Just Because I Wear a Collar…

Chapter 12 – End of Volume 1


As promised, I woke up to the sweet smell of pancakes filling the apartment, and the feeling of no dommy-mommy succubus arms wrapped around me. It would have been nice to start the day with Haqua, but I couldn’t really complain too much, at least not while my nose was getting constantly treated to the soft, soothing scent of vanilla. I slept great and woke up feeling incredibly alert thanks to everything that had happened yesterday, so I figured I'd get up and lend Haqua a hand.

Though I didn't get very far, as I sat myself up and was immediately greeted by the sight of a completely unfamiliar succubus smiling happily at me.

“Morning Senpai! I was wondering when you’d wake up!”


I had to be dreaming. Haqua said there was no way she could wake up this fast, and I'm pretty sure I didn't sleep another week. Hopefully, anyway…

“Pin-pon! Ehehe, nice work, Senpai! I was wondering if you’d recognize me, but I guess I never should have doubted you, huh? Oh...but I guess calling you ‘Senpai’ probably gave it away a little, huh?”

The “pin-pon!” was also a dead giveaway, Mio!

“A-Ahaha… There's no way I wouldn’t know my adorable kouhai when I see her. No matter how much you might change, you're always you."

I have to be honest, if she hadn't said anything, I'd have absolutely been lost here, at least until I got a good look at her. Hell, I would've much more readily accepted that I'd been visited by Haqua's sister. Mio should've stayed in bed for at least a few days! This is way too fast!

“Awww, you’re acting all suave again! Cu~te!”

I didn't know what to expect when it came time to see Mio again, honestly. I changed completely, but I had no idea what hang-ups or worries Mio might've had about herself that a similar transformation might change, so I kept my mind open. Y'know, outside of the chest. I definitely knew what to expect there.

But no, the more I looked at her, the more of Mio I could see in her. Her body was undeniably different, but she carried the same peppy warmth and gentle smile she always had. I dunno if I'd still leap to calling her a hamster, but she was every bit as precious as ever, her body language and mannerisms still making her absolutely adorable, though it was now backed by an incredible sexiness that made her completely irresistible. Damn, she's gorgeous. If I wasn't so stunned, I'd be extremely turned on just looking at her.

Her eyes were the first thing that caught my attention. They'd become this impossibly bright and friendly blue, like I was gazing into a summer sky. They were the kind of upbeat eyes that you really only saw on a shoujo manga protagonist, or, well, like the protagonist of one of her light novels. As she picked herself up from her seat, it was clear that she'd become way more tight and toned now, like she’d been a sprinter all this time instead of an office worker. Her skin was pinker, too, which didn’t seem like a huge change unless you looked near her hands and feet, which were a deep, rich shade that faded gently into the light, cherry-blossom pink that seemed to cover the rest of her body. Honestly, with some knee-high socks and long enough gloves, you’d have a hard time telling she was a demon at first glance, at least on skin alone.

There were other, even more obvious signs of that, however. Her hair, pulled up into an exceedingly long fluffy ponytail that was a far cry from the cute little bob she used to wear, was now a pastel, peppy pink that faded to white at the tips, outside of an entirely white forelock framing one side of her face. That alone might not be much, but her curly, sharp horns had the exact same pink-to-white fade to them, as did the long tail dancing around behind her that was so thick that I’d be very tempted to call it chubby—but not around her, of course. 

Watching it sway was…woof, it was a lot to handle. My mind wandered to every terrible place it could, immediately pondering what she could do with something so thi-

A-anyway, it's a cute tail.

I found it interesting that her wings looked so different from mine and Haqua's. Ours were pretty batlike, and that wasn't wrong to say about hers, though they looked surprisingly aerodynamic, complimenting the sporty look she'd picked up nicely.

Not that I’d imagine she’d ever be able to fly with them, though, because, well…

Look, you knew this was coming. The resson Mio wasn’t going to be flying anytime soon was because her chest is huge.

Like, goddamn. They looked incredible on her, but holy shit, they put Haqua and me in moo cow mode to shame! They were so soft, full, and so damn heavy looking that it wouldn't surprise me at all if she lactated. These are what the term 'cowtits' was truly made for. I wanted to bark and beg right there to be buried in between them, but I knew it'd happen in due time.

And those legs. They looked so so so good. Tight and toned, but her thighs had an irresistibly soft fullness to them that made me wanna sandwich myself between them as soon as possible, all leading up to an ass that I couldn't see right now, but I just knew was wonderfully tight, round, and full all at once. It became clearer, as I looked at more and more of her, that I just wanted to smother myself in her warmth. It was taking a level of self-control that even the most pious monk would be proud of to hold myself back from begging her to take me to bed.

Right, Rina, focus. Don’t get too distracted, now.

"Ehehe~! Getting a good look, Senpai? I don't mind! I'm pretty cute, right?"

"God, Mio, you don't know the half of it…"

"Thanks, Senpai! You're the best~!" Mio cheered, before wrapping me up in a tight hug and, you guessed it, pulling my head right into her chest.

Ohhhh, you smell so nice…

Is this Heaven? Is a lowly demon like me allowed in here? I can die happy, knowing that this is the last thing I'll ever experience. Goodbye Mio! Goodbye Haqua! I truly lived a blissful life…

"Getting comfy, Senpai?"

