Interconnected: Spliced Souls

Chapter One: Splicing Souls with a Goddess

When my eyes jerked open, color flooded back into my sight. The dark and cold abyss of death I’d seen moments earlier had disappeared. Instantly, my hands went to my chest and penetrated the wound, which was still there. It was uncomfortable, but I dug out the two halves of my heart and stared at what allowed me to live. There was still a slit across my neck, but even with the two injuries... I could breathe. But why was I naked? Where were my clothes?   

That doesn’t matter right now. Just where am I?  

It seemed like I was on a platform surrounded by darkness. Crimson torches lined the perimeter. When I peeked over, I saw a jail cell. Seeing everything from the top meant I saw all the disgusting details. From the foul-smelling liquid covering the floor to the scratches littering the walls, only one side had iron bars. And they were rusted from top to bottom. There was no light, yet everything was illuminated by some other unknown means.    

But something was unnatural...   

Is that a person? It kinda looks like one, but it’s like a shape of red energy that happens to look humanoid. This thing was shackled to a wall by rusty chains. Nails were hammered into their palms and ankles. Its head was hanging low, but it suddenly jerked up. It didn’t have eyes, but a black set of teeth appeared on its face. They curled into a smile.   

“Yes! I am glad my efforts were a success!” I heard someone speak with a voice that changed its tone from masculine to feminine, from high pitch to low pitch, and anywhere in between with every other word. But I didn’t know where it was coming from. If it came from that thing, there was a considerable distance between us, yet the voice sounded almost like it was coming from inside my head. If not that, then right behind me, but turning around yielded nothing.    

“Are you the one speaking?” was all I could meek out.    

“Yes, I am. Are you frightened?”   

“I would say I’m more confused. I died, right?” I asked, staring at the heart I still held.   

“That is correct. Your body perished, but I prevented your soul from passing on.”   

“Okay, that answers one thing. Who are you?” I asked, crossing my arms under my breasts while staring at this mysterious entity.   

"My name is Itarr, and I am a goddess.”   

“A goddess?!” I exclaimed. “Wait, what is this place? I’m even more confused.”    

“I am afraid I do not know where we are. I only know my name and status.”   

“You don’t have any memories, either?” I asked, unfolding my arms.   

“Either? Is it the same with you?” I nodded, then introduced myself. “Hmm. It is a pleasure, Servi. However odd it may be, knowing we do not know what we once were... It feels like it’s creating a kinship between us.”   

I softly smiled upon realizing something. “I suppose you’re correct. It’s weird, but I feel it, too. Umm... Why did you bring me here?”   

“My existence is a terrible one. When I have enough power, I attempt to reach out to the unknown to bring someone here because I do not wish to be alone. In my millions of attempts, you are my only success.”   

“You wanted a friend, huh? It doesn’t compare to you, but I’m lonely too. I woke up somewhere I didn’t recognize, met people that spoke a language I didn’t speak, and died surrounded by trash.”   

“You aren’t mad?” Itarr sounded surprised. “I was selfish, acting only of myself without any regard—”   

“Selfish or not. I’m still alive, yeah? Or I’m not completely dead yet, which is something. Thank you, Itarr, for doing what you did.”   

“Servi, kindness radiates from your heart!” The black teeth jigged as if Itarr was laughing. Before I knew it, I sat and chatted with a literal goddess. I believed she had no reason to lie about it. She asked about the outside world, and I told her what I could remember, but it was odd. The things of this world? The person with the head of a leopard or the girl with the horns and ears of a goat? I swore that was my first time meeting them. Honestly? It felt like I was experiencing the story of a fantasy book. In fact, it almost felt like I wasn’t even born here. If I was, I’d at least have some generic information about the world, even if I didn’t remember anything personal.   

But no. I knew what cars were. I recalled trains, planes, and electricity. Towering skyscrapers? Streetlights? 

That was fresh in my mind. 

Meanwhile, it seemed like speaking with Itarr triggered a part of her memory because she remembered something crucial. “Yes... It’s coming back to me. I am a goddess that can bless [True Immortality] and [True Absorption] upon someone. It feels like something is on the outer reaches of my memory, but I cannot recall it."   

[True Immortality]? Like the ability to not die? That’s major, but I’m completely lost about [True Absorption].  

