Iron Fist Alexander in One piece


A faint mist stretched as far as the eyes could see casting a gloomy mood on the ships. They floated in line, maintaining a measured distance between each other.

Aboard the ship, everyone gathered on the deck, yet no one uttered a word as Hancock tightly grabbed the railings, her face etched with worry.

Several hours earlier, their captain isolated himself in his cabin. He had informed them that he had something to do and left orders for Hancock on where to go. His wife respected his wishes, so she left him to his own devices.

And yet hours passed and no one saw him again, much less heard any movement behind the door.

Hancock felt overwhelmed by worry, her uneasy eyes kept shifting between the palace and the hazy mist. She felt suffocated that she couldn’t take it anymore. 

Gritting her teeth she turned around heading for Alexander.

‘’ Hancock, where are you going? ‘’ asked Andretta. 

However, no reply came from her, Andretta and Sabine exchanged a glance. 

‘’ She must be worried about The captain ‘’ Andretta remarked.

Sabine Shrugged her shoulder ‘’ It’s only natural, those two love birds rarely leave each other’s side. ‘’ 

‘’ Hmm… do you think the captain would accept another wife? ‘’ 

‘’ I’m sure Hancock could use another statue in her room, you’ll be a fine addition, Don’t you think? ‘’ Sabine replied nonchalantly. 

Andretta Shuddered, she wasn’t immune to Hancock’s charm. ‘’ Never mind then… ‘’ 


‘’ Captain. ‘’ Rindo and Daisy saluted the passing Hancock and fell in step behind her.

‘’ Did Alexander come out? ‘’ She asked, her usual aloof tone subdued and betrayed by her gnawing anxiety, she felt that something bad might have happened to Alexander.

‘’ No, he didn’t come out. ‘’ Daisy replied,

‘’ I must see him to feel at ease. ‘’ She bit her lips, she knew Alexander’s routine like the back of her hand, how many hours he slept, how much he ate… she knew everything about him.

That’s how much she loved him and his seclusion deviated from the norm she engraved in her mind which compelled her to go and check on him. 

They went up to the uppermost floor of the palace, which solely belonged to the pair and down the short corridor that ended with a big red door.

Hancock stood before the entrance to their room and pulled the handle, however, that turned into a mistake as a wave of gold blasted Daisy and Rindo smashing them into the opposite corridor wall.

‘’ Ah. ‘’ They moaned in pain.

“ What was that? “ Rindo groaned as she stood shaken by what happened. Then her eyes widened.

‘’ Hebihime-sama ‘’ they shouted, worried about their empress.

‘’ I’m fine,‘’ replied Hancock, what happened to her subordinate didn't seem to apply to her as the golden energy seemed to part around her, as if it was familiar with her, almost welcoming.

Without beating a beat she quickly strode inside, the strangeness of the situation confirmed her speculation that something wrong happened to Alexander.

The room was lavishly decorated, with precious wood and mirrors inlaid with gold, a big closet to the right facing the big-sized bed and on the left side was the entrance to the bath.

The window was closed and no light source was ignited, however Alexander who lay on the bed, seemed to glow gold as light illuminated Boa Hancock’s features.

“ Alexander. “ She shouted as soon as she saw the painful look on her husband's face.

“ What happened? “ She felt her heart being ripped apart, the extent of the pain he was feeling was apparent, his clenched teeth, the muscle spasms, the bed sheets covered with sweat. And the strange golden-like veins spread on the surface of his body like cracks in stone with light emanating from them. 

‘’ Don’t worry Hancock. ‘’ Alexander moved his arm and blindly searched for her palm.

“ Nothing bad happened, don't worry.. “

“ But you don't look fine! “ Hancock could hear how strained his voice was, this wasn't how he usually acted, she had never seen him in a state like this.

“ Just sit beside me, this’ll end soon enough… as for what's happening… I'll talk to you about it another time. “ 

“ Wha-” Hancock cut her words short, what's important right now is him getting well.

She grabbed a chair and sat down holding his hand, time slowly passed. Daisy and Rindo noticed from outside the door what was happening, so they left them alone. From beneath the bed Rakyl, who had been hiding all this time, climbed to Alexander’s side and licked his face.. 

‘’ Ha ha, only now do you show up… you were hiding like a scared cat. ‘’ He weakly laughed and caressed the snake’s head.

An hour passed, perhaps the longest hour Hancock had felt, but in the end, she felt relief as what was happening seemed to end, the golden veins receded inside Alexander’s body and the light vanished.

‘’ Ahh. “ Alexander sat up, he felt pain all over his body.

‘’ I shouldn’t have done that. ‘’ He felt exhausted, although slowly the pain seemed to lessen.

‘’ How do you feel? ‘’ Hancock asked from his side.

‘’ I am mostly fine, however, I feel a bit tired and in need of a shower.” Alexander felt apologetic, the worry on his wife’s face was clear to him. He didn’t intend for this to happen but things spiralled out of his control.