"Mmmmm…" I hummed. I'd become nothing more than a puddle, I'm sure. I couldn't form words anymore.

Soon, I was pulled out of her chest, though I couldn't say it felt cruel. After that, I just knew I'd never experience sadness ever again. That was an emotion reserved only for people who'd never gotten to experience the joy I'd now felt.

"Careful now, don't want you dozing off right after waking up, silly. Oh! Do you like my outfit? Haqua says I picked it out myself! Well, my soul did, I guess."

It was, more or less, the kind of showy, way-too-revealing school uniform you'd only see in eroge. Nondescript enough to belong to no actual school, yet raunchy enough to feel like it was flaunting a thousand dress codes all at once. With a window at the chest that proudly displayed her bust and a skirt that left absolutely nothing to the imagination (Hell, just giving a quick twirl gave me a good look at the pink-and-white striped panties she now wore), she looked drop dead gorgeous.

Maybe I didn't read enough of her novel, but I wondered if it was a design she'd envisioned for one of the characters there. It made the uniform angle make a bit more sense, anyway.

"Oh! I actually had a super cute pair of boots on too, but I didn't want to wear them in your apartment, so I uhhh, magicked it away? Still not used demon terms, I'm sorry!"

"No, you're good. I'm in the dark on this too. But yeah, you look great! I woke up in well, this," I said, gesturing to my usual nightgown, "so you're off to a way better start than me."

"Aww, but you look super fuckable, Senpai! I love it!"

Hearing sweetie Mio say something like that floored me, and I didn't know I had it in me to be floored after she begged to see my rings.

"Ahaha, I guess so…" I laughed awkwardly. "You feeling OK, though? It was such a huge adjustment for me at first."

“Oh, I’m fine! I was su~per wet when I woke up, but I got off a bunch and now I’m feeling wa~y calmer! My tail's so much fun  Senpai!”

“Y-You don’t say…”

“Ehehe...something wrong, Senpai? Succubi talk like this all the time, right? Oh no, have I got my lingo all wrong? You and Haqua are pretty frank about it, so-"

"N-no, you're fine! And I can't argue with that. It just caught me off-guard, that's all. B-but still-"

“Don’t go getting too shy on me, Senpai! Haqua told me all about your first morning as a succubus, so I know you were ju~st as dirty as me!” Mio said with a playful wink.

“Yeah, of course she did…”

“Did it feel super different for you, too, Senpai? Ehehe, it was kind of like my very first time all over again! Everything was just so much more…”

“Vivid, yeah…" I sighed happily. 

"Mm! You get it! Ehehe, you're my senpai in being a succubus, too! That's so fun! Let's do our best to learn all about our new bodies together!"

Even when she was absolutely talking about fucking, Mio is, it needs to be repeated, the cutest hamster in the entire world.

"Oh, but I haven't had sex yet in this body, so you and Haqua get to break me in together!"

"That's really how you wanna phrase that?!"

"Hm? Did I say something wrong?" she asked, cutely tilting her head in confusion.

"N-no, you're good…"

"Oh! I get it!" Mio grinned, nodding in realization. "You want us to break you in, right? Got it! Haqua and I'll work hard to see just how far we can go!"

"W-wan wan!" I barked, losing myself in how incredible that sounded.

“That sounds lovely, Mio~!” Haqua chimed in from the kitchen. “Why, just imagine how much fun our little mutt can have with two mistresses to serve!”

“Oooh! Mind if I make her a moo cow sometime, then?” Mio asked, excitedly clapping her hands together. "I've got so many fun ideas for what I can do with her big boobies! Ehehe, I kinda wanna see 'em again now!"

The instant she finished speaking, a sudden tightness formed in my chest, before a warmth within it exploded outwards, and a pair of huge, heavy breasts suddenly tented up my now even sluttier nightgown, which, unbeknownst to me, suddenly took on a cowprint pattern.


I didn’t need to look down to know what all that meant.

“O-Oh! Ehehe, it happened that fast?! Sorry, Senpai! I didn't think it'd actually happen right now! Still, I can't say I'm unhappy to see my cuddly moo cow again!”


I tried to tell her it was fine, but all that came out was a happy little moo. 

Guh, I just can't speak at all like this, hug?

"Mhmm! Moo moo!" Mio grinned, petting my head and playfully hefting up one of my boobs, giggling at its weight.

"Oh my! I'd heard stories of course, but those are quite something," Haqua chuckled, poking her head out from the kitchen. "And on your tiny frame, they look so very full and heavy. You make a lovely cow, my pet. I can't wait ro see just how much milk she'll provide~! We’ll have to make sure to wring out every last drop...right, Mio dear?” 

“Oh, definitely!”


“It’s a date, then! But I’m afraid that it will have to wait at least a little while. Breakfast is just about ready, after all.”

I really didn’t want Haqua’s cooking to go to waste, but I wanted more than anything to beg the two of them to fuck me right here on the couch, milk stains be damned…

“Oh? That’s not a problem, is it, dear?”


I sadly shook my head, in case my mooing wasn’t clear enough for her.

“Good. Then put your udders away and join us,” Haqua ordered, my boobs instantly shrinking back down into my usual tiny titties on command.

