Invite Players to a Cultivation World

11: Second stage of Qi-Refining

After a day of investigating anything he can find about the game online, and planning out his future plans with George, PCliver finally gets to log back into the game.

"I seems you've been very popular recently." He greets CoDestiny.

"You could definitely say that." CoDestiny grins. "There are a lot more people watching the stream now, and that number just seems to be rising."

"Perhaps it had something to do with the trailer?" JadeBea wonders. "I know our contract did specify they could use our actions for promotional purposes, but I at least expected a heads up."

"I'm just glad they showed me in a good light." CoDestiny says. "My encounter with that boar was rough, and the part they showed was honestly the only part I feel proud of."

"I think the main reason for all the hype is actually because of the technology this game uses." PCliver says. "You did a lot to help people understand how it felt. I saw your Q and A session."

"Thanks. Do you mind confirming everything I said was true?" CoDestiny asks.

"I didn't notice any mistakes at least. It lined up with how it felt for me." PCliver says.

"Okay guys. Now how about we get to work." JadeBea suggests. "We all plan to start by breaking through to the second stage then?"

"Sounds best to me." CoDestiny says. "Sorry Chat. I just gotta do this before we move onto the more interesting things."

It takes less than fifteen minutes until PCliver feels the raising pressure in his soul finally break through its limit.

This must be the second stage. It feels so much better.

Before he could tell his soul generated its own Qi, but it didn't do anything. Just dissipating into nothingness.

Now the Qi is stronger, and he can feel it travel through his body before it dissipates, making him that much stronger.

He wants to test his new strength. He knows he's stronger, but just how much so he's unsure.

Getting up, he's about to say something until he sees the sect master, finger over his lips to indicate silence and the other hand pointing to JadeBea, who is still cultivating.

CoDestiny seems to have already finished.


"Wow!" JadeBea opens her eyes. "This strength is incredible!"

"Many cultivators feel the same way when they reach this point." Sect Master Stone says. "But I must warn you that you are still considered absolute novices by the standards of this world."

"Can I try testing out my strength now?" CoDestiny asks. "I've been waiting for over ten minutes now."

"I see no reason why not." Master Stone agrees. "I came here so I could instruct you regarding the next technique, but we can have a little combat test first. Meet me outside." With that he vanishes.

PCliver turns to CoDestiny. "Did you really manage to break through ten minutes earlier than us?"

CoDestiny shrugs. "The Sect Master did say we only start with the basic instincts for competency, so yesterday I tinkered a bit with how I was doing it, until I eventually found a balance that seemed more efficient."

When they get outside, the Sect Master is standing near three glowing patterns on the floor.

"Allow me to introduce you to your opponents." He snaps his fingers and three figures appear from the patterns.

Stone golems. That's the most suited term PCliver would give to them. At roughly the same height as them, the human shaped collection of stones just stands there as if waiting for something.

"All you need to do is approach them, and they will attack you." Master Stone explains. "They shouldn't be too dangerous to you at this point though. If you do somehow manage to die to them, then honestly you're a bit of a disappointment."

The three disciples look at each other, and though JadeBea seems hesitant, they all know this is something they have to do.

So, PCliver approaches one of the stone golems, fists raised and ready.

Just as he's almost in range for an attack, the golem lunges forwards and swings its arm at him.

Acting on instinct, he blocks with his left arm. It certainly hurts, but only a dull pain for a moment. Certainly less than he was expecting. Previously being hit by a rock that fast would be enough to knock him out.

Thinking fast, he punches the golem in its chest with his right fist, then backs away.

It seems his punch did more damage than he was expecting. Cracks appear on the golem where he hit it.

It probably won't be able to take another hit like that.

Not wanting to drag things out, he charges forward with the intent of striking before it can retaliate.


His hit lands, and the golem is not only destroyed, but dissipates into nothingness.

PCliver tries to catch his breath, before realising he isn't actually tired. Looking around he can see CoDestiny is already finished and JadeBea...

She currently grabbed onto her golem from behind, trying to crush its head between her arms.

Certainly not an effective method, but it does seem to be working.

Eventually the golem is defeated.

"Well done." The Sect Master congratulates them. "I will leave these summoning formations here so you may practice again in the future, but I believe it is now time for me to provide you with the Impurity Cleansing Technique."

"Yes please." JadeBea seems relieved as she moves well away from the summoning formations.

"Very well. First though I should explain what exactly impurities are." The Sect Master says. "I have added a book to the library giving a full description, but in summary it is the worst thing in existence. I'm sure you already noticed it while cultivating, but it impedes your speed of cultivation, weakens all cultivation resourses and techniques it interacts with, at high concentrations it creates blight monsters, but worst of all it seeps into your soul, forever impeding your ability to cultivate."

"But none entered my soul." PCliver says. "It was actually repelled by my soul instead."

"That is what makes us, and all future disciples special." Master Stone explains. "We were summoned here from another world, a world that is antithetical to the very concept of impurities, meaning our souls are the same and have a natural immunity to them. To the inhabitants of the cultivation worlds this is a truly enviable trait, as impurities are literally everywhere, and all techniques have to be made keeping in mind that it doesn't open up too great a weak point for impurities to enter. Even if they master this though, there will always be some impurities that enter their soul."

"Then does that mean the more impurities, the greater our advantage?" CoDestiny asks.

"Abandon such thoughts right now." Master Stone demands. "Even for us, impurities are still a horrible thing. That is why I made a deal with the Void Fae to obtain the Impurity Cleansing Technique. Literally the only way in existence for impurities to be destroyed, and it can only be used by us, thanks to our trait."

"Can you now tell us what Void Fae are?" JadeBea asks.

"Of course." Master Stone nods. "They are an extremely powerful magical race that exists in the void between cultivation worlds. They are inherently benevolent in nature, but must follow certain convoluted rules that seriously restrict their actions. That is another reason why you should cleanse impurities. Whenever you do so, the Void Fae are able to reward you by boosting your cultivation. I will also reward you with sect points, as you will be accomplishing the main goal our sect exists for."

"The benefits sound very good." PCliver admits. "Is there any reason we would bother doing anything else?"

"Of course you should." Master Stone says. "The Impurity Cleansing Technique does not require concentration like the Basic Cultivation Technique. You can even do it passively while accomplishing other things. It requires so little effort that I will consider it strange if you aren't constantly using it. With that said, it is time for you to learn the technique." He takes out a book and gives it to JadeBea, then disappears before they can ask questions.

It doesn't take long for them to all look at the book, and much like before, they instantly learn the technique contained inside.

Activating the technique is almost instinctual. They sense the impurities around them, and use a small amount of Qi to bring it closer to their soul. 

Master Stone was right, they feel their soul telling them that the impurities shouldn't exist, so they let their souls envelop it and gradually erase the impurities from existence.

"Well there was one thing he forgot to mention." CoDestiny says. "This is a much faster way of cultivating. At this rate it won't even take two hours."

"That means we have to gather SP quickly." PCliver says. "Once we get to the next stage we'll want to exchange for the next technique, and we don't know how much it will cost."

AN: Anything anyone doesn't understand?

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