allowed someone to pour her meal for her, as Rori had done for him, and then began to eat.

Ares quickly turned to Rori. “Hey Rori, why is it other people pour our meals for us?”

“It is a sign of respect, trust, and faith.”

“Oh yeah?” He nodded his head. That sounded about right. “Then I’ll pour yours from now on too.”

Rori nodded his head in return, and then Ares returned his gaze to Lana.

“I thank you for allowing us to sleep under the skies with your people.”

“The skies are yours and ours to share.” She replied back. She continued to eat her food, but stared at Ares for some time, deep in thought. That was fine to him, he returned the stare, eyeing her up to see just how strong she could have been. As he was estimating, she began to speak with him and broke his thoughts.

“Just how did a… not human like you manage to become chief of a tribe of beast folk?”

“I saved a couple of them, accompanied them to safety, started a fight with some human soldiers, captured them all, executed most of them, got my name put into the rite, won the rite, then took the people that wanted to follow me, and now I’m here.” He said quickly, shrugging.

“Sounds like a journey.” She replied back and then took some time to think about his words.

“The journey has just begun.” He grinned. It was then an oxwoman arrived, grunting something into Lana’s ear.

“It seems that the horns have already begun arriving. Shall we head atop the hill now?” She asked.

“Allow me to tell my people of the matter at hand first, then I’ll join you.”

“I will await for you here.”

Ares got up and then spoke to his people quickly. “I’ll be discussing with the oxfolk now, is there anything you want me to ask of them? Other than meat.” He noted quickly, but no one responded. “Alright. I’ll leave Rori here to lead you in my stead.”

Rori spoke up quickly. “I will go with you. You may not know some of their terms or phrases.”

“… That’s a good point.” He sighed. Jorgan spoke up. “I can lead the people in your stead.”

Ares nodded his head. Jorgan seemed to be a fine enough man of character. “I’ll leave them in your care. If something happens, come to me as quick as you can.”

Jorgan nodded in return, and with that Ares left to meet with Lana, who led him up towards the hill.

“The other horns may take some time, but if one has arrived so swiftly, then no doubt the others are not too far behind.”

“That works well with me, I’m already quite eager to speak with them all.”

‘Soon all the thick thighed women will be mine! Hua hua hua!’ He chuckled to himself. He saw Lana look at him with a raised brow. ‘Alright, maybe I shouldn’t think such evil thoughts… she could be reading my mind.’ He rubbed his brow. ‘It was just a joke.’

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