Injustice Superman Breaks Through the Second Dimension

Chapter 682 - nightmare

…the door didn’t open, and Kent turned around with a hint of relief in his eyes…

At the end of the latest chapter, the sci-fi fan Wukong is a reader of “Injustice”, and one of the few readers who follow this novel. Although this novel has been criticized by many readers as poisonous, Wukong, a science fiction fan, can read it quietly and interestingly, because this book has science fiction and Sun Wukong, and gathers all the elements he likes.

Science fiction fan Wukong is an ordinary student, and online novels are his biggest hobby, but the more books he reads, the more critical he will naturally become. This made him have to lower his requirements. As long as the writing is smooth and there are no typos, and the articles with brain holes must be read first.

It’s a pity that it used to be difficult. Although the requirements have been lowered, when reading new novels, it is inevitable that you will be picky, and it is not easy to find a novel that suits your appetite.

“This novel is almost over. The starting point for Superman is still too high. It’s not enough to break the fourth dimension. It also needs to break the gap between reality and virtuality. It is estimated that the author does not know how to write it. This author should not write indiscriminately. The novel that wears, although the brain hole in the back is getting bigger and bigger, how many readers can read it to the end, even I can’t read it anymore.” The sci-fi fan Wukong said that the author of the latest chapter arranged for the protagonist to open the door to reality, But found that it couldn’t be opened, so the protagonist breathed a sigh of relief.

Sci-fi fan Wukong feels that this arrangement is because the author doesn’t know how to write it: “There are almost no characters, and the author must be impatient. He likes to throw out new settings and new stories, but he has no patience to arrange the details.” He is now a habitual supporter. Many long online novels have novel ideas in the first two or three hundred chapters, and then there are routines. Many readers have forgotten the previous plot and characters when they see the latter. It’s not as good as it used to be, but they still subscribe, because they’re all used to it. If the book is really over, their hearts will be empty.

Even if the later stage is ugly, it cannot be denied that the early reading is really fun, so as long as the later stage is not crazy to retaliate against the readers, the true fans will continue to watch it.

“I hope Kent opens the door and knocks on the author’s head, so that he can keep updating in the future, and don’t stop updating.” After thinking about it, science fiction fan Wukong is going to the science fiction area to find out if there is any novel in his heart.

In a small room, the author of Four Eyes stretched out: “I’ve finished coding again, I’m so tired.” “It’s time to prepare a new book.” Looking at the dismal results in the background, the author was also desperate, and he still had a lot of ideas. Yes, unfortunately, the idea and the actual writing are two different things.

The author of Four Eyes is a science student. At first, the code word was just for his own amusement. He never learned how to lay down suspense and portray characters. However, he believes that his imagination is still very good. Although the writing power of the code word has not been long for so many years, at least it is not as unsightly as it was at the beginning.

“Copying novels seems to be very popular. Do I want to write one too?” But when he saw the figurines piled up in the room, he felt that he had betrayed his beloved two-dimensional, and he had always been writing fanfiction. Novels are the love of the second dimension.

“Injustice Superman must have been written to death, and he has written to a dead end. Four thousand words a day for a year, although it is almost less than the millions of words of the Great God, but more than one million words is enough.” The writer is already satisfied. “Yes, start writing a new book.” He said that he created a new document, but he couldn’t type any words on the keyboard.

“Would you like to write a transformation novel?” In fact, he was fascinated by transformation novels for a while, which is the kind of novel in which a male protagonist becomes a female protagonist. It is very interesting to read. He has also written one, but it is a eunuch.

Sometimes it’s not a good thing to have too many ideas. One idea has not been arranged, and another idea can’t wait to be packed into the novel, which makes the novel seem very crowded.

Just when the author of Four Eyes was thinking about opening a new novel, an unexpected guest appeared in the editorial department. Kent was standing among the people coming and going, searching for everything quickly.

Among hundreds of millions of online novels, Kent found a novel with him as the protagonist. All of his experiences are in it, and of course everything is the same except the content of the latest chapters is different.

In the latest chapters, Kent was not hunted by Hellfire, but was invited by the Creation Council to open the door, and it turned out that the door was not opened. But the fact is that Kent opened the door and stood in the real world.

Because of the gap, Kent wasn’t sure if this was the place to control his fate. Maybe it’s just that his experience is projected into a novel, not that the author manipulates himself and needs to be observed.

So Kent didn’t do anything, he just observed, this observation lasted for three days, but the author of Four Eyes only updated two chapters.

Kent really wanted to kidnap the author of Four Eyes and let him write all the follow-ups. He wanted to know if what he wrote would really affect him and his family. But “Injustice” is almost finished, so the author update is unstable, and Kent is very angry that it stops for two days.

The protagonist of the novel actually wanted the author to do more. Those who didn’t know it thought that Kent wanted to play more.

However, there are a lot of content in the two chapters. Kent saw that it was his daughter’s story. Obviously, the author wanted to turn Linger into a homosexual, let Linger hug her from left to right, Xia He and Feng Baobao, all kinds of flirting girls. , and also formed a friendship with Chen Duo.

After seeing this, Kent crossed the gate again and returned to the starting point universe. He found that his daughter had indeed become gay, and he was still dealing with the three The daughter was really affected, so why did he not affected? And the author obviously said that the real door has not been opened, why did he open the door?

Kent was full of doubts, but he thought of a possibility, the door of truth is the only item that will not be affected by the author, and when he comes into contact with the door of truth, he will not

controlled by the author. That is to say, he achieved the same effect as the protagonists of **** karma through the gate of truth, and was out of the author’s control.

But Kent couldn’t be happy, because **** karma was right, everything before was arranged for him by the author, including his two marriages and his daughter.

Even his two crossings were deliberately done by the author. At this time, Kent suddenly didn’t know what to do. Are the memories arranged by the authors what they need? Haven’t they done anything for themselves? Are your family members just puppets, who do not love themselves from the heart, but are controlled by the author?

Jian Xie said that those feelings were false, and now Kent feels the same way in his heart.

Dunant asked Kent, “What’s on the other side?”

“A nightmare.” Kent forced himself not to follow the idea of ​​​​infernal karma, but now he feels that there are only NPCs around him, and this feeling is terrible.

At this time, an alarm came from Dunan’s Book of Creation, other members of the Creation Committee were attacked, and Hell Karma was fired.

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