Just My Luck-(rewrite)

Chapter 9

Sorry for the late chapter, I was about to post it a few days ago, but my laptop broke down. anyway, enjoy this chapter.


A few days has passed since Arashi ate his devil fruit. The four, Arashi and the boa sisters have started their training.

It was nothing special, just 200 push-ups, 200 sit ups and 200 squats. While they did have a manual that teaches the six powers, they cannot use it yet due to their bodies not having met the requirements.

Spec D. Gardner, a former CP agent, the one who ate the hollow-hollow fruit, the one who crucified a celestial dragon in the middle of saboady, and a role model for Arashi and the boa siblings. All of them wanted to follow in his footsteps and crucify a celestial dragon.

Spec. D Gardner, had mentioned that before a person try to practice the six powers, one needs to properly build their body. hence, they have been following it.

At the beginning it was quite difficult to do 200 push-ups, squats and sit ups, but like always they adapted.

Arashi’s days were filled with training and learning. Learning on how to read and write from marigold. Hancock had promised him on teaching him how to hunt, which he reluctantly accepted, since he needed it.

Arashi had also tested his newfound powers, he gained three abilities from eating the devil fruit.

Danger sense, premonition and the ability to cover a part of his body in silver scales.

According to Qlee, his premonition gives him the ability to see and hear things that others are unable to see or hear. Sometimes even giving him occasional glimpses of the future.

He was shocked when hearing that he could see the future, but it was not as awesome as it sounded.

While he could see occasional glimpses of the future, unfortunately he couldn’t control it. he would see a few days into the future or maybe even a few seconds to the future and it would activate at random times. Due to its uncontrollable nature his ability was more of a hindrance.

the other, his premonition granted him was the ability to see or hear things that cannot be seen or heard by others, simply it means that Arashi has been seeing ghosts wandering around the place ever since he had eaten the enhanced devil fruit

Whether he was taking a bath, sleep or answer the call of nature, some ghosts would be watching them.

Thankfully, the ghosts haven’t realized that he could see them, so there wasn’t much problems with them. though Arashi did get close to dying of heart attacks many times, due to them suddenly appearing in front of him.

The next ability, danger sense, as the name said, Arashi gained a keen intuitive premonition of danger.

He tested his ability out by having Sandersonia attack him at random times. Every time she would attack, he would feel a sensation of having someone prickling his neck with a needle a few seconds before she would hurl a ball of green fire at him.

The last ability was covering a part of his body with silver scales, the scales were highly durable, marigold, the physically strongest out of the trio, needed to give her all to destroy it.

The only problem Arashi had was his inability to transform into a zoan form, or a hybrid form.

When he asked Qlee about it, she said, “a price is always exacted to what fate bestows.”

It confused Arashi, but thankfully Qlee explained it to him.

“My dear idiot, it means, to gain something, you must first lose something. In your case, you gained the opportunity to become a god, thus while you won’t have many amazing abilities at the beginning, when you reach the end, the power you hold would be unimaginable. You would become the embodiment of fate and luck.”

Arashi nodded his head, and went back to training, all the while trying to ignore the ghosts walking around.

Although he has already finished his 200-P.S.S., which stands for push-ups, squats and sit-ups, he continued increasing his limit. Currently he could do 500-P.S.S.

Marigold was training far away from the others.

Marigold was sweating, her arm felt like jelly, the only reason she was even conscious right now was out of anger.

I need to become stronger…much, much stronger. I want them to pay their dues, for every they did to Sandersonia, Hancock and also big brother. I will never forgive, and definitely would not forget.

Marigold started emitting purple miasma from her body.

After several days with her devil fruit, marigold realized that the strength of her poison was proportional to her physical strength. Hence, the training.

Her devil fruit, according to Arashi, descended from a fearsome half-woman and half-snake who was nicknamed the mother of monsters.

Marigold who saw her zoan form realized that there must be some truth to the stories.

Her zoan form, her arms become reptilian-like, her lower body transforms into that of a snake. Her entire upper body, except her face, becomes covered with scales. She gains fangs that excrete poison that could kill a boar within a minute.

