Job Transfer For All: From Bronze Lord To Immortal Demon God

Chapter 82

Chapter 16 Still Engaged In Blockade? I Will Personally Conquer!

The past of the predecessor is clear!

The reason why the two gods are fighting to the death here is clear!

The origin of Dead Bone Mountain and even the entire Death Wasteland is also clear!

Looking at the mountain under his feet, Zhang Qian felt an indescribable fear and shock in his heart.

Who would have thought that this mountain is not a mountain at all, but the body of an ancient demon god!

What’s even more frightening is that this ancient demon god hasn’t died yet!

“What the hell, there’s a bomb under your feet! No, it’s more than a bomb? It’s a nuclear bomb!”

It took Zhang Qian a long time to regain his sense of normalcy. He bowed his head in meditation, silently sorting out everything he had seen in the past years.

Once, this area did not belong to the underworld.

Countless years ago, this place used to be a great plain full of singing birds and flowers, belonging to an unknown human plane.

Countless creatures live on this plain, born, reproduced, hunted and hunted, preyed and preyed

Birth, old age, sickness and death are constantly unfolding here, and the whole plain looks calm and vibrant.

Until one day, a huge monster named Nozdormu, the time dragon, brought his tribe down from the sky, seriously threatening the three vast and stalwart countries around him.

In order to protect their respective countries, the three huge empires dispatched the most powerful troops and the greatest practitioners to try to destroy the time dragon Nozdormu and his tribe.

Thus, a protracted war began.

In those ancient years, the figures of gods could still be seen in the human world, and many talented human beings could also cultivate to the realm of gods.

Undoubtedly, in this general environment, as the most powerful empire, the highest internal combat power must not be weaker than the gods.

And among all the cultivators of the three empires, there are three with the strongest combat power, and they can even kill gods alone!

No need to guess, these three are the predecessors of the Fallen Dark Sword Master, the Pale Skeleton Sword Master and the Ice Phantom Sword Master.

The Fallen Dark Sword Master was not called the Fallen Dark Sword Master during his lifetime, but was called the Holy Light Sword Master by “Five Eight Three”.

The Pale Skeleton Sword Master was not called the Pale Skeleton Sword Master during his lifetime, but was called the Moon Under Wusheng Sword Master.

Both of the former two had well-known nicknames during their lifetimes. As powerhouses of the same realm, the Ice Phantom Sword Master is no exception. strong.

Under the leadership of these three supreme powerhouses, countless armies fought against the time dragon tribe.

The time dragon tribe was once beaten to the brink of extinction, and even the time dragon Nozdormu was seriously injured many times in the struggle with the three supreme sword masters.

According to the development momentum at that time, the final outcome of the war must be the victory of the great empire.

But at the later stage of the war, no one knew what promise the giant time dragon Nozdormu had made, so that the empire where the Holy Sword Lord of Light belonged turned against him and started to attack the other two empires.

The situation that was gradually clear suddenly became chaotic.

Later, due to some reasons, the sword master of Ice Void and the sword master of Wusheng Yue Xia had conflicts, and the originally unbreakable alliance also announced its disintegration.

The three-party melee turned into a four-party melee, and more and more creatures fought to death.

At a critical moment, Nozdormu, the dragon of time, took out the sands of time and used the law of time to suppress the three human supreme powerhouses in one fell swoop.

The three human supreme powerhouses were naturally unwilling to be captured without a fight, so Qiqi’s souls came out of their bodies [Teng exhausted the power of the law under his control and played a play with time Kuron Nozdormu to die together.

A terrifying battle ended here, but the four supreme powerhouses have not completely disappeared until today, and their souls are still entangled, hidden in the body of the time dragon Nozdormu, and no one can escape.

Due to the long-term fighting, this vast plain was filled with a strong death energy, which actually attracted the attention of a god of death from the underworld.

Not long after, the god of death launched an invasion on this human plane.

