Chapter 5: Chapter four
"Ang! damn it, why does it have to be so hard to entering the enlightenment state, when I did it so easily when I was unaware" Kent said with frustration visible on his face.
Trying harder to concentrate, he was able to feel the force present in the kinetic energy, deepening his concentration, trying to consciously absorb the force present in the kinetic energy,
After many failures, he was successful in absorbing the force from the kinetic energy present in the pieces of his apartment, causing it to halt in the air, which was fortunate cause he was almost out of the stratosphere, making breathing quite hard.
With the pieces of the apartment and furniture halting mid air, he observed that they were some how gaining force and the direction at which the force was puling them toward seemed to be the ground.
"Oh! shit!" he exclaimed before he started going down.
With him falling of the the bed, due to the sudden inertia, causing him to tumble around in the air,
'Is this how I die' he thought.
"Ah!!!!!!!!!! " screaming as he flayed his hands, like it was going to help him fly.
Free falling towards the ground, his thought process was going through a rapid reformation in real time, with his mind flaring with idea of how not to die, even him was surprised that he could be so brilliant, he had never been on the bright side.
He was starting to feel faint, which was a sign of low oxygen to the brain, which was a result of his rapid falling, and with him flaying his hands like that just caused him to burn more oxygen which he is severely lacking, which put him at risk of falling unconscious, and that would be like a straight way to die,
'I've to be calm, what I need right now is to stay as calm as I can, and think of a way out of this' he thought.
Closing his eyes, to in hope of reducing the tension on his mind, being able to see right now felt more like a burden, than being not.
But with all that said trying to stay calm in this situation, is easier said than done, with his mind repeating 'you're going to go splat!'
So how could he stay calm giving the situation, but he had to its not like he had anyone to complain to about his situation, maybe when he dies, but lets face it he ain't ready for that yet.
Getting closer to the ground, he could see his apartment building, with a section of it that use to be his apartment missing, helping him calm down a little (more like accept his death) that when he had an idea, 'when I absorbed the force from the kinetic energy, present in the pieces of my apartment I was able halt it in the air for a couple of seconds, if I could do that again just right before I hit the ground, I should be able to totally break the force of my fall' he thought, figuring it was as good of a plan as he will ever get.
"I wish those guys who called me dumb could see me now, ah! I'm way too smart hehe!" he said to himself jokingly with a chuckle.
Enough with the self depreciating jokes, and so he tried to keep himself in an constant rate of enlightenment, so as to remove any mishap that might occur.
Time passed, and he was almost making contact to the ground. And just when he was about to make contact with the ground, he absorbed the force present in his momentum, and the pieces of the apartment, causing it to halt just a mm to the ground, outside the apartment building, for a second before Crash! everything just came crashing down.
He was lucky, because there wasn't much people outside, so not much people observed the spectacle, at least that was what he thought, but the thing is his neighbors, and passerby's already called for the local earthquake agency, filed a report and hid indoors.
Moments before the accident.
"Ah! mhm! ah! mhm! ah!" the sound of moaning and slapping could be heard, tak! tak! tak! looking at the terrace, of the next door neighbors, you could see Kent energetic neighboring couple performing a pair excercise,
"mhm this is so ah! great mhmm! we should ah!!!! do this mhm mo.o.or.e often" the lady said, in between moans being taking from behind, with her peaks facing the moon, with a subtle glow, as if challenging the moon, of who is more luminous.
"Yeah feels good right, didn't I tell you outdoor sex is the best" the man said answering the lady.
"Yeah, yeah Mr sex expert, just make me feel good" the lady said quipping at him.
"That right just listen, when I tell you this things, and I will ......." he wasn't able to finish what he was saying, the rest of his word dying in his throat, whoom! the sound of an explosion resounded.
He was quick to pullout his d**k and hurried into the building without looking back, and the lady was no slouch either quickly getting off the terrace, and heading into the building, calling the appropriate earthquake agency,(she wasn't even sure if it was an earth quake, her thoughts the agency will handle what ever it is) and hiding under the table.
Guess that dude wont be getting any ass for a long time, that is if she still decide to stay with him.
Present moment, as soon as Kent closed his eyes, figuring he should rest for a while, he heard the wailing of sirens, and his thoughts where 'did something happen"