It’s No Use Calling Me Mom

Chapter 31

Chapter 32: The Growth Path Of A Good Teacher 7 Life Is Not Friendly To Women?

Yan Guangkuan went to the police station, but Ke Qingqing didn’t know it.

What do you want to do when you have money? Of course, go to buy, buy, buy!

Yan Xiaomi’s broken stroller that looks like a few fishbone pieces together is really annoying! Now that you have the money, go buy a new one right away!

After buying a stroller and then going to the bookstore to buy books, she did not forget the additional task of becoming an excellent people’s teacher!

After buying the book, Ke Qingqing stared at Yan Xiaomi in a daze, what should I do now? She wanted to read and study, but this Yan Xiaomi…

Yan Xiaomi, who is one year old and eight months old, is full of ignorance and energy.

With such a Yan Xiaomi, the reading area of the bookstore is obviously not a good choice!

Ke Qingqing pushes Yan Xiaomi to wander the streets, um! This cafe is good. The environment is quiet and suitable for reading. You can also order small cakes for Yan Xiaomi to eat. The little brother sitting by the window is looking at a notebook with a concentrating side face, which is pleasing to the eye. The efficiency of reading books here must be very high!

Just when she wanted to go in, Yan Xiaomi shouted: “Ah! Mom!” Ke Qingqing took a closer look, the shoes that were just on her feet just now were pulled off by her, and she threw them away. out!

The picture of a pink leather shoe with a bow happily flying through the quiet space of the cafe and thumping into the coffee cup of the handsome little brother immediately appeared in Ke Qingqing’s mind!

No no no no! Ke Qingqing shook his head violently, picked up the shoes and put them on for Yan Xiaomi, and immediately canceled the plan to go to the cafe to read!

Go further, this small park in the middle of the street is good! The shade is covered, the lawn is lush, and a few benches are scattered along the winding path.

She chose a bench to sit down, and just picked up the book, Yan Xiaomi hummed and struggled to get out of the car.

Ke Qingqing untied her seat belt, the little girl didn’t need Ke Qingqing’s help, she slipped out of the car and ran away!

Ke Qingqing panicked and hurriedly stuffed the book back and ran after her, Yan Xiaomi excitedly picked up leaves, pebbles, looked at ants, and had fun all the way.

Look at the main road seven or eight meters away, and look at Yan Xiaomi, who is running around, Ke Qingqing didn’t dare to take out the book and read it.

Ke Qingqing wanted to cry without tears. She now deeply realizes that raising children is really more difficult than going to work.

In addition to needing energy and physical strength to keep up with the children’s joyful footsteps, it is necessary to have enough patience and love to deal with the small situations that children cause from time to time, but also to take precautions before they happen Foresight spirit prevents children from being harmed.

For example, just now, when Ke Qingqing turned around and glanced at the road, Yan Xiaomi squeezed an ant from the ground and put it in his mouth!

Ke Qingqing saw that she was putting it in her mouth, and quickly squatted down to let her open her mouth, Yan Xiaomi grinned happily at her mother.

In the mouth with only a few grains of rice teeth, in addition to the half-dead ants drowned in saliva, there are dust and grass clippings!

Ke Qingqing quickly rescued the abused ant, and then took Yan Xiaomi to wipe the dirt in his mouth with a wipe, Yan Xiaomi stared at Ke Qingqing’s fat Doodle ants on small paws.

This poor little thing was crawling around with difficulty, trying to find its way home. Yan Xiaomi stared at the ant for a while, then suddenly threw his hands and howled and threw himself into Ke Qingqing’s arms!

Ke Qingqing hurriedly comforted Yan Xiaomi, who was crying, and seized the opportunity to teach her: “You must not put things picked up on the ground in your mouth! Remember?”

How could the crying Yan Xiaomi still hear Ke Qingqing’s words, Ke Qingqing repeated it three times before the child nodded to show that he remembered.

Ke Qingqing scratched her head irritably, such an old child needs someone to keep a good eye on her all the time, a little negligence will lead to danger, no one will help to take the child, she doesn’t want to read a book.

What now?

She turned on her mobile phone and searched, pushed Yan Xiaomi into a nearby shopping mall, and put Yan Xiaomi in the children’s playground to play, can’t she take time to learn? ?

Ke Qingqing happily took Yan Xiaomi to the children’s playground, watching Yan Xiaomi having fun in the children’s area of the playground, she first praised her wit, and then triumphantly Pick up a book and start learning.

