Is It Bad That the Main Character's a Roleplayer?

Chapter 82: Don’t Do This (7)

Chapter 82: Don’t Do This (7)

> [Arent you angry? Why must you go through all this?]

> [Arent you enraged about that unprecedented humiliation you must endure?]

> [Dont suppress it. Let it all out.]

> [Your anger is justified, after all.]

* * *

Haah, haah.

Once the Inquisitor could relax just a little, she frowned slightly at the intense pain that overcame her. As she breathed heavily, the resplendently white edges of her vision returned to normal.

Did I do it?

She wiped away her sweat and glanced at the person whod been blown quite far away.

Had she managed to subdue him? Could the Demon no longer run rampant using the Demon Knights body?

The Inquisitors green eyes continued to observe the collapsed man.

He had a deep wound in his abdomen and wasnt moving.


Only then did she allow her body to sit down. Although she wasnt injured, her whole body was practically screaming.


The after-effects that remained in her body from using Divine Power couldnt be remedied by anything.

So, she just endured her pain and took deep breaths. Step, step, step. She could hear footsteps coming from afar.

Are you alive?!

The first thing that person asked upon arriving was whether she was still alive. Of course, she was still alive, or did they wish she was dead? No matter, she could never view that thief in a positive light.

The Inquisitor stretched her limbs while grumbling meaninglessly in her mind.

She had to correct his behavior according to the teachings of the Temple, but there was nothing she could do right now. Just sitting was hard enough for her at the moment.

O almighty God, may thou be merciful

However, she couldnt allow herself to lie down, so she just prayed that God wouldnt condemn her actions.

Gasp, youre still alive, right? Why arent you answering me?

Shut up.

Looks like youre alive and well. But why does your hair look like that? Did rats gnaw them off?

At the thiefs words, she reflexively raised her hand and smoothed over her hair. Her ear hadnt been completely cut off, and shed reattached it somehow, but the hair near it had been shorn to the length of a single finger.

It got cut off.

The Inquisitor was slightly disappointed with her hairs lopsided length but decided to let it go. She was still wondering how her ear hadnt been entirely cut off in all this. Her hair would regrow in time, so it didnt especially matter.

Youre a complete mess.

Since she had been in a rough fight, her clothes had obviously become torn and damaged beyond repair. However, that guy had to point out the obvious. He really was an idiot.

She was so upset that she didnt even consider responding to him. The thief also didnt ask further, seemingly not wanting her answer in the first place.

Instead, she felt something being put on her shoulders. It was the hooded cape the thief always wore.

The Inquisitors eyes moved toward the thief.


It was currently night, so it was fairly cool, but dawn was about to break. However, that degree of cold wouldnt get even a shiver out of her.

As such, she simply closed her eyes.

I dont need this.

Just take what people give you. Or do you dislike it because a thief gave it to you?

Thats not the case.

She just didnt feel cold. The Inquisitor briefly fumbled with the green hood but soon gave up on returning it to its owner. She was simply too tired to quarrel with that loudmouth.

Have you evacuated everyone?

Instead, she only asked him about what concerned her the most. She knew the answer just from seeing that this coward had come here, but she still wanted to confirm it properly.

Hah, of course.

So, it was like that.

She was relieved to hear that the people had been evacuated safely. Even though there was still a mountain of work left to do, she couldnt help but feel happy that their biggest threat was eliminated.

Our main forces have also arrived. I saw them coming.

Thats good to hear.

Once their main forces arrived, they could clean up the remaining Demons in the city. Furthermore, they could move the people somewhere safe and

The Demon Knight

Hes over there, but dont approach him.

They could adequately seal the Demon Knight.

Has the Demon left?

I dont know.

She hoped it had, but she still felt the Demonic Energy within the Demon Knights body; it hadnt decreased at all. He was unconscious for now, but no one knew whether hed be normal again after waking up.

But I know hell return to his senses.

However, she firmly believed that he would return. If not when he woke up, it would be the next time, or even the time after that. She just knew the normal Demon Knight would absolutely return to them.

I guess I should get up, huh?

