Job Transfer For All: From Bronze Lord To Immortal Demon God

Chapter 103

Chapter 37 Take The Initiative To Descend Across Planes! The Sword Points To The World Boss!

In any case, the outcome of the battle must be fought to know.

Zhang Qian has confidence in his own strength, so he decided to give it a try.

Even if the challenge fails, the worst is to break another city, kill another envoy, and get another proof of evil.

For Zhang Qian today, this is basically not difficult.

Three days passed in a flash.

At a certain moment, an extremely majestic and deafening system announcement resounded throughout the world.

[The evil hell beetle master Sakalandis invaded the human plane at the coordinates of (3142896, 1954233), all players are requested to destroy it quickly!]

This system announcement is brief, but it sounds very shocking.

Over and over again, it rang a lot before it was temporarily silent.

Then, the whole world boils!

“This coordinate is a small island on the other side of the dwarf country, right?”

“Yes, hurry up and go to the short suicide world boss!”

“Oye! It’s time to kill the world boss again, I hope you are lucky enough to get something good this time!”

“Haha! I got a legendary treasure chest last time, and after opening it, I got a piece of legendary equipment. This time, I will definitely continue the good luck from last time. It would be really cool if I could get an artifact!”

“Sacred Artifact? Don’t dream! This little blackie, you should have used up all your luck in your life when you got the legendary equipment last time, so don’t expect to get the Divine Artifact.”

“Fack! Are you cursing me, you bastard? I’m going to duel with you!”

“You idiots, let’s see what kind of boss this is! This is the master of the hell beetle! Its shell is extremely strong, its health value is nearly 100 billion, and its life recovery speed is incredible fast, and its injury-free coefficient is very high. High…Even if players from all over the world work together, they may not be able to kill it within five days!”

“Those are nothing, the point is, when this guy’s blood volume drops to half, he will summon countless hell self-explosive beetles, such a boss “six two three” is really too difficult to kill! I want to give up! ”

“Indeed, if you can’t kill him after five days of fighting, and you die a few more times, you will be really at a loss!”

“It’s not necessarily impossible to kill. Look at the top guilds. If they are willing to pay a certain price, they might be able to kill them. Didn’t they also get killed when this boss was refreshed before? If I remember correctly, this boss seems to be dead. Four times.”

“Then we can only gamble on luck. If there is no top-level guild to use the spirit summoning scroll, then everyone will be unlucky.”

Countless players from all over the world rushed to a small island in the dwarf country through the teleportation array.

Wave after wave, the transmission of the island nation even became blocked.

The small island has long been occupied by players, and people from outside can’t get in at all.

However, this situation is only temporary. After the battle, the players inside will be killed wave after wave and return to the resurrection point.

At this time, the players behind need to step forward to make up for the position.

Hundreds of large ships with a length of three to four hundred meters are docked on the outer sea. These are all warships of the Emerald Dream Guild.

Each warship is equipped with hundreds of magic cannons on both sides, and dozens of magic towers more than ten meters high are placed on the deck.

on the flagship.

Qin Xihua’s team stood behind Tang Wan, looking at the endless players on the island, all in amazement.

One day ago, Qin Xihua’s team had collectively joined the Emerald Dream Guild and became a glorious Chaos God Cultist.

Coincidentally, Qin Xi’s painting team played on the second floor of the dark maze for a few days, and their level improved a lot, so they decided to go to a higher level to explore.

There is nothing wrong with the plus or minus three and plus or minus four floors, and they are not affected by illusions, so they broke into the plus and minus five floors all the way, and happened to meet the Emerald Dream Guild Legion who spawned monsters inside.

At that time, the leader of the army saw that Qin Xiyu and the others were stepping on the aura of immunity to the maze debuff, and probably guessed that they were related to the Chaos Emperor, so he tried to invite them to join the club.

Qin Xihua and others had no reason to refuse, so they took advantage of the opportunity to join the Emerald Dream Guild.

“Wow!” Loli pastor Xia Miaojun said with emotion: “There are so many people! If the emperor comes here to release a wave of debuffs, he will surely gain a lot of power of faith, right?”

Logan smiled and said, “You’re right, naturally he won’t miss such a good opportunity.”

Qin Xihua’s eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she couldn’t help asking: “Sister Wan, you mean he has security bandits?”

Logan nodded slightly: “You will know later, this time he will show his might in front of everyone in the whole world! From today onwards, the entire human plane will be shrouded in his shadow!”

Qin Xihua and the others gasped and looked at each other in blank dismay, already fantasizing about what would happen next.

At this time, a senior manager of the Emerald Dream suddenly came in front of them.

“Vice President, everything is ready, and we can start setting up the Advent Formation.”

Logan nodded and said, “We’ll go there now.”

The big ship headed in a certain direction, and soon came to another sea area.

