Just Because I Wear a Collar…

Volume 2 – Chapter 12

❖ 12 ❖


Iori groaned as she found herself stirred from her sleep by the birdsong outside of her window.

She'd been a bit surprised to find that while the birds of Hell sounded different from the ones she was used to, they were still recognizable as birds all the same. It was, at most, a five minute adjustment, no different from what any tourist would do when faced with the sounds of new, unfamiliar fauna.

In fact, she'd completely forgotten that they'd even sounded different until now, grumbling again over how loud they suddenly were as she struggled to pull the duvet over her head.

Screwing her face up into a frown, she gently kicked her legs around, wiggling her shoulders as she struggled with the bedding, finding it stubbornly caught up on something before finally wresting it free.

It was a Pyrrhic victory, though. True, she'd covered her head, but all the effort meant she was now well and truly awake.

"I must've slept poorly," Iori sighed, her voice sounding strange as it bounced back to her from the padded underside of the duvet. "I'm sure some coffee and a good meal will help…"

She poked her head out from under the covers, blearily blinking at her surroundings as she tried to gather her bearings.

Iori'd forced her body into a pretty bad shape at times, so she was no stranger to the occasional head cold, but this was something different. She didn't feel foggy, or full of cotton, or like her senses had been dulled and muddied.

If anything, she was overstimulated now.

The colors around her seemed more vibrant, like someone had turned off a blue-light filter she'd never known was on, and scents were coming to her that she didn't even realize were there before. She'd only admitted the craftsmanship of the furniture before, but now she could distinctly smell the mellow scent of the rosewood, just as clearly as she could smell the slight sweat that had beaded on her skin during the night or the floral detergent that was used to launder the sheets.

Maybe it was related to it being caught earlier, but the duvet felt different against her skin now, heavier and more real in a way she couldn't even begin to figure out. She'd never really cared about such things before, but she had a feeling she not only understood what a thread count was now, but was acutely aware of it to her own detriment. It was nice, as Adri clearly wasn't one to skimp on quality, but it was distressing all the same.

I'm just overthinking things, Iori told herself. I'd told myself I'd spend time with Rina today, and I'm subconsciously looking for ways to psych myself out. Come on, get over it, Iori!

She pushed herself out of bed, tossing the duvet off herself and bouncing off the bed to her feet with the energy of someone half her age.

We haven't had much quality time together since we arrived, and I'm not going to let a little grogginess keep that streak! Today's the day, girl! Get her alone, then say it all. Make it clear how much I've wanted her all these years.

Or show her such a good time that she'll confess to you! Either way, I'm coming out of today with a win!

Iori smiled, buoyed by the pep talk she definitely wouldn't have been capable of giving before her vacation.

Now, however, the idea of being embarrassed didn't even cross her mind.

She made her way to the en-suite bathroom, her enthusiasm hamstrung by legs that hadn't quite gotten the wake-up call yet. Still, her mind was buzzing, planning out a day with Rina that would end the uncertainty she'd been struggling with for so long.

After all, Yuuki had shown her so much of the city that she was practically an expert herself now. Or, at least familiar enough that she could take Rina on an unforgettable date, then follow it up with an even more incredible, intensely intimate night together.

Iori couldn't help but hum happily to herself as she ran the water in the sink, flashing herself a wink before starting to wash her face. When she was finished, she switched the tap over to cold, letting the water cool before pooling it in her hands.

"Alright, Iori. You got this!" she told her reflection, before raising her arms up, splashing her face with the icy water.


Iori let out a moan of pleasure from the chilly shock of the water against her skin...


…Then jumped back from what she saw in the mirror, any tiredness in her body instantly gone from the one-two punch of the shock she was going through.

She'd covered her mouth instinctively, hoping that no one heard her scream, but that only caused more distress for her, prominently displaying what exactly had alarmed her in the first place.


She moved her arms away from her body uncertainly, like she was adjusting the limbs of an antique doll, thoroughly perplexed by the crimson scales that now covered her arms.


Iori supposed she should be a little more surprised than that, but she had just staggered backwards into the bathroom wall, and, all things considered, there's only so shocked you can be after vacationing in "capital H" Hell.

Still, she was at a loss for any explanation for what was happening.

Carefully, she ran her fingers down the length of the opposite arm. She wasn't exactly an expert on reptiles, so she wasn't sure they felt the same as what might be on, say, a snake, but after a few good pinches it was clear that they certainly weren't just a decoration.

