Interstellar Railway: Copy Morax at the start

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

“This is Arilo-VI, the first planet on which the protagonist sets foot in the game.” Gu Ze looked at the white planet and nodded secretly.

“Thousands of years later, has Arylo-VI become like this?” Himeko walked to the car window and looked at the planet covered in ice and snow with a little surprise.

The vibrant planet recorded in the data did not expect that it had changed greatly.

Just as Himeko sighed, Pam came from the side in a panic.

“Warning! The spatial reading was abnormal, the star orbit stability rate decreased, and the docking time was changed from the original seven days to an indefinite extension…”

“The imaginary positioning of this world has encountered an anomaly… The movement of the train is blocked? Himeko’s brows furrowed after hearing this.

“The preliminary test results have come out, and the source of the anomaly is still the star core.” Pam followed closely.

The star core will produce a rift to affect the progress of the train, and it can even change the ecology, and it is inseparable from Yalilo-VI becoming like this.

“If the source of disaster is not removed, the pioneering journey cannot continue.” Ji Zi looked at Gu Ze and said.

Gu Ze nodded and said, “So we have to help, just like the warrior.”

“You have finally discovered the essence of the trainset! Pretty cool, right? March Seven said with a grin.

“Gu Ze, I hope to hand over this pioneering journey to you, Xiao March and Danheng.” Himeko said, “The purpose of the journey is also very clear, find the star core, bring it back to the train, and leave the rest to us.”

“No problem.” Gu Ze nodded and agreed, he had planned to take a look at that planet.

After all, I am very familiar with the plot, and there should be no big problem.

“Gu Ze, we are going to join forces to attack again!” March Seven was very excited, “You can rest assured to follow us, Dan Heng and I are both pioneer veterans, to ensure that you are safe and sound!”

“Then the burden of helping the train is left to you.” Himeko smiled.

Gu Ze first found Danheng and informed him of the next arrangement.

“You’ve just got into the car, and Himeko definitely wants you to experience a pioneering journey for yourself.” After hearing this, Dan Heng slowly spoke, and he got up and left the database with Gu Ze.

“I looked through the train’s database and found some information about the Arileo-VI.” Danheng sent the information to Gu Ze’s mobile phone.

“When I conducted a preliminary survey just now, I found a place where the temperature was relatively normal and suitable for human survival.” Danheng said as he walked, “We can choose that place as the landing site. ”

He should have been talking about Belloberg.

Gu Ze quickly recalled the plot in his heart, and the landing point of the protagonist’s group at the beginning was there.

“Finally here!” March Seven smiled and waved at them.

“Hey, this planet is all ice, will it have anything to do with me.” March Seven stared at the planet outside the car window thoughtfully, “But before we were salvaged, we were trapped in the six-phase ice, and ordinary planets should not have it.”

“Maybe this is your hometown.” Gu Ze quipped.

“To be honest, I don’t want this to be my hometown, beautiful girls are very frost-resistant.” March Seven said while holding his arm.

“Okay, it’s not early, let’s go.” Danheng said to the two.

“Well, Arilo-VI Pioneer Squad, let’s go now!” March Seven said excitedly with his waist crossed.


Arilo-VI is indeed covered by a white snow that is difficult to see the end of, as observed in the universe, and the whole world is white, I believe that if there is no device to detect the location, I am afraid that I will get lost here.

There is also the extremely low temperature, constantly eroding the warmth of the human body, the cold climate is not conducive to the survival of life at all, this land can be described as cold and freezing.

After the three of Gu Ze landed, they walked towards the location that Danheng found, leaving a trail of footprints on the thick snow.

“It’s really icy and snowy!”

A cold wind blew through, and March Seven couldn’t help but sigh.

Who told you not to wear more?

Gu Ze glanced at her smooth white legs under her skirt, and also subconsciously said: “It’s really icy and snowy.” ”

Repeater, you!” March Seven complained mercilessly.

Gu Ze: ……

Careless, or spit on!

“This place has not been eroded, and the monsters of the rift have actually run out.” Danheng looked at the red monster flying in front of him and was a little surprised, “I’m afraid the impact of this star core is extraordinary. ”

Yanhua Creation.” Gu Ze recognized this monster, and with a wave of his hand, a rock spear flew out, easily tearing the monster through.

“It’s really good to have a strong person with you.” Seeing this, March Seven smiled, “At least you can save some effort.” The

three continued to move forward, and along the way they saw many monsters that were frozen into ice sculptures, looking at their somewhat panicked appearance, more like they had no time to escape in the face of the sudden falling ice and snow, and were frozen like this, and even some of the surrounding buildings were buried by the wind and snow.

It means that this snow has been falling for a long, long time….

“Wait, do you see that? The snowdrift just now seemed to be moving. As he was walking, March Seven said, pointing to a prominent snowdrift in front of him.

“Is it? The snowdrift didn’t look normal. Danheng cast his gaze over and found that this snowdrift was a little abrupt and slightly out of place with the surrounding environment.

“March Seven should be right, I also found out just now.” Gu Ze nodded, “It seems that someone is hiding inside.” Having

played the game, he not only knew who was hiding inside, but also who that person was.

“Let’s go, let’s get closer.” March 71 horses ran towards it first.

The three went over and surrounded the snowdrift.

“Whew…” someone in the snowdrift made a trembling panting sound, as if it was shivering with cold.

What March 7 said is true, and there are indeed people hidden inside.

“Hey! Don’t hide, you’re shivering with cold. March Seven crossed his waist and looked at the snowdrift.

However, the people in the snowdrift did not move, and after discovering that they had just made a sound, they immediately closed their mouths and completely quieted down.

“You… It’s useless if you don’t make a sound.” March Seven said a little helplessly.

Everyone has already discovered

you, no matter how you hide, can you still hide?

“March, let’s go.” Gu Ze stepped forward with a baseball bat, “I have to call him in a different way.” Then

he tapped his stick on the snowdrift.

The man hiding in the snowdrift: “Ah. ♂

“If it doesn’t come out again, smash your buttocks into a basin.” Gu Ze took back the stick and said.

“Oh, don’t do that kind of thing.” The man in the snowdrift hurriedly responded, and he also had to climb out.

This is a handsome man with blue hair, but with a not very serious temperament.

“Hey, I said buddy, it’s not any fault to drill into the snow, as for being so ruthless?” The man grumbled dissatisfiedly.

However, when he saw that there were three people standing in front of him who were not easy to mess with, the previous dissatisfaction disappeared, and he immediately changed his tone.

“Uh, hehe, of course, I don’t blame the heroes, it’s me who appeared too abruptly… Ha ha. He smiled dryly, as if to ease the embarrassment, “How about getting to know your friends?”

“I just came here to find some small items to exchange for some money, and I definitely didn’t steal anything precious, by the way, is Chief Jepard here?” I know him very well. ”

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