Into the World of Medicine

Chapter 100 - The Outcome (2)

Chapter 100: The Outcome (2)
Translator: Sissy That Walk
In spite of his dissatisfaction, he couldn’t show it, or those compliments would become a mockery.

The situation in the ring changed so fast that the audience was almost unable to keep pace with it. The fierce fight right now immediately turned into peace.

Seeing such a situation, Murong Qingxue gritted her teeth with great anger. She was on the point of seeing Murong Qingyan completely defeated when such a change happened.

Meanwhile, she had a little complaint about Nangong Ye, because if Nangong Ye attacked Murong Qingyan when she was advancing, now Murong Qingyan must have lost.

Murong Qingyan didn’t care what others were thinking about at all, because now she was focusing on advancing. Spiritual power gathered from all directions and poured into her body. Dark power that had been supplemented to her body now turned saturated and surplus at last.

People found Murong Qingyan’s expression calm, but she was the only one to know she didn’t feel good now. Too much spiritual power gathering in her body was beyond her limit. If she didn’t succeed, surplus spiritual power would turn into dark power and wreak havoc in her body, then she would be either disabled or dead.

What she could only do now was continuously using those dark power to hit the barrier in her body. She clearly knew she would enter the Light Level after she broke the barrier. She felt the barrier begin to loosen.

Now in the space Xiao Bai was quite anxious. However, it could do nothing but set a boundary around Murong Qingyan in case that Nangong Ye made a surprise attack when she was advancing.

Murong Qingyan absolutely neglected the surroundings and kept trying again and again. Finally, she felt the barrier looser and even had a faint tendency to disappear. Finding the change, she tried harder and increased impact.

Finally, Murong Qingyan broke the last barrier.

The dark power which had been wreaking havoc now was smooth. Endless dark power flowed from Murong Qingyan’s body to her pubic region. The injuries in her body began to recover under the nourishment of spiritual power.

In the square, those who were watching the situation in the ring had been quiet. But soon they suddenly saw a shining white light burst from Murong Qingyan’s body, then a gust of air spread out from her body, rolling up lots of sands and stones. Seeing this, people knew Murong Qingyan succeeded.

“God! Has Murong Qingyan made it? Does she succeed in advancing?”

“What a miracle! In such a state Murong Qingyan advanced successfully. I thought she would fail and get severely hurt!”

“Murong Qingyan now is in the Light Level. I wonder how her strength is compared with Nangong Ye’s.”

Everyone was talking about this matter and a lot of speculation of the outcome was made.

At first people believed that Nangong Ye would win the game without doubt. But after seeing Murong Qingyan drive Nangong Ye to such a state, they believed in that Murong Qingyan was also strong. Now she improved a level so, maybe she had the ability to fight over the first place.

Of course, people who thought so were in the minority. Many people still thought even though Murong Qingyan improved a level, she was merely in the initial stage of the Light Level and unstable. Nangong Ye’s cultivation was higher than hers, plus the blood-eating sword, so he must win.

Finally Murong Qingyan opened her eyes and found herself full of spiritual power and endless strength. Moreover, she felt the surroundings clearer than she saw before.

She immediately stood up and when she looked at Nangong Ye who was in the opposite and finished breathing, shock flashed through her eyes. She thought Nangong Ye would have attacked her when she was advancing, but he just waited aside. Such a result surprised her.

However, even if Nangong Ye really attacked her, he wouldn’t get any benefit. When she found she was to advance, she connected with Xiao Bai in the space and let Xiao Bai protect her. Xiao Bai’s strength was high so, Nangong Ye wouldn’t get any benefit if he really attacked her at that time.

The two persons were standing opposite each other again. There was still bloodstain in Murong Qingyan’s dress but she looked much more vigorous than before. Nangong Ye seemed to be better after breathing for a short time.

Looking at the two persons, people were looking forward to a more exciting fight.

They said nothing and directly began to attack each other.

Nangong Ye raised his sword, poured spiritual power into it and attacked Murong Qingyan.

Swift and fierce light of the sword stabbed Murong Qingyan with a terrifying intent of killing.

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