The scales felt smoother than she'd expected, even as she ran her fingers the opposite direction, but they were warm, warm enough that she had to feel her forehead to make sure she wasn't running a terrible fever at first. They didn't cover her whole arm, just running along the length of her forearm and stopping around her shoulder blades, and they only seemed to be on the outside of her arms, though the skin on the inside of her arms seemed lighter than it had been before.

It wasn't just her arms, unfortunately. She also saw patches coming in on her legs, creeping up the outside of her calves and making their way mid-thigh. She hadn't noticed it much with her arms, but as she picked at the patches on her legs she realized how itchy the edges felt.

"Does that mean…more are growing?" she wondered, her voice a worried whisper. "More…scales? Growing on…on me?"

She looked herself over, skeptical now of every part of her.

Though she'd been more concerned with what her hands were touching before, but looking at them closer, she realized that her nails had gotten longer, thicker, and their shape had changed slightly, with a hint of dark colorization creeping in at the lunula.

Claws? No way…

"I…I'm dreaming, right?" Iori asked, her voice shaking and uneven. "There's…there's no way this is poss-ible?"

Iori winced, her back smacking against the bathroom wall again as her brain caught up with what her eyes had just seen.

No…no, no, no, no way.

I didn't just see that. I'm going to close my eyes, stick my tongue out, and, when I open them, I'm going to see myself making the stupidest face in the world.

Unfortunately for Iori, her eyes slowly opened to the sight of a thicker, bifurcated tongue protruding from her lips. She shivered as she stuck it out more, noting that despite it feeling perfectly normal in her mouth, she was now able to really push it further, easily touching the broad underside of her tongue to her chin before worriedly sucking it back into her mouth.

She'd also noticed that her teeth looked different now. They weren't the jagged, saw-like teeth that Rina had, but they were markedly sharper and thicker. Iori couldn't bring herself to fully open her mouth, suddenly worried just how far her jaw could go, but what she had risked seeing revealed a mouth lined with carnivorous chompers.

"What the hell's going on, and why? I'm not changing into a succubus, am I? Did Rina and Mio…no, that can't be right! I've got scales…beautful scales, so…something's different, but why?!"

Iori kept her voice low, but she was shaken and at her wits' end over what she'd seen, to say nothing of the oddly prideful remark she'd heard herself make without even realizing it was going to pass through her lips.

I…I've got to speak to someone about this. Haqua or Adri have to know something about this, and…and I bet they can fix it! Of course they can! Probably just some little wrinkle of humans in Hell, that's all! It's just like a late onset of jetlag, that's all!

She'd managed to convince herself that things were routine, heading back to her room to get dressed, when a knock at the door immediately brought everything crashing back to reality again.

"Iocchi, you in there? You're soundin' pretty fired up this morning!"


Iori yelped, panicking and wrapping herself with the duvet from the bed to cover up her scales before crouching down to the floor, keeping absolutely silent.

Why'd it have to be Yuuki?! I can't let her see me like this! Not before I talk to Haqua or Adri!


Shit…she's not going to come in, is she?!

Carefully, Iori walked over to the door, gently leaning her whole weight against it just in case.

"...Hey, Iocchi?"

She could feel a slight part of the door growing colder from Yuuki's touch, but it was what she said next and the hushed tone she used that really sent a chill through her body.

"Your body's changed some more, hasn't it?"

Iori couldn't help her shock at that, letting out a gasp and jerking her body in a way that had her shoulder audibly bump the doorframe.

"...Thought so."

"H-How did you know?" Iori whispered. "And…what do you mean by 'more'?"

Yuuki…are you why…? No, no. That's impossible. Bestie wouldn't…

"Let me come in, Iocchi. I'll spill the tea."

Iori had complicated feelings at hearing how aware of everything Yuuki seemed to be, but, frazzled as she was, she knew it wasn't right to jump to a conclusion with a friend. She had to hear her out, at least.

What kind of friend would she be if she didn't?

"S-Sure," Iori nervously answered, awkwardly shuffling back and turning away from the door while keeping herself covered up. "Just…lock the door behind you, please."

"You got it, bestie," Yuuki replied.

There was a brief, pregnant moment of silence, and then Iori heard the knob turn. She didn't even finish the nervous, deep breath she was taking before the yuki-onna had slipped herself in and locked the door behind her.

“Hiding from me, Iocchi?”


