It Started With Devils & Artefacts

Chapter 119: Sirin's Battle Evolution

The Assimilator and its part moved away from Earth and slowly positioned to encase the area around the Moon.

"Mistress, we are getting strange signals from the area around the moon, " one of the navigation officers said to Sirin.

"It would seem Honkai knows that we are a threat." The white-haired girl smiled. Her smile was a sadistic one.

"Wonderful, we shall make that thing feel despair! I want the ships to assume battle formations!" She gave the orders before grinning.

"Let it feel how insignificant it is! I want my flagship to assume a firing position. That thing should release Honkai beasts capable of space travel." 

"...It's impossible. We haven't seen such monsters yet!" Dr MEI looked at her with horror.

"Honkai reacts according to its enemy. Since we can space travel, it should respond in kind," Sirin explained with crossed arms as she looked at MEI before returning her gaze to the ship's captain.

"I want to encase it and surround the moon from all directions." The Herrscher ordered as the rest looked at this.

"...Mistress, we are picking up a single entity leaving the moon." The officer looked confused as it was only a single entity.

"...Oh, so it's her," Sirin recalled what she saw via her time control abilities. It appears the Honkai wants to fight in THAT way!

"...Who?" Sakura asked curiously. A single enemy? It should be strong, no?

"The Final Herrscher." Sirin slightly smiled. Normally, she would be terrified to face an Honkai God, but this was fine. Her hand went to her triangle device; it was time to capture this… thing.

No doubt Marcus will be pleased with her if she captures this thing and brings it to his collection.

"I shall deal with her. I want to see what this 'Final' thing is." With that said, she turned around and walked away towards the double doors.

"...Umm…is it fine? As far as I know, this Herrscher is like no other," Elysia said with a nervous tone. By all means, she was happy that the Honkai thing was under control. Honkai is a variable that is hard to deal with. In contrast, an occupation by aliens… familiar aliens—is a lesser evil of those two.

"Don't worry. Supreme Commander ensured all of his ladies were always protected." The captain of the ship said with a small smile.

At that moment, an image of this Final Herrscher appeared on the main bridge screen.

'She looks like Sirin… why?' Dr MEI frowned, seeing the face of the Herrscher.

It was a carbon copy of Sirin, only with a crown of yellow energy and royal-like clothes. Why does this Herrscher look like that?

As the trio watched what was happening, they saw Sirin fly towards the Herrscher of the End.


"The more I look at you, the more annoyed I am," Sirin said with ever-growing anger. What she is looking at is the proof that Kiana is the protagonist of this place. It makes the white-haired girl more and more annoyed.

Just because someone decided the girl is the protagonist doesn't mean she can do whatever she wants!

'Like overcoming things through 'friendship!' Disgusting! What a nonsense! I have all the power I could want to deal with you!'

"Today, I will have you in chains!" With a hand motion, pulses of void and time blasted towards the Herrscher of the End.

The carbon copy of Kiana motioned with her hand, and purple shards blocked the blasts. They then morphed into spikes and rushed at Sirin.

'She IS powerful!'

The orange-golden-eyed girl created several dark purple cubes to intercept the attack and then cast purple and green lightning via her subspace lances, which appeared around the Herrscher of the End.

The attack was a direct hit, as it caused an explosion, which sent the carbon copy of Kiana a considerable distance away.

But she quickly recovered and then made a hand motion.

"Hmm… Illusionary space? You want to pull me there?" Sirin realised that this 'faker' wanted to seal her away.

'She doesn't know that I am Herrscher of Void?' It was a pleasant surprise as this Honkai entity can't perceive the true nature of Sirin, thanks to all of the protection from the nanites and graviton technology.

The way she fights is different from Herrscher of the End. Sirin doesn't utilise Illusionary Space anymore. She wields space and time itself with no intermediate.

Meaning that—

With a sharp hand motion, Sirin cut the attempt and instead motioned with her hand to create a black box around the Herrscher of the End, trapping her inside. She then began to twist and turn with her hand motions. In the end, she snapped her fingers, and the content inside the box exploded in a multitude of colours, shattering in the process.

"You are durable. It reminds me of her…" The Void Queen commented with ever-growing annoyance. She watched how the Herrscher of the End moulded back together like clay.

