Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 80

Once again, my dream was interrupted not in the best way. It had only been a few hours since I returned from my meeting with Rosa, I was resting and having pleasant dreams, when suddenly I felt a strong pain in the center of my chest, which made me wake up. 

Opening my eyes sharply, I began to breathe deeply, trying to cope with the sharply rolling pain, which literally paralyzed me and did not even allow me to move my finger. 

And the worst thing is that I couldn't use magic to relieve the pain in any way, since the source of this pain came straight from my Container of Etherano and now my magic power was literally going crazy, not allowing me to use it even for the simplest spell.

All I had to do was lie in bed and endure the pain, while trying to understand what the hell was happening to me and hope that it would end as soon as possible. 

Luckily, the pain didn't increase anymore, but it didn't decrease either, so I had to overcome this pain by trying to somehow distract myself from the storm of magical power in my body. 

The only thing I thought of doing in the current situation was to start meditating and watching my Container and Etherano to find the cause of all this madness and in ten minutes, I succeeded, albeit with difficulty. 

It turned out that the storm of Etherano began due to the fact that the Container itself, for some reason, increased dramatically. To be precise, the Container itself remained the same, I just suddenly had an additional place for the Etherano. 

And my magical power itself is now actively filling this empty space, which causes the main wave of pain, because the new 'energy battery' is not ready for such an amount of ether and now it, like a ball, is inflated to fit all the Magical power that I really have many.

Apparently, I was finally able to awaken my Second Origin, and this turned out to be not the most pleasant process for me and quite risky, because the expansion of a new container of energy can end very badly if it does not withstand such a rapid growth. 

As far as I was able to understand, the awakening of the Second Origin began in an unnatural way, it was caused by some external factor, which is why I am now suffering so much. 

From what I've read in the guild library books, the awakening of the Second Origin should happen on its own, when the magician reaches a certain level in the strength of the body and the strength and amount of magical energy. 

And for each magician, this happens completely individually and in different ways. There is no common denominator by which to determine when the Second Container is activated. 

Someone may be Wizard Saint and still not awaken the second receptacle of the Etherano, and someone who has just reached the rank of S-class receives this nice bonus. 

There is a theory that the moment of awakening of the second origin is associated with the talent of the magician and shows how high his potential is. 

The stronger you are at the time of activation of the container, the more useful it will be and the more potential you have. 

True, many really strong mages simply do not have time to reach the necessary strength to awaken the container, by the time they get too old, to develop further. Still, getting stronger with age is getting harder and harder.

If from ten to twenty-five years, it is easiest for the magician to progress and this is the peak of growth, then after this period, progress slows down significantly, and by the age of fifty it stops altogether and from year to year, the magician, on the contrary, begins to slowly weaken and lose ether, which can be seen in example of Master Makarov, who has to walk in the form of a short man in order to maintain his rapidly draining strength.

In any case, returning to the previous topic, the awakening of the Second Origin has a positive effect on any magician and makes him, if not twice, then exactly one and a half times stronger, and if the mage was initially very strong, then the result will be more impressive. 

And, for example, for a forty-year-old magician, who has almost reached the peak of his strength and is approaching his decline, the activation of the container will be a strong push forward, allowing him to instantly become much stronger. 

And it is for this reason that I did not rush to awaken the Second Origin, and even though I could do it at any time with the help of my magic, I preferred to wait until it happened in a natural way, which would be much more effective and bring me more benefit. 

The way Ultear did it in the original story made Natsu and the others stronger through pain alone, but if they had waited for it to happen on its own, the payoff would have been greater. 

I have nowhere to hurry and I could just wait. And if there was an emergency, I always had the opportunity to do it and get extra strength very easily and quickly. 

But, as they say, any plane rarely survives an encounter with reality, and now I am in the process of awakening a new origin, against my will. 

And unfortunately, I have to endure tearing pain, despite the fact that usually the second container awakens easily and simply. One moment everything is as usual, and then *poof* and here you have an additional store of energy. Eh, if only I could do it… 

And I can even guess what caused such a sudden opening of the second container. As it turned out, the absorption of purple lightning did not go unnoticed, although I expected a completely different result. 