“Wait, bless?” If she was a goddess, there had to be more, right? In that case, if those other gods and goddesses had their own power, could they ‘bless’ as well? I put a hand to my chin and focused my mind, trying to make sense of this. “Wait, so you’re telling me the people of this world can be blessed by a god or goddess when they’re born? And if you’re imprisoned, you can’t bless anyone, right?”   

“Hmm... I cannot verify that information, but it sounds correct."   

“Well, how do you do that?”   

“I’m...not sure. Perhaps if we continue speaking, I’ll remember something.”   

And so, Itarr wished to know more about my feelings about what I experienced, not what I went through, and I went as thoroughly as possible. I had to make it easily digestible to a goddess that never knew what lay beyond her prison. But you could only talk for so long about so many things before you spoke in circles, especially if both speakers had immense gaps in their memories. The silence, however, wasn’t ominous. Nor was it something to be ashamed or regretful of.    


How much time passed? There was really no way to tell, but it felt like years, if not decades, sped by us. The trust I felt in Itarr naturally grew until she felt like someone I had known my entire life. 

It was simply two existences staring at each other while realizing they had found someone to share something with. Eventually, Itarr broke the silence with something startling.   

“Servi, I’ve been thinking... I believe there is a way to return you to life.”   

“Huh? Sorry, but I’m going to pass. I’d rather stay here with you than return to a place where I can’t communicate with anyone. It’s lonely out there. I'll probably die again.”   

“Are you content with spending the rest of your days with me? Inside this realm that seemingly acts as my prison? I must be chained here for a reason, yet you aren’t afraid of what that might be?”   

“Not at all, Itarr. Besides, there must be a way to break you out of here. I mean, if you can bring people in, then it’s possible to leave. Until we figure that out, I'm remaining here.”   

Silence reigned supreme for a second time until I asked Itarr about her powers. [True Immortality] was simple to explain. According to her, those blessed with that would never perish. It was so surreal to think about, to be honest. If I had that, I wouldn’t have died. I could’ve saved that girl from being tortured... I could’ve done so much more with my brief life...   

[True Absorption], however? That was tricky to get around my mind. Sure, Itarr said those with this skill would absorb the souls of the dead to grow stronger, which was wicked. But she also said you could take items from the world and stash them away in a realm only she or those with the skill could reach.   

“Those chains are preventing you from absorbing this realm, right?” I asked.   

“That is correct. It's neutralizing my power, preventing me from blessing anyone. If it were possible, then I would’ve granted you my power. No, wait... Something... Something is coming back to me.” Itarr’s red energy vibrated for a moment. “What you see is my soul in its barest state. And I summoned yours... Perhaps it is possible for them to splice together.”   

“What would that entail?”   

“It would mean becoming a goddess. One with the abilities of [True Immortality] and [True Absorption]. You could use the latter to absorb this realm and free yourself.”   

“What’ll happen to you?”   

“This existence will cease to exist, but I will not die. I will live on in your mind.   

“Wouldn’t that be the same as being imprisoned?”   

“No, it would not. If we share a soul, we can freely converse,” replied Itarr. “I’ll instruct you on using your newfound power.” I inquired about her plan. “You must leap from your platform and down yourself to my level. But if you jump, you lose any chance of passing on, and there is no returning. Be warned, I do not know if this— What?!”   

It sounded strange, but I trusted this goddess I’d been staring down upon for what felt like decades. I merely hopped forward and landed into the filthy water dirtying her cell, sending up splashes of filth that coated my bare body. The goddess’s eyes went as wide as the sun.   

“But why?! If this doesn’t work, you’re stuck here with me!”   

“I know. But as I said, I’d rather be in here with you until the end of time than live another second out there alone. You’re comforting, Itarr. I like to talk to you. I like to be around you. And I’ll do whatever it takes to get us out of here. Together, that is. We can experience the world together and learn at the same time. I’ll feel much better with you there.”   

“Servi...” Beady black orbs appeared on Itarr’s face, and dark tears dripped down her crimson figure.    

“What do I need to do?” I asked.   

“You must devour me,” she said.    





“What? I’m sorry, I don’t think I heard that right.”    