Shed rested enough to catch her breath. She forced her body upright, swallowing back the groan of pain about to escape her mouth.

Shouldnt you rest a bit longer?

I cant. I have to seal him.

Before the Demon Knight awoke, she had to at least place a simple seal on him. Thanks to the Demon Knights internal resistance, she subdued him without inflicting too many injuries, but there was no guarantee it would happen again next time.

Unless she wanted to see the Demon Knight die from his wounds worsening, she at least had to treat the one on his abdomen.


Just in case.

I know, but what will happen to Mister Knight then?

Shed been wondering why this flustered him so much.

We can just unseal him when he comes to, you know?

Can you really just unseal him like that?

Theres no seal in this world that cant be broken.

Arent seals those difficult-to-do things that take a long time to make? Something that prevents him from ever waking up?

Large-scale seals like that do exist, but I dont know how to make any of them.

All she could make was a simple binding seal, which would tightly bind his body with chains of Divine Power to restrict his movements.

And even if I did, I would never place something like that on him.

Furthermore, such large-scale seals would prevent not only the Demon but also the Demon Knight from ever waking. She couldnt do that. She believed in the Demon Knight, after all.

Thats fortunate, but good grief.

However, the view of the Temple people about to arrive was probably different.

The Inquisitor suppressed her worries for later. The Demon Knight would wake up good as new. It would definitely happen.

It had to. It just had to

Is it some kind of technique?


Can I lend you my shoulder, at least?


As she stumbled through the ritual, she accepted the thiefs generous offer. Her pride was slightly hurt, but her body wasnt in good enough condition for her to be stubborn. Her limbs were trembling uselessly from the tingling pain going through her whole body.

Although the thief didnt say anything about it, her entire body was also probably wet from all the sweat.

Why is it so complicated

How many magic circles had she drawn around the Demon Knight while drenched in so much sweat?

Doesnt this need just one circle?

A sealing ritual usually takes at least two circles.

How annoying Watch out!

Shed barely finished a single circle when the thief suddenly pushed her out of the way. There was no need for her to ask why he did that.


Pitch-black energy had swept over the place she had been standing in.


Her overwhelming anxiety reached its peak when she raised her head to check what had happened.

She saw the Demon Knight standing. However, half his face was entirely stained black, as if something had devoured it.

Murderous intent followed by Demonic Energy engulfed his right eye and flowed out of it.

Powerful Demonic Energy was traveling throughout his entire body.

Damn it. Were doomed, arent we?

The tension that had briefly left her spread throughout her whole body again. Her body felt endlessly heavy this time, but she couldnt avoid this fight.

She gritted her teeth and gripped her mace. It was fortunate shed never let go of her weapon.

Ill take care of this, so run away!

Goddamn it!

The Inquisitor prayed to God once more. Enough Divine Power to heal all the cuts across her body was sent to her.

The price for this was mere muscle pain, equivalent to what she would get after a day of serious exercise.


However, even that was a tremendous burden for her right now. A suppressed groan escaped her mouth from between her teeth.


Unfortunately, her opponent had no sympathy for her situation. When the Demon Knight flexed his left hand, the Demonic Energy circling him split into several clusters.

The elongated masses of energy, each with a sharpened end, seemed similar to spears.


Was something like that even possible? Didnt gathering energy mid-air and projecting it with ones mind fall under the realm of magic? This couldnt just be the same energy one used to strengthen their body or coat their weapon.

The Inquisitor had such superficial questions, but she couldnt ponder over them for long.

His spears began falling onto her.


Legs still heavy, she rolled over the floor as fast as she could. The spears followed her, plunging into the ground where she had been.


The Inquisitor moved sideways, maintaining a safe distance from the Demon Knight. At that moment, she noticed something cutting through that darkness.

It seemed like black wind. No, it was red blood. As shed staggeringly fought with the Demon Knight, her blood had splattered onto a piece of iron.


The blood slowly gathered before the Demon Knights left hand and took on a particular shape.

It was a sword, an ominous blade forged from dense pockets of Negative Energy.