"You are not of this world; you do not belong here." The Herrscher spoke in a monotone voice—it was Kiana's voice…

Sirin eyebrows twitched when she heard it.

"Wrong, this world belongs to me. I conquered it, so it's mine, and so are you." The white-haired girl pointed her finger at the fellow white-haired girl.

"You will make a fine addition to our collection." Once again, space started to warp around the carbon copy of Kiana, who looked around for a second before trying to enter the illusionary space to escape. This time, Sirin grinned wickedly as she made a hand-crushing motion, and the space completely collapsed around the Herrscher of the End.

Making the Honkai Deity gaze at what is happening with disbelief.

"Impossible… such a thing should be impossible. How can you interfere with space itself? " the being mumbled in shock as the space around her shrunk, forcing her to use honkai energy to resist the effects.

"Resistance is futile. I shall have my vengeance against you. Mark my words, Honkai!" 

Sirin snapped her fingers, and the area around the Herrscher of the End turned into a shredder. It should have severed all of the limbs and tendons of the carbon copy lookalike.

But dark purple energy surrounded her and erupted like a volcano, warping the space and shattering the attack.

Then, in the next second, the Herrscher was gone, and space around the moon started to glow in dark purple energy.

Sirin looked confused, but then she saw the honkai reading around the moon. It was off the charts. The amount of energy radiating from it was more than she had ever seen this world could produce.

'Is she reacting to me? That is why Honkai is reacting like this?'

Then… she was back.

As an enormous version of herself!

'What the hell!?'

The Void Queen looked with shock and disbelief as she saw a giant version of a carbon copy of Kiana! The girl was big enough to hold the moon in her palm!

"This ends here, outsider, don't interfere with my work." The Honkai being spoke, and the entire Earth Sphere could hear her!

[I can begin with Honkai particle interference; I have already figured out how it works.]

Aurora spoke directly to Sirin's mind via the suit's interface.

'It's fine. I do believe that I can beat her.' The Void Queen smiled, saying that. Her smile was a bloodthirsty one, as she could feel that she could do it.

'Yes, I do know how.' 

At that moment, her triangle device glowed in several different colours, and a beam of light erupted from it.

The light rushed upwards, creating multicoloured clouds. A multitude of lightning danced in them before they began to rush into a single point right above Sirin. Then, it turned into a pillar of light and slammed into the Void Queen.

[Bio Evolution!]

A synthetic voice 'declared'. The Honkai being, who watched the whole thing with a perplexed look, felt 'danger' and tried to interrupt it, but all of her attacks failed to reach Sirin as they simply passed through her!

As the light consumed space itself, the warships and crews inside of them stared at the whole thing with confusion, as they were certain that 'Evolutions' were disabled for the time being!

"W-What is going on!? Aurora! This should not happen! I am certain Supreme Commander turned it off until all the calculations are done!" The captain of Sirin's flagship exclaimed with some worry. She doesn't want to end up 'disabled' for failing to assist her Mistress.

[No idea; the Quantum Computer inside the Triangle Device decided that turning on the feature was better.] The Ai said with a pondering tone.

"What are you two talking about?" Dr. MEI asked as she heard 'Quantum Computer' mentioned.

"Just watch. Once the light settles down, you will witness the byproduct of true combat evolution, " the captain said as the light began to settle down.

What they saw was an 'angel' whose looks were similar to Herrscher of the end. Sirin had a crown of pure energy—well, it was more like a circlet—and a pair of wings that looked like they were carved from space itself. Her hair was glowing white with golden particles emitting while it was moving by itself.

"...What happened to her!?" Dr MEI exclaimed with bated breath.

'She was Herrscher before. Did she step forward towards something more!?'

"Combat evolution, Supreme Commander's device she was carrying decided that Sirin needed help, so it caused her to evolve into the next stage," Captain explained before asking the AI.

"I thought she needed a catalyst, like a Neo Gear or another arcane item." 

[Those are for 'techno merge evolution'. From my understanding, items can merge to create synthetic life or an item with a biological entity or, in this case, a simple biological evolution without any extra ingredients]

Dr MEI and the other two looked at what the pair were talking about.

What they are talking about is some sort of miracle nonsense! An actual Evolution in the middle of a fight!?

