Interstellar Super Doctor

Chapter 18

Chapter 17 thank

Xiao Mu shook his head to shake away the terrifying imagination in his mind, went back to the room to buy clothes online, after thinking about it, he bought another two hundred grams of peony.

When his mental strength recovers tomorrow, he decides to find some time to make some medium-grade Zhixue San, which he eats and sells himself.

However, how to sell is a problem, and it must not be the same as before.

He hadn’t noticed that there was a guide atmosphere on the medicine before, if he knew it, he would definitely not dare to set up a stall.

He was sitting on a stool, waiting for the clothes to be delivered, and checking the sales channels on the Internet.

The transactions here are similar to modern ones, with physical or online stores, mobile vendors, and auction houses selling precious items.

He thought about it for a moment and inquired about the auction house. The page that popped up showed several auction houses. The top message was ‘shocked, an A-class animal mech appeared in the auction house with a transaction price of 80 million. ’

There are a lot of news about the successful transaction of the item below.

Seeing this, he turned off the page, it was too high-profile. He wants to make money by selling drugs, but he absolutely does not want news such as ‘shock, new drugs appear’.

In particular, he has already said that he is not a pharmacist and only has one medicine in his hand. If similar medicines are sold in public, Leo will definitely find that it is too easy to find him through auction houses.

If the research institute finds out on him, they will also know the existence of Zhongpin Zhixue San, and this kind of news will also attract their attention.

For him, it is not safe.

He casually browsed the pages of selling channels, his eyes suddenly stopped, and he fell on the word ‘black market’.

Looking closely at the news about the ‘black market’, his eyes lightened slightly. The ‘black market’ is the trading market opened by the largest auction house ‘Shanggong’.

The black market provides trading venues for private craftsmen and mercenaries. It opens every Saturday night from 7 to 12 o’clock.

The identity of everyone who enters the black market is kept confidential, and the tickets are 1,000. When all items are successfully traded, the black market will charge a handling fee. The handling fee is 10% of the transaction price, and the commodity tax is paid by the black market.

Black market fees are high, but because of its confidentiality, the business is very good, and unexpected precious items often appear, and many wealthy people go to sweep the goods.

Xiao Mu was very excited. It was okay if the handling fee was a little bit more. He would just ask for a higher price, as long as he could make money.

He remembered the address and opening time of the black market, and it didn’t take long before his clothes arrived.

He didn’t see Zorn when he went downstairs, and halfway down, he listened to the movement of the living room, quietly, he breathed a sigh of relief and went out to pick up the express.

When I returned, I saw the tall man who had been hugging Renn coming out of the room next to the study.

He was wearing a black bathrobe, with red hickeys on his exposed neck, short hair was slightly damp, and he had obviously just taken a shower.

His facial features are very hard-line, at this time, although his complexion is soft, he cannot hide his wildness, and his aura is very strong.

Xiao Mu hadn’t seen his appearance clearly before, and when he was facing each other, he immediately remembered his identity, Ren’s partner, Leo’s grandfather, and Lieutenant General Louis—an ordinary person.

Thinking of this, Xiao Mu subconsciously checked his red and blue bars, his mental strength was 3000D and his physical strength was 8500A.

For sentinels, this value may not be particularly powerful, but for ordinary people, it is simply against the sky.

“Are you Xiao Mu?”

Xiao Muzheng thought, hearing a deep questioning, he nodded quickly: “Yes, Lieutenant General Louis.”

Louis went to the living room, poured a glass of water, and walked back with it: “Thank you for the medicine.”

Xiao Mu hurriedly said, “You are welcome, I am very grateful to the Marshal for taking me in.”

Louis has a smile in his eyes: “He is soft-hearted, go and rest.”

Xiao Mu went upstairs and looked straight ahead when he passed Leo’s room. However, after the light, he still saw a person lying on the bed.

Even when he was passing by, he felt a sharp gaze suddenly fall on him, and he hurried back to the house.

After sleeping for almost an hour, Xiao Mu was awakened by Zon and went downstairs to eat.

Ren and Louis sat side by side, Zon sat on the left and Leo sat on the right, so he sat down on the opposite seat.

As soon as he sat down, he checked Rennes’ mental power 1860/9200.

He was stunned, almost two hours apart, Ren’s mental power not only did not automatically recover, but consumed 40.

He checked his own and replied close to 200. He looked at Leo again, and his number decreased by 10.

Could it be said that the sentinel’s mental power will not automatically recover? It will even decrease over time.

In this case, he began to understand why the sentinel always needed a guide agent.

Think about it carefully. This is in line with common sense. If they can reply automatically, there won’t be so many sentinels going to the hospital.

“Eat,” Leo sneered, “See if I can get enough?”

Xiao Mu was slightly embarrassed, and he must pay attention in the future. When checking his mental strength, he casually glanced at him and left, otherwise the misunderstanding would only get deeper and deeper.

Rehn looked at Xiao Mu and said gently: “Don’t pay attention to him. I heard that you only charged 10,000 yuan for the medicine. Will the money be enough? That kid is really welcome, so many medicines only give you that little money.”

Xiao Mu said, “It’s the price I said,” he was a little embarrassed, “You took me in, to thank you that I shouldn’t have been charged, but I was almost penniless, and I had to pay for accommodation.”