It was slightly thinner and shorter than the Zweihnder hed used before, allowing it to be wielded with just a single hand.

O almighty God, please grant me the strength to fight once more.

Would God give her more power? Rather, could she handle the pain that would accompany it?

Could she Purify him?

The Inquisitor suppressed the urge to let those weak thoughts overcome her. If she couldnt surmount even this much, how would she face the King of Demons?


Her nose started bleeding again. She also felt like something was flowing from her eyes. Right. While her memories of that time were somewhat hazy, shed felt something similar happen when fighting the sea dragon.

So, just like she overcame everything then, she would do the same right now.

They would surely succeed


She rolled to the side to avoid the Zweihnders sudden slash. Contrary to what she thought would happen, the Demon Knight managed to slice off some flesh from her shoulder.

The hem of the cloak the thief had lent her was also severely torn.


Why was she hit? She widened her eyes without realizing it. The Demon Knight swung his sword once more.

She quickly backed away. Only then did she understand why shed been hit.

Whenever the Demon Knight swung his sword, a slash followed behind it after a minor delay, while another slash carved into the air 30 cm before it.

Additional attacks came at her horizontally from below and above the sword.

She realized shed have to jump back even further to avoid his attacks.


However, if everyone could move precisely how they wanted, anyone could become a fighting master.

Another stab wound was carved into her forearm.

Demon Knight!

She had to be patient. She approached the Demon Knight, acutely aware of her bleeding nose and the tears of blood flowing from her eyes that inevitably disappeared, Purified by her Divine Power.

She was interrupted by a floating spear rushing at her.

Simultaneously, the Demon Knight slid back and vertically slashed with his blood sword from bottom to top.

His Demonic Energy spread out like a fan, splitting apart the earth. It seemed as destructive as a flame.


She couldnt avoid that.

She emitted her Divine Power for now. A solid film made of light clashed with black energy. Looming not far behind was the Demon Knight, preparing to swing his sword once more.

The Inquisitor rolled forward as her instincts dictated. Demonic Energy still burned the earth and badly seared her skin, but it had ultimately been the right choice.

The Demon Knight launched himself right to where she was and swung his weapon at her. That colossal sword slash split not just the ground but even the castle behind them.

They could see the scenery beyond through the cut-out gap. He was indeed unfathomably strong.

Still, having fortunately rolled forward, the Inquisitor took the Demon Knights back. She wielded both her Divine Power and her mace.

The man before her twisted his back, blocked her mace with his blood sword, and tried stabbing her abdomen with his Zweihnder.


Spiral-shaped energy shot out from his sword, flying forward in a straight line and piercing through everything in its way. The Inquisitor avoided being directly hit by the blade but couldnt escape that energy vortex, which left a large wound on her side.

Blood spurted from between the torn skin and tattered muscles.


Although she could heal it, it would inevitably place another burden on her. She rolled over the floor, holding her writhing body.

Her opponent was so full of Demonic Energy, like a Great Demon. As such, he simply swung his blood sword diagonally without even the slightest pause.

The earth split, and Demonic Energy gushed out from the cracks. Black, everlasting flames started burning along them.

There wasnt even a gap for her to attack. At that moment, the Inquisitors teeth finally chewed through her lips.


However, if there wasnt a gap, she just had to make one.

She firmly gripped her mace after barely dodging a straight stab attack launched through the flames. Her idea was to quake the earth to make him lose his balance.



However, he was too fast.

She parried the bone-crushing attack with her mace before it could reach her. The two swords focused entirely on a single point, leaving scratches on the mace.

This was the first time a scratch appeared on this mace forged from star metal and blessed iron.


And of the two swords attacking her mace, the Zweihnder, which had been shortened to the size of a longsword, backed off. Thanks to that, the pressure pressing down on her was halved, but she couldnt really take advantage.

The Zweihnder tore through the air, aiming for her head. The Inquisitor urgently bent her waist.


While she avoided the sword itself, the additional slashes cut off several strands of her hair again.

At that moment, the Inquisitor immediately tackled the Demon Knight. It was an instinctive action that she hoped she might make him fall.


