Just Because I Wear a Collar…

Chapter 4

❖ 4 ❖

I felt my mind shorting out. My sanity points were dipping dangerously low. I kept staring at my reflection, still baffled by what I saw.

No matter how much evidence was thrown at me, I couldn't accept that this was real. There was no way that cocky looking runt of a succubus dressed in a nightgown so slutty that it was crossing into some seriously dangerous territory even by demon standard was me.

"H-how?" I squeaked, the voice in my ears suddenly making a distressing amount of sense.

Even if it's not a dream. This still can't be real, right?! Something like this has to be impossible, right?! 

Right! I'll stop paying the mirror any attention, look down at myself and see my perfectly ordinary, absolutely human body, and I won't have anything, at all to freak out ab-

Nope! Nope! Not happening! There's no damn way I have a womb tattoo!

I nearly tore the holder off the wall as I grabbed the hand towel hanging nearby and wiped down the mirror, hoping that, somehow, things would change.

They didn’t, obviously.

Hell, after the walk, and the water, and the sheer shock of it all forcing me awake, I was seeing my reflection with far more clarity, with every little detail I'd missed, like my long pointed ears and bright pink eyes with slit pupils, only getting me even more riled up.


I winced as I shouted out for her. Sure, the cocky, high-pitched voice I heard wasn't a good match for my face, but this one? Of course that brat would sound like that. Everything from her sharp, angry eyebrows to her annoyingly pointy teeth screamed that this was a girl who was completely full of herself.

And what the hell's with me looking so much younger?! I look like I just got outta high school! And shit, even by those standards, I'm ultra-runty!

“Hmm? Is something the matter, dear?” Haqua asked as she reached the bathroom, wearing an intensely annoying smirk.

"Don't gimme that! This isn't the time for 'hmm'! What the hell happened to me, Haqua?!" I yelled, staring her right in the eye.

Oh fuck, she looks so tall when she's like this…  And I was taller than her last night… God, she's so-

"Gahh! Get it together, dumbass brain!" I cried, prompting a small giggle from Haqua.

“What happened? Isn't it obvious, Rina? You've awakened to your true nature as a loser dog, that’s what happened.”

“Wha?! The hell’s that supposed to-?”

Shit, she was right, wasn’t she? Okay, not the dog part, not exactly, but I had undeniably parted with my humanity, awakening as a demon. I was, very clearly, a succubus, both very much like Haqua and completely unlike her at the same time. She was mature, cool, curvy, and the very picture of what you expected when you heard the word “succubus”, while I was an angry, maybe 5-foot-tall-at-best runt who looked like she got carried away with a ton of red finger paint.

Fuck, it was embarrasing. And maybe that was the point, maybe this was all just a humiliation play.

Though I guess I did have gap moe in spades. This body’s innate aggression coupled with features that, frankly speaking, were adorable, did at least make me…I dunno, kinda appealing. In a damn-I-bet-she’d-be-cute-to-tease sorta way.

I’d ask if I wanted that sorta appeal, but deep down, I knew I did.

“I’ll explain more over breakfast, OK?” she giggled. “I’ve already explored every inch of that body, but I’ll be sure to give you some private time to get more acquainted with it. It’s got so very many charms.”

“...Breakfast?! No, this isn’t time for that! I need you to explain it now! I’ve got horns and wings, Haqua! I know how friggin’ horny I was when I summoned you, but I’m not such a wreck that I can just let this sit and fingerblast myself without knowing why I’m so damn different in the first place!”

“Yes you are, dear. I saw into your soul, remember?”

I could only grumble in response.

“Besides, you have a tail, too. However, it’s never about what the pet wants, Rina. I happen to be hungry,” she replied, sounding totally disinterested in my distress, “and I have no doubts that you, of all people, can find a way to make it work. Just take your time and enjoy things. Mommy’s going to go make pancakes, and if you’re a good girl, I’ll give you extra cream.”

“‘Mommy’?!” I yelled, feeling my cheeks turn an even deeper red.

“Glad you approve, Rina,” Haqua said, laughing haughtily as she headed off to the kitchen.

“OK, OK…” I whispered. “This is fine. Use this as a chance to collect yourself, y’know? Really get your head on straight about all this,” I nodded, breathing deeply in a vain attempt to calm myself down. “So you look and sound like a completely different person. Hell, you don’t even look human, so who the heck knows how I’ll do anything outside of this apartment but that’s…that’s fine! That’s totally fine! Yeah, it’s fine because…y’know…”

I quickly gave up the act, kicking over the small trash can by my side.

