Injustice Superman Breaks Through the Second Dimension

Chapter 677 - tears

“What’s the matter with the two of you coming to Biyou Village?” Ma Xianhong was going to directly ask Kent Chuxuan the purpose of the two.

“We are here to help others.” Kent pointed to Chen Duo: “Before you came, I was on-demand for this girl to get through the difficulties.”

Ma Xianhong is still the old saying: “I’m afraid you can’t help her.” Chen Duo’s problem lies in the root. Unless she is reborn, it will be difficult for even an immortal to help Chen Duo. Her body is full of toxins that she can’t control herself.

“Whether you can help her, it’s not up to you.” Kent turned around and continued to say to Chen Duo, “What about your wish? Do you want to change, do you want to return to normal?”

Chen Duo has never spoken, because she is always like this, no matter in the ‘Yao Xianhui’ or ‘anywhere’, Chen Duo is a tool to be manipulated, her opinion never matters, and no one cares about her Opinions, no one will ask her needs.

Even the man in South China who, like his father, wanted to save Chen Duo, never asked Chen Duo if he was willing to continue to suffer so much.

Actually, Chen Duo knew very well that there was no cure for her. No matter how hard the people who care about her try, it’s all in vain, they just continue to let her linger. She’ll never get back to normal, she’s just a monster.

One of the reasons for Chen Duo’s betrayal is because Ma Xianhong taught her to make her own choices. She has made the first choice, she has failed the people who care about her, she chooses to give up, and gives up the difficult, slim and impossible road to return to society that the person in charge of South China has chosen for her. Chen Duo chose to stay in this remote place and resume her previous life, not to communicate with others, nor to hurt others.

At this time, the man in front of him drew the impossible road again in front of him, and Chen Duo’s heart was calm. She knew that the road would not work, she had already chosen it once, so this time she still won’t change her previous decision.

Chen Duo just shook her head.

“Are you rejecting the kindness of others?” Kent felt that the poisonous girl in front of her was very pitiful. Not only was her body poisonous, but her mind was also infused with a big bowl of poisonous chicken soup.

But Kent knew how to resolve it, so Kent stretched out his hand.

“Don’t!” But Chen Duo saw Kent’s hand getting closer and closer, so he took the initiative to back away, and at the same time, he said the first sentence, refusing people thousands of miles away.

Ma Xianhong also said: “The poison on her body is very domineering. Even if I built a device for her to release poison gas, it didn’t solve the fundamental problem. I advise you not to take risks.” Of course, he looked at Chen Duo’s expression full of sympathy. , if the ‘Yao Xianhui’ is still there, he will definitely destroy the Yao Xianhui, and his puppet army will tear them all to pieces.

But Kent naturally wouldn’t stop. Not only did he not stop, but he stopped behind Chen Duo with a single acceleration. He patted the girl’s fair cheeks with both hands, squeezing her mouth.

The crisp sound was shocking, and what was even more shocking was that Kent didn’t even have a painful expression on his face. Obviously, just skin contact is enough to corrode human flesh, and the poison lingers on the girl’s face, but it can’t do anything about Kent’s hands.

Kneading and rubbing, Kent rubbed his hands together to make the girl’s oval face turn into a grimace: “The more expressions you have, the more cute you are. Children of your age can’t keep their faces straight.”

Is it really okay? The most incredible thing is Chen Duo herself, but she knows very well what will happen to the people she has come into contact with. From vomiting and diarrhea, to rotting and dying, but the man behind him has nothing to do?

Chen Duo felt the warm palms on her cheeks and the strong support behind her like a wall, and suddenly burst into tears. From childhood to adulthood, for the first time, the first time to have zero-distance contact with people, is this warm and down-to-earth feeling just ‘depending on’?

Ma Xianhong was also surprised, Kent actually solved the matter that made him helpless? Who is this Kent?

But Chu Xuan wasn’t surprised at all. He knew that Kent and his daughter were real gods. And after he opened the data eye, the whole world was at a glance, only the Kent father and daughter were still seeing flowers in the fog. Chu Xuan knew best that the strength of the Kent father and daughter was truly unfathomable, surpassing others.

“Silly girl, why are you crying.” Kent said kindly: “Don’t be afraid, I will help you control your own power in the future, and then you can make more friends.”

“Wow…” Kent’s words not only did not comfort Chen Duo, but made her cry even louder. Chen Duo turned around and hugged Kent’s waist, buried her face in Kent’s chest, and cried so happily for the first time in her life.

Chen Duo was excited on the one hand, and regretful on the other. If she had encountered Kent earlier, Uncle Liao wouldn’t have to die. After she got to know Ma Xianhong, she had two options: one was to take refuge in Ma Xianhong, and the other was to die. In the beginning, Chen Duo was going to choose the second way. He attacked the person in charge of the South China District, which is to force the other party to kill him, but Liao Zhong would rather die in pain than attack Chen Duo, so he did it. Betrayal and murder happen.

Of course Chen Duo knew that Liao Zhong was good to her, but that was not what she wanted at all, so she was going to die at the hands of Liao Zhong, but unfortunately the final result was that Chen Duo went astray again.

At this time, in Kent’s arms, Chen Duo wanted to vent all his grievances over the past ten years.

Chu Xuan backed away silently, because where Chen Duo’s tears fell, the grass withered and the spring flowers fell, and the unfortunate Chinese pastoral dog all staggered back, as if saying: This year is the Year of the You can’t This is poisonous to the dog, and the tears are poisonous.

If Kent hadn’t been protected by a biomagnetic field, his clothes would have been corroded by the acid tears.

“Uncle Liao.” In the end, all the feelings converged into remorse. Liao Zhong was the first Chen Duo to respect her as a human being when she grew up.

However, such a good person was killed by himself in the end, and Chen Duo really regretted it.

“Good boy!” Kent patted the **** the shoulder, giving her a little comfort.

Chu Xuan and Ma Xianhong were both silent. From the girl’s cry, they could all understand that the girl’s life was really bad. Chu Xuan felt that he was very lucky compared to girls, at least he was a young master when he was a child.

Those who heard it were sad, and those who saw it shed tears. The girl’s cry is a song of sadness.

But now Chen Duo should say goodbye to the past, and next is her new life.

The temporary workers also came to Biyou Village, and the troops were divided into two groups. All the way is directly into the village, because they need to investigate what is going on here. The other way is secretly lurking, ready to support.

Ma Xianhong didn’t yell at the temporary workers. He received them kindly, and even hosted the temporary workers to live there, so that he could spread his ideas to the temporary workers.

Zhang Chulan, the heir to the eight amazing skills, is the first to win over the target.

Later, Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing were also invited by Ma Xianhong to the village, and the place became more and more lively.

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