Iron blooded idiot

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Darius pov:

" Ah Darius. What's the meaning of this?" A fearfilled Maruba said as my pistol held him in place.

" I see you've decided to take your leave…" I walk up to the man, hitting his head with the back of my gun, causing him to fall to the ground and drop the gun he was about to pull on me. " I don't mind you doing so but I want you to leave the valuables."

" Ah, fuck! You little shit. After all I did for you, thi-" A kick ended the rant he was about to go on.

"I know what you did for me. That's why I haven't killed you yet. You can go but you'll just be leaving with the clothes on your back. Nothing else."

The old bastard glared my way but understood his situation, deciding to just run for the door. "You'll regret this, you little shit."

"I'm sure I will." 

I turned to the other old guy in the room who had been still with fear. " Scram."

He nodded, leaving everything he had been packing and rushing out. Tucking my gun back into its holster, I picked up both cases filled with valuables and hauled it through the base all the way to the cleaning supplies closet. Going all the way to the back, I opened the wall panel and placed the cases there.

"Money secured, over." I said through my earpiece.

" Good timing. I secured the noble girl over, " Andre's voice said through the earpiece.

"Alright. Next step. Over."

Running all the way up and out into the disaster happening on top, I immediately began analysing the situation. "Oi, listen up! Stop this fuckin chaos."

It was a mess as expected. Firstly, the mobile workers were everywhere. Those that needed fuel and those that needed quick repairs were all strewn about and causing pillage, getting in the way of those that were combat ready. People were also just running about, helping anything that looked to need aid causing some people and mobile suits to get multiple workers trying to aid it while some only got few or none.

Many eyes turned to me at my shout. "This is a fuckin mess. Firstly, those that need fueling, go to that corner and stop stopping wherever the hell you want. Those with easily repairable mobile workers, head to that corner and those who somehow brought your mobiles to damaged to continue operating, head there too so those parts can be of use!"

People were starting to move as ordered and I nodded in appreciation. I walked over to the group of damaged mobile workers. "Everyone in damaged workers needs to get out for a quick injury check. Adrenaline may be blocking out possible life-threatening wounds."

People did as told. As their mobile workers were getting repaired, they got out and someone gave them a once over. " What the hell are you doing? Someone go get some clipboards and take down notes. Stop fuckin eyeballing and going to the next person. You may be missing people or triple checking the same people."

I walk over to the person leading this section. " Have an engineer go over all the mobile workers and have him mark those that require the least amount of work. We need these ready to go by yesterday, understood?"

The boy nodded, shouting at another boy to do as I just said.

" Delegating work and doing jack shit as always. " I heard behind me. Turning, I saw Andre jogging over with a grin.

" Someone needs to. Now shut the hell up and…" I look around at the mobile workers, spotting on being marked as ready. "There. Go do your job like a good boy."

"Fuck you. I aint your dog." 

Even as he said that, he ran to the mobile worker and got in, speeding down the hill and into the fight. 

There was not much I needed to do but make these operations more efficient since I knew we were going to win anyway. After what had to be a few hours, the battle ended. I unfortunately didn't get to watch the mobile suit fight since I still needed to ensure the returning workers were sorted. 

People were still injured and as much as I believed we were going to win, who knew for sure. Me and Andre being in this universe alone could have changed something, so I needed to ensure if something like a second wave came by, were as prepared as possible. 

"Uh, Darius. The first corps are back." A kid said as I finally took a seat. 

"Go get as many people as you can and arm up. These bitch ass cowards think they can come back after abandoning us, they will have a rude awakening."

The boy nodded resolutely and ran to do as told. 

The first corps convoy rolled into the base after a few minutes, and they all got out acting like nothing happened. Luckily, a large group of boys made their way to me just on time. Taking an offered rifle, I pointed it at the head honcho.

"What the fuck ar-" I shot the man right between his eyes.

"All of you are official traitors of the CGS and until further notice, you shall be under our arrest."

The guys moaned and groaned but immediately quietened when another body fell. I had every one of them tied up and taken to the cells. " Make sure you strip them down naked. They don't deserve any luxuries."

The boy leading the group nodded, kicking one of them to get them moving. I walked up to the boy who had been managing the repairs. Handle this convoy will you."

I left, not even needing to hear his response as I made my way to the cells. Arriving, I was barraged with many pleading voices.

"Darius, buddy, we're friends, right?"

"Remember when I helped you with that thing right?"

"Hey man, I've been your number one since you came to CGS."

I raised a hand, and it quietened. I knew everyone here so I already knew who I wanted to leave alive. I picked out all the engineers, the accountant, the very best pilots and a few others with crucial skills.

With those I wanted alive out of the group, I eyed the rest.

"Alright. The rest of you are not only traitors but are useless. No skills to offer but your worthless lives. As such, I sentence you to death."

I raised my hand, and in perfect sync, the boys who had been quietly behind me lifted their rifles, fingers hovering over their triggers.

" Darius." 

I paused, the voice of Orga stopping me and allowing these men to live a little longer. Turning, I saw the third corps leader standing by the door, Eugene and Biscuit right behind him.

 "You got a problem with this?" I asked simply

Orga sighed, rubbing the back of his head before leveling me with a look.

"I get it. They ran. They're cowards," Orga said, his voice even. "But we're not killing them just 'cause they're useless. If they've got nothing to offer, they can work themselves to the bone making up for it."

I studied him for a moment before scoffing.

"Tch. Mercy, huh?" I shook my head. "Fine. But they're your problem now. If they step out of line, don't come crying to me."