“It’s not fine at all! I’ve gotta change back!” I yelled.

I never get this heated, what’s wrong with me…? Desperate times and all, I get it, but damn.

But for real, who the hell decided that I should look like this?! I wondered, starting down my reflection for the umpteenth time.

If, I suppose, I were to have a little sister who’d inexplicably been born a demon, I guess she’d look like I do now. My features weren’t totally unrecognizable, I suppose. It was a small comfort, but a comfort nonetheless. Still, as much as I was all about tossing aside my facade of professionalism when I was in the comfort of my home, the impish girl I’d now become seemed to embody that far better than I ever could have, living boldly and aggressively in a way I couldn’t even begin to imagine. Hell, just staring at my reflection, I looked like I was begging myself to say something. Daring the woman I’d been to mess with her and see what’d happen.

Of course, she was so runty compared to my human self that I could’ve just put my palm to her head and stopped any of her ineffectual swings from even coming close to landing on me, but y’know, it’s the imagined effort that really counts.

But how was I meant to pay attention to any of that when I could see a pair of wings, my wings, lazily flapping behind me? How was I meant to handle watching my tail sashaying slowly from side to side, knowing that just last night, I’d had one inside of me, aggressively teasing my clit? It was even worse when I realized that, if I focused hard enough, I could move the tail and wings just like any other limb. Dammit, it almost felt natural, and I’d only had the things for a few minutes.

How the hell was I meant to sit down with all that behind me? Shit, how would sleeping work? Come to think of it...shit, what can I even wear with a tail and wings? Am I just stuck wearing backless tops and low-riding pants? There was definitely no way I could stuff them in normal clothes, but…

Well, I guess I was learning why succubi are traditionally depicted wearing so damn little. It’s just more practical, as it turns out, and not even because they feed on lust.

Shit...should I even be saying “they?” Shouldn’t it be “we feed-”


No way. Not even a little bit ready to cross that bridge right now.

For now, the solution seemed to be the extremely revealing nightgown I was wearing. Lacy, black, and clearly designed for my smaller, less human body. I could’ve never worn this before, nor would I have ever had the confidence to.

Kinda wish it didn’t give me such a clear view of my nipples though. Really wasn’t keen on finding out what shade of red those were just yet, but here we are. And dammit, why did they have rings on them?! Did Haqua pierce me in my sleep?! I swear, I didn’t have anything like this before!

And dammit, that womb tattoo… I wanted, so badly, to ignore it, but it was right there. Hell, it was glowing! A big, heart surrounded by flowing, loopy wings that would’ve almost looked elegant if they weren’t right above my crotch. Haqua didn’t have one, so why did I?!

And somehow, against all odds, seeing all this was getting me incredibly turned on. I wish I could say it wasn’t, but apparently I’m such a loser dog that the shock of all this was exciting me, which only seemed to make the tattoo glow that much brighter, like it was broadcasting my thirst.

Dammit… I really am a mutt.

I’d fallen so, so far to get this wet just from looking at myself. It might have been from Haqua messing with me, some kind of aphrodisiac or something...but, no, that was all wishful thinking. Maybe I did experience lust more vividly as a succubus, but I could tell that this arousal was coming entirely from me.

I couldn’t fight it anymore. For all the complaining about looking like a runt, a brat, and imp, or whatever the hell insults I wanted to throw out, the more I saw of myself, the more I felt a deep, desperate yearning to be touched. 

I needed release more than I’d needed anything before.

She knew this’d happen, too…

I groaned, slammed the bathroom door shut, and sat down on the edge of my bathtub. I was doing this. I’d gone long past the point of no return.

It felt incredible. I couldn’t even remember the last time I’d felt this satisfied with my own fingers, but fuck, I was losing it. My whole body buzzed with pleasure at even the slightest touch, I was a sensitive wreck. I had a shelf just full of toys that had given me so many happy memories over the years, but even they didn’t match up to what my own hands made me feel now. As I slipped a finger inside myself, my hips bucked wildly, like my body was begging for me to go deeper. I wanted to keep things quick, but the more I worked my fingers, the more my tattoo throbbed. There was no way I could stop until this hunger was sated.