Here is closer to the world boss, and you can even see the brilliance of various skills near the main battlefield.

The shouts of the players can actually reach the ears along with the sea breeze.

The senior manager pointed to an empty sea area in front of him, and said to Tang Wan and the others: “The water element is extremely abundant here, and there is a great chance of magic energy veins on the bottom of the sea, which is suitable as a star source for the cross-plane descending magic circle.”

Tang Wan felt the strong water element in the air, and said with satisfaction: “Then let’s start, let the world see how great the God we have chosen to believe in is!”

The top management also showed a slight smile, and began to issue various orders on the guild channel.

The members of the guild who received the order immediately drove the prepared teleportation array components into the seabed, and then spliced ​​them according to the array diagram.

Originally, Zhang Qian planned to hand over the task of setting up the teleportation array to Qin Xi’s painting team.

But the average level of Qin Xi’s painting team is too low to complete this task at all.

So Zhang Qian originally planned to give them some time to grow, and after they had reached level 100, he would give them this task.

But I didn’t expect that soon after Qin Xi’s painting team left, Tang Wan came to seek refuge, and she took the entire guild to seek refuge.

This was really a pleasant surprise for Zhang Qian, so he didn’t think much about it, and directly handed over the task that was originally intended to be handed over to Qin Xiyin and others to the Emerald Dream.

The work efficiency of the Emerald Dream was very high, and it only took a short moment to complete the setup of the teleportation array.

Next, you only need to input magic power to activate, and the teleportation array can be officially activated.

But Logan put everyone on standby, and did not activate the teleportation array immediately.

“Wait a little longer, the Emperor of Chaos sent an oracle. He said that the goal can be achieved only by causing more than 50% damage to the world boss. Let them consume for a while before activating the teleportation array.”

On an unnamed island.

The Hell Beetle Master is killing players like crazy.

Players from all over the world are also brave and fearless, rushing to the Hell Beetle Master one after another, offering their insignificant output.






The damage data popping up from the Hell Beetle Master’s head is endless, but its health bar does not show the slightest change.

“Attack! Keep attacking, don’t stop!”

“Kill! Wolf Fang Spike!”

“Holy Charge!”

“Destroying flames!”

“Get out of the way, and watch me thunder!”

“Extinguish the fire!”

The flames of various skills completely submerged his face and body.

But when the skill flame disappeared, there was no scar on the whole body of this terrifying world boss.


The master of the hell beetle roared and released a super wide-range skill.

Countless soil thorns suddenly appeared on the ground with a radius of one thousand meters, and the players touched by these soil thorns instantly turned into white light.

Tens of thousands of people died on the spot in just one blow.

This world boss looks like a longhorn, with a body length of nearly a hundred meters and a height of more than 30 meters in a prostrate state.

It has eight pairs of arthropod giant feet from head to tail, and two thick sickle-shaped forelimbs at the front.

In addition, its whole body is covered with hard and sharp bone spurs.

When not using skills, its sickle-like forelimbs can harvest thousands of players with a single blow.

Judging from the battle situation at this time, this world boss named Sakalandis does not look like a living creature, but like a huge killing machine.

Every time a melee player attacks, he will also bring a certain degree of retaliation to himself.

Even if Sakalandis does not fight back, no melee player can continue to attack.

Hit it a few more times, it’s hard to say how much blood this monster will lose, and you will be killed first!

Even so, players can only continue to rush forward wave after wave.

Because otherwise, it would be impossible to kill the world boss.

In the past, killing those world bosses who were good at output was even more tragic than the current scene.

Although Sakalandis is difficult to kill, it will give players a chance to output more or less.

Some world bosses launch super big moves that affect tens of thousands of square meters at every turn, and players can’t get close to them at all.

In this way, under the attack of countless players, Sakalandis’ life began to decline slowly.





It took more than a day for Sakalandis’ health to drop by 20%.

If this continues, it will be impossible to kill him in five days!

Because the further you go to the back, the lower the life value of this kind of world boss, and the higher the frequency of releasing skills.

But the players didn’t seem to intend to give up, because in the end, as long as some big shots see the hope of killing them, those big shots can’t help showing their cards.

After all, the benefits of killing a world boss are extremely terrifying. If there is really hope to kill it completely, no one is willing to give up hope.

The player who grabs the last blow will get the most lucrative benefits.

In order to gamble on that possibility, it is totally worth paying a small price.

Emerald Dream Fleet.

On the flagship, Logan stared into the distance, watched Sakalandis’ blood volume drop to 70%, and ordered decisively: “Activate the teleportation array immediately, and welcome the arrival of the Chaos Emperor!”

Hundreds of top magicians shot together, pouring mana into the teleportation array continuously.

Then, a purple beam of light rose into the sky……

A mysterious rhythm spread in all directions.