" it should not be as strong as that Techno Dragon?" The captain was relieved as she realised that.

[Depends on what the evolution magnified…]

The Ai wasn't certain.



Sirin could sense what kind of boost she just experienced as she looked at her hand. There was no need to declare what she can do now.

"Shall we? I will make this quick~" she said to the Herrscher of the End in front of her.

The Void Monarch's wings glowed as a halo of light manifested above her. She made the Honkai entity cease whatever movement she could perform.

'I c-can't move!?' 

The being tried to struggle, but at that moment, something extremely heavy slammed into her gut, causing her to lose her massive form.

"All I needed to do was increase the gap between Honkai particles so you would lose your form. Sometimes, being huge can be counterproductive." Sirin lowered her hand as all she did was raise it beforehand.

When the Honkai entity heard what just happened, it was absurd! This outsider can interfere with particle bonding!?

"Now for the finishing touches." 

With a single step, she appeared in front of Herrscher and delivered a single kick, sending her flying.

Into the moon thousands if not hundreds of thousand kilometres away.

All of that happened instantaneously as Sirin simply removed the 'distance'.


The girl was gushing internally about how strong she was! 

Still! She swiftly snapped out from this as she appeared above the crater where the Herrscher was.

But what she was looking at was a bloody pulp of 'meat' recovering. The force of that kick deformed the carbon copy of Kiana into a bloody meat paste.

Still, it was alive and enough for Sirin. She summoned one of the 'pokeballs' she had and threw it at the reforming Herrscher.

The ball came into contact and opened, casting a red light on the 'meat paste' and sucking it in. 

"And that makes it the third 'Pokemon'!" Sirin smirked at that moment. Her evolution was undone. 

Disappeared like a poof of smoke. It was absurd how easily something like this could be stripped from her.

She looked at her hand as she felt a massive drop in her abilities!

"...pity…" the girl stroked the device on her chest. She could get used to such power!

After collecting the Pokeball, she returned to her flagship and went to the bridge, where her 'companions' awaited her.

"Impressive, isn't it?" Sirin opened the conversation, her voice smug, as she felt such a power-up suited her quite well.

"Supreme Commander's genius is something else." Dr MEI begrudgingly nodded. Now, she wants to talk with him 'shop' as a fellow scientist and inventor. There is an array of things she wants to speak about.

One of them is if he could release her MOTH companions. They, after all, have no idea if Sirin is acting on her own or if she found some sort of loophole in the system…

After all, they have no idea about 'standard protocol' and what it entails.

"He is. He was able to give me a second chance after I lost my fight for control." The girl smirked as she stood next to them with crossed arms.

"Not only was he able to save me from dying, but he did that realities away from where I was.

Once my revenge is complete, I shall gladly return to his side." As she said that, she looked at the ring in her hand.

"...Hmm… pity, it appears your future husband has selected a handful for his future wife." Sakura jabbed at the Void Queen.

Sirin's gaze snapped at Sakura. There was quite a bit of anger in her eyes.

"What a mere human girl could possibly understand what Honkai does to one's mind to make them follow its will? The majority of your kin get a preferred treatment of dying quickly, but not everyone is as lucky as you humans are." Sirin ranted as she felt her anger growing.

Elysia got between her and Sakura as she smiled at both of them.

"...I understand enough. I can't say the same about you. Invasion of the entire world is not the answer to your issues." Sakura moved her head to the side, getting around the annoying pink girl.

"...Ha. It was hilarious coming from someone who would die if I didn't invade. You were losing and will lose."

"How do you know that we will lose?" Dr. MEI asked first, as she was very curious. She felt that this girl was related to them in some strange way.

"Since I already rule this place, I have no reason to hide." The Void Queen smirked for a second, making the trio nervous for some reason.

"I come from a parallel Earth 50 thousand years from now. I come from a remnant civilisation of yours. The war you just fought against Honkai will end in your total defeat, but a certain Dr devised a means to survive. The remaining humans went to a bunker, where they were frozen for years until they could restart a civilisation from scratch."

"...So then…"

Sirin interrupted as she continued.

"I am the 2nd Herrscher, the Herrscher of Void." 

Dr MEI's eyes widened for a second.