It was useless. Demonic Energy immediately surged within the Demon Knights body and burst out.


The Divine Protection around her body only prevented her entire body from getting torn to shreds. However, there was nothing else she could do but roll backward with a few slight scratches.

Furthermore, her thighs and forearms were pierced by those energy spears.


But instead of giving up like that, she continued to move her body.

It took the Demon Knight but a moment to reach her. His blood sword, which he swung through the floor to strike her, soared upward, releasing fierce energy that appeared like an unfolded fan.

He let loose countless sword swings one after the other, as if predicting what direction she would dodge in. Three sword cuts were left on the ground, resembling the aftermath of fierce flames or the scratches of a beasts claws.

The Inquisitor furrowed her brows. He showed absolutely no gaps. Even if she tried to create one, the difference in their movement speed was just too different.

She had no other choice but to avoid his attacks.



She couldnt give up.

This was the first time shed tried releasing her Divine Power through her body rather than her mace. Shed never even thought of trying something like that before, but now wasnt the time to hold anything back.

The moment her strengthened body stomped on the ground, the energy released through her feet shook the earth.



The ground fiercely rose and fell as if they were experiencing an earthquake.

Throughout that, the Inquisitors nose began bleeding again. Using her weapon as a medium to release Divine Power and using her body as a medium were two completely different things. That realization was now firmly engraved into her mind.

Using her own flesh felt more intuitive, but the power was much more unstable and caused her more pain.

She was in so much pain.

Despite her having already gotten used to pain, it still hurt.

Demon Knight!!

She could still stand, though. She could still move.

The Inquisitor tightened her loosened grip once more and pushed herself off the ground using her feet. Her body rushed forward.


Just then, the Demon Knight plunged his blood sword into the ground.

Boom, boom, boom!

A second later, a pillar of flames made of Demonic Energy rose from the ground. He retrieved his blood sword only after realizing he had been half a beat too late.

And in it, the Inquisitor saw the pieces of iron hed used to hold the blood. It bounced off his foot, taking to the air and landing in his empty hand.

Three slashes flew her way. The Inquisitor was now standing behind him, planning to shake the ground again.

Please, come to your senses!

The Inquisitor walked toward him, three deep cuts carved into her body. The ground shook again, throwing off the Demon Knights balance. His energy had been disturbed.

> [Gretchen.]

However, the moment she took another step forward, thinking she had found a gap, right before she was about to swing her mace

The corners of the Demon Knights mouth rose slightly.

> [Accept Wrath into you.]

Even if his Demonic Energy had been disturbed, he could still swing his sword. While he could no longer create slashes of Demonic Energy, the sword itself still contained Demonic Energy.

The Inquisitor had overlooked that part, and because of it, the Demon Knight could easily pull out the blood sword stuck in the ground to swing at her.

> [If you do, you will at least feel at peace inside.]

She wouldnt be able to avoid that attack.

A certainty no different than prophecy appeared in the Inquisitors mind. The area around her neck was covered in goosebumps.

* * *

* * *

Aggregate and pile up, Protective Wall!

Then, suddenly, several layers of transparent walls were erected before the Inquisitor.


As they hadnt been supplied with enough Arcane Power, the Demon Knight could smash through them with a single strike.

However, it gave the Inquisitor time to retreat. That was more than enough.


! Sir Archmage?!

She saw a face she hadnt seen in quite some time. The Archmage, the hem of his clothes completely disheveled from his running, had dozens of wizards and priests following him.

Damn it, we arent too late, right?

With Deathbringers arrival, the Demon Knight turned his gaze toward him.

Get down!

She urgently shouted, placing herself between the Demon Knight and the reinforcement.

Her Divine Power quickly gathered and formed a protective barrier as the Demon Knight swung his blade. Four slashes cut through it like butter and clawed at the castle wall behind them.

Fortunately, everyone present had listened to her and fallen to the ground, so none had their body split in half. At least, as far as she could see.

We need a Ritual of Restraint!

No, we shouldnt spread out! If you spread out too much, I wont be able to protect you! Please perform a Purification right where you are!

