Just Transferred to the Head of the Regiment, There is a Soldier Named Hu Bayi

Chapter 20

Page 20

Under the protection of the wolf tooth special team, Chen Wenjin led the investigation team to set off.

Zhang Qilin and the other three followed behind, obviously a little distance from the team in front.

In the cold temperature, the snow covered the sky, and the thick snow made it difficult for the team to move.

But they had to cross this road to reach the hinterland.

But at this time, from a distance, you can already see five mountain peaks standing on the horizon.

These five peaks are the main body of Kunlun Mountain. Because each mountain is like a dragon head, Kunlun Mountain is also called Wulong Mountain.

Through this mountain road, it will lead to the Lengle Canyon, which is also the starting point for the investigation team to conduct an investigation.

At that time, Dr. Li Chunyi led the team to settle in the Langele Gorge, and then disappeared mysteriously, so Chen Wenjin’s investigation route will also start there.

The Kunlun Mountains are known as changing the sky in ten steps, because the weather on the entire Kunlun Mountains is changing at any time.

The area where the security zone was built happened to be in the cold zone.

Chen Wenjin’s team walked in the front in the wind and snow, while the three Zhang Qilin followed far behind.

Under the blizzard, their stature seemed incomparably small…

At present, it seems that the 543 exploration team is only assisting, but in the hearts of the three people, they are all thinking that as long as there are important discoveries, they will also personally investigate and occupy the dominance of the investigation.

This is the greatest privilege given by Chu Jian.


After finally crossing the snowy mountain road, the team also came to the vicinity of Linggle Canyon.

At this time, the heavy snow had receded, but the fog filled the air. Chen Wenjin and others were not familiar with mountain roads, so they could only lead the way by Zhang Qilin and others.

Hu Bayi looked at the compass in his hand, and in the white fog, he determined the direction of travel…

All that comes into view is a vast expanse of white, and naturally it is easy to get lost.

In addition, the heavy snow never crossed the knees, and every step required a lot of strength, and everyone’s physical strength was constantly being consumed.

The members of the investigation team who followed behind looked at Hu Bayi and a few people in front of them, feeling puzzled.

“That person can find his way by relying on the compass in his hand?”.

Chapter [*]: Thunder?

Zhuge Qing saw it in his eyes, and then shook his head: “I guess it’s just a trick, it’s just like a compass.”

“Yeah, these people look strange, what are they bringing?”

“I don’t know, that cold little brother is quite handsome, but what is the one he is carrying?”

The members of the investigation team who followed behind whispered about the strange three people in front.

Everyone walked along this mountain road for a long time, and finally passed through the foggy area. The investigation team determined the direction of the hinterland and immediately walked in front of the three.

For the three of them, it was obvious that the investigation team didn’t take it seriously at all, they just thought it was a bit funny to dress up.

After all, this is just a garrison station, how could there be any professional investigators?

Letting them follow is nothing more than the arrangement of the superiors, and it’s just a fight, so no one really takes them seriously.

But at this time, Hu Bayi was still staring at the compass in his hand, even though he was already behind.

“The distance between heaven and earth is [*] miles away. When the heart and kidneys of people are separated, eight inches and four points…”

While observing the compass and the surroundings, Hu Bayi said in a low voice:

“The road to the canyon is ahead, but I don’t know why, I always feel a little flustered…”

Wu Sangou frowned:

“You mean, maybe this investigation will really find something?”

Hu Ba nodded slightly:

“The human body, metal, wood, water, fire, and soil, should have five heavenly stars, and twenty-four stars, corresponding to the geography of mountains and rivers in the world.

The closer you get to it, the clearer you can see. Although Kunlun Mountain is the place where the dragon veins converge, the hinterland in front is the phase of the trapped dragon.

A dragon vein traverses the canyon, but is facing the high mountain, forming a trapped phase.

Maybe it’s not a coincidence that he disappeared…”

Hu Bayi’s words caused the other two to be very vigilant and followed the investigation team into the hinterland.

