Invite Players to a Cultivation World

5: Players first experience – Phil/CoDestiny

Phil has set everything up and is ready to to begin streaming.

The VR headset he was sent is very different form the ones he's used to, so it took a while for him to connect to his preferred streaming site, but thankfully the instruction manual was very easy to understand.

First though, he should probably make a post to inform his viewers about the situation.

Pulling out his phone, he begins the recording.

"Hey guys, it CoDestiny, just a quick update about the upcoming stream. I was hired to beta test a new game that supposedly uses cutting edge technology.

Now I know most of you aren't happy about me doing paid promotion, but I decided to at least try it out as my contract says I can say whatever I want and quit at any time.

The most interesting part is the promises it made though. This is meant to be a fully immersive VR game you play while sleeping.

This is certainly a large claim, but after looking into everything, it seems legit. So I hope you join me as we play Other World Cultivation."

With that he finishes the recording, uploads it, lies down on his bed, and finally puts on the VR headset.


The moment the headset is turned on, he finds himself in a blank void.

He has no body, he has no voice. All that exists is his consciousness, and a vast emptiness.

Until a screen appears in his awareness.

Greetings player

Please know that recording has already begun.

Your avatar has been auto generated to avoid dysmorphia, character customisation will be available later.

Please think of the username you would like to use.

This is such a weird experience.

'I'd like my name to be CoDestiny. That's spelt-'

Username CoDestiny meets the guidelines.

Please confirm this is the name you intended by focusing on the appropriate answer.

Yes, I want the name CoDestiny No, let me chose a different name 

This is much more advanced than he had been led to believe.

While he was able to confirm that the dev team, Sect Tech, is a legitimate business, he did also expect that they were making exaggerated clams, and had already prepared himself to drop the game once its flaws became clear.

But perhaps this game really will have potential.

He focuses on the left answer, still wondering how the VR headset can tell what he's thinking.

Well done

From now on, all aspects of the UI can be opened and dismissed by either thinking the relevant term with intent, or focusing on the icons found in the corner of your vision.

For now the only options are Status, Logout and Stream Chat.

We hope you enjoy your time playing, and that you bring positive change to the cultivation worlds.

You are now becoming part of something much larger than you realise.

What does it mean by-


He suddenly opens his eyes to a strange room.

Did something go wrong? He was just about to start the game, but now...

Was he kidnaped?

And what even is this place? It seems like some kind of dorm room. Incredibly sparse, with only a bed, desk, wardrobe, mirror, and door. Not even a window.

That's when he notices three little icons in the corner of his vision. One depicting a little man, one an exit door, the last a chat logo.

"This is, the game?" He has to actually say it in order to believe it. Everything seems so realistic.

Streamer instincts kicking in, he immediately focuses the chat logo, and a new popup appears. Strangely enough though, it doesn't impede his vision at all.

Are we sure this isn't fake
doesn't seem like something CoDes would do
Look in the mirror I want to see the avatar!
Status, Status, STATUS!

"Thanks for the advise chat." He steps towards the mirror as he opens the status screen.


Name: CoDestiny

Cultivation rank: Qi-Gathering, 1st stage

Sect Points: 0

Combat Techniques: N/A

Production Techniques: N/A

Utility Techniques: N/A

Seems fairly normal for a starting character. As for his appearance...

It's fairly plain, though if he had to pick between attractive and ugly, he would probably go with attractive.

"Okay, hope that's enough for you chat. I'm gonna go explore. Not sure if I'm meant to just play the game normally or if the devs have anything specific in mind, but I guess we'll figure that out as we go."

So he leaves through the door to find three people. A man and woman who both seem to have come from similar rooms to his own, and a man dressed in white robes.

"Greetings disciples." The man dressed in white robes says. "My name is Rean Stone, and I am the leader of our sect. I understand you have travelled far to join us, and I'm sure if you work together you'll be able to make this Sect into something truly amazing."

"Is this meant to be the starter NPC?" CoDestiny asks.

"That's rather rude." Rean sighs. "I'm actually one of the devs, but I thought it best to play my in game role properly as the actual NPCs will be very insulted if they hear you say something like that. So you clearly need practice in not breaking character."

"Seems a bit excessive." CoDestiny say.

Rean's only response is a frown.

"Disciple greets Sect Master Stone." The other man respectfully bows. "My name is PCliver, and I will do what I can to bring honour to the sect."

"What a perfect response." Master Stone smiles. "In recognition, I will grant you one Sect Point."

"What are we supposed to be doing?" The woman asks. "We're receiving payment for Beta Testing the game, but there were no specifics mentioned."

"Of course." Master Stone nods. "As the first three disciples to join our sect, you are all entitled to compensation for taking this risk. The only thing you need to do though is go through the normal process of being a new disciple to the sect. Earn Sect Points, increase your cultivation, anything that doesn't bring dishonour to the sect is allowed. But I hope you also enjoy yourselves, as one day we will be able to invite more disciples to join, and I hope you will be able to act as examples of why our sect is the place to be."

"But what would you suggest we do specifically?" The woman asks. "How are we meant to earn Sect Point, and how do we increase our cultivation?"

"I'll give you one Sect Point for asking such a relevant question." Master Stone says. "But general speaking I need the local area roughly mapped out. I need certain materials to be collected. But the best thing you can do right now is go to the library. I've placed several books there that will give you a greater understanding of the world, what actions and material will earn you Sect Points, how the cultivation mechanics will work for you, and several other things relating to your situation."

"And which way is the library?" The woman asks.

"That way, up one flight to stairs, you can't miss it." Master Stone points to one end of the hallway. "If you go past the stairs you'll eventually find the exit. I hope you will all impress me with the things you do. This is a journey you will largely have to make without my help."

With that he disappears into particles of light. It worried them a bit to see someone vanish like that, until they remembered that this is just a game and anything goes.

"Well, sounds like the library is the place to be." PCliver says. "As I previously mentioned, my username is PCliver. Most people just call me Cliver. I specialise in roleplaying, which was apparently the main reason I was hired."

"I'm JadeBea. Please call me Jade." The woman says. "I'm not sure why I was offered this job as I don't have any prior experience, but I accepted because of the very good working hours."

"Well I'm CoDestiny. I have some prior experience with beta testing, but nothing like this. I should also mention that I'm a streamer, and Sect Tech agreed to let me livestream my time playing, so you're both on camera right now."

"That explains what Master Stone meant by us being examples for future disciples." PCliver nods.

"I don't think we have to keep calling him that when he's not here." JadeBea says.

"Perhaps not, but it's still a good idea." PCliver says. "It's clear that they put a lot of emphasis on the roleplaying aspect, that's why I was given a Sect Point after all."

"Seems a bit unfair that he left before I had an opportunity to earn one." CoDestiny complains. "How am I meant to catch up now?"

"My only suggestion would be to hit the books. That's what I'll be doing." JadeBea shrugs.

"My viewers don't want to watch me reading books all day." CoDestiny groans. "There's gotta be something more exciting to do."

"That's a good point actually." PCliver agrees. "Since you're the one meant to draw in new disciples, you could instead try mapping out the area. You'll have to be sure take notes on anything interesting you see, be it animal, plant, mineral, or geographical."

"I think I can do that." CoDestiny already has a plan forming in his head.

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