Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Mana cores 2
Well…I think I've talked about that topic enogh for now as the system for a spellsword is pretty self explanatory.
Using one of the abilities of the I was able to obtain without any requirements,
The mark on my left hand lets out a subtle glow for a second before I release. Disappearing from my previous location, and appear on the roof where I set the skill to send me.
I set out to a spot that is secluded from sight but spacious enough to not be constricted. Sitting on the ground, I quickly get into a meditative position before doing a quick meditation exercise to clear my mind from all unnecessary thought.
After a few minutes of that exercise and when I feel myself ready, I start to plan out on which core would be more strategic to form first.
On the one hand, forming the mind/upper core would be useful in learning to manipulate mana altogether. Paired with my skill would make me extremely proficient instantly and would be translated into the body/lower core skills with the manipulation of internal mana.
Also I would get an edge on learning spells and theoretical knowledge.
On the other, forming the body/lower core would be beneficial for me to relearn all skills in my last life and transfer them over. Along with learning swordsman ship and martial arts to push my already proficient skills to another level.
On this path I would be setting up a body that could handle the amount of mana I need to unlock all of my mark, as well as refining it to a physical level that is without any impurities is able to reach a height that surpasses my previous wrecked body by a large margin, and providing me with a body that can withstand anything i throw at it while strengthening it and gaining material for
A blank canvas so to speak. A sturdy strong canvas ready to be painted with any material without breaking.
...yes. I think I've made my decision. Deciding to rely on my skill
So, putting theory into active practice I start to gather the atmospheric mana from the surrounding and send it to my body.
Pulling each little stubborn particle of mana with a patient understanding but a novice control it takes over an hour of breathing the mana into my lungs, being purified by my middle/energy core and sending it down to my gut till I feel a slight change in the way my body absorbs the mana.
Instead of slowly being gathered by my body, sucked in by my lungs and passing through the middle core at a snails pace, that the almost lazy and uncooperative mana suddenly became eager to cater to my will.
The mana from the surrounding, even that which is past my senses come rushing at my person, skipping all previous steps like a mana hungry black hole has formed, mana eagerly gathers.
With excited vibrations, mana of their own accord traveles to the hungry black hole In my gut and start to stick together, merge and condense.
As the merging mana starts starts to condense, the mana shoots even more violently my way, as if desperate for a chance to join the construct of it own as well as my creation.
Along with the black hole which is my current body, a cyclone of mana appears around it from the particles that can't seem to all enter at once.
Like the world is celebrating my ascension along the path of power, it continues to grow and eventually starts to pull even more mana along with, leaves and even stone to my person and creating a beautiful display for my eyes only.
The cyclone continues to to grow, to drag more things along with it as my body absorbs the mana at a faster and faster pace, until…something finally 'clicks'.
With the click all the mana surrounding me is dispersed quickly taking the objects it brought along with it.
But I completely ignore that as the mana condensing in my body reaches a new density. Becoming a gas at first, then a liquid and finally a semi-physical solid of pure mana. A small red gem, the size of a ping pong ball is formed.
With a satisfied sigh I jump to my feet, feeling as the mana in my body has become more prominent and sensitive. Mana itself in minute quantities flow through my veins at all times, and a flow of mana reaches my middle core with each breath, giving me a view of both cores at will along with a hastened growth.
Each core is a deep crimson red colour with a dark hue, a lot like blood in fact. The middle core 3/4 the size of the lower core.
'Hmmm? Red and small? Will they grow as I continue to gather mana into them, or will they change colour? Well… something to read up upon I guess.'
Finishing my thought, I'm finally able to notice the presence standing right behind me. And with an instinctive control, I send the mana across my body with the intent to strengthen myself and turn swiftly to confront them.
…..only to pause and let out another sigh, though this one sounding a lot more tired as my nerves relax.
"…young master… uhhh what was that little show just now?"
I finally notice that, it was her… my maid Elisabeth.