The second Herrscher was Void of theirs, too!

"It would seem it was not a total defeat as the way Herrscher's types descended was the same as yours, and we were not completely mad," Sirin explained to them.

Elysia's ears perked up when she heard that. It appears her scheme worked in some way or fashion in that world.

Dr MEI looked pale for a second. This news was bad, but thankfully, was the Honkai threat resolved in the future?

"...Did you people win… eventually?" The nerd version of Mei asked.

Sirin shrugged without care.

"I am Herrscher persona. I died in a fight for control." 

"...That means the girl learned how to gain control of Herrscher's powers," Elysia exclaimed with happiness. It would seem her plot indeed worked!

"...I suppose she did…" The Void Queen gazed at Elysia. She was imagining how she could punch in this annoying pinkhead's face. 

"...Hmm… It would seem the crucial factor was the appearance of the Herrscher persona inside the people." Dr MEI mumbled to herself as she began to think.

"Let me entertain your train of thought as an ex-Herrscher." Sirin looked at Dr. MEI with some amusement. One could say there is a certain amount of satisfaction in seeing her realise how to do it, but she would never succeed as the threat is long gone.

"Honkai targets the ones who have anger and distaste towards humanity as a whole. Once honkai finds one of these, it begins to spike negative emotions until one develops tunnel vision.

Once that is in place, inserting a second personality loyal to Honkai becomes easy." Midway through the explanation, Sirin's eyes bulged out as she saw Realitus particles gathering in a platform meant for communication with someone in the Technocracy.

She saw a familiar body frame. It only made her feel anxious when she saw Marcus manifest right there!

The Void Queen dropped the conversation, dashed forward, and swiftly walked to her fiance.

"M-Marcus! What can I do for you?" The white-haired girl with a forced smile asked him.

Part of her is terrified! She wonders if Aurora explained to him how she plans to time slip to fifty thousand years from now. 

Her plan is quite devious. She plans to force events to happen even without honkai just to see Kiana being born so that she can get back at her!

It's petty of her, but she is a petty being, to begin with.

"Why so nervous, Sirin?" Marcus asked her with a small smile. Before the Herrscher could answer, more people walked over and stood just behind the white-haired girl. 

"Oh, new friends? It's only been a couple of days.' He commented as he saw SAKURA, Elysia, and Dr. MEI—quite the collection.

"You must be the Supreme Commander. It's an honour to meet you." Dr. MEI Curly introduced herself. Internally, she was smirking from ear to ear. She wanted to meet this guy! But Sirin told her he was very busy with his sapient dinosaur project.

It turns out they CAN communicate as it is!

"...Raiden Mei… no, those glasses and coat; you must be Dr. MEI." Marcus looked at the person who introduced him; he was happy to see a new addition to his faction.

'Raiden Mei? I suppose this is a girl who looks like me in the distant future.' The dark purple-haired nerd girl realised this was the second time someone called her 'Raiden Mei'.

"Yes. That would be me."

"And I am Elysia~" The pinkette poked her head from the side as she got next to Dr MEI.

"Hoh… I see… Herrscher of Human Ego. Quite a pleasant surprise." 

Elysia's smile faltered for a second. Both Sakura and Dr MEI looked at the pinkette for a breath moment. They finally learned what Elysia's domain was.

"...Yes~, that would be me. I am more concerned that someone not even in this reality knows my deepest secrets! It's not fair for a maiden like me!" The girl placed her hand on her head as she shook it. She looked 'devastated'.

"I have my means." Marcus ignored her as he looked back at Sirin.

"I am calling you because I learned that you could evolve. I want that data sent to me via Aurora Network. With the security systems in place, a simple download from a triangle device is impossible, and you need to do it manually." 

The white-haired girl sighed in relief when she heard why he was calling her.

It was not about her plans!

"I will send it over to you." The girl nodded at his request.

"Good, then I will see you later.'

He was about to leave, but there is no way Dr MEI and Elysia will allow that!

"H-Hold for a second! C-Can you answer a couple of questions? " Dr. MEI asked him, with a serious scientist's face.

He pondered for a bit before replying. He seemed willing to entertain her request, which made Dr MEI think about what to say.

"Hmm… depends on what you want to ask." 