"Can you speak again, Senpai?" Mio asked, taking me by the hand and walking me to the table

"I think so?" I said, pressing a hand to my throat and breathing a relieved sigh when words came out. Fun as mooing was in the moment, it just wouldn't have fit me as a loser dog.

"Ohh, those look so good, Haqua! And you made so many!" Mio exclaimed, peering over the plates of light, fluffy pancakes Haqua had made for all of us with her usual childlike wonder.

“I’m nothing if not a gracious host, Mio dear.”

“Ehehe, well thank you!”

My kouhai had a spring in her step as she took a place at the table. Though a part of me was disappointed that I wasn't currently getting railed on the couch, the loud growl my stomach let out at the sight of the food just couldn't be ignored.

I could tell that Haqua knew the dilemma I’d been weighing as I joined the two of them at the table. There was no way that huge smirk on her face was anything other than her taunting me. She knew my own lust better than I did, I couldn't hide a thing from her. Mistress's intuition, I guess.

"Yummy! Thanks so much, Haqua! They're su~per tasty!

Mio took a moment to lick her lips completely clean, my gluttonous kouhai clearly enjoying every last speck of the bite she’d taken, then leaned over and kissed Haqua. Deeply. 

Like, really damn deep.

Holy shit, you're really going for it, Mio…

You're still going? Damn, last night must've been a hell of a time, huh?

After roughly a thousand years, Haqua pulled away, chuckling to herself at my stunned expression.

"Glad to hear you like them, Mio dear. Now what is it, Rina? You've been staring for a while, you know?"

I shook my head, bringing myself back to my senses.

"N-not to pry or anything, but it feels like I'm maybe a little out of the loop on something here."

“Ehehe, sorry, Senpai! I should have told you sooner! Haqua and I talked it over and decided that we’d try dating as well! We had su~ch a good time, and I figured that we can all be extra happy together this way!”

Wow… Mio really doesn’t do things in half measures, does she?

“Not that I'm not happy for you, but I’m kinda surprised you had the time to talk something like that out last night, honestly…”

“Oh, not last night, though Haqua was ve~ry tender during all that," Mio giggled, her pink cheeks turning an even lovelier shade of pink as she blushed, seemingly thinking back on everything she'd done with Haqua in the bedroom. "But we spent a bunch of time getting cozy this morning. We chatted about so much while you slept…"

Wait, when the hell did you get up?! Mio, what the hell is your stamina, anyway?! Were you even human to start with?!

Wait, shit, did I sleep for a week again?! There’s no way, right? She said ‘last night’, so-

I shut up my anxious mind and shook my head. Haqua giggled softly, clearly knowing what I was going through.

“Sex was tons of fun, but we found out we also really liked getting to just relax and talk with each other, so we figured that, if we’re going to do our best for you, then we’ll do our best for each other, too! Maybe I’m moving a little fast, but since this is a fresh start for me, I want to do my best to face everything head-on. No more hiding my feelings or second guessing myself, I wasted way too many years on that already.”

“Indeed, I have a great deal of affection for Mio, and I chose to act on it in the hours while you slept once I realized the feeling was mutual. And don’t worry, dear, any memories she has of me before properly meeting me aren’t influencing this in the least. I made sure of that. She’s too important to you and I for me to consider that.”

I smiled softly at the both of them.

“Well hey, I’m really happy to hear all that. Congrats, you two!”

“Mmm. Your adorable coworker has proven to be both remarkably interesting and incredibly sweet. I’m quite glad to call her my partner now. However, my pet still seems bothered by something.”

“It’s nothing," I said. "just...how long have I been asleep for? It was only one night, right?”

“Huh? Yeah, of course Senpai!”

I let out an intensely relieved sigh.

“That’s good to hear. I was worried I’d been out for another week… But hey, Haqua, why’s Mio awake? You said it’d basically be impossible for her to wake up in less than a day, right?”

“Oh, I was as surprised to see her up and about as you were!” Haqua grinned. “But considering the stamina she showed as a human, even after being drained by you should have told me that something like this might happen. I know you’re a particularly pathetic example of a succubus, Rina, but even you should have knocked her out for a day or so. To think that both of us combined couldn’t keep her down tells me she’s quite capable indeed. She’ll make an incredible succubus, I have no doubt. Or perhaps you’re just that pathetic and warped my perceptions of how someone normally handles this sort of thing, who can say?”

“Wan wa~n!” I barked, my excitement over being insulted mattering more than my surprise about all this.

“In all seriousness, though, I think the possibility of you both being outliers on different ends of the spectrum is highly likely. You're a worthless mutt, while Mio is undeniably remarkable."

“Ehehehe, you’re so sweet, Haqua! I don’t think I’m that great or anything, though! Senpai was probably just a really sleepy little puppy, that’s all!”

"Wan!" I barked again, sounding like an incredibly dopey dog.


I was getting downright spoiled. Pancakes, Haqua’s barbs, and Mio’s unintentionally(?) patronizing sweetness? I’d believe it if you’d told me I’d died and gone to heaven.

"Good girl!" Mio grinned, scratching my ear with the tip of her tail while she ate her food.

"Damn, you've adjusted to the tail fast, huh? That and the wings aren't in the way at all?"