“What you see is my soul in its most intimate state. Splicing it with yours can only be accomplished by devouring my essence. That will grant you my power, and you can use [True Absorption] to get us out of here. I beg you, Servi… Please, do it.”    

After nodding, I grabbed her ‘arm’ and was surprised by how it a piece broke off like a piece of hard candy. I stuffed it in my mouth and chewed, drowning my tongue with the taste of iron as a hot liquid squirted out. Almost immediately, Itarr roared in pain and cried, thrashing against her chains as if she was having a seizure. She was literally being eaten alive. There was no doubt it was going to hurt. How would it not?   

Piece by piece, swallow by swallow, I stuffed my mouth and swallowed her soul without even chewing. Each bite was a different flavor and flooded my mouth with varying liquids. Even when I forced down what tasted like acid or vomit, I refused to listen to my queasy stomach and ignored the suffering in my heart until I’d placed the last piece on the tip of my tongue.      

Soon, the deed was done, and I collapsed to the ground after wiping my face free of sweat. “Guuh... Hhrrrnnggg.... AAahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!” It felt like my insides were turned inside out, flipped over, and stuffed back into my body. I couldn’t help but scream even while my face was deep in the wastewater, yet even as I felt my lungs flood…   

I didn’t drown. It was like I knew I couldn’t breathe because my lungs were full of liquid, but that didn’t matter.    


An immortal being no longer needed oxygen, right?   

Guess this means it’s working...  

“It seems like it’s done. I’m sorry if that hurt,” I said, standing up. I had to use the wall for support because I still felt groggy. I placed a hand on my chest and neck.    

The fatal injuries weren’t there.   

I’m sorry for making you go through that.  

“Is that you, Itarr?!” The goddess no longer had the weird fluctuations in her voice, and she spoke with a tone that almost made it seem like she was younger than me. It was oddly feminine and cute, in a way. And more casual, if that made sense.   

Yes. How do you feel?  

“Strange would be one way to describe it, but I’ll get used to it. How do I use your power?”   

Look towards the middle of the room.    

I followed her instructions and saw a rusty pillar. A crimson orb motionlessly hovered about six inches above it.  

“When did that show up?”  

It has always been there. Could you not see it? I shook my head. Hmm… That is strange, but this must mean the splicing was a success! Place your hand on the orb.   

“Got it.”  

I did as she asked, and the hovering object cracked like an egg to reveal a ring.   

Like the orb, it was also the color of blood, but it wasn’t ornate. It was just a simple band with no engravings or etchings that I could see. Picking it up, I slipped it on my right ring finger.   

That is the source of my power. The souls of your enemies and anything else you wish to absorb will be stored within the ring. Time does not flow inside of it, and it is truly infinite. It wouldn’t be wrong to claim it has enough space to fit the entire universe.   

“Woah… That’s incredible…” I whispered, rubbing it with my fingers. Moments later, this deranged area started to crumble like a stack of dominos when everything started shaking. Jagged cracks shot up the walls, and my footing vanished when the floor gave way. In a free fall with the remains of the cell, I felt the fear of the gaping abyss beneath me. My hair whipped upwards to slap me in the face, which made it difficult to right myself. Itarr calmed me down and told me to focus, citing that this realm was beyond infinite. It had no end, and it had no beginning. I wasn’t in danger of slamming into anything, but even if there was a floor under me, I wouldn’t die.    

The goddess’s words eased my heart. Taking an unnecessarily deep breath, I closed my eyes and waited until my nerves were under control.    

Your heart has slowed down. Are you feeling calm?  

“Yes, I am,” I replied, righting myself. “Just trying to wrap my head around all this. Tell me what I gotta do to get us out of here.”   

To use [True Absorption], imagine this world in your mind and compress it. When it is small enough in your mind, create an image of your ring, then cast it into it. Do not be afraid of failure because we have time to practice.   

I did just that. With my arm held high, I produced a copy of my surroundings in my mind and forced it to shrink.   


I imagined a giant hand was pressing down on it.  


Instead of a hand, it was a falling mountain.  


Instead of a mountain, it was a planet, squashing everything the world over until it was less than an inch big.  

And that was when it happened.  

An explosion occurred and sent me to the farthest reach of infinity. It felt like time and space were intertwining, wrapping themselves around each other like they wanted to devour the other. 

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