For a second, she wanted to ask: 'Why?' but such a rudimentary question would only make him look at her as if she was stupid and annoying. She knows she can't resist Technocracy, so instead—

"Is there a way for me to join the Technocracy?" She asked sharply.

Both Sakura and Elysia looked at her with a small amount of disbelief. This sounds like a betrayal, but Elysia knows better. The Brain of MOTH knows that resisting is pointless and that working from inside is a far better alternative.

However, Sakura wanted to beat the doctor for giving up so easily…

"Haah… well, you are part of my collection. If you want a more active role, you would need to persuade me that it is worthwhile." 

"What about me?" Elysia raised her hand, asking the same question.

"Same requirements," Marcus replied with a nod.

"Hmm, so the girl needs to seduce you, got it!" The Pinkette was not holding back.

"Pretty much." And Marcus played along instead of blushing or commenting on her straightforward remark.

"Moh… don't you have Sirin? You need more?" Elysia pouted at him.

"The one who needs is you, not me." He shrugged at her.

The Herrscher of Human Ego puffed her cheeks. 

In the meantime, Dr MEI pushed her glasses up. It appears she was at a crossroads.

"What will happen to all the people who were captured?" the dark purple-haired nerd asked as she wondered where Kevin and the rest were.

"I am not part of the invasion fleet. If you have questions related to that, ask Sirin, " he replied while looking at the white-haired girl standing there like nailed to the ground.

"...I see… then… when can I speak with you in more private circumstances?" Dr MEI tried to word it as nicely as possible.

"...Leave that kind of stuff to me! Mei!" Elysia jumped first. She smiled at the dark purple-haired nerd.

"That is assuming you have something to offer, Elysia." Marcus sighed at the pinkette's enthusiasm.

"Dr MEI is more interesting as she is like me, a scientist." 

"Moh! I could offer… things!" Elysia puffed her cheeks, feeling offended. 


He asked curiously.

"First, I am super cute."

"That's essential. All of my fiances are beautiful." He rolled his eyes.

'Did he just say, fiances!? As in many!?' The trio looked at this…they realised… that it made sense. Now, everything made sense!

Why Sirin would invade! She needs clout! Prestige against other fiances who are gunning for the top spot.

'The whole thing is just to satiate their need to proof at the Interdimensional level! How crazy is this!?' Dr MEI's eyes trembled as sweat began to drop from her forehead. What she realised was insanity.

But, at the same time… she realised the benefits of such an empire. She could destroy Honkai in every single reality with such an armada.

However, now she wants to know the potential. How much does one of his 'lovers' command? Do all of them have moon-sized bases? What about the fleet? Is there a limit?

At the same time, the nerd girl realised that Sirin would not allow her to get closer—something she needed to be wary of. Thankfully, Marcus saw them, and such a thing gave her an 'umbrella' from imminent danger.

"...I will make you happy." Elysia pointed this with her second finger.

"...You have no idea what makes me happy… Elysia." He replied with a strained smile.

"But I do! All the guys have the same needs! Sure, you are super duper smart, but behind all that is still a guy who needs a cute girl in his life." The pinkette explained in an excited fashion.

"Just like at your current Fiance, she must smile more to make you happy!" The girl didn't let up as her comment made Sirin want to kill her.

"Watch your words! I am more than capable of making my future husband happy!" Sirin clenched her fist as her eyes started to glow in sinister orange-gold.

"Maybe so, but you are far away from him~," Elysia countered smoothly. There is a reason why she is the 'Human Ego'.


The white-haired girl clicked her tongue as she looked away. She doesn't want to admit it, but the girl was right on the money with that remark.

"See~, you must be close to him for a healthy relationship. That is something I can promise wholeheartedly~ " the pink-haired girl clapped her hands excitedly.

"...You…" Sirin's hand started to twitch. It appears she made a miscalculation as she was thinking of disposing of this pink menace.

"So far, all I have heard is basic things." Marcus hasn't found anything worthwhile so far.

"Hehe, and most importantly, no ulterior motives~" Elysia smiled as she raised her third finger.


Marcus looked… interested all of a sudden.

"I know, someone like Sirin is plotting something. It is obvious she is using your limitless power for her revenge~" 

At that moment, Elysia needed to dodge a subspace lance as Sirin attacked her.