A catastrophe is about to sweep the entire plane!

The holy angel Lucifer was ordered by the superior god to go down to suppress the invasion of the underworld and spread the faith, and retrieve the lost sands of time by the way.

Thus, a god of death and an angel fought desperately on the already war-torn plain. In the end, neither of the two sides got the sands of time, and both ended up in the lower district.

And this vast plain was also affected by successive battles, torn from the original plane, and fell into the plane of the underworld as the gate of the underworld closed.

Countless undead nearby were crushed to death, and undead farther away also suffered disaster, being blown away for countless miles by the aftermath of the plane collision.

So much so that in the long years, no other undead BOS$ patronized here.

After that things are simple.

The bodies of the three supreme human beings lost their souls. Under the nourishment of the dark elements and the breath of death, they gradually revived into undead creatures, and finally became secret bosses under the influence of the rules, and were killed by the players of the current human plane again and again. once.

A certain time when the fallen dark sword master died, Zhang Qian crossed over to occupy the magpie’s nest, and then what happened later.

In the realm of the gods, the bodies of the three human beings are transformed into undead, but their initial strength is far inferior to that of Thanatos, the remains of the god of death, and Lucifer, the angel of death. This is obviously very unreasonable

In fact, the reason for this is very simple.

The body of the gods is composed of the power of law. The master of the Holy Light Sword masters the sacred law, the law of light and the law of the sword, the master of the Wusheng Sword under the Moon majors in the law of darkness, the law of death and the law of the sword, and the master of the sword of ice and nothingness Practice the Law of Ice, the Law of Void and the Law of the Sword.

In order to deal with Nozdormu, the dragon of time, at the last moment, their out-of-body souls took away all the power of the law, and their bodies almost became an empty shell.

How can the flesh with only an empty shell compare with the relatively complete flesh of Lucifer, the angel of death, and the remains of Sanatos, the god of death?

This is roughly what happened. It looks a bit clichéd, but it is still an epic drama, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a myth.

There are still many doubts that cannot be resolved, such as where did the time dragon Nozdormu come from? Why did he bring his tribe to the human plane?

The answers to these two questions are temporarily unknown, because the events related to these two questions did not happen in the wasteland of death, so the truth cannot be seen even with the method of time regression.

Zhang Qian guessed in his heart that the time dragon Nozdormu was probably also sent by Lucifer’s god.

The two are one in front and one in the back, the former specializes in sabotage, and the latter jumps out to clean up the mess, so that the belief will not fly?

But there was no evidence for this speculation, and Zhang Qian couldn’t be sure for a while.

There is another problem. The three human supreme powerhouses all left their whole bodies. One of the other two had no flesh and blood, and the other simply lost his entire body. This also made Zhang Qian very puzzled.

The pale skeleton sword master emerged from a pile of rotten flesh, the ice ghost sword master emerged from the corpse, and then the rest of the two turned into ashes and disappeared without a trace.

Zhang Qian witnessed all this with his own eyes, but he couldn’t figure out the reason, so he could only attribute it to the rules.

“I didn’t expect my predecessor to be a 25-year-old boy. It seems that the thicker the guy is, the harder it is to believe it!”

After tidying up his mood a bit, Zhang Qian walked down the mountain with his two new subordinates.

Although the two gods have completely fallen, Dead Bone Mountain is still shrouded in a terrifying pressure.

This coercion comes from the time dragon Nozdormu, who will never disappear if he is not dead.

And before he fell completely, no mortal creature could fly around on him, not even Shattering the Void.

This is the power of the super beast!

After returning to the Dark Labyrinth, Zhang Qian did not stay, but got on the Earth Dragon, and directly led the troops that had been assembled a long time ago, heading towards the plain of death.

Long before he climbed the Dead Bones Mountain, he had already ordered some bosses to lead the troops to catch the strong men.

Those who are still in the labyrinth are all his direct troops.

The level and rank of the bosses under his command are not too high, and they can’t catch too powerful young men.

