Just Transferred to the Head of the Regiment, There is a Soldier Named Hu Bayi

Chapter 23

Page 23

Chapter [-]: I’m envious!

Zhang Qilin squatted beside the horse’s corpse, his slender fingers pressed lightly on the corpse a few times, and then he frowned.

“Stuffy oil bottle, your fingers are really long!”

Hu Bayi was amazed on the side, he didn’t feel anything about the corpse, but was attracted by Zhang Qilin’s fingers.

Hearing his words, the others also glanced curiously and found that it was true.

Zhang Qilin’s index finger and ring finger are slender and look very strange.

“If you have a girlfriend, you should be able to enjoy it.”

Hu Bayi added another sentence.

Everyone else had puzzled expressions on their faces, and even Zhang Qilin had a rare look of dazed expression. It seemed that Hu Bayi’s words touched his blind spot of knowledge.

“Why, envy Lao Hu?” Wu Sangou looked at the corpse of the horse and asked without raising his head, Hu Bayi laughed twice and didn’t speak.

Wu Sangou didn’t have time to chat, and said:

“This horse corpse seems to have just died, but you see, the flesh and blood of the horse corpse seems to have disappeared, and the skin is tightly attached to the bones.

What’s going on here, even if it’s a postmortem reaction, it shouldn’t be like this…”

Hu Bayi tried to reach out to touch it, but was stopped by Zhang Qilin:

“Don’t move, there’s something in there!”

Hearing this, Hu Ba withdrew his hand at a moment’s notice and looked at Zhang Qilin with some doubts, not understanding what he meant by these words.

“Team leader, there seems to be a word left by Dr. Li here!”

At this moment, the excited voice of an investigator who was investigating nearby caught everyone’s attention.

Hu Bayi and the others looked back, and Chen Wenjin quickly ran to the staff member’s side. Sure enough, they saw the words carved with great effort on the stone wall next to him.

“Poison… corpse, if you touch it, you will die…”

The handwriting has obviously been engraved for some time, so there are a few words that are not clear, but it can be distinguished. This is Li Chunyi’s handwriting.

“Dr. Li’s lettering here must be to remind the rest of the research team, or those who entered the canyon.

But what did he mean, what kind of corpse was poisoned? ”

Zhuge Qing frowned suspiciously, looking at the shallow handwriting and thinking.

Since two of the first four words have been ambiguous, it is impossible to infer what it means.

But the last four words are still clearly visible, touch will kill you, do you mean touching a corpse?

Zhuge Qing subconsciously glanced at Zhang Qilin and the others. He saw it with his own eyes just now. Zhang Qilin touched the corpse with his bare hands. Isn’t that okay?

While wondering, Chen Wenjin inadvertently turned around and saw the two team members who had previously inspected the animal carcass, and subconsciously shouted:

“do not move!”

But it was a little late for this reminder. At this time, the two team members were surrounding a cow corpse, and they had already touched it with gloves to check the cause of death.

The two team members raised their heads and looked at Chen Wenjin, with a little surprise in their eyes.

But then, no accident happened, which made Chen Wenjin frown in confusion, and looked back at the handwriting left.

Dr. Li deliberately reminded me at this moment, it must be because of something very important.

But why… the result is not what the lettering said, and there doesn’t seem to be any dangerous place around…

Chen Wenjin and others didn’t notice that Zhang Qilin stood up at this moment, staring at the cow corpse that the two team members had just checked, and said solemnly.

“Oops, alarmed…”

Just as Zhang Qilin’s voice fell, the two team members also heard some noises, and looked down at the cow corpse in front of them.

However, at a glance, the two team members almost lost their souls.

They could clearly see that a lot of small bags were slowly bulging on the cow corpse, and the small bags seemed to have something in them and were constantly wriggling.

More and more wriggling bags appeared on the cow corpse. Even if there was no intensive phobia, this scene was enough to feel a strong discomfort.

The two team members quickly got up and stepped back. However, the entire investigation team soon discovered that densely wriggling meat buns began to appear on all the surrounding corpses, as if something was about to escape from it.

“There’s something wrong here, hurry up, get out of here first!”

