Kill ten buildings in seconds at the beginning

Chapter 16 Beauty!

Chapter 16 Beauty!

No matter what, Fangrong never imagined that there would be a day when she would be fooled.

Not only that, she also threw the new owner's real estate certificate into the trash can!

This is simply beyond her life cognition.

Such a man in ordinary clothes is actually the new owner of this community!

"Sir, wait, please! Wait!"

As the security captain of this community, Fang Rong couldn't help but turn pale at this moment.

Her delicate face was full of pleading.

"Oh? Weren't you very arrogant before? Didn't you not believe me? Why are you still begging me?"

Wei Xu sneered.

This woman is so funny.

You threw his things out of the way before, but now, you still beg him to wait?

"It was indeed my fault earlier, I am here to apologize to you, please don't complain about me! Really, please!"

Fangrong bowed humbly and apologized.

She is actually a village girl from deep mountains and old forests.

She has been learning martial arts from an extremely skilled senior since she was a child.

Normal people learn martial arts for the purpose of strengthening their bodies.

But the martial arts she learned was a killing technique!

After returning from her studies, she had already left a teacher, and she personally defeated the teacher who taught her, and then obeyed the teacher's words and came out to make a living.

However, life did not give her preferential treatment because of her skill. After she came to Gusu City, she found that she could do nothing but kill people.

The society in Gusu City is already governed by laws.

You have killing skills, so what?

Killing is illegal!
Not only will he not get money, but he will also be put in prison by the court's law enforcement officers.

Then you can't be a killer, can you?

With her clumsy brain, as a killer, she probably can only be killed by others.

But fortunately, God has eyes, when she was in extreme difficulty, she saw that there was a security captain recruiting for the Renheng Tangbei project.

After that, she easily defeated countless people and got this easy job with an annual salary of hundreds of thousands.

For her, with her skills, being a security captain is indeed extremely easy, because neither a thief nor a criminal can pass her level.

Over the past few months, she has quickly adapted to this security job.

You can't find such a good security job in other places in Gusu City.

However, this job has a point that makes her uncomfortable.

That is, the sky is big and the earth is big, and the owner is the biggest.

That's right, the owners here are bigger than the leaders in her company!
After all, the owners here, even the boss of her company, have to be careful to laugh with her.

Therefore, her company has a rule that anyone who is complained will definitely be fired.

She is a little security captain, if she is complained, she will be fired 100% of the time.

She actually put on ugly makeup on purpose to make herself look not ugly.

When she was not wearing makeup earlier, she was almost harassed by a proprietor. At that time, she couldn't help but punch him one inch. The proprietor who hit him could be said to fly upside down, and almost couldn't breathe.

At that time, she felt that she would definitely be fired, but nothing happened afterwards.

She was a little shocked, but since then, when she went to work, she deliberately put on ugly makeup to make herself look unattractive, so that no one would harass her.

But even so, I still failed today.

She is still careless.

She shouldn't underestimate anyone.

If she is complained today, she will really be resigned.

"Sir, I am truly sorry. I sincerely apologize to you. Please do not complain. This job is very important to me!" Fangrong apologized sincerely.

If she lost this job, she would have to look for it again. The key point is that the security jobs in Gusu City are not as high as here.

This is a wealthy area, so the wages are high.

"When you threw away my real estate certificate earlier, you were quite arrogant. Now, are you humbled?"

Wei Xu sneered, "I'm sorry, then I really have to complain!"

After saying that, Wei Xu went straight into the villa area without looking back, looking for his new villa.

Fang Rong was left alone in place.

The little brother at the side glanced at his captain, wanted to say a few words, but was afraid of being beaten. After all, this female captain is really terrible in force. In the entire security company, the strongest ace security guard is in her hands. Can't survive three moves.

This is simply a martial arts master in a female coat.

a long time.

Standing there, Fang Rong, that ugly face with ugly makeup, showed a hint of ruthlessness.

"Since you are so ruthless, don't blame me for using some shameful means!"


Wei Xu was angry and wandered around the community very relaxedly.

The patrolling security also learned by phone that this wandering man is the new owner and cannot be messed with.

I have to say that the law and order in this detached villa area is really good.

There are security guards patrolling almost every few steps.

Mi method, this is where the rich are, and the rich cannot be allowed to have accidents. If the rich have accidents here, the company will suffer.

In the end, Wei Xu came to the villa he bought for a dollar.

He looked up.

As a lay person, I can't find any other adjectives, I can only say "high-end, elegant and classy"!
Wei Xu opened the door, walked in, and found that both the decoration and the furniture inside were all top-of-the-line.

And there is an artificial intelligence system in the room, just say a word, you can achieve the goal.

After looking at the luxurious interior, I walked out of the door, just in time to meet the old man I met at the door.

The well-dressed old man nodded slightly and greeted Wei Xu.

Wei Xu also smiled and nodded, greeting politely.

"Mister, are you living next to me?" Wei Xu asked with a smile.

The old man nodded.

"It seems that the old man is also a very rich man." Wei Xu joked.

Unexpectedly, the old man said, "I don't have much money, I'm just a little housekeeper."


Wei Xu was taken aback.

I was immediately relieved.

That's right, all the big guys live here, and it's normal to have a housekeeper and a maid.

So, should I hurry up and find a housekeeper?

It seems that I really have to find a housekeeper.

Otherwise, I will have more and more properties in the future, so what if I don't find a housekeeper to manage them?
Night is preparing to fall.

Wei Xu bid farewell to the old housekeeper, and after entering the house, he called Han Yun and told her to come over quickly, making excuses to sleep out and continue to hide from Yuan Liang.

Han Yun agreed.

But Wei Xu didn't notice that when he was making a phone call, a ghostly figure had sneaked into the villa.

The figure was hidden in the darkness of the villa, and those bright eyes were staring at Wei Xu's back.

(End of this chapter)

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