Yuuki chuckled.

“I’m your bestie, remember? Nothing that could’ve happened to you would push me away.”

“But, I…”

I what? How do I even begin to talk about this?

She couldn’t move. She wanted to crawl out of bed, but then what? What would she do? What would she say?

So she stayed put, gazing out at Yuuki’s legs through the gap beneath the bed.

“You’ll be OK, Iocchi,” Yuuki crouched down, grinning at her best friend, who instinctively crawled a little further away, trying to hide what was surely obvious to her by now. “I’m looking out for you. Always have been.”

Iori stayed put, too nervous to do anything else, before Yuuki reached out a hand.

“C’mon, Iocchi,” Yuuki smiled warmly. “No matter what, I’m not letting you wallow. Hell, I bet you won’t let you wallow, if yesterday was anything to go by.”

Iori knew Yuuki was right. No matter how scared she was, she really didn’t want to let this defeat her. She felt ridiculous, hiding away so soon after resolving to fix this.

So she crawled toward the edge of the bed, took Yuuki by the hand, and got back up on her feet, letting her bestie see everything that had happened to her.

“So like, you just sleep in panties, is that it?”

“I don’t!” Iori laughed and covered her chest with a scaled arm, a little bit of tension already beginning to leave her body. “It’s just been too hot at night for anything else, and…I guess I’m starting to see why.”

“Oooh, wow, guess you’re turning into a nudist, huh? Not what I expected, but I bet Rinarin’ll be crazy into it.”

“Lucky you, getting to peek at a body like mine,” Iori teased, wearing a grin that didn’t quite line up with her worry over the situation. “But what were you expecting, Yuuki? You…it sounds like you knew something was happening to me.”

“Blaming me?”

Iori shook her head.

“I’m not. Shit, I can't imagine you trying something like this at all. But…you knew it was happening, didn’t you?”

“Thanks for having faith, bestie,” Yuuki winked. “But yeah, I knew. Dig the scales, by the way. Super pretty.”

“...Thanks,” Iori nodded, smiling despite her worry over the situation. “You’ve known this whole time?”

“Since the morning of the festival. Couldn’t say if that’s when it started, but it’s when I first noticed something was up. You were complaining about your butt and hips looking bigger, remember?”

Iori looked down at her hips, noticing that they were still just as wide as they’d been that day.

“I know you thought you’d put on some weight, but like, no way. That butt and those hips don’t have a bit of fat on ‘em. They’re broader, but they def aren’t plump. Well, your ass is nice and full, totes slappable, but that’s not ‘cuz of this, ehehe.”

Iori said nothing. She’d have asked her to get back on track, but the compliments kept sticking with her, helping her smile no matter how baffled she was.

“Thing is, though, I’ve seen pleeenty of hips like that. And they’ve all got one thing in common: They’re supporting big tails, cutie.”

Iori’s eyes widened, and she couldn’t stop herself from gasping. Instantly her thoughts turned to Mio, whose tail was far, far larger than that of the other succubi she’d see. It was big, full, thick, and…just as Yuuki said, supported by a pair of wide, lovely hips, much like Iori’s, now.

“A…a tail? I’m…I’m about to grow a tail?”

“Think so, yeah,” Yuuki gently smiled, taking Iori’s free hand and giving it a gentle, reassuring squeeze, before looking behind Iori’s back and seeing some reddened, sensitive looking skin just above her butt. “Right here,” she said, poking at the tender spot, getting a small moan out of Iori. “It’ll sprout right there. Dunno how long it’ll take to fully grow, but…shit, far as I can tell, you didn’t have any scales or the pointy ears yesterday, so things might be picking up speed.”

“My ears aren’t…” Iori tried to protest, her words dying down the second she reached up to touch a pointed, scale-covered ear. Thankfully, it was still small enough to hide under her hair, but she couldn’t say how long that might last, at this rate.

“And like, think about it,” Yuuki spoke up, pressing her entire palm against Iori’s future tail. “Remember your first day here? I couldn’t touch you at all without risking you getting seriously hurt. Now though…”

Yuuki leaned in and kissed Iori on the neck. Her lips, much like every part of her, were pleasantly cool to the touch. Comforting, honestly.

It had been for a while now, Iori realized.

“Shit, our kiss yesterday might’ve killed you if you were still human, Iocchi. Shizuku and I always keep our distance, but I can get as close to you as I want, now. Though I guess saying that just makes it seem like I’m responsible for all of this, lol.”

