Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 76

I spent the night at the Poseidon Mansion, in my underwater base. I decided that there was no point in returning to Magnolia, because they were expecting me like that only in two weeks, so there was nothing for me to do there, especially since all my acquaintances were now busy with their missions. 

In the end, after a good sleep, which completely restored my strength and removed all mental fatigue, I moved to Iris Village, where I had a hearty breakfast at a local hotel. 

This establishment, where I spent the night I first met the Strauss family (which turned out to be a fateful meeting for which I am still grateful), serves the best food I have ever tasted in this world.

They cook here, even better than Mira does, but don't say I said that, otherwise I'm done. It would be foolish to die at the hands of an angry girl, so I hope for your prudence. 

Anyway, although at first I didn't understand the beauty of Madame Delilah's (local chef's) cooking, but then, after I visited here again one day, I realized how wonderful her homemade food is, so now I have a little addiction and as far as possible I began to visit this village to quench my thirst. 

What else to live for, if not for the sake of enjoying delicious dishes that improve mood until the end of the day. Still, I'm damn glad that I got this chance at life and I'm not going to deny myself the opportunity to eat to satiety with unhealthy, but delicious food. 

When I had finished breakfast, I left a generous tip for Madame Delilah, as usual, and after leaving the dining room of the hotel, I created wings and began to rise into the sky to a height of several thousand meters, so that, like every day, bask in the sun and become a little stronger, which is better than nothing. 

After two hours of boring meditation, during which I once again thought about my battle with Ikusa-Tsunagi, in order to realize my mistakes and try to learn from them, not to make tables anymore, I returned to my underwater base to practice some magic. 

Frankly, the next two weeks, I have nothing to do. I've done all my work, I don't have to meet anyone, so I just have to kill time to improve my skills. There was no need to deal with the Avatar so zealously. Now I'm just bored. 

I could use my magic and go on a treasure hunt to find the same amazing place like my underwater sanctuary full of rare magical artifacts, valuable jewels and lacrimas, but let's be honest, I don't need it. 

I have enough money for several centuries, if not more. Moreover, Rosa is now actively expanding my capital and soon I will become even richer, so new treasures will only become a burden for me. I will have nowhere to put even more valuables and they will attract even more attention to my person, which I also do not need. 

The same goes for artifacts. In my hands, and so are almost the best armor and weapon from what can be found in the world. And everything else that can give me any possible artifact, I can get with my main magic. 

As for the lacrima, I'm only interested in light lacrimas that I can eat to replenish the supply of Etherano, in an emergency, if I can't access the light source or the sun's energy. Although, at the moment, the chance that such a situation will arise is incredibly small. 

But, thanks to Rosa's help, I replenished my supply of lacrima a month ago and now I have ten boxes filled with natural lacrimas of light in my spatial warehouse. So to speak, a reserve for a rainy day. You can never be 100% sure of something. 

True, I could look for new dragon lacrima, but this is purely for the sake of interest, because I am completely satisfied with my Solar Dragon King Slayer Magic and other Dragon Slayer Magic does not interest me, and what else dragon lacrima is needed for, I don't know. 

I've had the Sea Dragon King's Lacrima for almost half a year now and I still don't know what to do with it. The idea of ​​ending Mira in Dragon Slayer is still relevant, but if I get new lacrimas, I will definitely have nowhere to put them. 

The only thing that came to my mind while I was thinking about it was that it would be interesting to conduct an experiment to create Fourth Generation Dragon Slayers, which are artificial automatons, in fact, magical golems that have very impressive strength and can fight endlessly. 

In general, the ideal immortal soldiers, which can be very useful in the future, because one day I will have to fight the army of the Empire of Alvarez and it would be nice, in extreme cases, to have a detailed trump card up my sleeve. 

But, without knowing exactly how to create these golems, I don't want to do something like that, because the risk of failure is too great and it's better to first know what to do with the lacrima, and only then start building an army. 

