Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki

Chapter 8 – Power Up

Refining such a huge Energy Vessel would be an arduous task even for two of them, but at the same time, it would greatly enhance their strength.

I could see that it would be enough for some weaker Clansmen with a weak bloodline to reach Tier 3. The energy contained in the Energy Vessel was tremendous, even from my point of view.

For the Ōtsutsuki reaching Tiers 1 and 2 was simple as nothing, but starting from Tier 3, there were some specific conditions to be met.

Yes, one could simply go with eating Chakra Fruits all the time and just focus on it.

But after plundering the cultivation Origin World, the Ōtsutsuki assimilated some of their origins and became a semi-cultivation Clan.

Essentially speaking, any Ōtsutsuki that followed the simple path of eating Chakra Fruits to reach higher Tiers would be many times weaker and would lack some special and passive abilities.

Right now, the standard way to reach Tier 3, aside from eating countless Chakra Fruits, was to comprehend a Dao and create a Dao Rune based on the comprehended Dao.

For example, because I held affinities for Space-Time, Lighting and Dust, I could create Dao based on any one of them or based on all of them.

This process was called entering Sainthood.

Because the comprehension of Dao and the creation of the Dao Rune changed the fundamental nature of our being and enhanced every aspect of our strength.

Our Dōjutsu became countless times stronger because the Dao Runes were passive, strengthening our Dōjutsu, as one could create Dao Rune for our Dōjutsu specifically.

Naturally, the creation of the Dao Rune was very hard and because of that, many of clansmen spent centuries creating their Dao Runes based on their Attributes.

The easiest way to create one for the Dōjutsu was because it was Dao Rune stemming from our bloodline.

The rest depended on the comprehension of specific Elements and Dao.

"How do we start?"

Kirihara asked as I pondered about the most efficient way on how to refine this Energy Vessel. After several moments, I finally got the method on how to refine this Energy Vessel as I created ten clones of myself through Shadow Clone Shinjutsu.

Afterward, I created my clones, other "me" dispersed around the Energy Vessel and started inscribing down Fūinjutsu Symbols around the Energy Vessel. Kirihara was never exceptionally good with the Fūinjutsu; her expertise lay in different areas.

"I laid down simple Energy Refinement around the Energy Vessel... we can start right now."

I said while activating the Fūinjutsu Symbols around the Energy Vessel and started drawing the energy out of the Energy Vessel that the half-breeds called "Tenseigan".

I had to admit that the Chakra of it was extremely pure and potent.

And I could feel that my strength was rapidly rising from absorbing a huge amount of Chakra; this was comparable to eating several Chakra Fruit, even though the effect was not that great as it lacked genetic information.

Because we Ōtsutsuki were species that fed on the Genetic Information, it was the greatest way to gain strength; pure energy assimilation and absorption were not that efficient compared to that.

Still, I felt that my Chakra Reserves almost tripled when I was done absorbing my portion of the Energy Vessel. Both me and Kirihara assimilated approximately 35% of the Energy Vessel, while the remaining 30% was reserved for the Ten-Tails.

Unfortunately, this didn't help me to advance my Dōjutsu because the Energy Vessel wasn't a Chakra Fruit. Still, I got a nice increase in Chakra Reserves and that meant my combat prowess skyrocketed in that I could fight several times longer compared to before.

Shortly after I finished, Kirihara was too done with the assimilation of her part of the Energy Vessel, as the light of the Energy Vessel was many times weaker compared to before we started.


I looked at my finaceé and saw that her Chakra Reserves were at least twice of what they were before... the increase from the Energy Vessel was superior to Chakra Fruit, but at the same time, it only increased Chakra Reserves and nothing else.

"Yes... now blowing up a planet should not be a problem for me, even if it is a High-Level one..."

Kirihara answered stoically; she rarely let out any emotions escape her and always maintained her cold, professional and stoic facade that many of the Elders often joked that she was an automaton clone.

Naturally, her professionalism was greatly welcome due to her talent in administrative matters.

"Splendid... I will now wake up the Ten-Tails and let him devour the rest."

I then woke up the sleeping Ten-Tails, who was slumbering on my shoulder, as it hacked with its body before it looked at the Energy Vessel with interest before it enlarged its body countless times over and gulped down the Energy Vessel in one go.

"Will it be okey?"

Kirihara asked me from the side because we were observing how the Ten-Tails was struggling with Energy Vessel, but soon enough, it managed to crush it down and eat the entire Energy Vessel.

After it broke down the Energy Vessel, it shrunk down its previously humongous body and hopped back on my shoulder as we were done with everything.

After the Energy Vessel was destroyed, I felt that the gravity here was changing and everything inside the moon was breaking down.

"The Energy Vessel that the mongrels created was what kept the moon habitable for the half-breeds. Without it, the atmosphere that was artificially created inside the moon is breaking and soon enough, everything here would entirely crumble."

I heard Akisue's comment and in truth, it sounded logical.

"Did we get everything from here?"

Looking at my retainer and seeing him nod his head, I decided that we could go back to the Clan.

"Yes, I got samples of all of their technology and took their entire library and everything of even remote usefulness... even though they were half-breeds who know what they discovered."

With that being said, we departed back to space and headed back to the Clan to submit the report about the mission.

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