“At least you’re taking it in stride,” Iori sighed, smiling softly. “Seriously, I’m glad. I…I’m not sure how I’d handle this if you weren’t here.”

“Badly, going by how you were hiding under the covers, cutie.”

“Hah! I would’ve made it out! I sure wouldn’t have let this beat me!”

“Ahaha, you’ve gotten cocky, too! That’s def on whatever’s happening to you.”

“You only call someone cocky if their confidence is unearned, Yuuki. My looks alone should tell you that every drop of pride I have is the real deal, and-” Iori quickly shut her mouth, her cheeks turning nearly as red as her scales as she averted her eyes. “Understood.”

“You’ve been a little less stuck-up, too. Less formal. Like you’ve dropped every little shield you were holding up. I kinda dig it, honestly. You say what you mean and mean what you say.”

Iori paused. Had that been the case? For years now, she’d kept her distance from most people because of her professional obligations, and even when those had begun to feel silly, those behaviors had been so ingrained in her that she’d had a terrible time making any kind of lasting friendship or connection. That had begun to fall away a little bit lately, but…to drop all of it, just like that?

But the more she thought about it, the more Yuuki’s words rang true. If this had been going on a while, then it explained so much. The embarrassing tangents she went on, the feelings that welled up within her at the mere thought of Rina, the way she kissed Yuuki without so much as a second thought… Some of that may have come from taking a desperately-needed vacation and making a friend as forward as Yuuki, but it was clear that her personality had begun to shift, truly giving her a confidence that she’d been playing at having for years when she was under her family’s thumb.

She couldn’t say how she felt about that, all told. If she was happy about it, then how much of that was just on whatever change was gripping her? If she was dismayed by it, then how much of that came down to nothing more than rejecting something that might help her take a step forward?

Iori’s head was a mess, but she still needed to sort out this whole situation.

“So do you know what’s causing this? Was I hit by some curse, or-”

“Beats me,” Yuuki shrugged, stopping Iori from running down any particularly dangerous roads. “I know that’s probs not what you want to hear, and I really, really wish I had more of an answer for you, but even in a society that uses magic forever, incidents like this def aren’t common enough to easily figure out, and for sure not with humans. It’s easy when it’s something like Rinarin or Mio making a deal with a succubus, but…you haven’t done anything like that, have you?”

“No, not a thing. Unless that’s the kind of thing you can stumble into…”

“Mm, hard to say. I uhh, I ran it by Riri. I wanted to figure out if I could help with this, soz if I shouldn’t have. I told her to keep it secret, though! And Riri’s a pro at keeping promises, trust me!”

“You’re fine,” Iori assured her. “It’s nice, honestly. It’s good to know you’re looking out for me, Yuuki.”

“You got it~!” Yuuki winked at her again as a show of thanks. The trust the two had built up between them over these days could’ve easily been put to the test by something like this, but it didn’t bend in the slightest. “Nnnnot that it turned up much. She doesn’t know why this is happening either, or if it’s safe to reverse.”

“...Shit, really?”

“I totes hate to say it, but yeah. We’re both stuck. I figured it might’ve been a bad reaction to some food, or you might’ve just been getting sick from something that doesn’t mesh well with humans, but-”

“No way I’d be laid low by something that simple, I’m far stronger than that,” Iori huffed, folding her arms over her bare chest and donning a proud smile that was undercut by the blush that spread across her cheeks a moment later as she realized what she’d just said.

“You’re soooo right, bestie~! Crazy strong, super gorgeous, and ultra powerful~!” Yuuki giggled, fully aware of just how readily Iori’s ego devoured all the compliments, bolstering her smile and her blush in equal measure.

“Look, just get on with it,” Iori replied, her delighted grin painting her words with a much more cheerful register than she’d intended.

"Anyway, Riri doesn't think it's a sickness or anything either. It's probs magic of some kind, but that's just an educated guess, y'know? Still, let's talk things out, we'll get to the bottom of this together. Be totes honest with me for a bit, 'k Iocchi?"

"Be hard for me to be anything else like this," Iori laughed.

"True that! So like, fuck any demons lately?"

"Only in my dreams," Iori chuckled. "And she doesn't always look like a demon in those…"

"Perv!" Yuuki giggled, sticking out her tongue. "Anger anyone? Kill anyone? Get possessed at all?"