At her shout, the priest settled down and began to pray. Purification was usually much easier when close to or surrounding the object to be Purified, but their situation didnt allow for that now.

She couldnt protect everyone from every direction, and the Demon Knight could cut people down with just a wave of his hand. It would be much better if she could instead concentrate her power in a single place.

It would work out.

The Inquisitor wiped away the blood running from her nose with the back of her hand. Usually, she would have long passed her limits with Divine Power by now, but she couldnt afford not to use it anymore. While she pretended it wasnt the case, her vision had grown blurry.

This sure was hard.


At that moment, multiple wizards chanted a binding spell. White and blue chains rose from the ground and tried to hold down the Demon Knight.

With a single wave of his hand, as if swatting away annoying flies, all the chains broke and scattered apart. He really was far too formidable.

Take it!

Still, that short moment gave them some time to act. Two figures appeared behind her and threw something her way.

This is


Like her mace, her shield was made from a mixture of star metal and blessed iron, and it was her most reliable partner. She was finally reunited with it.


She blocked the Demon Knights countless black spears with her massive shield in the nick of time. Unlike cheap shields, this holy relic easily and efficiently accepted her Divine Power in large quantities and easily crushed the dark spears.

Her burden had been eased to some extent. However, the fatigue shed accumulated already wouldnt just disappear.

O Fire, burn my enemies!

Meanwhile, several wizards, the Archmage included, launched some offensive magic.

The Demon Knight drew a circle on the ground with his blood sword. Flames soared up, effectively blocking the attacks.

> [Ill kill everything thats bothering you.]

Since they had launched their attacks at different times, some flew toward him after the flames had subsided. However, the Demon Knight destroyed them with a single sword swing.

> [I will burn and tear them to shreds until your heart is at ease.]

He immediately launched a counterattack, as well. He spread his energy through the ground, using his blood sword stuck in the ground as a medium.

A gigantic pillar of fire arose. The Inquisitor widened her eyes at that attack pattern shed seen before.

I cant let this happen!

She slammed her shield against the ground. Part of her vision had turned red intermittently, as if some blood vessels in her eyes had burst.

The light that bloomed from her after she shed some blood Purified the invading Demonic Energy.

> [But why are you blocking me?]

She was in pain. The Inquisitors legs shook slightly.

> [Why are you not complying?]

O almighty God, burn away the corrupt and erase all evil!

The Zweihnder came slashing at her. She squeezed her eyes shut as she heard a prayer echoing from behind her. Still, she had to endure more.

> [Why?]


It sounded like something was falling close to her.

> [Just why?]

She looked ahead, her vision still reddened. The Demon Knight before her had dropped his blood sword and was holding his forehead.

The Inquisitors green eyes sparkled with faint hope.

Nows the chance, attack!

No. Right now, he seemed more like himself again.

W-Wait Urgh.

The Inquisitor wanted to stop the attacks flying toward him, but she couldnt.

The techniques the priests and wizards had used bombarded the place the Demon Knight had stood. A cloud of dust rose.

Did we get him?

Could it be that hed died?

She peered into the dust cloud, anxiety filling her eyes. Her heart was filled with prayers that the Demon Knight simply fainted but didnt die.

She knew he was extremely dangerous, yet she hoped the Demon Knight was still alive.

> [My dear Gretchen.]

However, she didnt want him to be possessed by that Demon any longer.

The murderous intent from the Demon Knights right eye almost made it look like a drop of fresh blood.

> [I wont allow this.]

As he had put down his blood sword, he swept over his Zweihnder with his now free hand. With that, the sword regained its original formlong and massiveand was held in both hands once more.

The blood sword that had fallen to the floor had disintegrated into a puddle of blood and gathered onto the Zweihnders blade.

> [Wrath is something that swallows up everything.]

Something big was about to come at them.

The alarm bells ringing in her head were the only things able to overcome the complicated mix of grief, relief, and despair she felt.

Everyone, gather around me!

