Chapter 102 - If You Look Closely, You'll See Growth
《Really? Every day? Seriously? I’d love that!》
《Yes, I bought it!》
《Oh! Oh! Wait a second! Wait, my foot’s tangled! Oh!》
《What? Without any weapons at all?》
《Oh, for real! Ah!》
《Oh! That character itself is just—! Oh, sorry, sorry.》
《Yes, I turned off the broadcast. Yeah. No, I… I didn’t mean to scream… Sorry.》
《What? Ah, that… It’s just that the Warrior was so irritating…》
《Really? I can kill him now?》
《Haha, die!》
《Oh, it’s just acting. You guys didn’t hear our teacher say that we can do it better with emotional immersion?》
《See, the teacher agrees too.》
《Die! Die! Dieee!》
Seven days since the team was formed.
『StarPork: Teacher, I ranked up again while reviewing』
『StarPork: (Screenshot)』
『StarPork: I won’t lose to those filthy cheats ever again』
『StarPork: I’ll raise the flag of the Rogue Revival Movement high!!』
After the training on the first day, known as “Escape from the Axe Murderer”, a variety of excellent training curriculums followed. Perhaps because of this, StarPork’s skills showed a smooth upward curve.
Considering her rank was also rising… it seemed skills indeed varied between Bronze, silver, and Gold. I had merely thought it was a topic to fight over in the community.
However, even so, our eager student was still in Silver. Wouldn’t it be tough to raise the flag of the Rogue Revival Movement? One would at least need to reach the lower ranks of Diamond to attach an emblem to that flag.
Of course, this didn’t mean I wasn’t happy with her growth. Especially, her mentality had become very solid.
I sent a few words of moderate praise and an encouraging emoji before collapsing onto the bed again.
I was happy, but… tired.
It was 3 PM.
It was a time I wanted to sleep, but despite the fatigue I felt all over my body, I couldn’t fall asleep.
Was it because of that day’s VR session? Or perhaps the extreme frequency of streams due to preparing for the tournament?
My flipped day-night cycle was quickly returning to the general public’s standard.
It wasn’t even something I had wished for, and it came with an attached absurdity in the form of a perpetual headache.
Even today, from the moment my eyes spontaneously opened at 9 AM until now, I had been suffering from a mild headache without being able to sleep.
In short – I was adjusting my time zone while staying indoors.
Suffering from jet lag without ever flying abroad… in some sense, wasn’t this an achievement? What sense that was, I did not know.
I tried to push aside unnecessary thoughts and change my posture to try sleeping again, but now the bright sunlight slanted through the small gap that the blackout curtain failed to cover, and it began to bother me.
I wouldn’t be able to sleep.
I started to think that if I disliked sunlight so much, maybe something was wrong with me as a human being. However… the world consists of various kinds of people. There shouldn’t be a problem if I contribute a bit more to that diversity.
I let out a long sigh and staggered to my feet. My head felt foggy, probably due to a hangover. I thought of going out to have some hangover soup, but the thought of any place worth visiting didn’t come to mind, and my body lacked the motivation to move.
As I thought of each nearby place, the intense meat smell from my last visit wafted back to my memory. I reached out, picked up the soju bottle on my desk, and shook it lightly. Judging by its weight… it seemed half full.
In the silent room, the sound of liquid swishing inside the bottle echoed. I considered turning on some broadcast, but my follow list was all gray. Nighttime sleeping and daytime waking weren’t a good match for internet streaming.
… Should I broadcast myself?
But staring at the broadcast start button, I could never figure out what to do.
Too tired to turn on KoK for no particular reason. Playing the ocarina… also felt bothersome because of the headache. It felt shameful to call myself a broadcaster given the lack of content lately.
Although I never claimed such a title… still. Wasting time in a daze, I decided to log into my email to sort out some overdue tasks.
It had only been two weeks since I last accessed my email, yet the inbox was overflowing. The subject lines had noticeably lengthened, perhaps fearing that I wouldn’t read the body of the emails.
Amidst the chaotic display resembling peacocks spreading their tails, certain email titles stood out. There were some that were impossible to ignore, possessing a magnetic power that made me want to click them again despite having seen them several times before.
Such is the art of good writing. It’s something I lack, making me somewhat envious. In that regard… what exactly is a roundhouse kick, and why do I feel this urge to mention it so often?
I stared at the email that had been sent almost daily since my break, akin to a diligent letter. I really want to ask this. At least, I want to know what kind of kick it is.
After hitting the reply button, I stared at the blank email for a moment, lost in thought.