In the distance, the players who were attacking Sakalandis also felt this strange fluctuation.

They turned their heads to look here at the same time, their eyes full of confusion.

“What happened there? Was a treasure born?”

“Is there a treasure born in the gods? Do you think this is a prehistoric novel? How can there be treasures without killing monsters? How can there be such a cheap thing?”

“Then what are you talking about? Such a thick light

Zhu, there must be something tricky inside, right?”

“Who knows what’s going on? I’ve never seen anything like this before!”

“That seems to be… a plane teleportation array? Hey! Could there be creatures from another plane wanting to invade the human world?”

“It’s very possible! If it’s really a plane teleportation array, then it’s definitely a plane invasion, otherwise who would have the time to talk about setting up a plane teleportation array for fun?”

“Look! There seems to be a figure inside the purple beam of light. He doesn’t look huge, but he gives people a very majestic feeling!”

“Is it really a plane invasion? Such a strong coercion! The coercion of this creature is hardly weaker than Sakalandis!”

“Yes! Could it be another world boss?”

“I suspect it’s Sakalandis’ concubine…”

“Pfft! Do you want to laugh at me to death and inherit my epic equipment?”

“Oh! Xie Te! Another Super Boss has appeared!”

“Baga! Why did there suddenly appear a super boss?”


Players from all over the world talked about it until the beam of light disappeared, and the stalwart figure gradually became clear.

“I am a scorpion! It is the Emperor of Chaos! How could it be him?”

A top Magic Light Club player couldn’t help but exclaim.

“What? Is that Chaos Emperor?”

“Chaos Emperor? Which world boss is that?”

Most foreign players have not heard of the name of Chaos Great Emperor.

But the players of the Real Dragon Kingdom, who are familiar with the Great Chaos Emperor, are gradually filled with fear in their hearts.

When the name of Chaos Emperor was mentioned, the first thing they thought of was not his terrifying combat power, but the endless debuffs.

Once anyone gets those anti-human debuffs, their combat effectiveness will drop by 80%.

“It’s over, it’s over! Let’s go! The Chaos Emperor is here. “The boss in this world can’t be beaten.”

“Withdraw, it’s boring!”

“This Emperor of Chaos, what is he doing here?”

“Hey! What are you Real Dragon Kingdom players talking about? Isn’t it just a BOSS? As for being afraid of this?”

“That’s right, players in the Real Dragon Kingdom are too timid to be afraid of a BOSS. Isn’t it just a BOSS? Just kill him? He can still compete with World B

OSS is harder to kill?”

“It’s ridiculous! The world’s largest country is actually afraid of a boss who is not well-known, so let’s just call it the world’s most cowardly country.”

Foreign players who didn’t know the truth spoke out and laughed at the players from the Real Dragon Kingdom.

The players from the Real Dragon Kingdom just sneered and said they wanted to leave, but the performance of those foreign players angered them, so they didn’t plan to leave instead.

Real Dragon Kingdom players who know the Chaos Emperor know that any player who dares to underestimate the Chaos Emperor 3.0 will have to pay a heavy price.

Judging from the attitude of those foreign players, they will definitely suffer a big loss in the future.

A good show is about to be staged, how can the players of True Dragon Kingdom be willing to leave?

As the light of the teleportation array disappeared, Zhang Qian also came to the human plane again.

The last time he took advantage of the monster’s siege to come to the human world, he could stay for a little more than three days including the time spent traveling back and forth.

As far as this is still the rule, turn a blind eye and close one eye, allowing him to delay for a while.

But this time, he came to the world with the help of the plane teleportation array, and he could theoretically stay for seven days!

After seven days, the rules will become more and more repulsive until they completely exclude him from the human world.

No matter which plane a creature belongs to, it can only live in that plane.

Because the power they use belongs to the plane and is itself a part of the plane.

Without breaking away from the original plane, one cannot obtain real freedom.

If you want to split from the original plane, you must create your own world.

To create a world that only belongs to you [you must first defeat ten world bosses.

There is no doubt that Zhang Qian is walking on this road now.

“Seven days of stay is enough to do a lot of things!”

Zhang Qian sighed happily in his heart, “I raised my hand and released a skill.

Elemental Mastery!

Endless ice elements gathered on the sea surface, completely freezing the sea.

People who saw this scene gasped.

“Hiss! What a powerful ice spell! He actually froze such a large area of ​​sea… How much mana does it cost?”

“But what’s the point of freezing the sea? Isn’t this a waste of mana?”

“If you just read it, you will know. He will definitely not do useless work.”

“He is building a bridge, he wants to summon undead creatures! He wants to invade the plane!”

PS: Asking for flowers! Asking for evaluation! Asking for monthly pass! Asking for full subscription!! Asking for automatic subscription!!!.

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