Into the World of Medicine

Chapter 85 - Sister-to-Sister Fight (6)

Chapter 85: Sister-to-Sister Fight (6)
Translator: Sissy That Walk
Edited by Christina Chen

This time,Murong Qingyan didn’t use any of her dark power, instead, she only used her raw strength. Her oncoming fist directly hit Murong Qingxue’s nose.

Murong Qingxue had no strength to avoid her attack, because she had used all of her strength to stand. All she could do was watch helplessly as Murong Qingyan’s fist inched closer and closer. In an instant, she felt a severe pain in her nose.

No one thought that Murong Qingyan would move that quick and that straightforward, especially those who were watching the match. These spectators had watched plenty of competitions before, but they seldomly saw a competitor punch so directly, especially when both people in the ring were strong.

Murong Qingxue abruptly covered her nose with her hands before feeling viscous liquid dripping down. She wiped some and had a look, finding her hand was covered in blood. Staring at the blood from her nose, she could hardly believe it.

“Murong Qingxue, this isn’t my fault.” Murong Qingyan went towards Murong Qingxue in a flash before leaning in to whisper in her ear, “I have already given you a chance. Since you still don’t want to admit defeat, I won’t be polite.”

Murong Qingxue widened her eyes with a trace of panic. Although she didn’t know what Murong Qingyan was about to do, she was sure it wouldn’t be anything good. Furthermore, she had a feeling that she would completely lose her face if she didn’t admit defeat.

Unfortunately, things don’t always go how you want them to. Sometimes it was not easy to admit defeat once you missed the chance.

Just when Murong Qingxue was about to concede, Murong Qingyan lifted her leg to kick her.

Just like before, Murong Qingyan didn’t use any dark power. She used her own strength and kicked Murong Qingxue in the abdomen. With one kick, Murong Qingxue fell to the ground.

However, she was still not finished. From the corner of her lips, Murong Qingyan sneered before using her foot to get Murong Qingxue to stand up once more. Then she made a fist and punched Murong Qingxue’s beautiful face.

Murong Qingxue’s beautiful face soon swelled. This time she looked terrible and had completely lost her gentle image.

The moves that Murong Qingyan displayed were natural and smooth, which made the audience dumbstruck.

“Murong Qingyan, stop it–” In the grandstand, Murong Xiong finally could not bear to watch and began to shout at her to stop.

It was known that Murong Qingxue belonged to the Murong family and she was competing on behalf of the face of Murong family. So what Murong Qingyan was doing now meant that she was trampling on the face of Murong family. That was unacceptable for Murong Xiong!

Hearing his voice, Murong Qingyan just sneered but didn’t stop.

“You evil creature! You must stop right now!”

Seeing Murong Qingyan completely ignore his command,, more anger surged up in Murong Xiong.

“Even if you are the family head, you shouldn’t interfere with the outcome in the ring!” Murong Qingyan directly trampled Murong Qingxue to the ground with her foot and simply said, “Murong Qingxue hasn’t admitted defeat yet so I don’t have a reason to stop.”

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