Isn’t the wannabe Villain too cute?

Her silence!

Note:- Evey Class of monsters carries three stages except for the last two. The general difference between the classes depends on the monster's strength and bloodline.

The basic idea of each class:-

Common - Those who could be found anywhere in the suburb or nearby forest. Most of the monsters that belong to the Common category don't carry any lethal force which could kill humans in one attack. However if not cautious the uppermost level of the Common category could wipe out an army of Novice Rank humans.

Rare:- Those who could be found majorly in lairs and rarely in the parameter of the jungle. A creature belonging to a rare class could compete with an Expert Rank Human and the higher of this category can go against the whole battalion on their own. 

Unique:- Lair bosses/Masters. Generally doesn't wander in the outside world and a particular type could be found in certain lairs. This rank of monster can go against Legend Rank humans.

Terror:- Anonymous appearance at ancient ruins or sites of World War. There is no full proof evidence of how a terror-rank monster erupts but there was a saying that these monsters never left the surface since the disappearance of Demon Lord and are waiting for their peerage to return so they can run rampant again. A Terror Ranker monster requires Divinity Ranked Human.

Mythic:- Those beings who went extinct along with their liege, Demon Lord. The executive who served their lord until the final moment was the creatures who have been mentioned in countless tales and fairy books. A mythic rank monster can wipe a whole nation in one blow and require a full-fledged hero to defeat.

Demon Lord:- The one who holds the planetary level power and could wipe humanity from existence if nothing seemed to interest it. The sole existence whose roots no one has been able to configure nor anyone have been able to see its face except for one until now. Hero Maximus, who is also the blood-related ancestor of the current hero of Humanity, Hero Kyouki.


Jungle Exploration.

The trial which every student after passing the first semester of the first year has to partake, once a month.

Even though it's named 'Exploration', the real motive of the trials was to let students know what the real thing they were training for.

The Eastern Jungle was filled with monstrosities and unimaginable dangers which could push a person to the brink of their extreme or help build their foundation.

The mission was to bring anything which one finds suitable enough to pass the Exploration Exam.

Whether it's a newly found herb or a monster's residuals, one has to bring proof of their achievement so the council could evaluate a student's potential.

In the manga, the Eastern Jungle despite being not the most dangerous one among the other jungles was a site where a full-fledged war took place and the shelter where greater demons took refuge.

There was a specific reason for such a future that I still wasnt ready to face or maybe I didnt want to face it.

In the manga, it was the first exploration when the hero saved the main heroine and made an extremely pleasant impression on her.

The same old Damsel in Distress troupe helped the protagonist to enter the heart of the main heroine, Luna and from there the main storyline initiated.

As I remember, there was only a couple of minor demon which were spotted during the first expedition of the hero, which eventually led humanity to know how monsters were close to them even without getting noticed.

There were pretty hectic things that would be taking place which would make the hero grow exponentially and of course, becomes the apple of humanity's eyes.

But I would be at a loss if the hero gets the attention as I still have to gain at least 3 weeks of Villains points to get 'her' back into condition.

I wasn't planning on playing villain after three weeks and would let the story progress as it should without my presence, but the problem was ...

'Will I be able to live until the end...?'

The hero was unfairly strong to the point he could go against the strongest warrior in the school and that was the headmaster. I wasn't belittling myself as I do have magic as my upper hand but Hero has the most dependable weapon with him, which could help him surpass any threats.

'Power of Love&Friendship'.

As he sees his harem as friends rather than lovers his trust in them and vice versa creates an inexhaustible fighting spirit in him which I would probably prefer to avoid.

'But I have to face him today...'

Currently, I was waiting for Luna who went to register our names as a party at the school records.

As I expected she wasn't aware of the hidden malice I was carrying for her.

In all honesty, I was feeling miserable doing what I have thought but this was my last shot to accomplish my weekly chore.

It wasn't something I chose but something I couldn't just ignore because of the fragile state of my mind.

"Did you wait long~"

Waving at me Luna shouted as she started walking in my direction with a blooming smile on her moon-white face.

Thinking that I would be betraying her in some hours made my heart clench. It reminded me of how miserable I have become and what future awaits me, but there was nothing I could do rather than accept such a destiny.

'I am sorry Luna...'


[Kyouki's POV:]

'This might be my last chance.'

Clutching my fist, I stared at nothingness while thinking of the way I would be bringing Luna back.

The Luna I knew since day one and the Luna I fell in love with just upon landing my eyes on has left my side to be with a sinful man.

The man who since day one was targeting me for no reason and also was bad-mouthing Luna the most in the past had her on top of his palm.

I didn't know how it happened but Luna was conjured by that sick man.

Since Luna was a divine-level priest I had a clear base to prove that no illusionary or mind-mending spell would work on her.