Since the hinterland is warmer than outside the mountains and is close to the pastures, there is no snow cover.

At the end of the mountain road, the hinterland is connected to the Langley Gorge, which is overgrown with weeds, no wonder it attracts livestock.

Strangely, after entering the hinterland a few steps, the ground began to become bare.

Although there are occasional weeds, it is also charred.

Chen Wenjin quickly signaled the team to stop, looked around and said strangely:

“It’s not quite right here…”

Zhuge Qing squatted down and looked at the blackened weeds in front of him, and nodded lightly:

“Yes, it is indeed a bit strange, how can the soil change so much just a few steps away.

It was charred and black, as if it had suffered a fire. ”

Chen Wenjin observed the surrounding area, where the hinterland was surrounded by mountains, forming a unique canyon terrain.

And as soon as he entered the hinterland, the temperature around him increased significantly.

“Strange, it’s understandable that there is no snow here, but why is there withered grass everywhere?”

Chen Wenjin frowned, feeling a little puzzled about this.

Looking at the map, one of the team members said:

“According to the information, the location of Dr. Li’s team is deep in the hinterland.

There is only one road here, and it should take another half an hour to reach it.

How about we go there first? ”

Chen Wenjin nodded, and could only temporarily put away the doubts in front of him:

“The top priority, we have to rush to the station first to see if there are any useful clues there.

After that, based on that as a starting point, a wide-ranging investigation was started. ”

After giving the order, Chen Wenjin quickly led the team forward. At this time, the three of Zhang Qilin also entered the hinterland.

As shown on the map, the hinterland leads directly to the Langley Gorge, and the other side is connected to the pasture.

Therefore, there are always some messy animal footprints on the ground here.

But whether it is the investigation team or the 543 exploration team, everyone has a very strange feeling after entering the hinterland.

This is a physical discomfort, but because it is very subtle, it cannot be clearly detected at all.

Therefore, after entering the hinterland, everyone slowed down.

Hu Bayi frowned and looked at the compass in his hand. After a while, he said solemnly:

“The magnetic field here is very chaotic, and something is interfering with the compass…”

Wu Sangou also quickly saw the strangeness of this place, and squatted down to check the charred land.

Almost at the same time, Zhuge Qing stopped abruptly and looked at the mountain next to him with a solemn expression.

Chen Wenjin asked with some doubts:

“Zhuge Qing, is there any problem?”

Zhuge Qing pointed to the mountain not far away and said:

“Look, is that… a trace from a lightning strike?”

Just as Zhuge Qing’s voice fell, Wu Sangou also concluded:

“Be careful, we have entered a minefield…”

Chen Wenjin followed Zhuge Qing’s line of sight to the mountain not far away, and clearly saw the wall there, all traces left by lightning strikes.

This discovery surprised everyone.

This means that lightning strikes often occur when this hinterland leads to the canyon.

Moreover, from the point of view of traces, the phenomenon of lightning strikes often occurs, and the traces of lightning strikes are relatively dense.

“According to our previous data collection, there has been long-term snow and permafrost deep in the Lingle Canyon.

But there is no clue that the hinterland leading to the canyon is a dense lightning strike area! ”

Chen Wenjin said while frowning, she picked up her notebook and recorded the situation.

“Sampling the nearby soil and rock surface immediately, we need to study how this phenomenon is caused!”

Chen Wenjin gave the order right away, and the team members immediately took action.

Chapter [*]: Tianlei has eyes?

Seemingly out of concern, Chen Wenjin looked back at the three gathered in the distance.

They seem to have been staring at the compass in their hands and looking around for something.

Seeing this scene, Chen Wenjin sighed deeply.

At this time, she was even more sure of the amateur level of these three people, otherwise how could she still be so careless in such a dangerous area?

However, what Chen Wenjin didn’t know was that Hu Bayi and the others had already noticed the unusualness of this place.

Zhang Qilin looked around, and rarely squeezed out a few words:

“Over there, it’s a lightning-intensive area…”

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