Isn't this ability a little to overpowered

Chapter 10: Chapter 8(ii)

At the abandoned factory, Kent could be seen walking through it barely standing gates, and entering into the factory, with thoughts racing through his mind.

"I never thought I get to live out one of my childhood fantasy, getting to fly" he said thinking 'I should be excited but why don't I feel anything, its strange' he thought.


walking back to the secluded spot he was at before, well the whole place is in seclusion anyways, he thought to him self upon reaching it.

'by applying force into a particular direction, changing my potential energy into kinetic energy, enables me to move in that direction at a speed according to the force applied, so in theory if I were to apply the force upward, changing my kinetic to potential energy at intervals, the same as when I use my ability as telekinesis, I should be able to offset the effects of gravity, doing what every man dreams of fly, in theory at least' he thought with a somewhat goofy smile, slowly crawling through his face, but it was strange, he should be excited, or at least feel a twinge of it, but he felt nothing, with his body only reacting in the way he should feel, it was like there was a dissonance with his emotion, it was an upsetting feeling, alien in fact, 

But he didn't have time to question the in consistency of his emotion, at least he new what he wants, what he always dreamt of, and that was to fly, all he had to do was test out his theory. 

Settling his mind, and entering his enlightened state feeling the energies, getting into a running stance, keeping his focus pinpoint, he broke into a sprint, gaining momentum, when enough momentum was built, he took a leap, adding more force into the kinetic energy of his leap, providing a substantial force into his leap, allowing him to jump ten meters high before he began falling, he tried adding more force, but it only seemed to speed up the rate at which he was falling. 

Crash! landing heavily into the ground, and raising a cloud of dust into the air, creating a meter deep crater, with spider webbed crack running through it,


Nonchalantly standing in the crater and dusting of the dust on his body, he walked out of it with an effortless, swagger,

'that was dope, pity there was no one here to appreciate it' he thought to him self, feeling that landing,(crashing) looked cool.

Getting the distracting thoughts out of his head, he sat down on the ground to think why his trying to fly resulted in a mighty leap instead, 'but that was one hell of a leap' he thought to himself with a soft chuckle.

Going into thought he reasoned, 'the pull of gravity on me seems to more than the force I applied to help me defy it, so maybe I should add more force' coming to this conclusion he wasted no time applying what he just thought of into action,

Getting into a running stance again, with his concentration pinpoint, he broke into a rapid sprint, busting out like a cheetah, with a mighty leap, he added more forced than he did last try, adding as much as he could in that period of time between the transition of his fit touching the ground, and his leap.

Whoom! a slight tremor spread through the ground, there was a sound of a afast moving object ripping through the air.

Shooting of the ground with so much speed that it reaped out the air surrounding him, causing it to give out a ripping sound whoom!

He was moving with so much speed, cutting through the air, shooting high up into the sky, he was scared, filled with apprehension at least that was what he was suppose to feel, but he felt nothing, it was like his brain couldn't process it, which made him worried, at least that is what he thought but he still felt nothing, same, shaking his head to rid him of the thought.


cutting straight up through the air, he tried changing the direction of the force to change his direction, but it felt awkward, he uncomfortable, he later realized that tilting his body in the direction, and changing the force at the same time will allow for a more seamless transition, 

He also noticed that changing the direction of the force from upward thrust, he would slowly start being influenced by gravity, pulling him down toward the earth, but this effect could be negated more force in the direction at which he changes to, but the effect of the pulling toward the earth does not stop, it is only reduce.

Flying through the air, he circled the earth making a trip to all the places he wanted to visit, by the time he returned to the factory it was already dark, I hope Taylor could keep his lubido in check' he thought before heading straight home and ordering take out on the way home.


Meanwhile in an underground lab at NASSA a group of scientist could be seen, sitting behind computer screens, and taking down notes, and some moving about, every one seemed occupied in what they where doing.

One of the personnel behind screen, quickly stood up, and headed to a desk that was different from the rest, with it looking more expensive,

Reaching the desk, the personnel spoke to the man sitting on it with excitement on his face,

"chief I found something" saying so he quickly took out the tablet he was holding showing it to the man he called chief.

The chief stretched out his neck to look at what it was, his brows farrowing before he broke into a smile, and with a loud voice he announced.

"Guys looks like we found our first sign of paranormal activity" having said that he took the device before casting it unto a large screen, and on the screen, a blurry picture could be seen. 

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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