Ren shook his head: “You can’t do this, you can’t always look at him, knowing that you have no money and are so stingy, you should dislike it or dislike it.”

Xiao Mu’s hand was slightly stiff while pinching his chopsticks, and at this moment he realized the terrifying nature of heredity.

This grandson and grandson can connect any of his words and deeds to him like Leo.

What made him powerless and troublesome was that they understood that way, it didn’t seem to be that far-fetched.

After speaking, Ren stared at Leo again: “Don’t look at Xiao Mu and bully him. How much do you give him? Why don’t I know you are so obedient?”

Leo’s expression was as usual: “If you give too much, you just don’t accept his gratitude. He thanked you, and I can’t refuse it for you. If you are not happy, just give him the money.”

Xiao Mu glanced at him in surprise, but he didn’t expect him to be so thoughtful.

He thought he just transferred the money casually.

Ren continued to stare at Leo: “You kid really can’t speak, you said so, how can I make up money?”

Xiao Mu quickly said, “No, I have enough money.”

What’s more, he can make medicine, and the cost of medicine is almost negligible.

From the effect point of view, one piece of ten thousand is not too expensive. Leo and the others’ reaction made him very confident that his medicine can definitely be sold.

In this way, he doesn’t have to worry about money.

After dinner, Renn called Louis and Leo to the study. Xiao Mu looked at their situation and knew they had something to discuss, so he went upstairs and went back to the room.

The study door closed, and Louis looked serious: “I received the news, do you have new clues?”

Ren nodded, Leo turned on the terminal and played a short video cut before: “This is the video of tracking the interstellar guide a few days ago.”

After reading it, Louis cautiously said: “It’s exactly the same as the scene where they disappeared.”

Ren hummed and looked at Leo: “Leo, you go to rest first, I will tell you if you make progress, you are not allowed to interfere.”

Leo’s jaw tightened: “Grandfather, I want to participate in the investigation.”

“No,” Renn said with a cold face, “I don’t allow things that happened 20 years ago to happen again. If you go against my intentions, all relevant information will be kept secret from you in the future.”

Leo’s breathing suddenly increased, and he looked at him stubbornly: “My self-control is completely different from that at the time. I won’t lose control.”

Ren didn’t let go: “No, forget about it for the time being, don’t forget that you promised me to help An Rui.”

Leo didn’t want to give up, just about to speak, Louis said: “Leo, for so many years, I have been responsible for this matter, do you distrust me?”

Leo stunned, “No, grandpa, I trust you completely.”

Louis nodded: “You go to rest.”

Leo knew that they were determined not to let him in, and left the study depressed.

Rennes sat in a relaxed and upright posture, leaning on the back of the chair and rubbing his forehead, Louis took out a medium-grade hemostatic powder and put it on his lips: “It’s been more than two hours.”

Rehn took the medicine with a roll of his tongue, holding Louis’s fingertips by the way, picking up the end of his eyes, and said vaguely: “It’s great that you are back.”

Louie’s eyes were suddenly deep, he leaned over and squeezed his chin, kissed it hard, and then let it go after a while: “I will contact Lyle and go to no man’s land again.”

Ren nodded: “Be careful.”

Louis handed him the box containing the Zhongpin Zhixue San: “Eat once every two hours. Have you sent someone to investigate the pharmaceutical company?”

Ren said: “Of course.”

After Louis confided the matter and left the apartment, Ren went back to the bedroom and put the medicine box on the bedside table.

The next day, Xiao Mu woke up early because of the early bedtime of the first day. After washing, he went downstairs and quietly in the living room, Zon sat silently on the sofa facing the bedroom.

He said good morning to Zon. When he left the house, thinking about the distance of ten kilometers from the flight station, he felt his feet soft.

Secretly decided to buy a flying machine after earning money, otherwise it would be too inconvenient to travel.

He walked to the fork in the road and paused when he saw the footsteps of oncoming people.

Leo wore a black vest and shorts of the same color. The muscles on his arms were exposed without any cover, and his honey-colored skin was stained with sweat, which looked particularly attractive.

Xiao Mu couldn’t help swallowing, admiring and liking it. This emotion of liking is no less than that of a modern straight man seeing a beautiful swimsuit photo.

And she’s still a beautiful woman with an explosive body.

Leo ran right in front of him in the blink of an eye, and he quickly stepped aside to make way.

Leo glanced at him and ran over in silence.

Xiao Mu looked at him from behind, feeling inexplicably that he was in a bad mood. If in normal times, he should say, ‘I wake up so early, do you want to see me doing morning exercises? ’

Xiao Mu twitched the corners of his mouth, forgetting the mess of imagination, and trotting towards the flight station.

With his previous experience, he trot for one kilometer and then switched to walking. Although it was slow, his body could bear it.

Twenty minutes later, just after he had walked two kilometers, the black aircraft suddenly stopped on his left side, and Leo’s voice came: “Come up.”

As if hearing the sound of nature, Xiao Mu quickly got into the aircraft and sat down, with a sincere expression on his face: “Thank you.”

Leo raised his hand and glanced at the time: “Twenty minutes and two kilometers,” he glanced at his sweaty hair and hummed, “You are still so embarrassed, you are so amazing.”

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