Into the World of Medicine

Chapter 135 - Stolen Bone Forming Elixirs (2)

Chapter 135: Stolen Bone Forming Elixirs (2)
Translator: Sissy That Walk
“Master, how come we ended up with not a single grain was reaped? I heard there were as many as ten elixirs, weren’t there?” asked Murong Rui, who was the oldest member in the clan, Murong Xiong should call him uncle by seniority in the family or clan.

Murong Rui, being the most respected elder in the whole Murong clan, did not flinch confronting Murong Xiong. He decided he needed to demand a reasonable explanation from the master on the behalf of the whole clan.

“It’s true there are as many as ten Foundation Elixirs, but… …” Murong Xiong’s face fell, “but little did I expect the sell would sell them as a package.”

“As a package?” three elders gasped in unison, “We’ve heard all of the elixirs were purchased by Nangong Family, is that true?”

“I’m afraid it’s true.” Murong Xiong nodded, “Nangong Family has really taken off over the past few years, now that they’ve got all of the ten add insult to injury, for us that’s no difference than adding insult to injury. We definitely need to keep an eye at them.”

“What is done cannot be undone, it’s useless dwelling on what had happened, let’s focus on what we can do to deal with the situation.” suggested Murong Xin, the Second Elder. He stroked his beard and continued, “What we need now is a solution.”

“Xin, what do you have in mind?” Murong Rui asked promptly, “Just spit it out, we are all listening.”

“There’s no need to complicate this issue yet,” a touch of shrewdness flashed across Murong Xiong’s eyes, “the Foundation Elixirs cost them one hundred million gold coins, I know maybe it won’t incur bankruptcy for a big family like them, but they for sure it has cost them an arm and a leg. They must be desperate for some cash now.”

“The Second Elder, you mean… …” chimed in Murong Xiong, his eye narrowed which implied he seemed to get the gist of what Murong Xin was talking about.

“Correct, I mean why not offer them a good price for the elixirs, plus we have betrothal engagement with them already, I don’t think they would say no to us.” Murong Xin looked at Murong Xiong in the eye and said encouragingly, “We are not buying all ten of the Foundation Elixirs, even they would only offer one for sale, for us that’s better than nothing, isn’t it? If they are too cynical to sell the elixirs, we can exchange the elixir with the treasures in our Treasury, anything they want.”

“That sounds perfect.” Murong Rui also nodded in approval.

Murong Xiong pondered for a little while and called his butler Lin Guangxiong.

“Butler Lin, I remember we have five Bone Moulding Elixirs of Third Grade, please go unlock two of them.”

Murong Xiong put a lot of thoughts in this, he thought probably his Bone Moulding Elixirs was the only treasure that stood a chance if they were going to carry out the exchanging plan.

The other three elders also nodded hearing what Murong Xiong thought about offering.

“It’s such a shame that we are reduced to adapting to Nangong Family’s disposition when we Murong Family is the most renowned family in the whole country.” sighed Murong Rui when he realized his family was actually on the decline.

“We have won the title this time purely by luck, who knows Murong Qingyan is such a great cultivator!” Murong Li, the other Elder in the clan said with great regret in his tone, “How I wish we had treated that girl differently, if we have been on good terms with her all along I bet we still stand a chance keeping our good reputation.”

Murong Xiong’s face darkened when he heard Murong Li mentioned Murong Qingyan, he remembered how rude Murong Qingyan was towards him, vividly.

Seeing Murong Xiong’s face, Murong Li realized he had made an indiscreet remark so he stopped. It was an open secret in the whole family that Murong Qingyan and Murong Xiong were hostile towards each other, Murong Li didn’t think he was in the position to tell Murong Xiong what he should do.

Dead silence reigned the hall.

“Master, what a calamity!” shouted Lin Guangxiong who was just ordered by Murong Xiong to unlock two Bone Forming Elixirs from the Treasury, he ran towards the hall panting.

“Butler Lin! Where are your manners? All the Elders are here, you are making a fool of yourself!” retorted Murong Xiong who was already in a bad mood, “Do you really want our family to become a laughing stock?”

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