But the good times don’t last long! Before Ke Qingqing could finish a page of the book, Yan Xiaomi began to cry! Ke Qingqing hurried over to check with the book.

Yan Xiaomi and a little boy fell to the ground and rolled into a ball. The boy’s mother apologized to Ke Qingqing again and again. The child’s mother said that it was her son who was running into the pile of wood. Yan Xiaomi.

Xiaomi stumbled and rolled twice before stopping.

Yan Xiaomi cried miserably, and this boy did not let it go, his nose and tears were smeared all over his face.

“I’m so sorry! I saw that he was about to hit your child, so I hurried over here, but I still couldn’t hold him back. This child is very reckless!”

The boy’s mother embarrassedly explained and apologized to Ke Qingqing, then turned around and reprimanded her son, who was crying with snot and tears: “Every day I tell you to walk and watch the road, but you just don’t listen. , I fell and even made my sister cry! Don’t you hurry up and apologize to my sister!”

The other party’s attitude is so sincere, and looking at the perpetrators who are at most two or three months older than Yan Xiaomi, Ke Qingqing is really not good at holding the other party accountable, and smiled helplessly: “It’s okay, it’s okay. Son, the children didn’t do it on purpose, they can’t walk steadily, and it’s inevitable that there will be bumps when playing together, it’s nothing.”

The accident happened less than ten minutes before Yan Xiaomi came in. It seems that the plan to put the child in the playground and read quietly by himself will not work, so how can I complete the task? ? Ke Qingqing wanted to cry up to the sky in grief and indignation!

The child’s mother was still apologetic, and took out a bag of various snacks from the mommy bag she was carrying, and asked her son to share it with Yan Xiaomi.

The two crying children burst into laughter when they saw the snacks. The children finally stopped crying, and they were kicked out by the playground administrator for taking out the snacks.

“Let’s go to the rest area and let them come in after eating.” The little boy’s mother warmly invited Ke Qingqing.

Ke Qingqing looked at Yan Xiaomi who was playing with the little boy in a blink of an eye, nodded and accepted the invitation.

The two stayed in the rest area with the child for a while, and the other party and Ke Qingqing became good friends who talked about everything!

Ke Qingqing has a question mark on her face, eh? ?

As long as mothers with babies talk about their children, does friendship come so quickly and so violently?

The two have known each other for less than an hour! This Zhang Yuze’s mother has taken the initiative to upgrade herself to be Ke Qingqing’s good best friend!

She complained desperately at the tree hole of Ke Qingqing’s card: “It’s too tiring and troublesome to have children! I’d rather go to the 997 class than take a baby at home!”

” Zhang Yuze’s father came back from get off work and I asked him to help, he could complain that he had to take the baby with him when he came back from work during the day and at night, and he had no time of his own! My own time? I can go to him Grandma’s legs! What is your time? I haven’t seen it since Zhang Yuze was born!”

“He doesn’t help me take care of the child, I even want to go to the toilet with peace of mind, you know what it feels like? You have to open the door to go to the toilet, and you have to keep your eyes on the child at all times!”

“I complained to Zhang Yuze’s father, he actually said that I was alarmist, why is the child so nervous when playing at home? Alarmist his uncle! Can you not be nervous? I didn’t see the wrong eye, The child may have an accident!”

On the shoe stool! You said, if there is no shoe stool, what will be the consequences if the chest of drawers is smashed on Zhang Yuze?”

Zhang Yuze’s mother said that tears flowed down, Ke Qingqing hurriedly handed her a tissue, she took it over to wipe the tears and said with a choked voice: “I don’t dare to slack off at all times. , I’m afraid that something will happen, you see, facing such a situation every day, can I not be nervous?”

“When the child was young, he had to get up at night to feed him, but now he doesn’t need to breastfeed at night, but he is so old that he is no longer suitable for diapers, so he should be called to get up to go to the toilet and beat himself. It’s been more than two years since I gave birth, and I haven’t slept fully at night!”

“The child’s father doesn’t say anything if he doesn’t help, and even complains that I have made myself so tired. What’s even more hateful is my mother-in-law, who complains to relatives and neighbors every day that I know how to spend money if I don’t go to work. money!”

“Zhang Yuze is just over two years old! No one helps me take care of the child, how do I go to work? Should I lock Zhang Yuze at home or take him with me?”