"That's…a lot of wild questions, but, well, no." Iori furrowed her brow. "My parents are pissed at me, but it's not like that matters now."

"You damage any shrines? Maybe steal from an offertory box or something?"

"Yuuki you've gotta know that all of these are 'no's, right?"

"You kidding? With how hot you looked on our first date, I figured you'd have been pulled into a love hotel or five by some cuties, lol."

"And everything else you asked?" Iori asked, grumbling as she thought back on just how many people had been staring at her in the city, wondering how many of them had lust on their mind.

"Just gotta be thorough!"

"Well, no to all of them. Like I said," Iori sighed, more than a little dismayed that she had no leads.

Yuuki took her by the hand, gazed into her eyes, and softly smiled.

"Soz if I'm being too much, Iocchi. I'm trying to help, really, but with how scared you looked, I figured that what you need most right now is someone to keep the mood light, y'know? We could be trying to figure this out for ages, but…I just don't like seeing you feeling so glum. I'll focus up more though, 'k?"

Iori sighed, then smiled back.

"You're good, Yuuki. Shit, I'm glad you're doing that. I…I need you here, so don't change for me. Just…be you, please. Don't worry about joking around or anything. Seeing your smile helps keep me steady, Yuuki."

Yuuki stared back, dumbstruck for a moment before her grin slowly but steadily resurfaced.

“Ehehe, I’m gonna take a stab and say that you changing has nothing to do with you being so smooth,” Yuuki blew Iori a kiss.

“Not unless that’s something lizards are known for.”

“‘Lizard’? You think you’re becoming some kind of lizard, Iocchi?”

“Hm?” Iori furrowed her brow, pointing to her arms. “Am I not? Scales kind of seem like a dead giveaway. Unless my legs start fusing and I become a lamia, I suppose.”

“Nah, you’re way off from lamia, but you’re way off from lizard too. Think about it, you’ve been feeling kinda hot lately, right? That sound like any cold-blooded species to you?”

“I…guess not? But I’m not an expert, maybe lizards here aren’t like that, and-”

“Stop, Iocchi. I’m just gonna spell it out, ‘k?”

“Please do,” Iori nodded.

“You’ve been getting all blunt and coc-confident,” she corrected herself. “You talked about hoarding away Rina like treasure, you’re suuuuuper warm and cozy to the touch, and you breathed fire at the festival. All signs point to you becoming some sorta salamander or dragon.”

Iori froze, and everything began to click into place.


“I get it, technically dragons and salamanders are lizard-ish but they’re totes different! Don’t go making that mistake in public, bestie!”

“Yuuki, I…”

“Are you OK, Iocchi? Shit, are you changing more already?!”

“No, no. I…I think I figured it out. I have an idea of what changed me. The other day, when we went out on our date and you went to help out at the crepe shop, I went on a walk to clear my head, but so many people were staring at me that I felt overwhelmed.”

“Feels silly now, yeah?”

Iori chuckled, and continued her story as she grabbed her purse from a nearby desk and started rummaging through it.

“So I ducked into a nearby alleyway and bumped into a helldrake. The contents of her purse went flying everywhere, and I helped her pick them up, but after she left, I found this on the ground, and couldn’t find her in time to return it.”

Iori held up the ring, and for a moment, was spellbound by its beauty, absolutely captivated by the way it caught the light, shimmering so brilliantly.

“Iocchi? You’re kinda zoning out over there.”

“R-right, sorry. I have a thing for jewels now, I guess.”

“Yeah, I bet you do~!” Yuuki grinned, brushing back a lock of her hair and showing off the sparkly earrings she’d put in that morning.

“They’re gorgeous…They make you look so good, Yuuki, I- Wait, no, let’s stay on topic.”

“Just good to know you’re still easy to tease, cutie.”

“I’ve been meaning to return this ring to her, but I have no idea where she lives or anything like that. I hoped I’d bump into her at the festival, but there’s been nothing. But…this has to be it, right? She seemed sweet, but maybe she thought I stole this and…and cursed me or something!” Iori said, pushing past the part of her that was annoyed for considering any part of this to be a curse. “We have to go find her, Yuuki!”

“Right, we’ll head to the city. I’ve got a pretty big gossip network, so like, you give me some deets, and I can find anyone who knows her.”

“Just don’t threaten her or anything like that, please.”