She reflexively shouted to the people around her and slammed the shield down before her. She funneled her Divine Power, which she had gathered with whatever spirit was left in her, into her shield to create a larger, rectangular protective barrier. The pain had sent her mind so far away that she could no longer move her fingertips or toes, but it couldnt mute out her instincts as they screamed at her.


For a moment, she could hear dust getting swirled up. However, the dull pain from his attack shed expected never came.


She felt like something had disappeared. It felt so very vivid that it actually burdened her. Her back felt strangely empty.

The Inquisitor turned her head to look behind her as if possessed. She saw people. And she saw the city. The city that until now had been hidden by the castle.

No way

The castle was gone.

At that moment, she felt goosebumps all over her body.

Were you watching all this time?

No, could it be? The Demon that had taken over the Demon Knights body would never show her any mercy, and that massive attack would have overwhelmed even a Great Demon

> [If you have no place to return to, you wont have a reason to rebel anymore.]



He forced her shield to the side. Her left arm felt like it would break, but that wasnt the problem.

> [Right?]


She was grabbed by the neck.

> [So, just give up already.]


She looked at the Demon Knight lifting her by the neck. Although she somehow resisted with her Divine Power, the pressure around her neck was about to overwhelm her.

> [Cry over your helplessness.]

She wanted to retaliate with her mace or kick at him, but why wouldnt her body move?

> [And let Wrath overtake you.]

Her breathing became increasingly shallow.

Let her go, you Demon!


At that moment, several people, probably inquisitors, rushed toward them.

No. She tried to shout at them, but she simply couldnt.

The Demon Knight swung the sword he held in his other hand. Slice! The sound of flesh being cut and blood splattering everywhere reached her ears.

O almighty God!

> [They just keep bothering us!]

One after the other, black spears appeared over the Demon Knights head.

They flew over her head to a place behind her. The spells of the wizards, the Archmage included, were interrupted and replaced by terrible screams.

> [So persistent!]


Helplessness began to overtake her whole body.


Damn it, I have no idea what youve been mumbling about since earlier, but come back to your senses.

Then, the sound of something getting stabbed rang out.

> [This.]

Cough, cough.

Just before she lost consciousness, the hand around her neck loosened.

She fell to the ground, her legs having caved in, and she urgently took in air.

However, that wasnt enough for her to lower her guard. She could see two pairs of legs, one belonging to the Demon Knight. The other belonged to someone she quickly recognized, even with her mind as dazed as it was.


He was always complaining that he wasnt a superhuman like her, so why?

> [A mere mortal!]

Ah, shit.


She saw the Demon Knight crushing the Kukri stuck in his shoulder with his bare hands before turning toward the thief.


She had to prevent this from happening. The thief was no more than an ordinary, albeit talented, person. That meant even if the Demon Knight swung at him with just a hand instead of a sword, he would still end up dying.

She absolutely had to stop him.


Stand up. She had to stand up.

She forced her blurry vision to focus.

Demon Knight, no!

The Demon Knights sword was lowered.

* * *

What the hell were they talking about now?

They should stop talking bullshit and get out of here.

* * *

Deathbringer unconsciously raised his arms. He knew it wouldnt protect him, but it was a reflexive action.

However, despite clearly hearing a [Slash] getting fired, he felt no pain. He slowly opened his eyes, which hed closed tight.

Mister Knight?

The Demon Knights right eye, which until now was completely red and pulsed with energy, slowly changed back into a normal persons, with a distinct pupil and white sclera.

The sword that had been aimed at him crushed the ground to his right.




Dumpling? What was that about?

He heard the Demon Knight mumble these words. He didnt know what it meant. He had never heard this term anywhere before.

Meat dumpling.

However, he vividly witnessed everything that happened in the next few moments.

Im sorry.

With his back turned to the flames, the Demon Knight had a crimson veil covering his hair, which was turning gray again as though water was washing away the black.

Im so sorry.

He was smiling so sweetly as he apologized.

He then stabbed himself in the stomach with his sword.

Forty participants. Thirty-one with minor injuries. Four with major injuries. No deaths.

It was at that moment they managed to subdue the vessel of a Great Demon.

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