It's not that I'm not happy with the fact that in a couple of hours I will become almost twice as strong, just paying for it with pain, given what the local magicians sometimes have to do, especially the dark ones, to become a little stronger, this is a small price to pay. but it goes against my plans. 

Although, as such, I have no choice, and what happened, happened. I won't reseal my new container, so I'll just have to accept the situation, especially since it still benefits me and makes me stronger, which is necessary for me, because in the future I have to deal with monsters like Zeref and Acnologia. 

In addition, no one said that there were only two containers in the magician's body. In Ultear's arsenal, there is also the spell "Third Origin Release", which, although it does not allow you to get another container for storing energy, but it can make you instantly stronger, although the price for this will be the deprivation of the ability to use magic. 

In some ways, the work of this spell is reminiscent of the situation with Gon Freecss from «Hunter x Hunter», when he was able to obtain a huge power, which in the future, he would have been able to acquire on his own due to his potential, but in exchange for this, he lost the ability to use Nen. 

I wouldn't like to resort to such unnecessarily risky methods, but if the situation requires it, in order to get rid of a strong enemy and in order to survive and save my loved ones, I can resort to an analogue of such a spell, especially since thanks to my main magic, I have high chances to neutralize all the negative consequences. 

In general, since I can no longer count on the Second Container, which has almost finished inflating and the pain has slowly begun to subside, I had an idea to create an artificial third container, based on the Third Source Release spell. 

It will obviously not be easy to do, but then again, thanks to my basic magic, in theory I am capable of such a thing. But, I'm definitely not going to do this for the next couple of years. When I have problems with gaining strength, that's when I will return to this idea. 

Now, after four hours, the storm in my origin of Etherano has finally subsided and now I really have a second source, which is now filled to capacity, containing all the ether that was previously stored in the first container, which led to that I had magical exhaustion.

Luckily, I was able to get rid of it quickly by eating the contents of one of the boxes I kept the light lacrima in. And it's worth noting that unlike the time I created my spatial storage under Erza's guidance, this time, the effects of magic drain weren't as severe. It's annoying, but tolerable. 

Now that it's all over and both of my containers are full of Etherano, I've actually doubled the amount of magic power available to me, which is really a lot. 

If my feelings are correct, then now my total reserve is three - three and a half Makarov's reserves. And he is still the sixth Wizard Saint of Ishgar, although he is no longer as strong as in his youth. It worked out well. Pain is really not such a big price to pay for such an increase. 

Although, I still preferred to do without it, but now I'm more worried about the nasty sweat that I poured from pain, and which now covers my body and which I urgently need to get rid of. 

So after recovering a little from the pain, which was still a bit felt, I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom, where I took a quick shower, and then went to the training ground. 

It's now 2pm and I only have four hours before my scheduled meeting with Rosa, so I've decided to spend that time testing my increased strength and getting used to it. 

I'm afraid that due to such an increase, my control over magic could be weakened, which I would not like, so it will take time to return everything to the way it was. 

After descending into the pit, which is my training area, I used the spell and created ten light clones, which will become my sparring partners. 

The best way to get used to the increased powers is by fighting, so it's these clones that will help me with that. Although they are not very strong, I will not fight with all my might, especially since there are many of them and they have various abilities, under the pressure of which I can get used to the changes in my strength. 

- Attack me. - I ordered and the next moment, I had to dodge a bullet of light and a blow from one of the clones, which I accidentally destroyed the next moment with a Dragon Slayer spell, although I did not intend to do so. 

- Hmm, looks like I really don't have much control now… - I muttered, looking at my hand. 

I didn't intend to use this magic at all right now, it happened instinctively. It seems that the awakening of the Second Origin affects more than just the amount of Etherano a mage can store. I have never been able to use the Sun Dragon King Slayer Magic so easily.

Well, it was precisely to learn about all the nuances and get used to the increased strength that I started this training, so I continued to fight the clones, trying not to make such mistakes again. 

It wasn't easy, but I didn't really have a choice if I didn't want my power to rule me and not me, so I continued to spar until it's time to meet my vice president.


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