“What kinda girl do you take me for? LMAO~!” Yuuki cackled. “Of course not, dummy. We’re just gonna narrow things down and try to find where she might be. Until then, let’s go check that alley where you found her, ‘k? You never know, she might be looking for her ring right now.”

“Right!” Iori nodded. “We’ll get this fixed. We have to!”

“Yeah!” Yuuki cheered, already going to work on her phone. Come what may, they’d find the helldrake and return her ring.

And if we can’t…

Iori bit her lip, wincing at how much that hurt with her sharper teeth.

No. We will. There’s no doubt about it.


“Mio, you’ve been pacing all morning. Something wrong?” I asked Mio, watching as she completed what felt like her 50th lap of the pavilion at the edge of the garden. Haqua was busy helping Wakaba with some errands, so the two of us had been spending time with Adri. Though what should've been a comfy little tea party with plenty of cakes and cream-covered scones to go around was marred somewhat by, well…

“Hmmmm,” Mio hummed. Her tail’s swaying looked awkward and stiff, a sure sign that she was turning something over in her head.

I got it, of course. Adri and I knew fully well what was bugging her, but if we said it outright, she'd totally deny it. It'd be frustrating if it wasn't so damn cute. I liked it when Mio indulged her childish side like this, honestly.

Still, she needed help, and I was here to give it, even if I couldn't be quite as direct as I'd have liked.

"Hm?" I hummed back.


"Hmm?" Adri joined in, smiling sweetly at Mio.

"Hmmmmm-I can't do it! Rina, the tension's killing meeeee!" Mio wailed, darting over to me and wrapping me up in a tight, needy hug.

"Awww, there there, Mio. Big sis Rina's here to help."

"A big sister, are you? Curious, I would have assumed a more mature role to be well beyond you, puppy," Adri spoke with a smile, her words cutting deep in exactly the right way.

"Mm! I'm a pathetic excuse for a big sis! Just the worst, and- Guh, no. Mio needs cool Rina right now, so that's who she'll get!" I declared. If I had a better handle on my body's ability to shapeshift, I might've tried to look more like a big sis, but I willed up a pair of stylish glasses anyway, hoping the touch of class it gave me was enough to do the trick. 

"Ohhh," Adri gently clapped and smiled sweetly at me. She, much like Mio, wasn't trying to demean me in the slightest, but fuck, it was hitting me all the same.

"So c'mon, Mio," I spoke, dropping my voice down to something closer to how I used to sound before I grew horns. "Tell senpai what's bugging you. Let it all out. None of it has to leave this group, OK? It can be our little secret."

Needless to say, while my words sure lined up with the kind of thing I used to say when she needed a hand, the vibe when they were carried by someone as runty as current me couldn't be more different.

Still, it seemed to do the trick for Mio, who sobbed and rubbed her cheeks against my tummy, begging for warmth that I was all too happy to provide.

Ahaha, it's like we've gone back to how things used to be, huh? You look so cute right now, Mio.

I couldn’t help but really pamper her a little, kissing her head and petting her gently.

“Waiting to hear back from Resta is killing me…” she grumbled. “I’m so nervous about the book…”

“Mm, I know it’s gotta be tough. But Resta’s working as hard as she can to give you an answer fast. I’m sure she loves it though, it’s impossible to not fall in love with your writing, Mio.”

“Indeed, I have every confidence you’ll succeed,” Adri smiled. “Your talents far exceed what your doubts have made you think of yourself, Mio.”

“But…what if she accepts it…?” Mio glumly asked, throwing Adri and I for a loop.

We were stuck for a moment, unsure of what to really say. Apparently neither of us knew what she’d really been worried about.

“You’re…not scared of getting rejected?” I asked, unable to keep my cool facade together in my confusion.

“Mm, I mean, I am. That’d hurt too. It’s just…”

She let out a heavy sigh, then carried on.

“I’ve never really written anything for work before, y’know? I want to make it as a writer, but just sharing my work with friends is hard enough. Knowing it might hit a big audience is terrifying… A-and if she does accept it, then it becomes my job, which means I might not be able to work with you and Iori anymore, Rina! And if I get accepted but the book does badly, then what does that mean? That’d mean my book’s bad, right? And-”

“Calm down, Mio,” I smiled softly at her, and resumed my petting. “It’ll be OK.”

“There’s no need to fret, dear. Spinning up myriad possibilities and viewing them all so dejectedly will only make things harder on yourself.”