So far, when the world is quiet and smooth, I also have enough of my Warriors of Light, who act as good combat units, but when the canon time is near, it will be possible to go to the Stella Kingdom, where the secret of the production of the Fourth Generation Dragon Slayers army is kept. 

At the same time, it will be possible to deal with the Dragon, named Animus, who escaped death at the hands of Acnologia 400 years ago and now pretends to be the king of this country and is plotting something bad with a dangerous artifact, the Dragon Cry, which would also be nice to get my hands on. 

But this is later, and now I went to my training ground, which I recently managed to strengthen and update a bit, adding indestructible targets that absorb my attacks and use the Etherano from them in order to further strengthen the walls of the ground. 

Since I had free time, I decided that I finally needed to deal with my Devil Slayer Magic and finish creating spells that will be useful to me in all cases of life. 

I think now that I have enough experience in magic, the first thing I need to do is to realize my old idea of ​​recreating Darkseid's Omega Beams, the trajectory of which I can control at will. 

In fact, this is what I did, starting to shoot lasers from my eyes at targets, trying to modify the spell and make new adjustments to it. I think a couple of hours will be enough for me, and then it will be possible to start other spells... 


In the end, I had enough perseverance for eight hours of training, for which I did what I wanted, and was also able to create two dozen new spells, mainly reworking spells from Light Magic, which is why I studied this magic in the first place, though, as shown yesterday, and this magic is useful. 

In any case, after being exhausted enough, I went to my mansion, where I decided to take a hot bath and relax. With the help of magic, I filled the bath, and then plunged into the water, involuntarily letting out a groan of pleasure. Still, it is a hundred times more pleasant than cleaning the body with magic. 

- By the way, I must not forget to call Mira… - I remembered aloud. 

'She should have heard from the Master how my mission went, but it would not be superfluous to tell everything personally, especially since I already missed her. At the same time, it would be nice to know how Lisanna is doing, otherwise I'm kind of worried about her.' - already to myself, I thought, deciding that in the evening I definitely need to contact my girlfriend. 

An hour later, when the water cooled down, I decided to finish it and do one more thing. While I was swimming then I remembered that in my vault there is still a Soul Sphere containing a purple lightning that came from the Dimension of the Gods, which it would not hurt to study. 

After I cleaned myself up and put on fresh clothes, I went to my office, which would be the most convenient place to conduct research.

The first thing I did when I entered the office was to throw out my chair and exchange it for the throne stolen from Alok. Now, I will definitely feel comfortable. 

When I put my ass on the throne and took out the Soul Orb, I was unpleasantly surprised that cracks began to appear on the sphere and it was on the verge of destruction. Looks like lightning has a lot more power than I thought. 

And it looks like I won't be able to examine it thoroughly. A couple more hours and she will break free and I will lose her forever, which I would not like, so it remains only to take a chance. 

As you can guess, I want to use my trait as an Slayer and eat purple lightning to get its special properties. I don't know what will come of this, but given her literally divine origin, the result should be impressive.

Although, I was not going to risk stupidly, so using the foresight spell, I saw that everything was safe and there should be no problems, although I could not find out what the effect would be after absorbing the lightning, which is rather strange. 

Noticing that while I was reviewing the vision of the future, new ones and cracks appeared on the sphere, I decided not to hesitate any longer and still take the risk. At worst, I can fix all the damage, if there is any. 

Taking the sphere in my hands, I put my lips to the largest crack and began to try to suck out the Etherano, like a milkshake with a straw. 

Not immediately, but it started to work out for me and I felt a tingling in my tongue and how ether began to flow into my throat, which was immediately redirected to me in a container. 

- Spicy... - I muttered aloud after a couple of minutes when the sphere was empty and all the lightning had been swallowed. 

The only sad thing is that I did not understand whether it made sense to eat this lightning or not. Apart from a slight sore throat, I did not notice any changes. 

'Eh, I'd better go to bed and deal with this problem tomorrow.' - I thought, and went to my bedroom to talk with Mira before going to bed, and then rest, so that tomorrow I could devote the whole day to training again, if nothing out of the ordinary happened.


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