Isran the Great

1.6 A Sheep?

Isran had been prepared to see strange things when she had been told she was being sent to a fantasy world. Elves, maybe even a talking dragon. A sheep girl wasn’t something she had anticipated in the slightest.

The woman’s eyes narrowed the longer Isran stared. “What?”

Isran cleared her throat and turned away from the woman, packing up her bow and arrow. “Uh... nothing.”

When Isran turned back towards the woman she had her arms folded, an unimpressed expression on her face. “Have you never seen a sheepfolk before?”

“Uh.. no.”

The woman’s nose wrinkled. “Where are you from? Evelncarth? Couldn’t have grown up in Thalbrin and not know sheepfolk.”

Isran blinked down at the woman. She wanted to say she was from Evelncarth, maybe get out of the awkward situation she had put them both in. But there were a million and one ways that lie could bite her in the ass.

“I don’t know where I’m from.”

The woman huffed, taking a few steps away from Isran.

“I can’t remember, is what I meant.” Isran rushed out, feeling slightly panicked.

“You just woke up on this floor? With all that gear?”

Isran took note of the word floor. “Uh no, I woke up on the floor below, a forest floor. I found the stuff around.”

The sheep girl was silent for a few minutes, the two stood awkwardly staring at each other

“And you don’t remember anything?”


The woman hummed and turned around. “We’re on the second floor of the dungeon, follow me.”

Isran didn’t hesitate to obey. The woman had readily believed her amnesia excuse and so she was going to stick with it. If any complications arose from that she would cross those bridges when she got there.

They walked for a good while before Isran decided to break the silence.

“So, how did you fall in the pit?”

“It was a trap.” The woman mumbled, sounding upset.

“Are we looking for stairs?”

“We’re not looking for them, I know where they are.”

Isran thought about that. Perhaps the exits didn’t change in the dungeon. She had played a few games where the exits changed location when you left certain areas of dungeons.

“I’m Isran by the way.” Isran would be held at gunpoint before she started telling people her surname was ‘the Great’.

The sheep woman was quiet for a little bit, probably contemplating whether or not to reveal her name.

“My name is Elysi.”

“Why are you in the dungeon Elysi?” Isran liked the sheep woman’s name. It was cute.

“The same reason most people come to the dungeon, to level up.” Elysi mumbled additionally. “What kind of question is that?”

Isran thought she probably wasn’t supposed to hear the second part so she ignored it.

A few minutes of silence later Elysi spoke up again. “Hey, do you have any health potions in those bags?”

Isran frowned. “Uh, I don’t think so.”

That reminded Isran of her most recent notification. She opened up her status sheet.


NAME: ISRAN THE GREAT                         

RACE: HUMAN                                                  

PRIMARY CLASS: WARRIOR                             

SECONDARY CLASS: KNIGHT                               


STRENGTH: 6         

DEXTERITY: 5          

SPEED: 5      







HEALTH:  69/100                              MANA: 0/0



She decided to hold off for a little bit on allocating her free attribute points. She was trying to pick between speed and strength. She would ask Elysi for some advice when they got out of the dungeon or at least stopped walking. Or maybe asking a stranger for advice on her stats was a bad idea.

The exit was in a room, or perhaps chamber was a better descriptor. Cave even.

The space seemed like it was carved into the walls of the sewer, with crude stairs leading down into it and another set of stairs leading out.

There were two dead bodies in the space. One was a man with pointy ears, white hair and shiny obsidian skin. One of his legs had been cut off and a nasty-looking gash in his side was caked with dry blood.

The other was a woman in robes similar to Elysi’s. Her entire head was melted with green streaks running across it. A staff lay beside her.

“Are they your party members?”

Elysi’s nose wrinkled. “Party members? What party?”

Isran blinked and tilted her head. Were groups of adventurers not called parties? Were individual dungeon delvers even adventurers?

“Uh... y’know, people you fight with?”

Elysi’s expression relaxed slightly. “No we aren’t... party members or whatever. Their bodies weren’t here when I entered this floor though.”

Isran looked at the dead bodies while Elysi walked over to them. She was happy to know corpse looting wasn’t some sacrilegious practice.

The sheep woman picked up the staff and a bag Isran hadn’t noticed before. She cursed as she dug through the bag.


“Uh, I have food if you’d like. If that’s what you’re looking for.”

Elysi shut her eyes and rubbed her forehead. “Let me guess, dried meats?”

“Uh..” Isran blushed slightly. The sheep woman seemed unhappy with that meal.

With a sigh, she walked towards the stairs. “I don’t eat meat.” She gestured towards her horns and ears. “Sheepfolk, can’t digest it. And besides that’s not the problem. My health is just running low.”

“Oh..” Isran would remember that. Offering a vegan, meat had to be some kind of crime. Especially a vegan that was that way from biology. She hoped her amnesia excuse saved her from being painted as some kind of dick in Elysi’s mind.

After some more searching Elysi groaned. “Uh, Isran?”

Isran couldn’t help the smile that appeared on her face at the sound of the woman mentioning her name. It sounded so good rolling off her tongue.


“I need your help, but you have to swear you keep this to yourself.”

Isran thought the woman’s blush was cute as she nodded readily. “Yeah of course.” Any chance to paint her as a better person was a chance Isran was going to grab by the balls.

Elysi took a steady breath. “I need to drink your cum.”

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