“I know you’ve got it in you as a writer, we all do, so don’t worry about that. And even if it doesn’t hit a big audience, it doesn’t mean a thing about your writing. It’ll connect with the people it should connect with, I know it,” I told her. “Yeah, it’ll be different making it a job, of course it will be, but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Your passion won’t run dry, you won’t lose that spark that keeps you going. We’ll all be there to make sure that never happens.”

“But…working with you, Rina…I don’t want to lose that.”

You’re so sweet, Mio…

“Don’t worry about that, Mio. I want nothing more than to see you do what makes you really happy. We’ll still be together every single day, no matter what happens. Whatever decision you make, I’ll support it, but don’t let that job hold you back from doing what you really want to do.”

I couldn’t lie, it would be a little sad if Mio wasn’t with me at work anymore, but the happiness I’d feel knowing she was doing something that meant so much more to her would completely outweigh that. 

Adri wandered over to my side and began petting Mio as well, letting all her worry slowly seep out of her as she was pampered by the two of us.

“You’re sure it’ll be OK?” she asked, looking up at us expectantly.

“Of course,” Adri said. “Puppy here couldn’t tell a lie to save her life, certainly not one of such import,” she giggled.

“Ahaha, it’s true. Trust me, Mio. I mean every word. I know things’ll go great for you.”

“Ehehe, well thanks, you two. It’s still scary, honestly, but…I’ll keep thinking it over. I really don’t wanna be scared out of doing this, especially not now that it’s so close.”

“Of course not! Haqua and I won’t let that happen! You can back out, but if you do, we’re making sure it’s a decision you really want to make, not something born out of stress and worry.”

As I petted her, my eyes caught a pair of girls wandering through the garden, and my eyes lit up, certain that I’d be able to make my case even stronger.

“Ioriii!” I called. “How’s it going?”

She’d be perfect for this. She’d be able to reassure Mio that things would be OK, and that there’d always be a place for her at the office if she truly wanted it. Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if Iori just said, “Oh hey, feel free to write at your desk if you want!”, with how relaxed she’d been lately.

But her response didn’t quite line up with what I expected.

“...O-oh, it’s Rina! H-hey!” she called back, still keeping her distance. She looked…uhh, kinda goofy, if I’m being honest. It was a nice, sunny day, but she was completely covered from head to toe, even wearing a big, puffy hat that looked like it belonged to Yuuki, as well as a facemask. Honestly, it was kinda hard to tell it was her at a distance, but her bright red locks and her ever-present new bestie Yuuki clued me in right away. “Sorry, little busy today. Can we chat later?”

Are you nervous, Iori…? You seem kinda shaky…

“Y-yeah, sure! You OK?”

“Mhmm! Completely fine!”

She absolutely didn’t sound completely fine.

“Yeah, we’re just heading out on a little date~!” Yuuki grinned. She sounded a lot more cheerful, but her words were still strangely hurried.

“You sure you’re alright? If you’re worried about something, I can-”

“Come now, puppy,” Adri quickly wrapped me up in her arms, petting me lovingly. It took precisely no time at all before I was reduced to little more than her pet. It was made about a thousand times worse when Mio started petting me too, giggling as she scritched my ears. I could feel my mind being overtaken by doggie instincts, getting umm…funny and…and super happy! Pets are the best!

Ohhhhhhhh, it feels so good!

“Wan waaaan…” I happily barked, melting into Mistress Adri’s suuuuper comfy hug~!

“Ehehe, you’re so cute, Rina.”

“Indeed you are, but don’t worry about Iori right now, puppy. She has her own matters to attend to, and I’m sure she’d love to play with you later.”

“She would?!” 

“Of course~!” Mistress Mio giggled. I like when she giggles cuz it means she pampers me extra nicely! “So be a good girl and play with us for now, OK?”

“OK~! Wan wan wan~!” Three barks, so that they knew that Rina felt eeeeeextra excited!

“Goood girl,” Mistress Adri cooed. Ehehe…

“Take care, you two!”

“Mm, thanks Mio. See you later!”

“Wan wan!” Rina let out a happy goodbye bark.

Playing later’s gonna be soooo much fun!

Rina had lots and lots and lots to look forward to, but for now, all she needed was scritchy-scratches and pets!

“Silly puppy, and you were so cool a minute ago!”

“Indeed, Puppy has so many distinct modes, and each of them is a delight, though I admit I’m partial to this one. Let’s keep her like this for a while, Mio. It’s impossible to feel stress when you have someone this lovely to pamper.”