I waved a hand, signaling the boys to lower their rifles. The would-be dead men practically collapsed in relief, some even sobbing.

"These guys?" Orga asked, eyes going to the group I sapourated.

 "They might be spineless, but they've got skills. That accountant there, mechanics, a couple of decent pilots. Figured they could be useful."

Orga nodded. "Fine," he said. "We'll put 'em to work. The rest? We'll decide what to do with them later."

I shrugged, unbothered.

"Whatever you say, boss man."

Before I decided to leave, I needed to make one point clear. I turned to Orga, a dead serious look forming on my face. " With Maruba gone, It's clear that we need to discuss the future of CGS. I shall be a part of that discussion."

I left no room for discussion. I had future knowledge of this universe. I would be damned if I let the opportunity to use it pass because I wasn't taken seriously or left out of the decision making process of this place.

With that, I walked out, most of the boys following me out.

Seems I was the last to arrive.

Well, I was busy taking care of shit for the past few hours. Things were about to change massively after all.

Walking into Maruba's previous office, there sat Biscuit, Orga and the accountant guy. Less than I expected but that was good. We weren't running a democracy here. 

Taking a seat, I met the eyes of everyone present. It was quite tense in the room but I paid it no mind. Orga exhaled and leaned forward. "Alright. CGS is done. That much is obvious."

Accountant dude rapidly tapped the pad he was working with before sighing. " Indeed, and it seems Maruba planned to take it with him. He took a decent amount of mone-"

I snatched the pad from the guy's hands. I knew roughly how much the company had since I sometimes helped with the books so I was a bit surprised that Maruba still managed to take funds out. I made sure he left everything he had.

Maybe he had a way of remotely siphoning funds. Whatever, what mattered was, unless my calculations were wrong, we had way more than cannon. "We have a year's amount of cash left. More than I thought...unless. " Have you removed the costs incurred from this battle yet?" 

Accounting dude shook his head in a negative. 

"From what I've seen, I think I have a good estimate." I paused, working on the tablet before my lips involuntarily thinned. I was starting to see how they got down to three months. This was still more than cannon but…

" Do we have any more expenses?" I asked and I stared right at Orga. 

"Yeah," Orga said firmly. "I plan to give anyone who wants out a chance to leave—with some severance. That includes the First Corps."

"You want to pay them?" My tone was calm, but there was a sharp edge to it. "The same people who abandoned us?"

The idiot nodded just as firmly.

" No, I refuse. " I stated. " The only reason they are alive is cause you promised me that they would be working. " 

Before I went on a rant, I took a deep breath. I couldn't be too unyielding here. " I won't be unreasonable, however. They shall have to work off a certain amount before we let them go. Maybe...a million each." I offered. " We shall deduct a below average wage from that amount and and we shall also deduct any money they offer."

Orga narrowed his eyes. "A million each? You're talking about putting them in debt before they even leave."

I shrugged, completely unfazed. "It's not debt, it's payment for their betrayal. The only reason they're still breathing is because you said they'd be useful. If they want out, fine. But not for free."

Biscuit sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "That's… a lot. How long do you expect them to work that off?"

" As I've said, we deduct a below-average wage from that total. If they want to speed things up, they can pay out of pocket, too."

"This isn't slavery, Darius."

So are child soldiers but no one is fighting for that to end. Oh wait, there is. That's beside the point though. If I can't get through using logic, then I need to use emotions. "No, it's justice. if you don't like it, I'll put a bullet through their heads right now." 

They should know I would too. I've done it before already with those two guys. " I'm being more than reasonable. I have the right of mind to just say they should work the rest of their lives and every single boy out there...both the living and those who we lost cause of their selfishness will agree. I ain't budging on this."

Thank god Biscuit had some reason in him. "Orga… he's got a point. A lot of the guys feel the same way. If you let them walk free now , after everything, it might turn everyone against you."

"...Fine," Orga said at last. "But we make sure they know this isn't forever. Once they work off their price, they will be free to leave. No moving goalposts."

I nodded, satisfied. "I ain't unreasonable. They do their time, they're free." I leaned back, arms crossed. "But if any of 'em try to screw us over again? No second chances."

No one thankfully argued. Going over the figures again, things were looking slightly better. " Alright. I'll be generous and say 90% of everyone working here will stay, we still only have six months' worth of cash before we need to shut down. "

I tapped on my chair for a second before speaking again. " It will be impossible to get a contract or if we do, it will be daylight robbery at best. That leaves us with two real options and it all has to do with the noble girl in our care. " 

I paused for dramatic effect, making sure to look all of them in the eyes. " We can either give her up to Gjallarhorn for a hefty sum which would not only get the assholes off our back but undoubtedly give us enough cash to last a long time. Enough to find decent work or we can complete the contract we have with the noble girl. Doing so is almost certainly a death run but if we can do it, we can get an ally in the blonde, a huge reputation boost and no doubt, a good amount of cash...if we can complete the mission. So basically, low risk, low reward, High risk, high reward."

"Tch… There ain't a choice to make. We're takin' Kudelia to Earth." Orga announced. "We didn't go through all that just to sell her out now. We're not them. We finish the job."

Biscuit nodded, relief washing over his face.

I don't think what I've done should influence whether or not she gets a backer so it should still be viable.

Accounting dude sighed. "Then I'll start planning what we'll need to stretch out our supplies for the trip."

Glad we were still going the cannon route.

 This was only the beginning after all.

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