“Hello, this is CravingWarmAmericano…” starting like this felt a bit embarrassing. After all, it’s my first significant email to a viewer as a broadcaster. Sending it too mundanely would disappoint the aspiring roundhouse kick enthusiast.
I definitely want it to be read.
Hmm… alright.
『(Log Law Firm) Re: Streamer Threat Case』
I would like to see a live demonstration video of you doing a roundhouse kick.
Thank you.
Nodding my head, I sent the email and continued sorting through the rest.
From tips on how to conduct the broadcast to advice on staying away from male broadcasters like Revan for long-term growth, the emails contained diverse yet uniquely similar views on my streams.
I wondered if Revan or Ark received similar emails. I should ask them next time. The second most common type of email was related to G-Tube.
Emails begging me to create an G-Tube channel if I intended to broadcast that way, emails from people wanting to be my editor, and emails from fan pages asking me to send raw recordings…
What’s the last one about?
Anyway, although I’d somewhat anticipated it since confirming with WeTogether, it was evident that the demand for G-Tube was higher than I’d expected.
However… given that there were already channels up and running, was it necessary for me to create and manage a G-Tube channel?
I didn’t even know how to edit videos. Starting an G-Tube channel would mean selecting an editor, managing, and communicating with them… above all, committing to broadcasting so someone could make a living out of it. Creating a channel solely based on viewer demands felt overwhelmingly burdensome.
What should I do?
After all, isn’t collective intelligence the answer in times like these?
『CravingWarmAmericano: Hello』
『CravingWarmAmericano: I have a question about G-Tube, teacher』
Sending out messages to various people with only a change in address, like casting a wide net.
Surprisingly, Revan was the first to respond.
『Revan: What is it』
… It seemed he still had a thorn or two left.
I thought about treating him to a meal face-to-face next time. After all, if you truly wanted to repay a favor, it was more proper to treat someone to a direct meal rather than just sending a gift certificate. Considering I was in my twenties, it was surprisingly conservative… but I shouldn’t think that way.
With “Revan dinner” scribbled on my mental to-do list, I started typing on the keyboard.
『CravingWarmAmericano: There have been a lot of requests to start a G-Tube channel.』
『CravingWarmAmericano: Viewers are even threatening to kick me if I don’t create one before the tournament starts.』
『CravingWarmAmericano: So, how, when, and why did you create yours, Revan?』
(Revan is typing a message…)
『Revan: … I don’t know if you’re serious.』
『Revan: To create a G-Tube channel, you just need to go to the website, fill out a form, and it’s done. For someone like GetDevoured-nim, who has a large live broadcast following, it’s common to hire an editor.』
『Revan: When… I started when I decided to go full-time and hired an editor for promotional purposes.』
『Revan: But don’t you already have about five FanTube channels?』
『Revan: If you post a recruitment notice for editors, many applicants will flood in.』
『CravingWarmAmericano: Hmm…』
『CravingWarmAmericano: Thank you 🙂』
『CravingWarmAmericano: Now that I think about it, since there are already FanTube channels,』
『CravingWarmAmericano: do we really need an official G-Tube channel?』
『CravingWarmAmericano: Technically, fanTube came first 🤔』
『Revan: No.』
(Revan is typing a message…)
『Revan: FanTube channels can shut down and disappear at any time if they aren’t profitable, so it’s better to do it yourself.』
『Revan: Fan enthusiasm is a very volatile emotion.』
『CravingWarmAmericano: Ah.』
『CravingWarmAmericano: True… My passion waned a lot after Dodat betrayed me.』
『CravingWarmAmericano: Do you know that Dodat has reduced his rogue pick rate these days?』
(Revan is typing a message…)
『Revan: Anyway,』
『Revan: that’s why FanTube is always precarious.』
『Revan: Even if the view count is high enough to generate revenue, they often avoid monetizing out of fear of backlash.』
『CravingWarmAmericano: Hmm…』
『CravingWarmAmericano: Okay, I think I get it.』
『CravingWarmAmericano: Thank you, teacher 🙂🙃🙂🙃🙂』
『Revan: Seriously, those emojis…』
After consulting with Revan, she felt she finally understood. She felt like she had grown a bit more as a broadcaster. Indeed, the power of collective intelligence was great.
Expressing her gratitude in a message to Ark and StarPork, who responded belatedly, she then pressed the start button for her broadcast.
『Rogue Revival Movement – Selecting G-Tube Manager』
My experiences so far, Revan’s advice, and the feedback from viewers led me to a simple conclusion.
Instead of hiring just an editor, hire a manager.