"Hmm, sitting and lying down is a little tricky since my tail's so big, but I don't mind. It looks cute, so it's worth it!"

"Yeah, god, it is. It's so full… You could do so much with that… Gosh, it could stir anyone up so hard and…uehehehe…"

“Huh? S-Senpai? You’re spacing out over there!”

“Pay her no mind, Mio. I’m sure one look at your beautiful tail was enough to fill our loser dog with all kinds of deeply pathetic fantasies.”

“Awww, I’m so glad you like it, Senpai! If you e~ver wanna get filled up, just say the word!”

"Ohhhh you know it, Mio…"

I was almost getting dizzy watching her tail. It was hypnotic, really.

"Gotta say, I'm a little worried about how things'll go at work. I'm guessing it'll be like it was for you, Senpai, and everyone'll remember me looking kinda like this, but…I dunno, I worry we'll get caught."

"Ah, yeah, about that. There's something you should know, Mio…"

Mio listened intently as I told her about my encounter with Iori the night before. I thought it'd shock her to hear, but she honestly seemed pretty upbeat, barring a brief bout of shyness when she realized she'd been caught passed out right after climaxing.

"So Iori'll see us as we really are? No tampering with her memories or anything?"

"She should! I'm sure she'll be surprised, but considering how well she took Rina's new look, I'm sure she'll adore yours."

"Haaah, that's a relief," Mio sighed. "I get that we need to have a glamor up, but it's nice that someone there'll see me as I really am, ahaha. Iori's been a sweetie lately, so I'm glad it's her, honestly!"

"Mm, even if she's surprised, I'm sure that once she sees how happy you are like this, she'll be thrilled. You've always been peppy, Mio, but you've been kinda shaky under all that, and right now I just don't get that from you at all. It's amazing, honestly."

Mio let out a giggle that was so damn sweet, so impossibly cute, that it’d have added 20 years onto my life if I hadn’t fucked my way into immortality. I’d seen a lot of Mio over the years, but I doubt she’ll ever stop charming me like this, succubus or no.

Hell, Haqua’s the same way. I don’t think a day goes by where I don’t fall in love with her all over again.

"You're a sweetie, Senpai! It's thanks to you, too! If we hadn't talked about things last night, there's no way I'd feel this good today!"

"Thank Haqua," I chuckled, leaning into her palm as she happily pet me.

"I have! You both worked hard, so I'm really grateful to both of you!"

"Indeed. Don't underestimate your own part in this, pet," Haqua smiled, joining in on petting me and sending me straight into Shangri-La.

"Oh, but maybe it's time to ease up on calling me 'senpai', Mio. We're dating, I don't want you to feel like there's any distance between us."

“Call her whatever feels best, Mio dear. I will say, however, that ‘senpai’ implies that Rina is somehow above you, and I think we’d all agree that we can’t have that, can we?”

“Wan wan~!” I barked in agreement. "It's super cute, so I don't mind if you stick with it, but consider it, if you're comfortable with that, Mio."

Really, I didn’t mind what Mio called me, but I did agree with Haqua. “Senpai” was respectful toward me in a way that didn’t mesh with a single fiber of my being. I’m a loser dog to the core—except when I’m a cow, of course—and any nicknames should reflect that.

Mio kept petting me, gently rubbing my cheek with her hand.

“Mmm. I’d like it if we could all be on equal footing, yeah! You, me, and our adorable little puppy~”

Now, some might say that statement sounded distinctly not equal, but I’m not one to argue semantics. Especially not when they work so perfectly in my favor.

“Gonna stop calling me that at work, too?”

“Mhmm! I'll try, anyway. If anyone asks, I won’t hide away a thing! Workplace relationships aren’t banned, so there’s no reason to be coy!”

"Just don't go telling Iori about the dog stuff. That might be a bridge too far for her…"

"Ehehe, you're the one who shows up to work wearing a collar every day, silly," Mio teased, doing nothing to ease my worries that the whole office would know way too much about my sex life in a matter of days.

Then again, the shame that'd carry? Haaah, just picturing the looks on everyone's faces when they know I'm getting fucked silly by and barking like a dog for a pair of succubi?

Actually, tell everyone you want to, Mio, uehehehehe… Don’t even worry about what they’ll think of me!

“And next time we have sex in the office, I’ll be able to help you clean everything up, Rina! No more passing out for me! Ehehe...two succubi going at it in a place like that… We’ll have a lo~t of cleaning up to do, won’t we?”

“...Yeah, we will…” I nodded, doing a terrible job of hiding just how wet the thought alone was getting me.

"Gonna make you feel so good! If I could make you my moo cow so easily, I can't wait to see how much fun I can have with you now," she said, licking her lips hungrily while Haqua chuckled to herself.

I couldn't even bark at that. All that escaped my throat was the neediest little doggie whine anyone could ever make.

"E-excuse me for a sec, I-"

I was about to get up and get off in the bathroom, but before I could go, I heard what sounded like a letter being shoved under my front door, followed by a set of huge, heavy sounding footsteps trudging away from the door.

"Huh, is that mail?"

"Odd delivery. You have a mailbox, no?" Haqua asked.