And, oh, when it was, I let out a moan so loud, so deeply fulfilled, that I just knew Haqua had to have heard it.

And I didn’t even care, I wanted her to. As much of a shock as this all was, I wouldn’t have ever experienced this pleasure without her.

As I sat there, desperately trying to catch my breath in the afterglow, I actually wanted to thank her.

I’d change back as soon as I could, but for now, I wanted to savor this gift, even just for a moment longer.

When I was ready, I picked myself up onto legs that were stupidly unsteady, wiped down some sweat with a towel, and then made my way to the kitchen. I had no idea how the conversation might go, but I had to talk to Haqua about this, no matter how much teasing lay in store for me.

“Sounds like someone had lots of fun in there, hmm?” Haqua smirked at me from her spot at the table, gesturing at the plates of pancakes she’d prepared for the both of us. Her outfit was surprisingly simple and far more covering than her usual getup. A simple, comfy sweater, a tight pair of jeans, and a cute scrunchie tying her hair in a loose ponytail. If I had to pin it down, I’d say it almost looked-


“You’re really committing to the mommy thing, huh?” I asked with a sigh.

“Cute, right? It’s such a shame to cover up quite this much, but I must admit, this sweater does add a wonderful roundness to my chest. It must be getting you quite excited, no?”

They…they do look bigger in that, yeah…

Haqua chuckled.

“I thought so.”

“I didn’t say anything!”

“Yet your tail started to quiver the moment I asked. It’s wonderful to see you become even more honest, Rina,” she smirked. “Now eat up, dear. Mommy worked so hard on these pancakes, you wouldn’t want all of her effort to go to waste, would you?”

“Guh…” I sighed, as I picked up my cutlery and got started. Much as I didn’t want to admit it, they were delicious.

“Delicious, no? You seemed so grumpy earlier, so I just knew I had to treat my sweetie to something tasty~! A marvelous success, if I do say so myself.

“Gahhh, cut the mommy act!”

“Oh? You’d rather keep that kind of thing to the bedroom? How boring and prudish! Or...oh my, is it because it’s turning you on?” Haqua smirked, her clothes changing on her body until she was dressed in nothing but an apron.

All that thick, soft blue flesh, draped over in a thin, lacey, white apron, and-

“N-No! Not at all!” I yelled, digging into my food to hide my embarrassment and realizing far too late that I was acting exactly like a bratty kid.

“Truly? You’re still wet, you know? I can smell it on you...”

I felt my cheeks burn up, then frantically checked under the table to discover, to no small degree of dismay, that she was right.

“H-how’s that my fault?!” I yelled. “You’re the one who made me into a succubus and cranked my libido all the way up! I-it’s not fair! How am I supposed to deal with being this sensitive all the time?!”

“Awww, poor little pup. You’ll grow used to the pleasure in time. Or perhaps you won’t. Maybe you’ll stay at the very depths of respectability for the rest of time. Either way, I assure you that your life will be far more enjoyable from here on out.”

“For who?!”

“Both of us, of course,” she smiled, taking a bite of her own pancakes. 

“...But why, though?” I grumbled.

“Because you get to live as a full-time mutt, and I get to watch as you enjoy it to your very core. I hesitate to see why you-”

“I’m asking why I’m a succubus, dumbass!” I snarled. “How’d this even happen? And why the hell am I such a shrimp?!”

“No questions about your newfound temper, dear?” Haqua asked, apparently unfazed by the insult I’d thrown out without meaning to.

“That too! I never yell, no matter how rough things get, now I’m acting like some kinda delinquent…”

“Oh, I’d hardly worry about that. I think it’s adorable, honestly. Hearing a little mutt yapping away as if her words could even vaguely bother me is just the cutest. Did you notice how you were balling your hands into fists? It’s so charming~!”

I looked down at my hands, which were, distressingly, doing exactly as she’d describe.

I quickly put them in my lap, hiding them from view.

“So let’s go in order, shall we?” Haqua asked, taking a sip of a cup of dark coffee. “You’re a succubus because you renounced your humanity in front of me. You were tired, but I’m sure you recall that, no?”

“I…I do…” I blushed, quickly turning my eyes away from hers.

I was just speaking romantically, though…

“You may also recall that you said you wanted to stay with me forever. So I made you an ageless being and gave you my brand, binding you to my side. Do be grateful, my pet. Human life is so very short, but now you’ll remain in your prime forevermore. In truth, I’d contemplated making you into a hellhound and really sealing in the mutt thing, but my succutie’s enough of a loser dog without fur, wouldn’t you agree?”