That leaves only one path for me to lean on.

'Curse Magic'.

The magic which was created and affiliated with humanity's enemy was now being used by a fellow student whom I didn't think was anything more than a child throwing tantrum.

Never had I imagined the silly arrogant would fall into such a state where he would give up on his humanity to obtain the person I treasure the most.

'No, I have to take responsibility...'

As I resolved myself, my team members came inside the meeting room again as I asked them to.

Seeing them so diligently following my plan which was formed on just a hunch makes my heart delighted.

I could never repay the trust they have bestowed upon me.

That's why I had promised myself that whatever happens, I would protect them with my life on line...

...and of course Luna too.

"Let's revise the plan before we depart."

After the greeting, I proposed the idea to recollect the information and plan I have formed and told them last night.

Upon hearing me the four ladies nodded and became serious.

"The motive of our expedition would be to help Luna get back to her senses by separating her from Austin. Since he has manipulated her, attacking Austin would lead us to face Luna eventually. So our primary goal is to create a deviation between them and after that would the main plan begin."

Everyone nodded after passing glances at each other.

I was fortunate to gain such understanding partners who understood my motive and formed their own strategy on how they would hold Luna back.

Despite Luna's nature of magic being the Supportive one, we all knew she was hiding something. Something which could ruin our plan to baptize her, if we were to take a single careless step.

That's why I have organized all of my four party members to divert Luna's attention and give me time alone with Austin.

"Since we don't know what kind of spell Austin has cast on her we couldn't deal with Luna, rather I will use my [Christine of Light] upon the conjurer so we could free Luna and end the demon altogether."

It might be a hasty decision of mine and surely it was making me nervous a little too, but I have to end Austin as soon as possible.

I never had killed a human but unsurprisingly thinking about what he has done to Luna he doesn't seem human to me anymore.

He was a demon who needs to be exterminated.

"B-but what if he hasn't used curse magic on Luna-san? Won't Kyouki-kun kill that person even if he isn't a demon cult follower?"

Certainly, my [Christine of Light] was my ultimate spell until now which could deal with a horde of Unique class monsters in exchange for taking away all my mana, but I wasn't sure what kind of demon have taken over Austin, that's why the blessing of light was my only call.

But the problem was the wavering emotions of my certain comrade Lilia-san who seemed to still have some feelings for the man she once called her fiancé.

It wasn't her fault to have a soft corner for Austin but Austin has become someone which I nor anyone could help with, so resolving myself I went toward Lilia-san.

Holding her hand, I felt her trembling from head to toe which must have come from Austin's memory.

Looking at her red face I assured her.

"I know it must be hard for you Lilia-san to see your old friend and ex-fiancé dying on the battleground but you have to make your will strong. That man isn't a human anymore since the time he sacrificed his humanity for such deeds, so don't let your memories drag you down and help me kill that thing once and for all."

Upon hearing me,  she teared up a little before she asked something in a sniffling sound.

"Kyouki-kun....c-can you hold me for a bit..."

Coming from the shy Lilia I was really surprised nonetheless if it were for my friends and family I could do anything, so this hug was nothing to mind about.

I wrapped my arms around her before she started weeping more soundly this time.

Sharing a nod with everyone, my gaze fixed on my sword which was lying dormant for a long and now it would finally taste the blood it thirst the most.


[3rd Person POV:]

The exploration takes place in a 12-hour duration starting from 9 in the morning until the downfall. 

300 students and more than 50 teams were ready with their weapons and armor intact as they gathered at the entrance of the jungle with a slightly older-looking woman facing them.

She was the instructor who was in charge of the on-field activity of today's class and was also assigned to have a closer watch on a particular Nobel man, or to say, Austin Wright.

"Okay, listen carefully. Whatever you do, wherever you go don't get into danger where you are not confident of winning. The wristband you have would signify to me instantly if you are in a grave situation by entailing me your psychological condition. But even without that, if you think you need help and want to withdraw from the test then just simply tear that band off your wrist. Any questions?"

Since the students were told about the expedition already in classes no one raised their hand before the instructor ran her violet eyes across the field.

Her gaze halted on two groups consisting of five and two people team.

"Okay then go!"

Hearing so, every student disappeared from sight as they jumped inside the jungle at a furious pace.

Everyone took a different route inside the dense forest to get the most loot and complete the test as soon as possible. 

As planned Austin was leading Luna to the place where he have suspected uneven mana before, to get the demon's attention and commence his plan.

And the hero's party too, as planned was following the duo from a decent distance to sabotage them and separate Luna from Austin.

'This time I will save you, Luna. Just wait for me.'


A/N:- I know this chapter was kinda boring but the upcoming chapters would make you surprised, cry and even giggle in delight.

So look forward to it and let the comments roll ~

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