Therefore, in order to obtain high-quality subordinates, Zhang Qian still had to do it himself.

The first goal of this trip is Gan, the disaster vanguard that Zhang Qian was unable to conquer before.

Zhang Qian did not provoke those high-level bosses hastily due to lack of strength when he conquered the Death Wasteland for the first time.

But now, after undergoing evolution and super-evolution again and again, Zhang Qian believes that he already has enough strength, so naturally he will not let go of those high-level bosses.

After more than an hour of rapid march, the team finally entered the territory of the disaster vanguard Finnigan.

Many undead that had been subdued by the disaster vanguard Finnigan spontaneously rushed up to block the invaders, but they were easily dealt with by Zhang Qian’s newly subdued two capable men.

About half an hour later, the troops finally entered the hinterland of the disaster vanguard Finnigan’s territory.

And the disaster vanguard Finnigan also brought his elite troops to meet him.

The two undead troops didn’t have any nonsense, and they started fighting in tacit understanding as soon as they met.

It was inevitable that the disaster vanguard Finnigan’s troops suffered heavy losses, so Zhang Qian directly sent Thanatos, the remains of the god of death, into battle.

After only a few strokes, Negan was beaten to the point of collapse.

Zhang Qian casually made a dark contract, and Finnigan surrendered immediately.

“The next target is Morgana, Flower of Death.”

In the next few days, Zhang Qian led his troops to fight here and there.

In just five days, he had nearly a hundred more bosses under his command.

These bosses are all above level 80, and the last time they were all gold lords [the highest rank even reached the dark gold king.

It wasn’t that Zhang Qian didn’t have the ability to subdue a higher-ranked boss, but that he couldn’t find it for a while.

The wasteland of death is really too big, even if you travel at full speed, you can’t cross this great plain in five days.

In the last battle back then, the three supreme powerhouses of the human race and the time dragon Nozdormu shifted from the battlefield, and they all fell to a corner of the Death Wasteland, which was probably on the edge of the main battlefield.

Zhang Qian didn’t know this earlier, and only thought that the area where the cavalry fought was the center of the battlefield, but in fact it was still on the periphery.

The real central battlefield is actually the area where the high-level practitioners of the human race fight with the high-level dragons.

Most of the high-level undead lords in the entire Death Wasteland should also gather in the central battlefield.

However, the distance from Dead Bones Mountain to the central battlefield is too far away.

After just five days, and exploring and conquering the boss, he definitely couldn’t make it to the central battlefield.

On the last day before coming again, Zhang Qian led the troops back to the Dark Labyrinth and began to renovate the expanded territory..

After nine days of expansion, so many bosses have been conquered.

The size of Zhang Qian’s territory has also doubled by more than ten times, and the same is true for the power and production capacity of the territory.

He divided the maze into layers as planned earlier.

The area of ​​the first floor is expanded, the traps remain unchanged, and the number increases.

Numerous rooms are added on the second floor and the second floor, and treasure boxes, secret passages, and small teleportation arrays are randomly set up in all rooms.

On the positive third floor and the negative third floor, there is a death game field, which contains RPG games such as Super Mario, Tank Wars, Contra, Street Fighter, and King of Fighters.

A large-scale sitcom “Who Is Undercover” was added to the positive fourth floor and the negative fourth floor.

?”, the specific situation is not listed yet.

The positive fifth floor and the negative fifth floor are a large open space, which is specially used to accommodate the troops under Zhang Qian’s command.

During this period of time, he has recruited a lot of troops, and the number of mobs under his command is already countless.

So during the coming of the secret realm, he is not going to be as stingy as before, but plans to put all his troops into the maze so that players can kill monsters and explode equipment as much as they want.

Finally, there is the Sovereign Hall of the Dark Labyrinth.

He originally planned to set up several monarch halls, and then according to the situation, randomly enter a monarch hall each time.