The more Zhang Yuze’s mother said, the more her tears flowed, Ke Qingqing sighed and patted her shoulder: “It would be better if the child is older, and you will be able to relax when you can send it to kindergarten. .”

“It’s just a little easier.” Zhang Yuze’s mother sighed: “It’s not much better than now!”

“My neighbor, her child is two years older than Zhang Yuze, and she is in middle class in kindergarten. She has started looking for a job since she sent her child to kindergarten. She changed three jobs in more than a year. I haven’t done it for half a year.”

“Why?” Ke Qingqing wondered, what is the purpose of changing jobs so frequently?

“Because she always asks for leave, every time she is expelled for asking for leave! Do you want to participate in parent-child activities in the kindergarten? Does the child have to take time off to take care of her if she is sick and can’t go to school?”

“I tell you, children are very easy to get sick in kindergarten! Every morning when the child is sent to the kindergarten, the teacher will check the child’s mouth, and if there is a little redness and swelling, the child will not be allowed to go to class When the child gets sick, the time is shortened by three or five days, and the time is seven or eight days longer. Which company allows such a leave?”

“She used to be a good lobby manager of a star-rated hotel, but she had a baby at home for several years because of the birth of a child, and now she is reduced to being a salesperson in a small clothing store on the street! Alas! It’s so hard for a woman to live!”

Ke Qingqing is silent, who says no? If you don’t say anything else, the new position before the accident happened, didn’t it fall into your own hands because your boss had to take a long vacation to do IVF?

After a year and a half, when the boss comes back after giving birth, will she still have a place in the company?

Women sacrifice not only their bodies, but also their careers when they become pregnant and have children.

Life is really unfriendly to women!

The two children were tired from playing and started to doze off. Ke Qingqing and Zhang Yuze’s mother added WeChat to each other. Zhang Yuze’s mother looked at the call requests that kept popping up on Ke Qingqing’s mobile phone and said in awe: “Your family Is there something wrong? You really don’t need to answer the phone?”

Ke Qingqing looked at the twenty or so missed calls marked “husband” on her mobile phone and several other missed calls from unfamiliar numbers, smiled calmly and said it was all right, and made an appointment with her Have time to walk with the baby again.

After breaking up with Zhang Yuze’s mother and son, Ke Qingqing pushed Yan Xiaomi to find a place to sleep, Yan Xiaomi had already fallen asleep in the stroller, and Ke Qingqing was too tired. I went to compete with Yan Guangkuan. I didn’t sleep a night, and now I’m very sleepy. As for reading and studying, I’d better sleep and talk about it!

After wandering around for a while, she found an express hotel. Ke Qingqing, who was planning to open an hourly room for a rest, compared the charges and decided to open a single room for a day.

As soon as she slept to the point where she should go to work in the gym, Ke Qingqing handed Yan Xiaomi over to the beautiful receptionist lady, and put a lipstick as a gift for the lady: “I see You often use this shade, and I passed by the counter today and got one for you.”

Miss Sister smiled: “Coach Ke, you are too polite.”

“Thanks to you helping me take care of Yan Xiaomi in our family, it’s actually quite tiring to take care of children, thank you a little, take it.” Ke Qingqing smiled softly.

“Thank you, it’s about time, you can go to class, it’s okay to leave Xiaomi to me.” The lady happily held Yan Xiaomi’s fat paw and asked her to say goodbye to Ke Qingqing.

Ke Qingqing sighed secretly, Miss Sister is not easy, although the boss asked Miss Sister to help her with the task of taking care of the child, but taking the child is much more tiring than the work in the reception area at the entrance Many, as a vested interest, can not turn a blind eye to the contributions of others, and it is necessary to show goodwill appropriately.

After the class, another hour of strength training was conducted. Ke Qingqing took Yan Xiaomi to the express hotel booked at noon. This room will not expire until 12 noon tomorrow! Why don’t you live there?

Yan Guangkuan ran in a hurry in the morning, desperately calling himself from noon, and calling several unfamiliar numbers several times.

In such a hurry to find himself, it must not be because he misses himself!

I don’t know what bad trick this guy is holding back! Why are you hitting him at the muzzle? No matter what he has to do with himself, let him dry it first!

Ke Qingqing, who had been tired all day, fell asleep in the hotel with Yan Xiaomi in her arms. Yan Guangkuan, who had been waiting for her for a long time at home, but she was about to cry!

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