It’s Scary When Things Work Out

Chapter 33

I watched the self-proclaimed doctor lying at my feet, blood dripping from his nose. My gaze shifted to the game and then to Isabella.

Subconsciously, I clenched my fist, contemplating what to do.

At that moment, several notifications began appearing before my eyes.

[Cold-blooded 1(*100]

[Cold-blooded 1(*100]

[Cold-blooded 1(*100]

[Cold-blooded 1(*100]

My mind, already boiling with anger from the events around me, started to calm down rapidly. The feeling that made me more human slowly but surely subsided.

The only thought in my mind was that if anyone wanted to harm Isabella, I had to eliminate all these people completely.

My mind seemed to open up, and without further delay, I crouched down and struck the man in the face once again.

After that, it was surprisingly easy. My hands moved swiftly and efficiently. A few clicks resonated in succession, and then I found some fabric and began tying his mouth shut so he couldn't scream when he woke up.

However, it turned out that the broken limbs I had inflicted on him had already caused him to regain consciousness. As he started to struggle beneath me, I hit him in the head once again, causing him to lose consciousness. I tightly bound his hands and feet, just to be safe. Placing another cloth over his mouth, I dragged him towards the restroom.

Opening the door, I placed his body inside and closed it.

I needed a few minutes to step away and do something before coming back.

Making sure everything was secure, I left the room and headed towards the reception desk. Approaching it, I found a nurse sitting behind a computer.

After observing for a while, I could only come up with an idea of what to do. Eventually, without coming up with anything better, I approached her and asked a question.

"Excuse me, where can I find the security guards or the security room? I misplaced something and wanted to ask the guards about it."

She didn't take her eyes off the monitor but still responded, "Go straight from here until the end, then turn right and continue to the end. You'll find the staff room there."

Without hesitation, I followed her directions. Soon, as I turned the corner, I saw someone standing near the door in the distance.

It was a man leaning against an open window, smoking. I didn't call out to him as I approached, although he glanced at me. Walking towards the door that was labeled "Staff Only," I opened it and entered.

Inside, there was a corridor, and as I walked along it, I finally found a room with the sign "Security" on the door.

Opening the door, I saw a security guard resting his head on his hand. Carefully taking a few steps, I stopped beside him. In front of him were multiple surveillance screens monitoring the hospital. Glancing at the main screen, I started my actions without hesitation.

Under my manipulations, a simple virus was soon created. Before leaving, I deleted some random records and the footage from the past two days.

Having finished all that, I exited the room.

The guard outside was still smoking, seemingly unaware of my presence as I walked past him. For a brief moment, a thought crossed my mind as I stood behind the guard.

After a few seconds, contemplating whether he would remember my face since he saw me entering, there was no time to think. In the next moment, I lightly pushed him from behind. He lost his balance and leaned forward, unable to grab onto the windowsill, and fell down.

It was the second floor, and although I merely wanted him to forget about this, it didn't matter to me anymore if he died.

Amidst a few seconds of screaming, a dull thud echoed. Ignoring it, I began moving towards the exit. Approaching the corner, I glanced briefly with the corner of my eye and saw no one there.

Moving further, I soon returned to Isabella's room, quietly passing by the nurse.

I came back to my sister.

After finishing with all these things, I opened the restroom door and saw two bloodshot eyes.

Taking a step forward and seeing the middle-aged man trying to move, I kicked him in the face once again. Closing the door again, I began to wait. I had to wait for some time before I could take him outside. And then, I could proceed with the task.

But before that, there was something else I needed to do. Going online and opening a dark website, I quickly switched and found a place to buy a car.

Choosing the cheapest car, I designated the delivery location. And I waited, which was easier compared to acquiring ammunition.

Two hours passed, and when the doctor came again to check on Isabella's condition and finally left, it was time.

During that time, I also received notification that the car had been delivered. It was right near the hospital.

I quickly took out my phone and, after a while, initiated a virus left on the security guard's computer. It was a simple system removal program.

Waiting for confirmation that the process had begun, I approached the window near my sister's bed. It was already late.

Leaving the room, taking the doctor's uniform with me, I started walking towards the warehouse. Reviewing the surveillance cameras, I could roughly recall its location.

Upon reaching the place, I opened the door and found a wheelchair. Taking it and a few sheets, I left.

Soon, returning to the room, I made sure the man was unconscious. Placing him in the wheelchair, I covered him completely, leaving only his face exposed.

As I led the man out of the room, I glanced at my sister once again before leaving.

Leaving the hospital was not difficult. It seemed that I didn't attract much attention. Approaching the car, an inconspicuous model, I looked around, ensuring no one was present. I opened the trunk and, with great effort, placed the man inside, delivering another blow beforehand.

Closing the trunk, I took the wheelchair and returned to the entrance. Bumping the wheelchair against one of the guards, I walked back.

Sitting in the car, I quickly drove onto the highway.

Simultaneously, I acquired a new skill.