But after thinking about it carefully, apart from wasting production capacity and power, Siping didn’t have any obvious benefits.

Instead of setting up several more palaces of the monarch, it is better to only set up one palace of the monarch, and then put more teleportation arrays leading to the palace of the monarch in the maze.

In this way, players still need luck to enter the Palace of the Monarch, and it can save some production capacity in the secret realm.

After completing the construction of the territory, Zhang Qian took out the Sands of Time, while silently absorbing the law of time, while patiently waiting for the arrival of the secret realm.


October 8th, Hypertension Day.

Two teams of high-level players were guarding near the dark labyrinth, and many low-level players gathered farther away to point and point.

“What are you doing, you still won’t let us in? I think the Magic Light Society and the Excalibur Society just want to occupy the Lord of Huanhuan.

“Hey! It’s indeed a top ten guild, and the boss that we can’t beat won’t let us go in to farm mobs, it’s overbearing!”

“Hey! I said brothers, can you stop judging the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain? Didn’t you read what they said? The purpose of prohibiting low-level players from entering is to prevent the Lord of Joy from becoming stronger

“Hehe, do you believe this kind of thing? Do bosses like the Lord of Unhappiness level up by killing low-level players? Look at how many players have been killed by other secret realm bosses, and you haven’t seen those bosses level up!”

“This… I really can’t explain it when you say that! It seems that the Magic Light Society and the Excalibur Society really want to occupy the Dark Labyrinth!”

As time passed, the gate of the secret realm opened again.

But the elite battle groups of two tenth-level top guilds blocked the door, and no player could enter.

In the secret realm, Zhang Qian waited for a long time but no player came in, and he knew in his heart that there must be someone blocking the door again.

He sneered and murmured: “Do you think this will prevent me from upgrading? Then I will show you my methods! Yujia—personal conquest!”

Royal Conquest: Open the road of expedition, for the troops under his command to conquer other secret realms, and will not be suppressed by other secret realm rules.

As soon as this skill is activated, a huge dark portal immediately appears in the palace of the monarch, and flowers, birds, fish, insects and various beasts can be vaguely seen on the other side 5.3.

In addition to the four top secret realms, there are several small secret realms near the imperial capital.

There is a small valley nine kilometers west of Chaos Dragon’s Nest. This small valley is called Monkey Head Valley.

The reason why it is called Monkey Head Valley is because there are monkeys in Monkey Head Valley.

The owner of the secret realm of Monkey Head Valley is called Monkey King, and he is a level 120 dark gold king boss.

At this moment, the secret realm of Monkey Head Valley has just been opened, and the players have not reached the place where Monkey King is located.

Monkey King, who is wearing a golden armor and holding a golden stick, is swinging on a tree trunk with his tail.

Suddenly, a dark door of light appeared not far away.

Monkey King’s monkey face suddenly became extremely fierce, and a cold and fierce light shone in his eyes.

The next moment, Daoxiu’s tall and tall figure walked out from the light gate.

Monkey King screamed, raised his golden stick and threw it at the person who came.

“Heh…” The visitor sneered and praised: “What a vicious monkey, I like it.”

This person is none other than Zhang Qian who came across the border using the personal conquest skill of the imperial driver.

A glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, and the attributes of the Monkey King were immediately clear.

【Monkey King Monkey King】

【Level: 120】

[Stage: Dark Gold King]

[Evolution: 3w/10e (evolution attribute growth rate: 2)]

[Super evolution: 3w/le (super evolution attribute growth rate: 6)]

【Life: 460w】

[Mana: 46w]


【Defense: 41w】

[Skills: Golden Armor Curse, Thousand Shadow Stick, Thousand Weight Stick]

【Territory: Monkey Head Valley】

(Note: This attribute is an initial attribute, and this creature has no evolution experience!)

Seeing the monkey’s golden stick coming at him, Zhang Qian immediately raised his right hand and swung his sword with all his strength to block it.

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