Is This a Novel or Something?…Everyone and Their Dog is Regressing, It’s Fking Ridiculous

Chapter 505

Chapter 499 – That… Magic… Is Not Allowed…


It signifies a phenomenon where something turns black.

In subculture, it can be considered one of the intensely popular elements.

There’s nothing quite as stimulating as corruption in exchange for great power.

In such cases, the physical changes toward a black-centric appearance, of course, come with supernatural power-ups.

However, right now, Haruka’s blackening is something different from the usual.

Of course, if you consider the physical aspects, it’s truly a complete blackening.

Her outfit, eyes, and hair have all turned completely black.

For anyone interested in subculture, it could be a perfect corruption of a magical girl to lose their mind over.

It’s just that if it weren’t for that fucking red armband emblazoned with a Hakenkreuz.

And if only that fucking familiar mustache weren’t absent.

[From the moment she mentioned being rejected from art school, something felt off…]

‘Come to think of it, Japan was also part of the Axis Powers, huh…’

Furthermore, one shouldn’t actually use the term blackening here.

In truth, blackening is insufficient if it only refers to a superficial change in appearance to black.

There must be a dramatic internal change compared to what existed before for it to truly be called blackening.

A character armed with kindness and goodwill undergoes blackening.

Transforming into an unimaginable ruthlessness and coldness.

However, Haruka doesn’t really fit this description.

Though on the outside, she’s got the glamour and beauty of a magical girl.

From the beginning, if you look at how she uses her abilities, her insides were already rotted and decayed like a dog.

“Magical Iron Cross!”

Shit, she’s using it so openly.

‘That fucking girl doesn’t even try to hide it anymore…’

And that’s the case even now.

From the moment she started using her powers, hiding it didn’t seem to be in the cards for her.

Now, Haruka sends Nazi iron cross projectiles flying at Hyeji.

“Magical Golden Eagle!”

As if that wasn’t enough, she then creates an eagle ornament just like the one on her chest.

And starts hurling it at Hyeji like a boomerang.

Of course, Hyeji easily responds to this.

She conjures a rifle, taking down the dangerous attacks with precision.

The flying eagle ornament is swiftly caught and sent flying back toward Haruka.

Only, at a speed far beyond what Haruka threw it with.

Just moments ago, it seemed like Hyeji was a bit dazed by Haruka’s transformation.

However, she quickly regains her composure and calmly counters the attack.

“Is this your manhwa move?”

Then, Hyeji seems to contemplate something.

She begins to aim the rifle’s muzzle at Haruka.

“There’s no way something this tiny is a manhwa move.”

As soon as her words finish, Hyeji’s rifle spits fire and unleashes a barrage of bullets.

Without a tremor, solely targeting Haruka’s vital points.

Only, watching Hyeji’s demeanor, a sense of unease begins to swirl within me.

At first, when it was hand-to-hand combat, I could understand her responding just enough to show the gap in their abilities.

But ever since, until now, Hyeji has maintained a consistently passive posture.

Even suppressing her abilities to the bare minimum, responding with her body as much as possible.

[Isn’t this just a stagnant pond?]

‘Even so, this isn’t really like Hyeji, she’s being too restrained.’

As if there’s something else she’s aiming for.

[…Now that I think about it, something feels off.]

‘If she really wanted to finish it, she could’ve done it long ago.’

And it wasn’t just me thinking this, Kyoukyou let out a heavy question filled with unease.

“Everyone, look at Hyeji-chan! Doesn’t something feel off?”

“Aren’t you facing a spellcaster with a spell’s edge?”

“Today isn’t your sister’s magical menstruation day, right?!”

“……I shouldn’t have asked these fucking girls….”

Of course, Elcia and Caressy’s responses did little to alleviate Kyoukyou’s worries.

“Shinwoo-chan… You have it rough…”


Kyoukyou’s question unexpectedly ended with a comforting comment directed at me.

Meanwhile, despite Hyeji’s passive attacks, Haruka responds with great flair.

In fact, even if passive, compared to her usual actions, each strike was fatal.

“Magical Barrier!”

With that, a Berlin Wall materializes in front of Haruka, blocking Hyeji’s attack.