I bit back a bark with everything I had. Even in the heat of all this, that still got me excited. Fuck, I’m a wreck.

Wait. ‘Succutie’?!

And did she say I’m ageless?!

That…that was a lot to take in. Shit, I didn’t even know how to process that.

A part of me sure did though, and I had to do so, so much work to not cry out about how excited I was to be Mistress Haqua’s pet forever.

“The ‘how’ of it all is less interesting. My brand, which looks lovely on you by the way,” she teased, pointing at the tattoo on my belly, “binds our beings together, infusing us with each other’s mana. In the moments its first drawn, before the soul can truly be stained, it’s easy enough to manipulate the flow of mana in such a way that it alters your very form. A demon of lower standing might have struggled, but to someone like me, it was little more than a trifle.”

“So you can change me back?!” I asked.

“It might be tricky, but if your soul truly wanted it, I suppose it wouldn’t be completely out of my grasp. It might take a few years, of course, but-”


“Ten, roughly? That’s a very optimistic estimate, though. As your soul itself has already reshaped itself, it could be a far more difficult ordeal.”

“A decade…”

“Let’s say two, to be safe.”

I could feel my apparently succubus-shaped soul leaving my body at her words.

“Of course it’s a moot point, Rina. I’ve gazed into your soul. I know what it yearns for, and right now, it certainly isn’t humanity. A human wouldn’t have lasted another night with me. You’d perish before you even climaxed.”

“S-so I’m a succubus…and I’m bound to you…forever?”

“Mhmm. Thrilling, isn’t it? Think of it like marriage, only our connection is far, far more intimate.”


I wanted to argue, to tell her that I wasn’t excited by any of this but…but of course I was. I was giddy about all of this, even if I couldn’t fully admit that to myself.

“Or maybe marriage is incorrect, hmm? Maybe our relationship would be closer to that of a master and her pet. I trust I wouldn’t need to tell you what side of things you fall on, no?”

I immediately felt an excited chill run down my spine. I could feel my tattoo throbbing yet again. That was all it took. Haqua barely even had to try, and I was melting. No wonder she could reshape my entire body. I was little more than putty in her hands.

“And if you find it so exciting already dear, just wait until we consummate our relationship. I held back last time, you know? Your body simply couldn’t handle what I could do to it. Now that you’re a succubus, though? I don’t have to hold back a thing~” Haqua giggled, squeezing her breasts together with her arms, making them spill over the top of her apron and-

“E-Excuse me for a second…” I stammered, practically throwing my chair to the ground as I picked myself up.

I’d nearly made it back to the bedroom when I heard a very deep, sensual, and throaty, “Have fu~n,” behind me.

She insisted I was ageless, but I was confident she’d kill me if she kept this up.

❖ ❖ ❖

“My, that was quick! Were you that eager to get back to our conversation? Or was it me that you just couldn’t bear to be seperated from?”

“...Didn’t want the pancakes to get cold,” I grumbled, sitting down to my half-finished meal as Haqua grinned at me, looking every bit the devil she was.

“I must admit, I’m surprised you have the fortitude to sneak in a quick solo session mid-meal, especially after all that’s happened. You must have been so lonely before I showed up, hmm? Poor puppy, all pent up the whole time…”

“It’s not my fault you’re so friggin’...sexy. And you’re just so...so big…” I gulped, trying to keep focused on my breakfast.

“Ufufu… I’d imagine I seem even more ample now that you’re so tiny, don’t I? I’m certainly glad that change in perspective has managed to give you an even deeper appreciation of me.”

I grumbled as I licked whipped cream from the side of my lips.

“Hey, wait a sec, isn’t that just you puffing yourself up?!”

“Well, I can’t deny that I’m fond of singing my own praises, but whatever do you mean, dearest pet of mine?”

“What I mean is, aren’t you why I look like…this?” I gestured at my much smaller body.

“Oh, my poor, misguided mutt…”

“The hell’s that supposed to mean?!”

“Why, it means that I have almost nothing to do with how you look now.”

“You said you changed me!”

“I did! I guided your soul down the path it needed to take to become a succubus, anyway. The form it ultimately took was all on you, though,” she giggled.