‘’ Then let me help you with that. ‘’ Hancock moved to his side and helped him up. Alexander smiled bitterly he wasn’t weak that he couldn’t stand up he felt at most an hour later he’d be back at his peak. But in front of his wife’s care. It’d be better to not turn her down.

While In a daze, recalling what happened in the dream. He was brought to the shower and stripped down as Hancock helped clean the sweat on his body.

‘ He said a Malformed star is coming for me… personally. ‘

Alexander's face turned grim, he remembered those beasts and their appearance that looked terrified even the most seasoned warriors.

‘ He said I could handle it… but I don’t know how powerful this Malformed star will be, or their number, there could be one or could be more... ‘ 

He closed his eyes, trying to sense the change that happened to his body. 

‘ What happened in the dream transpired too in reality… Rake what happened to you? And what have you become? ‘

Alexander wasn’t clueless, the starry sky and the boundless energies clashing signified that his friend might’ve taken another step or maybe more beyond being just an Elden Lord. Shaking off these thoughts, he turned his attention to the matter at hand.

His body felt strange to him as if his muscles, bones and everything had been reconstructed. He felt exhausted but just the gesture of clenching his fist made him understand what Rake did to him wasn’t simple at all. He felt there was more to be unearthed.

He let out a breath and closed his eyes, enjoying the warm water Hancock poured over his head. 

[An hour later.]

‘’ Here they are! ‘’ 

“ Captain, I thought you jumped ship. “ 

Alexander smiled a little at Andretta and Sabine's greeting.

“ I was about to, but then I remembered how much trouble you will cause. “ 

“ Oh really! Since when did I cause trouble? “ Andretta feigned a sad look.

“ Weren't you the one I sensed sneaking outside my room last night? “ Hancock said, her eyes dangerously narrowed.

This shut Andretta up, many eyes were now pointed at her back and the Kujas looked to be reaching for their weapons.

“ Enough about that, any news from Sabo?” Alexander cut them off, he reached the forecastle deck, his eyes looking at the sky.

“ They should arrive soon, we are currently east of Renna's Island, I gave them the route they should traverse… I think that they'll be here soon enough.. “ Sabine replied while casting a puzzled glance at her captain.

“ Good, now we wait.. “ He replied, his eyes never leaving the cloudy sky. 

Around him, his crew and Hancock looked at him with concern, they noticed that something seemed to be on his mind and it was unlikely to be Sabo, considering their Captain's power.


“ How far are we? “ Sabo shouted as he jumped, deflecting a cannonball with his coated arm.

“ Their ship should be around here, we are already east of the island. “ Koala wearing her usual red hat shouted, the sound of cannons firing from the six warships was loud hence the need to shout.

Sabo stood on the rear deck, looking helpless at the six warships chasing them. If it weren't for the additional two ships carrying Sierta Island people he'd have been able to escape.

He turned to Koala 

“ Tell Hack and Bunny to start pulling distance from the Marines, we are near Alexander. “ 

“ Okay, Captain. “ Koala quickly ran off to send the orders, leaving Sabo behind to deal with the incoming cannon balls.

This had been their strategy all along, it's not like they hadn't been fleeing at max speed all this time. But days of chase are bound to make both parties tired, they were merely making a last-ditch effort to throw them off and to give Alexander space to intervene. Soon enough his orders were carried out as the paddles started rolling on the side of the ship.

[On the main Marine Battleship]

Numerous marine soldiers wearing their iconic white shirts, blue pants and white hats were running around loading the canons.

On the forecastle deck, three vice admirals dispatched to deal with the revolutionary army were standing, overseeing the situation and giving orders to the Marine soldiers who rushed back and forth. 

‘’ They are running away!! ‘’ Vice Admiral Onigumo shouted in anger, almost breaking his cigarette in two. He was a tall man wearing a lavender suit draped with a white marine coat. He had long brown hair, the top of it covered with an ancient red feathered helmet.

‘’ Pick up speed! ‘’ a low growl came from beside him from an admiral in Dalmatian Hybrid form, he had a blonde beard and wore a green suit, the parts of his hands, legs and upper face were that of a Dalmatian.

The last Vice Admiral was Vice Admiral Doberman, he had four X-shaped scars on his face, a curling moustache, a left eye without a pupil and wore a purple suit and a white with blue scruff coat.

A poor marine came running and stopped before them panting, ‘’ The men can’t pedale anymore Vice admiral, I’m afraid they are exhausted. ‘’ 

‘’ I don’t care how they feel, tell them to start paddling now!! ‘’ Onigumo pointed his pistol at the marine soldier, he couldn’t tolerate someone obstructing or delaying justice. 

The marine soldier fell down in fright. ‘’ I’m sorry, Vice Admiral. ‘’ 

‘’ Lower your gun Onigumo.. ‘’ Doberman said, his voice rough and his left hand already on the katana as a warning.

