Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki

Chapter 6 – Elemental Nations?

Southern Cosmic Region, 7th Galactical Segment, Milky Way Galaxy, Iklaath Star Cluster, Solar System X-103, Planet Ear,th or commonly known Elemental Nations.

The Milky Way Galaxy was a desolate Galaxy and far away from any places where anything important took place, so it was a relatively peaceful Galaxy. On top of everything or aside from that, there were not many powerful entities residing in that Galaxy.

The most powerful entity in the Milky Way Galaxy was someone who barely reached Tier 2 through external methods.

In the emptiness of space, an old man was looking at the humans fighting and slaughtering each other en masse on the Elemental Nations, or the Planet Earth as it was called.

He was a relatively tall and pale-skinned man who had deep wrinkles and a strong jawline in his elderly age. He had spiky, shoulder-length, pale brown hair with a chin-length, braided lock hanging in front of his left ear. He also sported a long goatee with pair of horn-like protrusions extending from either side of his forehead and pupilless white eyes.

On his forehead, he had one of the fabled Dōjutsu of the Ōtsutsuki Clan Rinnegan.

The old man sighed as he looked at the blue planet from afar, depressed, guilty and distressed about what had become of his desire for peace.

Suddenly as he was contemplating about the fate of the Earth, he got bad premotion as space folded around his person and he saw several people appearing in the emptiness of the void.

All of them looked like his mother, though much more majestic; their Dōjutsu was different and all three of them were wearing some kind of armor over their bodies.

'So they finally arrived...'

Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo long ago suspected that the people of his mother's Clan would sooner or later turn up here.

It was inevitable and even though he didn't fully understand his mother's position in the Clan, he was aware that the newcomer wouldn't come with good intentions.

He observed three Ōtsutsuki Clansmen, two of them were clearly males and one of them was female, though there were distinctive differences between the three of them, as he guessed they must come from the different Lineages of the Clan.

As he was observing them from his Soul Dimension, which was a separate dimension from the realspace, suddenly, all three of them looked directly at them, if as their third eye was peering directly into his very own being.


"So the mongrel trash is observing us..."

I said as I looked at the spiritual form of the Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo observing me, Kirihara and Akisue from his Soul Dimension, as he thought that he was hidden from our eyes... impossible, though.

If it were Branch Clasnmen, then it would be possible to hide from them, but from the members of the Main Family?

Not possible... our Dōjutsu saw everything, especially me and Kirihara, who had Senrinjōnegan; there was nothing that could be hidden from our sight.

Mongrels like Hagoromo were rare... Ōtsutsuki Clansmen never mated with lesser species which gave birth to lowly half-bloods and mongrels.

Ōtsutsuki only mated with another Ōtsutsuki or with other superior species, giving birth to another category of Ōtsutsuki, which was called Myriaded Ōtsutsuki, who were part of the Main Family like other Celestial Ōtsutsuki.

For example, current Grand Elder Ōtsutsuki Muzan was Myriaded Ōtsutsuki because his father is Divine Ōtsutsuki and his mother is a member of Golden-Horned Demon Race, as far as I was aware his parents were alive, though sleeping at the Clan's Sacred Ground.

Myriaded Ōtsutsuki were those who were part Ōtsutsuki and part of another superior species, giving birth to powerful variants. Because the Ōtsutsuki were species that were adaptable to other powerful Bloodlines, the results were, in some cases, really fearsome.

Though when it came to species like humans... many of the special traits of the Ōtsutsuki were lost on them.

"Come out... Hagoromo."

I said as I applied some of my Chakra on his Soul Dimension, forcing the rat to come out of his hiding place, as my Senrinjōnegan shined in bright blue light and crashed into Hagoromo's Soul Dimension.

Soon enough, he was forced to come down and warily looked at the three of us as we were all levitating high above the Planet Earth in the emptiness of space.

"Who are you?"

He asked warily and with enough hostility as far as I could tell... it appears that he doesn't have the best impression of his own heritage.

"Ōtsutsuki Yakou, the Crown Prince of the Ōtsutsuki Clan, Divine Lineage of the Ōtsutsuki Clan and member of the Enforcement Hall of the Ōtsutsuki Clan."

I introduced myself, though I really doubted that he would recognize anything, but it was mainly for my own amusement... like a lion that was playing with its prey before he killed it, I was playing a bit with the half-breed before I finished his spirit.

'So no attack or anything... boring...'

In a split of a second, I activated my Senrinjōnegan, as the pattern started spinning and I grabbed the soul of Hagoromo and used Seven Paths Technique: Human Path and read his memories before I fed the soul to the Ten-Tails that was sleeping on my shoulder.

"So, here is the situation... it seems that the humans on the worlds have completely weaponized Chakra in their poor attempts to imitate Shinjutsu and only used it as a weapon of war, completely forgetting about any other usage. Now, the interesting thing on the Moon, which is orbiting the Earth, is the Clan of the mongrels that dares to call itself 'Ōtsutsuki', so we are going there and wiping them out."

I said after reading the mind of the Sage of the Six Paths.

"I will be using the Divination on the Planet."

Saying tat, I turned my sight to the Earth and activated the Senrinjōnegan and performed the DIvinaition on the Elemental Nations and the most appropriate course of action for the Ōtsutsuki Clan to maximalize their gains.

After several minutes I closed all three of my eyes as I sighed in relief, getting to know everything necessary.

"We are leaving the Earth and mortals there as they are... for now. The mission is complete; now only Moon remains."

I said as Kirihara and Akisue nodded and we departed to the Moon to meet with the so-called Ōtsutsuki Clan residing there.

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