Isekai Harem of Smut and Magic

Chapter 34♥♥♥ – Knocking out Griscent

Christmas 2021: Free uncensored version available here.


In the previous chapter…


As they kissed, she groped around to insert his penis.


His lips muffled her scream as she came from the first insertion.

NSFW! kissing

She shot back, her eyes wide open.

No way… I’m going crazy at this rate! she thought.

“What’s the matter? You’re not moving your hips,” Slade said.

“I-I just came,” she moaned.

“Hmpf, get off then,” he said.

With an apologetic face, she sat on her knees at his side.

He walked behind her and pushed her down. Pulling her butt up, he penetrated her ass hole.

“Hnng!” Her eyes shot open.

NSFW! Griscent from behind

“I’ll just use the other hole if you get too sensitive,” he said.

Her face pressed against the ground as he pounded her.

“Ugh, just let me come… Shake your ass!” he groaned and slapped her butt.

She cried from being used so roughly as she felt her inside filled up.

NSFW! Griscent from behind cum

I have no idea how much time passed in reality… Griscent thought.

They lost track of time, as they were savagely ramming into each other.

For Slade, the pleasure turned into soreness punctuated with moments of satisfaction.

But Griscent only grew more sensitive as the interval between her orgasm shortened until she came at each stroke.

She had turned into an elf before she knew it. Between her pangs of clarity, she realized she was laid on the ground while Slade was still going hard at her.

The cave shook. The illusion grew unstable as Griscent felt faint.

“Wait, Slade… Please let me rest,” she begged.


He lasted 28 seconds.

Doubt and uncertainty surged back. He still couldn’t reply to Griscent’s proposal. And he feared the ‘correct’ answer.

Using sex as a blindfold, Slade averted his eyes from the truth.

He could not deal with boredom and soreness while he could just feel good cumming inside.

Nobody knew whether his bottomless sexual greed and endurance were humanly possible.

Perhaps he was a Toilet Slime after all.

And so he went back inside Griscent’s comfy pussy.

NSFW! Griscent elf

“Stop! I’m going to… faint!” she moaned.

“Oh, you’re fainting? That makes it even better,” Slade smirked.

NSFW! Griscent elf cum

“Ogh…” Griscent let out a last sigh as her head plopped down.

The walls of stone warped as the illusion shook. Space rifts tore open, revealing the previously familiar backgrounds of the city, workplace and bedroom. The crowd of women around them had vanished.

Slade didn’t care. Instead, he was only concerned that Griscent would vanish. Where would he stick his penis into if she disappeared?

His hips shook back and forth, entirely focused on having sex until he was interrupted.

“Wow! That’s hot!” a mysterious voice shouted.

“Fuck, it scared the hell out of me!” Slade said, after glancing in the direction of the unexpected guest.

It was his younger self.

Young Slade had walked out of his bedroom, stepping through the spatial rift of the broken illusion.

“Don’t mind me. Just go on with your business,” young Slade said.

He pulled out his dick from his pants and started to pump it in front of old Slade and Griscent.

“W-wait, what’s the deal? Stop doing that,” old Slade said.

He glanced at Griscent, but she was unresponsive.

“Why? Who are you to order me around?”

“I’m your future self, and you’re way too young to watch that!”

Old Slade estimated the young Slade to be around 14.

“Woaaaah, for real? That’s sick bro! Let’s talk in my room!” young Slade said, as he returned inside the bedroom spatial rift.

My room, you mean?

Old Slade let out a long sigh. His boner died. He wanted to fuck Griscent, but that was impossible with his younger self around.

I don’t want to spend time with a brat that I know inside-out… old Slade thought.

Despite everything, he walked to the bedroom to entertain himself with the past.

“Welcome to my humble abode!”

Young Slade sat on the bed, offering him to sit at the desk chair.

“So, how awesome is the future? How come you get to fuck elves?” The teenager threw clothes at old Slade.

“You’ll be stuck in a cubicle all day long, working for eager assholes. Then, you’ll get stuck in traffic twice a day. The future sucks balls if you ask me,” old Slade said.

His old oversized T-shirts and pants were a perfect fit for his current adult self.