‘’ Stop this meaningless squabble, ‘’ Dalmatian had to step between the two, although the three of them followed the principle of absolute justice. Doberman and Onigumo were always at odds due to how they approached it.

He turned to the marine. ‘’ Go soldier, carry your orders or you’ll be punished… they already have a headstart on us. ‘’ 

‘’ Right away sir. ‘’ the marine quickly saluted then ran away in fright of a bullet catching his back.

‘’ Doberman, how many times have I told you not to interfere with how I deal with my soldiers? ‘’ Onigumo lowered his weapon but still looked at Doberman with his menacing semi-closed eyes.

On the other hand, Doberman placidly looked at the Revolutionary army ships almost disappearing in the mist and replied. 

‘’ As long as I stand on this ship, you won’t shed the blood of any marines, your actions in the past have no place on this ship… with me here. ‘’ 

‘’ You.. ‘’ Onigumo growled, six additional hands appeared behind his back, each carrying a sword.

Doberman didn’t turn around but his Katana was a finger width unsheathed, ready to strike when suddenly he paused and looked at the mist.

He let go of the katana and grabbed the railing. ‘’ Something is wrong. ‘’ 

‘’ What’s wrong? ‘’ Dalmatian asked, then looked at the mist. At first, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, they lost sight of Sabo’s ship but they were picking up speed and soon enough they were about to catch up.

However, at a second glance, his expression changed; there were six ships barely visible calmly floating in their way, clearly anchored.

‘’ Steer the ships out of the way. ‘’ Onigumo retracted his arms and shouted urgently but a second later he ran personally to give orders, if they continued on this course they’d surely crash against the other ships and sink.

‘’ Damn it, are they related to the Rebel scum? ‘’ Dalmatian asked.

Doberman didn’t reply as he tried to recognize what type of ships they were dealing with, a few seconds later the battleships began to turn, skirting on the left side of the incoming ships.

And then his expression changed as he spotted something familiar. Two Yudas pulling the barely visible ship.

‘’ Kuja pirates. ‘’ He shouted in shock, there was only one ship he knew that had two Yudas pulling it.

‘’ What? ‘’ Dalmatian didn’t believe it, he observed carefully then his expression turned grave.

‘’ What’s she doing here? Is this her way of retaliation against her title revocation? ‘’ 

‘’ It could be, but it could also be that they have a relationship with the revolutionary army. ‘’ Doberman replied.

‘’ What should we do? Dalmatian anxiously replied Hancock’s powers were the bane of large fleets composed largely of men, moreover, they had that young man who bested Jack the Drought.

‘’ No matter their intentions, we shouldn't confront them directly, quickly tell them to pick up speed. “ Doberman replied then waited, apprehensive at what the Kuja might react with.

Seconds passed as the ship steered to the left and began speeding up, Doberman released the breath he had been anxiously holding. 


He looked at perfume Yuda, then narrowed his eyes as he saw a golden light jump from the ship to the sky and vanish behind the heavy mist.


He heard the sound of air exploding, then he felt the wind blow in their direction. It began slowly but quickly turned into a strong gale. 

Doberman looked up and widened his eyes, the mist churned and a shockwave tore the wind like a tunnel then struck the sea in front of the ships. 

BOOM! A huge explosion rocked the battleships. Then, a huge amount of water rose and slammed violently against them, sending the ships flooding backwards.


‘’ Are we under Attack? ‘’ 

Panicked shouts rang from the ships.

“ Captain, they fell in the water. “

The ship's backwards movement didn't stop in a second; but slowly they managed to stop after damaging the ships’ side hull.

Once the sea calmed they rushed to rescue the ones who fell. Minimale losses were done to the ships and none had died which comforted the marines. However, the blast stopped them in their place, effectively delaying their pursuit. 

The now-wet Doberman and Dalmatian gritted their teeth in anger.

‘’ Prepare for battle. ‘’ Doberman unsheathed his Katana.

[Perfume Yuda]

Alexander landed on the ship, the mist that had been obstructing their vision was cleared, allowing everyone to see the outcome. The scene of several ships crashing against each other like toys made them swallow hard. 

‘’ Isn’t he a bit too strong for someone of his age? ‘’ Axe nudged Andretta, feeling incredulous. 

‘’ The world is changing, the world is changing.. ‘’ Adretta replied, feeling a bit dazed and hot on the cheeks. 

Alexander breathed out, calming his mind as his Kenbunshoku brushed past the Battleships and then he grinned.

Sabo had already made his escape, it was time to deal with the marines. He turned to the three new Captains and the Kuja pirates. He plastered a harmless smile on his face. 

‘’ It’s work time. ‘’ 

Everyone shuddered, they felt malice…

Chapter end.

Another Chapter tomorrow.

Thanks for reading everyone.

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