Feeling slight changes within me, I stopped paying attention to it and focused on the road.

I quickly left the city within 15 minutes and found myself in rather secluded areas.

Turning onto a less noticeable road, I finally found an inconspicuous place, dark and quiet. Parking the car there, I checked the surroundings, making sure no one was around, and pulled the unconscious body out of the car.

As he fell to the ground, he regained consciousness, but I paid no attention to it. Holding his broken arm, I began to drag him towards a slope.

Passing by several trees, I tied him to one, took out the needle he had brought himself, placed it near his neck, and started untying the cloth that covered his mouth.

By this time, the fear in his eyes was impossible to hide. I remained silent, looking into his eyes. This made his tension rise, and he started trembling all over.

It seemed that even if he wanted to kill someone, he wasn't brave enough to face death himself.

"So, why did you want to kill my sister? Or did someone send you?"

Leaning closer, I took out a scalpel from my pocket, not averting my gaze from him as I asked the question.

"I... I... I didn't want to kill her, please have mercy," he stuttered, becoming even more flustered upon noticing the scalpel in my other hand.

"Oh? So what did you want to do? Isn't the content of the needle poison?"

During the conversation, I intentionally brought the needle closer to his neck.

"No! No! Wait, I'll tell you, I'll tell you..."

To my surprise, he broke down very quickly, but I remained vigilant as I had learned the lesson of what it could lead to.

"Well, I'm eagerly waiting for you to tell me everything. Or..."

Instead of playing this time, I brought the scalpel close to his eye.

"Yes, yes, I'll tell... It... I accepted a mission..."

As I listened to his words, my grip gradually tightened, and the anger, suppressed by skill, rose within me once again.

It turned out that there was indeed no poison in the needle; rather, it contained a paralyzing toxin. According to his words, whoever received the injection became a vegetable and stopped responding in any way.

That's what made me feel anger. Someone wanted Isabella to experience despair, which was far worse than death.

Gritting my teeth and pretending to be indifferent, I listened to what he had to say. The man accepted a mission that was supposed to be completed in four days. Initially, according to his words, the task was to kill Isabella, which he attempted by crashing a truck into our car.

And then, when he found out she didn't die and wanted to complete the mission, the task was changed to making her a vegetable. Even the toxin in the needle was sent by someone else.

What saddened me the most was that the man didn't know who the other party was.

While I remained silent and tried to restrain myself from immediately killing him, an idea suddenly came to mind.

"Tell me your data on the dark web."

"I... I... I'll tell, I'll tell!"

When I heard the word "no," I immediately brought the needle closer to his neck. Finally, out of desperation, he revealed his login and password for his account. Checking the accuracy of what he said on my phone,

I looked at him and then kicked him right in the face. When he was dazed, I swiftly injected the contents of the syringe directly into his neck.

Amidst his screams, the syringe emptied.

Waiting for a few minutes, observing as his muscles and body gradually started to paralyze, fear in his eyes turned into despair, and he stopped reacting in any way. Confirming the accuracy of the information he provided, I freed him and sent him rolling down the slope with a swift strike.

Sitting back in the car, I clenched my fist and took a few deep breaths.

[Cold-blooded 1(*100]

[Cold-blooded 1(*100]

[Cold-blooded 1(*100]

[Cold-blooded 1(*100]

Notifications appeared once again, and gradually, my state became calmer. Starting the car, I returned the same way, accelerating towards the city.

[Driving 1(*100]

[Driving 1(*100]

[Driving 1(*100]

[Driving 1(*100]

[Driving 2(*100]

Pressing the accelerator, more and more notifications appeared. Soon, the skill was finally leveled up, which had a profound impact on me.

The previously uncertain steering wheel became more steady, and my braking movements became freer.

Improving Skill Level

Glancing at the skill description, I refocused my attention on the road. The car's speedometer displayed over 120 km/h, but it didn't faze me. I pressed on the gas pedal nonetheless.

This time, notifications appeared less frequently. It seemed that to level up this skill, I needed to drive faster.

However, the terrain didn't provide me with such an opportunity, and soon enough, I reached the city. I had to reduce my speed. Although I knew how to drive, I didn't have the necessary documents for it. Getting caught would cause a lot of trouble, not to mention that the car had been acquired through unofficial channels.

Fifteen minutes later, I arrived near the hospital. Walking briskly, I made my way to my sister's room. Seeing that everything was fine and there were no changes, a sense of relief washed over me.

Taking a seat beside her, I accessed that person's account. Soon, I found a message mentioning mission updates. As he had said, the required timeframe was four days.

Perhaps I had four days to deal with this matter. If that was true, Isabelle would be safe during those days. However, it wasn't a guarantee that the person who wished to harm her couldn't involve someone else.

Now, I had to think about what to do. One option was to bring my sister back home or to another place. However, that could have negative implications for her health.

Another alternative was the dark web, but it was worse than the first option.

Sitting beside her and watching her breathe steadily, I struggled to determine my course of action.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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