“Yo, you have a car? That. is. sick!”

“It’s not that good, honestly...” Old Slade brushed the dusty laptop sitting on the desk with his hand.

“Do I get rich? How many burgers can I buy per day?”

“Huh? I don’t know...”

Young Slade sighed as old Slade browsed absently on the laptop.

“Look at you glued at the computer despite the incredible opportunity to talk to your younger self!”

“I can’t help it, okay? I got isekaied for almost a week without internet! There’s no wi-fi in this fucking illusion!”

“What?! You got isekaied?!”

Old Slade banged on the desk in frustration. The page wasn’t loading.

“Dude, you’re all fidgety like a crack addict. Let’s chill while playing some piano,” young Slade said.

He sat in front of the electronic keyboard in a corner of the bedroom.

I’d rather fuck Griscent. I want it so badly! But I can’t! old Slade lamented.

The keyboard assaulted his ears with nostalgia at each musical note.

It’s been a while since I haven’t played...

Having a change of heart, Old Slade dragged his rolling chair to the keyboard.

“Your rhythm is all over the place… Also that composition… Just follow along.”

He played alongside his younger self, enriching his old melodies with new harmonies. Melancholic modes slipped in between the upbeat notes of melody.

“Woah! It sounds deeper, that’s so cool!” young Slade shouted as he played.

“Right. This alteration switches the harmony to a minor scale moving us further away from the tonic. It’s common sense that adding tension and hardship creates more depth, right?”

“Yeah… It’s just like real life. It feels meaningful!” young Slade said.

Old Slade took a deep breath at the end of the piece. He was exhausted from the mental exercise.

“That was incredible! It’s so damn cool! Good job, future me. Play another piece!”

Old Slade smiled wryly.

“No, I’m tired. It’s your turn now.”

“Sure, I could play all day! I want to try what you just taught me.”

Old Slade sprawled on the bed, enjoying the tunes.

There were moments of hesitation and mistakes, as young Slade churned his mind to find the musical scales.

But with unrelenting perseverance, young Slade had mastered his own composition.

The fuck?

He witnessed in real time the power of his young self.

Could it be that I used to be a genius?

“Damn, young people have it good… If it were me I would have-” older Slade started.

-given up sooner, he thought.

“It’s all thanks to you for teaching me! I just like playing. It’s no big deal, you know?” young Slade said.

Older Slade smiled.

His young self had a blast. The idea of giving up didn’t even cross his mind. He was hyped by learning new things and happy with minor victories.

That’s right. I miss the good times when I was happy with the slightest things…

The walls of the bedroom shook. Griscent was probably waking up.

“Oh no, it looks like time’s almost up,” young Slade said.


“Before you leave, tell me more about that isekai thing!”

“Alright… Where do I start,” old Slade said.

He recounted all the events as he remembered. Dying to a drifting truck and being reborn as a slime. Invading an ore mine for the sake of his lovely sovereign. Saving gnolls and fighting beholders. But in the end, his motivations were challenged by Griscent in an illusion.

Young Slade nodded. He gave zero fuck when old Slade said that he was an illusion.

After recounting the hentai-like plot of meeting girl after girl and having sex with them. Old Slade showed him the diplomacy window.

“I see… So you either have to choose between that Griscent or Violet girl, correct?” young Slade asked.


“Wrong! You dumbass!”


“That’s right. You can choose…”



Honk honk!

At last, I’m free from hiatus (I think)!

This was the last NSFW smut chapter of this section.

The theme was all about expressing the self through our choices with knowledge of what they entail, so that they can be carried with pride.

The scene with both young and old Slade was necessary to shed a new light on Griscent’s actions so that Slade can make his final decision in the next chapter.

Thank you for your comments, ratings, fav and reading!

Special thanks to our subscribers: Eternal_Havoc, LabRunner, JK, GM, TB, MS, S2, SD, Moose, U8, XCER, thedemongoku, Panthara and especially Hedgeboar for generously funding our degeneracy (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ).

special message to Hedgeboar

See you Saturday (hopefully) for the next chapter,


SubStar chapter 35 - Turning point

SubStar chapter 36



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