I nodded. It should've come in through there, but it was no big deal, I suppose. Still, seeing a letter laying on the floor in my entryway made me weirdly antsy, so I decided to check it out.

“Sure you don't need some time to yourself in the bathroom again, mutt? You know by now there’s no need to hide that from us, don’t you?”

“I-I’m fine!”

My protest sounded embarrassingly weak. Of course I wanted that, but, I dunno, I felt like right now I'd be better off holding onto this lust until the two of them were ready to go at it with me.

Haaah, I wanna be spitroasted by ‘em so bad… Want Mio to milk me, want Haqua to crush me…

So instead I let my dirty thoughts run rampant as I scooped up the fancy looking envelope that had been shoved through my door alongside a decidedly less fancy-looking note.


"Something wrong, Rina?" Mio called.

"N-no, it's just…this one's addressed to you, Haqua. I think it's the first time you've gotten mail sent your way."

Now, Haqua hadn’t exactly hidden her existence from the world, or anything like that. She even went out into the city while I was at work, apparently planning dates for the two of us to take together. Though they'd now include Mio.

Still, about the last thing I’d ever expected to see was a letter addressed to a “Haqua Saeki,” and not just because I didn’t know she’d taken my last name. It didn't even have a return address, either, only a simple “From Adri,” written in small, elegant handwriting.

I...well, I was curious. I wasn’t gonna snoop on her mail, or anything like that. If it was private, then it was private. But I really wanted to know what she was getting and why it was so damn cutesy.

“Hey, Haqua?” I called out as I walked back to her and Mio, holding the letter out in front of me. “Were you expecting mail from, uhh...‘Adri’?”

“Ooh, what a cute name! That envelope looks really pretty, too~!” Mio beamed.

“I can’t say I was, but I’m never too busy for my adorable little sister! And she’ll be delighted to know you like her choice of stationery, Mio. Adri takes a great deal of pride in such matters.”

“Oooh yeah! You did mention a sister! The, uh, the one with…three dozen partners, right?” I asked, still in disbelief as I recalled the number, convinced I'd somehow doubled it.

Though shit, even eighteen sounded like too much! How could she manage that?!

“Wow, that many?! Your sister must have a lo~t of love to give, Haqua!”

Mio, of course, took it in stride.

“Indeed she does,” Haqua smiled, taking the letter from me and slowly opening it up, clearly taking care not to crease the envelope, while she laid the folded note attached with it on the table to read later.

Naturally, the letter within was just as fancy. It was obviously thick paper that was cut into a heart shape that-

“Oh! That looks a bit like the brand you gave me and Rina, Haqua!”

Yep, pretty much dead on, actually. There was no mistaking the angles to the shape and how rounded the top was.

Guess it’s a family crest, huh? That’s...honestly kinda sweet, Haqua… I thought, noticing a slight glow at Mio's belly, shining through her clothes.

“There are a few slight personal adjustments we've made, but yes, our brand does come from the same base.”

She smiled back at us, then returned to the letter, skimming it before she read it aloud for the both of us.

“‘Dearest sister, I hope this finds you and Puppy in good health.’”

“I’ve never even met her and she knows I’m a loser dog, huh?”

"Mhmm. I sent her a letter shortly after you summoned me. I just wanted to let her know about how things were going. I didn't want my sudden absence to alarm her, after all."

I chuckled shyly, fully aware of how similar my summoning was to just kidnapping Haqua in her sleep.

"‘It has been ever so long since you and I last spoke. Are you enjoying your time on Earth? My lovely partner, Shizuku, has told me such fascinating stories about her hometown. I've only briefly glimpsed it, myself, but I long to go back someday soon and stay a while. Perhaps we can travel there together, dearest sister.' Oh, I do wonder how far her home is from here. I'm surprised to hear she still hasn't moved in with Adri…"

Long distance dating with a succubus, huh? Of course, if succubi can go into dreams, maybe it’s not that long of a distance, after all.

"'I am so very sorry for how our last meeting went, dearest sister. To think you couldn't even partake of the snack we procured for you. Even so, I'm delighted to hear about how well you've been keeping as of late. I always knew you'd find someone who'..."

Haqua went silent. I would've commented on the slight blush on her cheeks, but her tail inching menacingly close to my neck meant I kept that thought entirely to myself.

Haqua cleared her throat, then carried on reading, seemingly skipping a paragraph or two.

You've got an unexpectedly cute side, huh Haqua?

I would've chuckled if I didn't know it would get me sent to the grave. Still, hearing that I'd had a genuine impact on Haqua made me incredibly proud, which is extremely unnatural for loser dogs. All the same, I was happy about it.

“‘Still, the human world is not without its trepidations, and I would appreciate hearing more about how it treats our kind. It is to this end that I cordially extend an invitation to you and Puppy to visit my home for a tea party in the coming weeks. Please, do not feel obligated to attend, but I am terribly excited to meet Puppy for myself and introduce her to my sweethearts. Any snacks you feel would suit such an occasion are welcomed, though you are once again under no obligation to bring anything of the sort. That said, several of us are possessed of a sweet tooth and would certainly appreciate a chance to sample some of Earth’s rarer delicacies, having heard so many of Shizuku's wonderful stories.’ 