At the beginning she thought that her only ability was poison and a superior physique, but that was not the case.

After several days of trying to get used to her devil fruit, she found out she had several abilities excluding her enhanced physique.

She had the ability to coat her body with poison or acid. Currently this ability can only be used while she is in her zoan form.

She also had the ability to create clones of herself, although it is extremely draining of her to do so. Currently she can only create a single clone that would disappear in 20 seconds. Also, the clones have only one-tenth of her power.

The last ability, which is the most dangerous of her abilities, which Arashi named miasma, this ability makes her emit intense miasma that would make those who inhaled throw up, Arashi said that if inhaled a certain amount, severe effects would be brought about to those who did.

Marigold collapsed, her body hurting, and muscles spasming.

She stared at the blue sky lost in thought.

“Do you really have to train this hard? Can’t you go back home?” The thoughts that were placed in the darkest parts of her mind resurfaced.

Marigold almost wavered. Almost.

If I don’t train, who will avenge our pain, mine, my sisters and Arashi’s pain! We suffered too much to just forgive and forget them.

“You can always go back to amazon lily, learn haki, enlist the help of your fellow tribeswoman and then achieve your revenge.” It spoke again, but marigold didn’t waver, her will hardened.

If we returned home, what about Arashi-nee? The elders of our tribe won’t accept him, they will kill him the moment he steps a foot on amazon lily.

He made us laugh, gave us warmth, told us stories and brought us out of that hellhole! I wont abandon him! I might not be related to him by blood, but I consider him my brother. Which means he is my family, and you don’t abandon family.

Determination colored her eyes; she got up and went back to training.

Like Arashi she too had completed her mandatory training of 200-P.S.S, but since she learned that most of her abilities rely on her stamina and strength, she has placed an additional 1000 push-ups and 25 laps around the mansion.

Hancock was excited, Arashi told her that her devil fruit is not the love-love fruit, but the mythical zoan fruit, human-human fruit, model: medusa.

She was so happy, afterall she was slightly jealous when both her sisters and Arashi ate mythical zoan devil fruits, which were supposed to be the rarest devil fruits of all.

Rare my ass! How is it rare if four people have eaten a mythical zoan each.

These last few days she has been trying to access her zoan form, but no matter how much she tries she isn’t able to do it.

she sat down crossed leg, under the shade of a tree.

She remembered the description of the medusa that Arashi told her.

Their hair is made up of countless snakes, their eyes can petrify anyone who sees them.

Hancock wanted to transform, she is the second oldest, that means she has to be stronger than her younger sisters.

An older sibling must be strong enough to protect their younger ones, but both my sisters are currently stronger than me.


Also, Arashi-nee said that I had the qualities of a conqueror!


A conqueror!? Only one in several million people are born with the ability to be a conqueror!


Arashi-nee told me that he had gained the ability to see randomly into the future after he ate the devil fruit.


He said, that in the future I had become renowned as the most beautiful woman in the world and also was nicknamed the pirate empress.


He said that he saw me with a bounty of over 1.5 billion Beri!! Hahahah-


Veins threatening to pop from Hancock’s forehead, she yelled at the frog who kept interrupting her thoughts.

“listen you little shit, if I hear one more croak, it’ll be the last cr-“


Her anger threatened to overflow, before she could stand up countless black snakes rushed towards the frog and ripped it the frog into shreds.

The black snakes that killed the frogs returned towards her.

Wait are they…

Hancock touched her hair, instead of the silky hair like texture that she usually feels, instead she felt a warm scaly texture.

Her silky black hair had transformed into hundreds of black snakes, her snake-like hair was waving everywhere, coupled with her devilish grin, she looked terrifying.

“I wonder what else I could do~” Hancock sung.

Sandersonia was free, she was flying around with some new bird friends she made.

Too bad big sis marigold, big sis Hancock and big bro Arashi can’t join me. that just means I just have to enough fun for all four of Sandersonia thought with a serious face.