Soon after, the Berlin Wall crumbles down as if history rightly dictates it to do so.

And through the crumbling barrier, Haruka can be seen, eyes closed, in deep concentration.

Suddenly, with a voice filled with madness, she thrusts her right palm out while stretching her right arm diagonally.

“Magical Prison!”

In that instant, four walls arise around Hyeji, ensnaring her completely.

The only space open to Hyeji is the ceiling above.

“Magical Bombs!”

Haruka launches several bombs into the air to cover the ceiling.

No, to be precise, it’s the substances spewing from the bombs that suddenly exploded in mid-air.


What those substances are exactly isn’t clear, but judging by the color, they must certainly be toxic.

And hearing Haruka’s voice, drenched in madness, shouting, that thought solidified into certainty.

“Magical Gas Chamber!!!!!!”

‘…Magical Holocaust…’

[Holy shit…]

It’s a brutal re-enactment of a slaughter that turns back the tide of time.

However, for Haruka, sadly, the slaughter itself didn’t happen.

With an annoyed expression, thanks to Hyeji, who bursts through the wall like a file bunker.

Fucking girl, can we please focus already?!”

Seeing her react so irritably, Hyeji seems to be pondering something.

But disregarding Hyeji’s response, Haruka suddenly makes a marking with her fingers in a cross shape.

“Magical Shadow Clone Technique!”

Suddenly, mist begins to envelop Haruka.

Soon after the mist clears, what appears beyond it are five Harukas.

And they all salute in true Nazi fashion.

“””””Let’s go, Schutzstaffel!!!!”””””

In fact, up to this point, I had no intention of saying anything.

Sure, it was a series of shocking spectacles I couldn’t keep quiet over.

But still, it’s Hyeji’s fight; I thought it wouldn’t be right for me to jump in.

So, for now, I just quietly watched, hoping for Hyeji to work things out.

“””””Haruka SS!!!!!!!”””””

Until Haruka suddenly shouted those extremely sensitive words.

As soon as I heard that, I almost instinctively shouted.

This could spiral into a problem worse than the Nazis.

“Don’t call her in plural form, you fucking girl!!!!!!”

Hearing my words, one Haruka frowns and begins to yell at me.

“Why the hell are you suddenly going off? What’s your problem!”

“Don’t call me in plural form!!!”

Of course, the only response I had to that was one thing.

“What does it matter how I call you!”

“Just don’t do it, you dog!!!!”

Absolutely, do not let a single ‘S’ get attached after the name Haruka.

[Nobel-chan’s name can’t be shortened, but that flipped one will become a major issue if in plural.]

‘Either way, that’s a true life-or-death dilemma, fuck.’

But right now, Haruka is completely forgetting two facts.

I could argue that it was because I called out suddenly that she got distracted.

But from the beginning, it’s entirely Haruka’s fault for being so engrossed.

First of all, this is clearly still the middle of a fight.

There’s nothing more dangerous and pathetic than being distracted in the middle of a fight.

Especially against someone like Hyeji, who poses a constant threat, it’s even more so.

Also, the second issue stemmed from the fact that Haruka responded.

To be precise, if she were to respond at all, she should have done so thoroughly.

Because Haruka was currently in the midst of casting a clone technique, with a total of five versions existing.

And yet, only the one Haruka reacted to my words.

“You’re the real one, huh?”


Thanks to that, Haruka had to pay the price for forgetting those two crucial facts.

The heavy consequence of Hyeji appearing right in front of her.

“When five gather, there’s bound to be one piece of trash.”

Soon after, Hyeji slams her foot down hard onto Haruka’s foot, eliminating her escape route.

As if she were a determined dog sinking her teeth in, refusing to let go.

At the same time, a small but heavy gauntlet materializes on Hyeji’s right arm.

“I’m sending you to Hitler.”

“Ma, Magical—!”

Only then did Haruka realize how serious the situation was and attempted to cast magic again.

But before she could, Hyeji’s fierce fist paints a faint afterimage heading toward her face.

“Die!!! Chest Disabled Person!!!”

[You must never show your back to Hyeji.]

‘……I’ll keep that in mind…’

While it wasn’t magic, ironically, that punch was genuinely magical.

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