“There’s no way that’s true!” I argued. “Why the hell would I make myself look like-”

“A brat just begging to get punished? A girl so short that I could just tip you right over and fuck you senseless at a moment’s notice? An imp so endlessly cocky and aggressive that she can’t even bring herself to care about what anyone else thinks of her? Do tell, Rina dear, why would you end up that way?”


She knew I couldn’t respond to any of that. Haqua had me beat.

“Though I must say, Rina, you’ve become quite the wonderful plaything. For as ‘runty’ as you insist you are, you have such lovely wide hips, did you notice that? And such a delicious peach, too! Oh, and the nipple rings were your choice as well, of course. Very daring, I like it, You’re such a cute, desperate little mutt, aren’t you?”


Very, very shyly, I nodded.

“Haaah, a shameful girl who wants to be seen in the naughtiest outfits she can think of...I just love the sincerity of it all, and I truly can’t wait to see what you want me to do with those rings in bed. Still, I suppose I’d be remiss not to tell you how you can change your appearance at least somewhat.”

“What?! I can do that?”

“Indeed! Succubi are remarkably talented at pleasing whoever they have sex with, you know? If a partner wanted you to look different and your soul didn’t reject it, your body would, at least temporarily, shift to match their desires more closely”

“That’s it?! I can become someone else’s wet dream?!”

“Mhmm! It’s our bodies way of gathering more lust. I must say, I was surprised to find my body completely unaltered when you and I started having fun. You’re rather sweet, as far as mutts go, anyway. But yes, you’re well and truly stuck as my adorable pet. Have fun with it, Rina dear!”

That rational, desperate-to-always-seem-put-together part of me was devastated, but the loser dog in me was, honestly, relieved.

“So...I can’t just...just…”

“Aww, it’s so cute watching my mutt try to speak. Words are just so hard for doggies, aren’t they?”

“I-I do more than just bark and chase my tail, Haqua!” I yelled, rising from my seat. That seemingly-put-together part of me was speaking now, even if she was nowhere near in control. “I have a job, and friends, and—okay, look, it’s only the one friend, and maybe she’s more of just a colleague, but I’m pretty sure she wants to take things further, since she’s always giving me these thirsty little looks, and-”

Like I said: not actually in control.

“Rina. Stay,” Haqua said, her voice firm and direct.

I couldn’t help but close my mouth and sit back in my seat, my hands folding neatly in their lap on pure instinct.

“You’ll be fine, Rina. You wished to stay beside me forever, and I’m not so poor of an owner that I’d make your life one full of worry and stress. I know, fully well, what you’ve been dealing with up until now. Even if life among humans was totally impossible for you now, we could return to my estate in Hell, where you wouldn’t even have to put up the pretense that you’re anything other than my personal, horny bitch.”

Oh my God...please…

“But for as exciting as that clearly seems to you, it’s not quite what I want. This world is new to me, and I intend to see what wonders it may yet hold for me. So while you slept, I took the time to ensure that your job and your relationships wouldn’t be ruined by my actions. I had a great deal of time, you know? You slept for around a week, after all.”

“A week?!” I yelled.

“Indeed. Your body underwent such a drastic change, some rest was understandable. Still, even I’m surprised it took quite so long. Perhaps my mutt’s more pathetic than I realize. Isn’t that exciting?”

I stifled a bark with everything I had.

 “I…I can’t have slept for that long, there’s just no way that’s true. A-and what about work?! Iori’s gonna kill me! Shit, how do I even live my life from here on out? Never mind sleeping for a week, how am I even meant to go outside when I’ve got wings and a tail, Haqua?!”

“I’ve handled it, Rina. You have nothing to worry about.”

“You’ve handled it?!”

“I’ve handled it, yes,” Haqua nodded sagely.

“You can’t just leave it at that!”

“I can’t, can I?” she asked, smirking softly to herself. “Well then, if you insist…”

Haqua put up a show of being forced into this, but she looked delighted as she began to tell me about the way she’d spent her week while I’d slept.

I knew right away that I’d be in for a hell of a story.

Slightly shorter chapter this week, though it's one I like a lot. I'd considered publishing two at a time, but since this is a completed story with 12 chapters for what makes up the first volume, I'd prefer to not burn through them too fast. I was extremely heartened by the positive reception to the earlier chapters, and it's absolutely giving me a huge push to write the second volume I've had planned for ages now. I hope you enjoy this through to the end!

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