“Yeah! That’s just what I need, ehehe~!”


“Rinarin’s cute when Adri makes her all puppyish, huh?” Yuuki asked Iori, giggling as the two wandered through the city streets.

“Naturally. She’s always adorable. I wanted to pet her so badly… She’d be calling me mistress if I did that,” Iori grumbled, punctuating her words with a heavy sigh.

“Letting your desires slip out there, bestie. Might wanna be careful if we run into Rinarin again, or you might really try to hoard her away, lolol.”

“Right, yeah,” Iori grimaced, honestly unsure if she’d be able to hide a thing away as she was now. “You don’t think they noticed anything, right?”

“Nah, Adri kept Rinarin from looking too hard, and it looked like Mio was kinda preoccupied even before those two started petting your girl, so I think we’re in the clear.”

“Good, that’s good,” Iori nodded. “I’ll get this fixed, and I won’t have to hide away any longer. It’ll be OK.”

“Mm! That’s the spirit!” Yuuki patted Iori’s back, grinning happily all the while.

“...We’re here,” Iori said, her words coming out a little tense and nervous as she pointed to a nearby alleyway. “That’s where I met her. Have you heard anything from any of your friends, Yuuki?”

“Nuh-uh. Helldrakes aren’t crazy common, so I thought it’d be easier, but this girl might be a homebody. Nobody really seems to recognize her…”

“Well, that’s OK,” Iori said, taking Yuuki by the hand and stepping forward. “We’ll check this out, and figure things out from there if we don’t find her.”

Thankfully, as the pair entered the alleyway, they quickly found that they wouldn’t have to search much longer.

There on the floor, with her big butt and even bigger tail sticking right up in the air as she dug around beneath a vending machine, was the helldrake that Iori had accidentally tackled to the ground.

“I-it’s you!” Iori cried, rushing up to the drake’s side. “You’re the one I ran into!”

“E-excuse me, sweetie, I don’t believe we’ve met…” she shyly mumbled as she got to her feet, eyes darting to the side. “Sorry, I know I shouldn’t call strangers that…”

“It’s me!” Iori pulled off her hat and facemask, and thrust the ring out in front of the helldrake’s eyes. “I’m the one who ran into you the other day!”

“My ring! Oh gosh, oh gosh! You found it! Ohhhh, I knew it’d come back, but I was so scared! I was so sure I’d have lost it forever!” The helldrake cried in relief, snatching the ring back from Iori and holding it tightly to her breast. “Thank you thank you thank you!!! How can I ever repay you?”

“Please, just turn me back! I didn’t mean to take it, I was trying to return it to you!” Iori pleaded.

“Turn you…back?” the helldrake curiously asked, before properly looking at the woman who’d brought her the ring.

But…that’s not right… This woman looks like Iori, but…she was human, and this girl’s…

Oh no…

Oh no!

“You’ve gotta be why I’m turning into a dragon, right?” Iori asked, her aggressive expression fully revealing her sharp, pointy teeth.

And much to Iori and Yuuki’s surprise, in response, the Helldrake’s eyes welled up with tears, and she slumped down onto the floor.

“UWAAAAAHHH!!!” she wailed.

“H-hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cry…” Iori apologized, holding out a hand, though the helldrake’s tears only intensified as she saw the thick, sharp claws her nails were becoming.


Iori and Yuuki exchanged concerned glances, and Yuuki crouched down in front of her.

“I know Iocchi sounded kinda grumpy, but she’s just scared. You don’t have to apologize, ‘k? We can just undo this magic, and it’ll all be alright. So don’t worry!”

“No, you don’t understand!” the helldrake cried, looking Iori dead in the eyes. “That’s a wedding ring! You and I are engaged!”

Iori felt as if time itself had stopped, and her heart had ceased beating. Even the sounds of the helldrake’s cries vanished, leaving her with nothing but her scattered, messy thoughts over what she’d just heard.

It was clear to all three of them that this situation had become far messier than any of them were prepared to handle.


Pretty major chapter this week! Any lingering questions here will be answered next week, so sit tight! I'm excited to share it all with you!

Also, happy holidays, everyone! I hope that you all have a wonderful time, whatever and however you celebrate. My partner and I are taking it easy. We'll make something tasty, unwrap some gifts, and spend the rest of our time relaxing. I couldn't ask for anything better, honestly.

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