She finished her mandatory daily exercises, unlike marigold and Arashi she didn’t want to train more than she needed. Rather than training her body excessively she would train her devil fruit, which was much more fun.

she flew over to the beach alongside her new friends while making sure she kept flapping her green leathery wings, otherwise she would fall.

On the way to the beach, Sandersonia passed by a small pond. Her image reflected back to her.

Green scales covering below her elbows, two narrow dark green horns protruding from her forehead, and two large green leathery wings were protruding from her back.

This was Sandersonia’s hybrid form, the only difference between her zoan form is that her lower body is not transformed into that of a snake, and in her zoan form her entire upper body, excluding her face, gets covered with scales.  

Reaching the place where the sea and land meets, Sandersonia stopped before she would fly above the waters.

“Remember Mari, do not ever fly above the sea, do I make myself clear?” Hancock uttered every word slowly and threateningly. Sandersonia remembered what Hancock said thus she did not fly over the sea. No matter how much she wanted to.

“Chirp, chirrrrp, chirrppp.” Sandersonia’s bird friends surrounded her, which numbered in the dozens. Two hummingbirds even perched on top of her dark green horns.

I don’t want to make big sis mad, big sis is very scary when mad! She is even scarier than big sis marigold when she is mad. Hmm, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Arashi-nee mad.

While Sandersonia was hovering above the beach, enjoying the warm rays of the sun and salty air brought by the winds, she noticed a small boat that was floating on the sea. The size of the boat was too small to be occupied by more than one person, so marigold didn’t panic, too much.

Gulp. Maybe its an empty boat that drifted away due to a storm. Even if the boat is occupied, big sis marigold and Arashi-nee will be able to handle the person on it. wait! I need to tell them that a boat is coming to the island.

Sandersonia turned around and flied inland, searching for her older siblings so she could relay the news.

Meanwhile, on top of the boat was a little girl that was about 9 years old and long light pink hair that was covered in dirt. She opened her eyes, which were unusually big and round, her gaze directed at the island in front of her.

“Land…” she whispered; her voice raspy.


Who is that character? Its… [insert name]

Gacha will be next chapter!

Question: who was your childhood fictional crush?

mine was doctor holiday from generator rex.



Lucinziel kneels down, two executors placed their long swords on his neck.

“Lucinziel Von Violetmoon, for your crimes of making boa Hancock a sister instead of a lover, you are declared guilty! How do you plead?”

“The boa sisters will only be sisters to Arashi, nothing more” lucinziel voiced out.

Suddenly many types of insults were thrown to him by the crowd,


“Incest is wincest”

“Hancock best waifu!”

All sorts of opinions were thrown out of the crowd, but the criminal lucinziel didn’t seem fazed.

“I see, for your crimes you shall be execut-“

“Lucinziel!!” a man shouted.

Lucinziel directed his gaze at the man.

“Where did you hide it? where did you hide the advanced chapters!”

Hearing the man’s question, lucinziel smiled.

“Kill him, kill him now.” the two executors stabbed lucinziel with their swords, their blades piercing his chest.

Lucinziel coughed blood, but he still didn’t stop smiling.

“You want the location of my advanced chapters! Then go and take it, I left it all in that place,” lucinziel went silent. The audience mistook his silence for death. But before they could cheer, lucinziel yelled.




Just a thing that was on my mind.

Also check out my other fic, which is currently only on pat re on, it is called “The Fool and the Fox”, a Lord of the mysteries X highschool DxD, a Klein X Yasaka fic. Currently it has only one chapter but I will post more when I have the chance. I will release it on here after I write 5-7 chapters on pat r eon. The first chapter is public, meaning even those who haven’t become patrons can read it.

Did know one read chapter 8? Cuz when I checked the views it had, it says 0. Did no one read my last chapter, or is fanfiction. Net broken or something?


Anyway guys, if you like my work consider leaving a review, follow, favorite, add me to your libraries, give me power stones.

I like reading reviews and comments so make sure you do that.

Criticism is always welcomed.

Anyway, you heard the man, advanced chapters can be found on p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / Lucinziel



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