’Several’ of you, hmm? Oh, Adri…" Haqua lovingly sighed. "But that’s neither here nor there. How about that? A tea party! How fun! And it sounds like you’ll be a guest of honor, Rina! I’ll ask Adri to lay out a solid gold doggie bowl for you.”


I was about to say that I doubted Adri would be OK with me being like that at something as fancy-sounding as a tea party, but I knew I'd be wrong. It took a millisecond to remember she has thirty-six wives. She's probably OK with everything.

Seriously, how does she do that?! Is she some kinda berserker queen, tearing a path through hell and seducing everyone she likes?! How do things get that big?!

"I mean, I've never been to a tea party before, but I'd like to go if she's inviting me."

"You've never been to hell, either! It'll be a trip full of firsts for you, it seems."

“Wow, you’re so lucky, Rina! A succubus tea party sounds really fun! Take lots of pictures for me, OK?”

“Wait, you’re not coming with?" I asked, genuinely kinda shocked by how quickly she was ducking out of this.

“Well, I’m not on the invitation, so it’d be pretty rude of me to barge in, right? Haqua's sister’s clearly working hard to make you feel welcome, so I feel like I’d just be intruding. Next time, though!"

“Haaah, how cute and accommodating. But it's entirely unnecessary here. Mio dear, this was a letter brought all the way from Hell. As efficient as Adri's private postal service may be,” she continued, “I assure you that she wasn’t aware of our relationship at the time. That said, if you’d like your worries further assuaged, there’s still more to read."

Haqua smiled sweetly at Mio, then carried on with the letter.

“‘In our previous conversations, you’d mentioned a co-worker that Puppy was clearly in love with. Please do send her my dearest regards. For as much as you say she likes to be demeaned and insulted, the impression your letters have given me is that she’s remarkably honest and sweet at heart. I am certain that, if she works hard, her feelings will come through clearly. I know that if I was in that co-worker’s position, I would have a hard time rejecting such a sincere and loving pup.’”

Adri…are you trying to seduce me now, too? Geez, being that nice about me… I'm starting to understand how you ended up with so many wives…

“Oooh,” Haqua cooed, looking up from the letter. “See how her tail’s wagging, Mio? Our pet might be in love!”

“Ehehe, I’ll support you, Rina!”

Damn, they were intense when they were serious.

“N-No, I’m not! It’s just...look, it’s nice to be told that sorta thing every now and then…”

“My little loser dog wants to be pampered, hmm? Do try to hold on, dear. The day is still young, and there’ll be plenty of time for fun later, but I’m getting to the important part.”

“Wan wan…”

“‘It may seem an unusual date for a human, but if Puppy would like to bring her co-worker along, I would be simply delighted to host her as well. Please do assure her that there’s no need to be frightened. Hell is a perfectly accommodating realm for humans, as Shizuku can attest.

Feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience, and we shall arrange a date that best suits you. 

I love you, dearest sister, and I look forward to seeing you again soon.


“Awww, she’s looking out for me too, huh? That’s so sweet!” Mio smiled happily.

“Indeed! Adri’s always been a tremendously thoughtful girl. Even if your arrival was a complete surprise, I am confident that she would do everything in her power to make you feel comfortable and cared for. After all, you two are my family. Adri will see to it that you are treated with as much love as she shows me and all of her partners.”

“Well hey, that’s great! Thank her for us when you speak, OK Haqua?” I asked.

“But of course! I’m sure she’ll be delighted to have such a ‘sweet, loving pup’ show her gratitude. I know language is hard for you, but would you read the attached note, my pet?”

“Uhhh, sure, alright,” I nodded, not sure why she was calling on me.

"'Yo, Haku!'" I started, already feeling embarrassed as I recited the much less formal note.

"Mm, I thought I recognized those footsteps," Haqua nodded, smiling to herself.

"'I was gonna come in, but I heard you talking with two other girls about fucking, so I figured I'd just drop this off instead!'" I read, my voice faltering at a point. "'Besides, I'd be real cramped in there! My horn'd cut right through the ceiling. Do people really live in such tiny homes here? Anyway, guessing that’s the pup’s co-worker in there? Congrats, everyone! We’re lookin’ forward to meeting all three of you when you come by.’”

“Awww, how sweet!” Mio giggled.

“‘Let’s make our tea party a proper celebration, y’hear? That means you should bring plenty of booze! The stuff they sell up here just hits different, I swear!’”

The note finished there, marked with a cutesy drawing of a girl with a horn giving a thumbs up.

“Wakaba’s a sweet girl, really,” Haqua sighed happily.

"'Haku'?" I asked, and was instantly met with a tail sharply tugging at my nipples, forcing a loud bark from my lips.

"That's a nickname reserved for Wakaba's use only, mutt."

"Got iiiit~" I weakly groaned, panting heavily as Haqua pulled her tail away.

“So then it sounds like we have some errands to run today, no?”

“Huh, why?” I asked.

“Come now, mutt. You heard the letters. I’d always understood that dogs were meant to have excellent hearing, but perhaps that’s another category you’re substandard in.”

I let out such a pathetic whine that Mio couldn’t help but giggle, before pushing me between her soft boobs and petting my head, whispering, “There there, puppy,” like it didn’t compound my embarrassment a thousandfold.