Chen Wenjin made a decision right away, although she still doesn’t know what the words engraved on the wall are.

But in the end, the words “will kill if you touch it” made Chen Wenjin realize the seriousness of the matter.

It is certainly not unusual for such a strange change to occur on a corpse.

“Get out!”

Zhuge Qing waved his hand quickly, and the investigation team and the special forces that followed quickly moved away from the corpse and rushed forward.

At this time, in Chen Wenjin’s heart, only one thing is the most important.

That is to find the residence of Dr. Li and his research team first.

Because only when you arrive at the station, can you possibly find some relevant information and notes.

At least they have to figure out what Dr. Li and the others are researching here, and they should be able to find something about the dangers in this area.

It’s better than smearing your eyes and bumping around.

After receiving Chen Wenjin’s order, and the scene in front of him was really scary, the team members quickly followed Chen Wenjin to the depths.

“Let’s follow along too…”

After Zhang Qilin finished saying this, he immediately got up and walked to the depths.

Hu Bayi and Wu Sangou naturally have nothing to say. They have already seen from Zhang Qilin’s attitude that these corpses seem to be very dangerous.

The three quickly left the place. From a distance, the investigation team could also see the temporary station built in the depths.

This made Chen Wenjin see hope, and immediately signaled everyone to speed up.

Hu Bayi and Wu Sangou followed Zhang Qilin. They noticed that Zhang Qilin had become very dignified from the beginning.

It seems that he has been worrying about something.

“Zhang Qilin, are you alright?”

Facing Hu Bayi’s concern, Zhang Qilin gently shook his head:

“It’s okay, just a little worried, there seems to be something in the body…”


The two looked at each other suspiciously, feeling a little strange.

Zhang Qilin didn’t speak, just looked back solemnly.

In the places where the line of sight cannot reach, among the animal carcasses everywhere, great changes have taken place at this time.

Those bulging and wriggling meat buns became denser and denser, and finally, as if they couldn’t hold it, some of the meat buns were broken.

Immediately afterwards, a head with orange-red eyes protruded from the meat bun with mucus.

Behind them, there is this pair of transparent wings…

Chapter Thirty: That Girl

No one noticed the occurrence of this vision, and more and more black flying insects burrowed out of the meat bun.

It seemed to smell the smell of strangers, and in an instant, black insects flew up everywhere, and the animal carcasses that seemed to be intact, at this time, shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye.


At this time, Chen Wenjin and others finally came to Dr. Li’s residence.

Choosing to reside here seems very elegant.

Some of the rock walls on which the tent is backed have been reinforced to prevent any accidents.

Five or six tents are placed here, firmly fixed, plus they are located in the leeward, so they are very strong.

Seeing the station, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Along the way, since entering the hinterland, a series of strange things happened, which made everyone feel a little clueless.

Finally came to the station, can be regarded as seeing hope.

Chen Wenjin looked at these tents, and then touched the brazier:

“There is no temperature anymore, it seems that Dr. Li and the others have been gone for some days.

Now hurry up and collect all the documents in this tent to find out what research project Dr. Li is doing here.

Maybe we can find clues to where they are going! ”

Following Chen Wenjin’s order, the Lone Wolf special team responsible for the protection work stood near the station, while the investigation team members entered the station tents and collected all paper documents.

The three of Hu Bayi were almost ignored by the investigation team, but the three did not stop because of this, but took the initiative to enter one of the tents and began to read the documents on the table.

Chen Wenjin and others saw it, but no one said anything.

Only when they are helping.

When I came to the tent, there was only a simple folding bed, and there was a table next to it. Some instruments were placed on the table, and next to it was a thick pile of documents.

Hu Bayi picked up a document and flipped through a few pages, then said with some doubts:

“The data shows that Dr. Li Chunyi and his research team are experts in biological sciences.

What did they study in the Kunlun Mountains?Research endangered animals? ”

Wu Sangou heard the words, and curiously picked up a document and looked at it. It doesn’t matter, there are more strange things.

“Look, this document is their investigative record.

In the records, it has been mentioned many times that there seems to be traces of human activities in the Langele Canyon? ”

Wu Sangou pondered and said:

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