Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group?

Book 6: Chapter 65:2: The Drama Queen, Root Shiki, Part 2

Book 6: Chapter 65:2: The Drama Queen, Root Shiki, Part 2

Alright, alright, since the enemy is approaching, lets get ready. So, which direction are they coming from? Chen Heng changed the subject, worried that Jeanne dArc might get too embarrassed and do something unpredictable.

From the north, it sounds like. Theyre still some distance away. But maybe theyre not targeting our little hideout. What should we do? If we decide to engage, its best to send one or two people outside as lookouts. I can go alone, Medusa said while reloading her M762.

[TL Note: More information on the M762: /wiki/Beryl_M762. Also, likely based on this:]

To the north? I parked and hid my car to the south earlier, so if they pass by here, they shouldnt see my car. How about your car?

We left ours a few hundred meters away. That was Jeanne dArcs suggestion.

Nice move. Heres the plan: Ill go out alone. If the enemy comes in our direction, well ambush them. Five of us shouldnt lose to a four-person team in a close-quarters firefight. If they pass us by, but their target isnt us, well wait until theyre a hundred or two hundred meters away and then attack. There isnt any cover to the south, just open grassland; we can easily take down one or two of them first. Thats the plan. Im heading out now. Ill be responsible for sniping from outside. When I fire, you all open fire.

After Chen Heng finished speaking, he didnt wait for others to react before jumping out of the south-facing window. He ran to where he had hidden his Jeep, jumped in without opening the door, and quietly listened to the sound of the vehicle approaching in the distance.

This way, Chen Heng could have a broad field of view and use the car door as cover.

In the real world, ordinary car doors wouldnt stop bullets, but in the game, as long as your body wasnt exposed outside the car, the enemy couldnt kill you, as there were no penetration attacks in the game, unless the car itself was blown up.

Twenty seconds later, a white car passed the house where Chen Heng and the others were hiding and headed south. Chen Heng didnt know why these people were going south, but that didnt stop him from aiming his sniper rifle.

After the car had traveled about 200 meters south, Chen Heng shifted his aim to account for the wind speed and the direction of the vehicle and pulled the trigger on his M24 sniper rifle.

Bang! As Chen Heng pulled the trigger, a glistening, golden bullet flew out of his rifle and hit one of the enemy players in the fully equipped team. The player fell off the car and knelt on the ground. (In the game, when a player is shot while in a vehicle, they fall off the vehicle but dont take damage from the fall.)

When Chen Heng aimed earlier, he noticed that two of the four-player team were wearing level 3 helmets. Chen Heng chose one of the other two, who had level 2 helmets, as his target.

After Chen Heng fired, the other four inside the house also began shooting, some with sniper rifles like Chen Heng and others with assault rifles.

The car didnt stop after one of their teammates fell off; instead, it continued forward.

Bang! Chen Heng didnt reload but switched to his other M24, aimed at a player with a level 3 helmet, and shot again. The second unfortunate player also fell off the car, kneeling on the ground.

When Chen Heng was switching sniper rifles, he had seen a green health mist emanating from a player with a level 3 helmet. That player had been hit by a spray of bullets and was now in critical condition, so Chen Heng decided to snipe that player with a level 3 helmet.

With two of their teammates down, the car finally stopped after crossing a gently sloping hill.

It seems that the remaining two players are planning to fight back. Everyone, be careful and finish off the two knocked-down players first. Chen Heng reloaded his two M24 sniper rifles.

Understood, Medusa replied coolly; then the sound of a sniper shot rang out. The first level 3 helmet player, who had fallen to the ground, was hit but not killed. He continued to crawl toward the parked Jeep, displaying an intense will to survive. Just then, two smoke grenades were thrown in front of the fallen teammates.

However, the smoke hadnt yet billowed up when the first level 3 helmet player received another sniper shot and instantly turned into a crate. The knocked-down level 2 helmet player met the same fate, getting eliminated by the rest of Chen Hengs team and turning into a crate.

After both fallen players had turned into crates, the two smoke grenades tossed near them began emitting white smoke.

You might find this hard to believe, but even in the game, Medusa continued to wear a blindfold. Nevertheless, she wielded a sniper rifle with exceptional accuracy. So, was the blindfold merely for show? What purpose did it serve?

Before the two downed players turned into crates, Chen Heng shifted his focus away from them and intently watched the gentle slope through an 8x scope, waiting for the other two players to reveal themselves.

However, the gradually spreading smoke obscured Chen Hengs vision, forcing him to retreat into his car. After some time, the smoke dispersed, and Chen Heng raised his sniper rifle again.

Bang! Relying on his 8x scope, Chen Heng clearly spotted a fifth of a helmet peeking out from a pile of grass. He took a shot. The shot landed, but only green health mist appeared without the player being downed. This should be the second level 3 helmet player.

Bang! The sound of a gunshot rang out again, but this time it wasnt from Chen Hengs rifle. On the contrary, Chen Heng was hit.

It was the second level 3 helmet player who had shot Chen Heng. One shot struck Chen Hengs level 3 helmet!

Quickly, Chen Heng sought shelter behind the Jeep and administered first aid to himself.

Gazing at his critical health, he couldnt help but mutter, Thanks to Lancelot for sending a full-durability level 3 helmet. f(r)eeweb(n)ovel

Even without the level 3 helmet, Chen Heng wouldnt have perished, considering he still had four teammates.

As Chen Heng continued to heal, gunshots kept echoing. However, he had no intention of revealing himself.

Chen Heng would never expose himself while his health remained far from full. He waited patiently inside the Jeep because the opposing sniper was undoubtedly a skilled marksman. If Chen Heng were hit again in his weakened state, it would surely be fatal.

After another sniper shot rang out from the enemys direction, Chen Heng noticed that Jeanne dArcs health in his teams list turned blood-red, likely indicating she had been headshot and knocked down.

However, Chen Heng remained calm and had no plans to leave the safety of the Jeep. After all, the other Servants on his team could rescue Jeanne dArc. That was the convenience of having a seven-member team.

Jeanne dArc, are you okay?

Im fine. I have the house as cover. Eresh-chan is resuscitating me. However, the enemy sniper with the level 2 helmet is really skilled. Be careful. How about you come back into the house for now?

Dont call me Eresh-chan! Chen Heng hadnt even replied yet when Eresh-chan chimed in.

Dont worry. You dont need to be concerned about me.


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