“Adri wants sweets and Wakaba wants liquor. I haven’t seen them in a dreadfully long while, and I don’t intend to disappoint any of them. In fact, I’d quite like to get gifts for all of her wives, if we could. We’ll have to make quite a few shopping trips, won’t we?”

“Ehehe, that sounds fun! I’m pretty good at picking out gifts,” Mio grinned.

“Wonderful, I’m sure you’ll do fantastically, Mio,” Haqua smiled.

“Oh, and I’m moving in, so we’ve gotta get everything moved over from my apartment!”

“You’re moving in?” I asked, my voice muffled by boobie heaven.

“Mhmm. No way I could stand to be apart from girls as wonderful as you!” Mio smiled, redoubling her petting efforts.

“Adri has quite the discerning palate, and even Wakaba can tell when liquor isn’t up to snuff. To that end, we’ll have to sample everything ourselves, to ensure that our offerings are of the utmost quality. Naturally, this means a great deal of tasting on our parts. I trust you’re both ready to take on such a challenge?”

I pulled myself out of Mio’s chest and stared straight at Haqua, who just smiled confidently at the both of us.

We were having a fairly big, very sweet breakfast, but she wanted to get more? No, wait...

Are you taking us out on a date, Haqua?

“Oooh, yeah, that sounds great! I know a ton of really amazing places nearby, but there’s a bunch of shops I’ve always wanted to check out that seemed a li~ttle too lovey dovey to visit on my own, ehehe.”

Not that Mio had any issue with eating more, but she’d always been a big eater.

“Lovey dovey? My my...that does sound perfect, doesn’t it? I do hope they’ll allow pets.”

“Hmm, I think if we show them how well behaved Rina is, they’ll make an exception,” Mio giggled.

“Well, worst case, I’ll just hide her away in a purse. She’s certainly small enough for it.”

“I really don’t think I am!”

“Well, maybe not right now, but I’m sure it won’t take much to cut you down to size...”

“Oooh, could we do that? I kinda wanna see a figure-sized Rina! Ehehe, just imagine what I could do with a single finger if she was that small…”

“Of course! You made her bigger in some areas, so it only stands to reason that she can get smaller, no?”

W-Wait...why is that even something you’ve thought about, Mio? Why would you want me that tiny…?

Not that the idea didn’t excite me. Of course it did. It was another way to get teased, and that was all I needed.

As the three of us got back to finishing the last of our meal, talking about the day ahead while peppering the conversation with wonderful insults directed squarely at yours truly, I kinda had a moment where I realized how damn lucky I’d become.

I still remember the way I was before, how lonely and closed off from everything I’d been. Nothing had erased the toll of the countless late nights in the office, all of them capped off with miserable trips home to an apartment that was so empty and dull that I always felt like I was a minute away from a breakdown, even on a good day.

Still, even though I hadn’t forgotten those days, they felt so far and distant from how my life was now. If you told me that this was actually just a crazy dream, and that I’d wake up to find myself back in the fugue I’d toiled through for a decade, I’d almost be ready to believe you, But all it’d take is a pinch from Haqua (and I’d be very, very eager to see what part of me she decided to pinch) to remind me that, no, this actually is my life, not just some optimistic fantasy.

The reality of it is that I’m the biggest loser dog in the universe, and I couldn’t be happier.

“Ehehe...it’s really exciting, right Rina?”


Shit, I completely zoned out!

“All of us out on a date! Three succubi out in the city without a soul noticing! It’ll be like we’re hiding in plain sight! Kinda makes me wonder what else we could get away with that nobody else would see...”

“Oh, I like the way you think, Mio~! Shall we give our mutt a little test, hmm? Something to ensure she’ll be on her best behavior today?”

“That would make our date so~ much more fun, but what did you have in mind?”


Haqua leaned in toward Mio and whispered something in her ear. Her ponytail was working really, really damn hard to keep up with how vigorously she was nodding in response. Whatever they were talking about, Mio was extremely into it.

Oh shit, what are you two planning?

I didn’t have to wait long to find out.

Barely a second later, Haqua looked over at me with a smirk, and I felt my clothes shifting on my body.

When everything was finished, I was dressed up in the cutest, frilliest white dress you’ve ever seen, and a dog collar, of course.

That might not sound that shocking, but while I’d developed a pretty different sense of style lately, I’d never, ever dressed up this sweetly, and especially not in public.

Then I felt something fill me up and start vibrating, and I understood completely. Any innocence the outfit might’ve carried was destroyed in an instant, replaced by something so depraved that only a loser dog like me would ever actually go for it.

“W-Wan~! Wan wan wan~!”

Haqua had put a vibrator in me and sent me off to work before, but fuck, this one felt big, and the motor was seriously souped-up. The vibrations stopped a second later, but I knew that wouldn’t be the last time I felt them, not by a longshot.

“Like the dress, mutt? Mio suggested it.”

Then whose idea was the vibe?!

“It’s ahn~! S-super cute, Haqua!!”

My voice came out high and desperate. I wanted to get fucked so bad already, and we hadn’t even left the apartment.

“It’s such a lovely day out today, so we wanted you to look your best, Rina!”

