Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki

Chapter 12 – 3 Years

3 Years Later

Planet Tengoku of the Ōtsutsuki Clan was as peaceful as ever and because three years timespan was essentially nothing for the Ōtsutsuki Clan where every ordinary Clansmen lived for thousand years and that were those who never ate Chakra Fruit.

After eating the Chakra Fruit, one obtained an endless lifespan essentially, as we could live theoretically forever due to the tremendous strength of our genes that were always regenerating and replicating.

Three years have passed since the moment I contracted Nyanko and Nian as my familiar and two cute Catopuses were developing at a steady speed.

Both of them were spending the majority of their time sleeping or eating.

If they were not sleeping or eating, they were trying to boss me around to bring them some rare food or whatever.

Because they were still relatively young Catopuses, they were still very playful and demanded that I play with them, which I always obliged.

I spent most of my time either training my abilities or practicing the Celestial Chakra Manual to have the best Chakra Control possible.

Because the Ōtsutsuki Clansmen had a tremendous amount of Chakra, the easiest and hardest way to gain more strength was to increase and perfect the Chakra Control. It was hard because perfecting control over Chakra was a very arduous task that required a lot of time.

In my case, a lot of time and a lot of Shadow Clones, I never tested my limit with the Shadow Clones, but I could create hundreds of them with relative ease without feeling tired or anything.

The easy aspect of it was that when someone increased their Chakra Control, it meant that consumption of Chakra for Shinjutsu or any other things was lessened and the potency was increased, meaning increasing the Chakra Control was a fast way to gain strength.

Obviously, with each increase of Chakra Reserves and each Chakra Fruit eaten, one needed to practice the Chakra Control once again because even Low-Grade Chakra Fruit contained a tremendous amount of Chakra.

During the past years, I officially became an Expert within the Shadow Clone Shinjutsu and Dust Release Shiunjutsu, but the most surprising thing and my most important achievement was passing the Master Fūinjutsu Exams.

For that, I needed to go to the Sealing Association within Planet Tengoku, where I got tested and became a certified master of the Fūinjutsu. I have a very good talent for the Fūinjutsu and there were not many masters in the Fūinjutsu in the Clan.

Unfortunately, it appeared that not everything could be solved with the Shadow Clone Shuinjutsu and sometimes even talent was needed. For me, the thing was that I had very strong Affinities for Space-Time.

Affinity for the Space-Time was needed for someone to be proficient with the Fūinjutsu and become higher ranked than Novice.

Simple seals up to the Novice and some of the Adept rank could be learned, even those without affinity for Space-Time.

Today was an important day because I would be finally going to the Elder Ryu for the Body Forging, as I had been pushing it for three years already.

I let the Catopuses sleep because just one hour ago, they had their fill of food...

'If it wasn't for that, I am pretty privileged; just money to feed these two would totally ruin me...'

I thought as I looked at two cute Catopuses that were sleeping peacefully after eating a small horde of fishes that were directly shipped here from an exclusive location and were worth of around one Low-Grade Chakra Fruit...

Fortunately, because the Clan had Covenant with the Cathulhus, the expenses were paid by Clan for the majority and the rest was paid by Clan only for me as I was Crown Prince.

Naturally, when I would depart from the Clan, then it would be up to me and them alone to find food.

Leaving my home, I went directly to the place where the Elder Ōtsutsuki Ryu was performing the Body Forging Ritual because it was in the secluded part of the Headquarters of the Ōtsutsuki Clan.

Sometimes the Body Forging was carried out on powerful members of the Ōtsutsuki, including Saints and Holy Lords, meaning even Tier 3 and Tier 4 beings underwent the Body Forging here and the residual energy released during the procedure could be really fearsome.

Due to that, the Body Forging was specifically carried in a special location that was strengthened by powerful Fūinjutsu to prevent any damage or losses of life from the side.

When I arrived at the mountain peak where the Elder Ōtsutsuki Ryu had his special area, deep within the mountain that was engraved with countless Fūinjutsu Seals.

The entire place was guarded by several powerful members of the Ōtsutsuki Clan due to the things that were stored within the mountain. In this place, there were countless precious resources used for the Body Tempering procedures.

It didn't take me a long time to find the chambers where the Elder Ōtsutsuki Ryu was cultivating in a certain sense.

The cultivation system of the Ōtsutsuki Clan, created by Lord Shibai himself, was starting from reaching Tier 2. Even an idiot could reach Tier 2 by eating Chakra Fruits and become a Planetary Level being.

To reach Tier 3, or rather Saint Realm, one needed to perfect his Genetic Code, which was rather easily achievable through eating powerful Chakra Fruits and other methods. The more tricky part was the creation of the Dao Rune based on the Elemental Attribute and the subsequent awakening of the Celestial Spirit.

Once all three conditions were achieved, one would become Saint who could use Incomplete Domain Expansion and Divine Sense. These superior abilities were something that divided ordinary "Mortals" from the higher beings...

Requirements to reach the Holy Lord Realm, the Tier 4 Cosmic Being, were even more arduous and even among the Ōtsutsuki Clan, only a few reached it through Evolutionary Cultivation...

Naturally, those who reached these Tiers by only eating Chakra Fruits were weaker than those who went through Evolutionary Cutlviation because the Evolutionary Cultivation strengthened not only the racial abilities of the Ōtsutsuki Clan but also all other aspects and they obtained new skills.

Frankly speaking, only the people from the powerful Bloodlines among the Celestial Ōtsutsukis or Myriaded Ōtsutsukis of the Main Clan would reach Holy Lord Realm, while others only became ordinary Tier 4 through eating Chakra Fruits.

The process with Chakra Fruits was sometimes more arduous because the number of Chakra Fruits needed was... tremendous, to say at least.

Even though a lot of Tier 4 and higher powerhouses of the Ōtsutsuki were the ones who didn't use Evolutionary Cultivation because the requirements were too harsh.

Though who did use it were the true backbone of the Ōtsutsuki Clan and were typically Elders, Grand Elders, Protectors, Lords or people with some special status.

Read up to 10 chapters ahead!
PS. Vote is on patr-eon for the final love interest from the ATG

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