"...Sirin…" The Inventor looked with a deadpan gaze at his fiance.

At that moment, the Royal Guards, who were standing motionless, came to life.

"It will only be a second. I will deal with you in a flash. I only need a piece of hair and your soul; the rest can be restored in a new body, " the white-haired girl commented, looking slightly crazed. 

That moment, the double doors of the bridge opened, and a squad of knights rushed in.

"Mistress, cease with your hostilities. You are breaking standard protocol." 

The pike knights pointed their pikes, followed by the Royal Guard, which towered over the rest of the knights.

'What is going on? She doesn't have such great control over them after all?' Dr MEI looked shocked and intrigued; Elysia looked at this with interest as well. It appears she is safe, but then she sees some of the rifles pointed at her, too.

'Or not. It appears it's targeting conflict itself. That means these guys will take down all of us.' 

It was not the best solution. It appears she can't wage a woman-style war. If Sirin flips like that, Elysia will suffer as well.


Instantly, Sirin dismissed her subspace lance and dropped her murderous, crazed look.

"...You are lucky. But there are other ways to make your life miserable." The white-haired girl's voice did a 180-degree change.

She sounded very civilised and professional.

"...I saw what I wanted to see." Elysia smiled and took a couple of steps forward.

"Like I said before, I am willing to do everything needed of me, no strings attached." The girl smiled at observing Marcus.

"Ha, you might pretend to be 'genuine', but you are covering for your nerd friend over there."

"That's because a cute girl has to have minimal scheming to be considered a female, you know that, don't you?" The pinkette slowly pouted at him.

"Otherwise, I will be all but naked!" She crossed her arms while looking away.

"Maybe that is for the better. Who knows? Regardless, Sirin, I will be visiting your timeline in a few days. I am already on this specific 'island'.

It will be only a matter of a few short days." 

When Sirin heard that, her heartbeat accelerated. This was bad! With only a few days given to her, how would she set up the whole thing?

"I understand. I will be waiting for you." The white-haired girl slightly nodded at him before the communication was dismissed.

The moment it happened, Sirin looked murderous as she looked at Elysia.

"Take them away! And find some work for them! Maybe cleaning dinosaur dung!?" The White-haired girl exclaimed in a sinister tone.

"As long as they are alive, it doesn't matter what will happen."

Dr MEI and Sakura's eyes widened in horror.


Elysia bit her lower lip as she forgot about assignments like these….

"Understood, Mistress." The knights grabbed the trio and took them away.

"H-Hold it. I didn't do anything!" Dr MEI said with growing despair.

"I saw your calculating look, Mei. That is all I need to make you rethink your choices."

She dismissed all three; it appears she misunderstood them. Well, they won't see how she will claim Honkai itself.

"How long until we get into position?" Sirin asked with a relieved tone as she saw the trio leave.

The girl nearly fucked up!

"At least 10 hours. There is some distance between Earth and the Moon, with pieces of Assimilator spread out as it is. It will take time." The captain of the ship said to the white-haired girl.

"I see. Then, take your time. I will get something to eat." The girl waved her hand as she walked towards the bridge's door.

The only thing in this situation which could make her feel better is food. Thankfully, she has a chef stashed away just because of this situation.

Thankfully, Hisako didn't show herself before Dr. MEI and the rest. More information would only give more ammunition for that pink devil and that shrewd nerd version of Raiden Mei!

~~~~~~Meanwhile, Reality Away, Aboard Marcus Personal Assimilator~~~~~~

"What was it? You look thoughtful." Erina asked Marcus as he walked to the dining room where the girls were waiting for him.

One of them was quite stiff. Bronya is using 100% of her training not to panic in front of Erina and Marcus. This meal session… is— 


The girl is feeling like a third wheel, and it doesn't help that Erina is, for some reason, quite welcoming towards her!

Something about talking to a fellow 'normal human' is great for her!

Honestly, the whole thing is so weird!!!

"Sirin… she used battle evolved mid-fight. I asked for data to be sent over."

"...Oh… I thought that feature would be sealed for a while."

"I thought the same thing." Marcus shrugged his reply, but it turned out that the quantum computers inside the suit devices thought otherwise.


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