“But we know that that simply wouldn’t be enough excitement for a pathetic loser dog like you, so I picked out a particularly wonderful toy to keep that empty little head of yours occupied. The dress is very thin, so I trust you’ll take care not to stain it? It would simply devastate Mio and I...”

“I’ll do my be~eehsst!”

It started vibrating again, much stronger this time.

“I should warn you, the toy is a little faulty. It turns itself on and off entirely of its own accord! But if you can hold on for the entire day without getting that dress dirty, well…”

“We’ll make sure we give our puppy an e~xtra special reward! I know you can do it, Rina!”

Ohhh, they’re so damn good at this.

Mio’d only just become a succubus and she was already an absolute pro.

I couldn’t wait to see what she’d think up once she was more used to things…

“How about we head out and hit the town, hmm? Oh, and don’t worry about the dishes. We can always take care of those later.”

“Yeah? Wouldn’t it be better to wait a bit, maybe let our stomachs se~eeehhttle?!” I cried, fighting the vibrator as it roared up inside me.

“Oh, don’t worry about that, Rina dear. I get the feeling that Mio will have no problem making room for tasty treats. As for you, well, I suspect you’ll manage to work up quite an appetite while we walk. Though, I wonder what for…”

Fu~ck, Haqua…

“Ehehe...sounds fun, right, Rina?”

“Y-Yeah,” I agreed, getting up from the table.

My knees were already shaking, but Haqua was at the door waiting for us, carrying a purse with her that I hoped(?) I wouldn’t be seeing the inside of.

“All ready, then! I’ve even brought a leash, just in case,” Haqua teased, tickling my chin as the vibe went off again.

“Oooh, good thinking!”

“Let’s head off, then, shall we? I’m quite eager to see more of the city, and it’ll be made all the nicer with two of you at my side.”

“Mmm, this’ll be so~ fun!”

Haqua opened the door, and Mio excitedly rushed to follow, taking me by the hand along with her.

“M-Mio, it’s kinda hard to keep up with this thing in me!”

Whoof, this thing is huge…

“Ehehe, my bad, Rina! We’ll keep things comfy for you!”

“R-right, comfy,” I smiled, twitching slightly from the pleasure of it all.

The door clicked shut behind us, and Haqua patted me on the head, smiling down at me.

“You know, Rina, I feel this might be somewhat overdue…”

Haqua looked down at me with a smile that was really damn warm and sincere. It wasn’t a mommy mode thing, and there wasn’t even the slightest suggestion that she was looking to tease me, either.

“What’s up, Haqua?”

“I just want you to know that I’m glad we’re together. I wasn’t sure what to make of you when you first summoned me, but you’re a sweeter, more wonderful person than you think. Our darling Mio sees it, and I’ve known it for a while myself, too. When we bared our souls for one another, well…”

Haqua smiled, ruffled my hair, and slowly made her way to the elevator, calling for it as she spoke.

“I merely wished to let you know that I’m glad I was the one you summoned, too. I’m certain that I couldn’t have a better pair of partners than the both of you.”

She was being so sweet that you’d almost forget she’d shoved a vibrator in me and put me in a white dress that’d make stains extremely obvious. Not that I didn’t appreciate it, all the same.

“Awww, that’s really sweet of you, Haqua! I’m super happy to be with you and Rina, too!” Mio grinned, stepping happily into the elevator the moment it arrived and ushering the both of us inside, quickly pressing the button for the ground floor.

“Yeah, you two are the best, really. Thank you for always making me feel so loved.”

I smiled up at both of them as the elevator whirred to life.

“I couldn’t imA~AGINE~!”

And then my smile turned into something far more depraved as Haqua’s toy conveniently sprang to life, the vibration combining with the elevator’s sudden hitch to almost bring me to my knees. I would’ve dropped straight to the ground had the both of them not been there to catch me.

“L-Life...without you…”

“Ehehe, acting all cool even at a time like this! You’re the best, Rina~!”

“Indeed she is! And if my pet thinks that toy makes elevators fun, well…”

Haqua crouched down to my level and stared me right in the eyes, flashing me a devilish smile that my pathetic little wreck of a heart couldn’t bear.

“Just wait until we take a train. Who knows what kind of sounds you’ll make in front of a~ll those people,”

It sent shivers up my spine.

And, you know what? Even though the doors were opening to the lobby, which always had at least someone around, I didn’t care.

Not anymore.

I was who I was, and I didn’t care who knew it. Hell, I hoped the whole city would hear the sound I was about to make.

“Wan waaaaa~n!”

That's it for volume 1! It was a simple story at heart, but I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I loved writing it. Please consider leaving a review if you enjoyed it! Regardless, I look forward to talking with people about this! I'm so glad to finally have it all out there!

Oh, I've also opened a Ko-Fi, so if you enjoyed this and want to show a bit of support, please consider leaving a tip! It's OK if you can't/aren't interested though! Just reading this story means so much to me.

I've said this a few times, but I'm knee deep in volume 2 as we speak! I don't want to publish it til the majority of it is written, so there'll be a bit of a break for the time being, but check back in about two weeks for a 10k word short story! It's fun and very sexy, I had a blast writing it! The afterword goes into more detail on what I'm doing with volume 2, so give that a look if you're curious!

Thank you all once again! Rina, Mio, Haqua, Iori, and I are all extremely grateful!

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