Infinity from Hogwarts

Chapter 25 The true face of the Lord God Space

Jack Jones came to the main god space in the blink of an eye.

Originally, he knew from the information he received that there would be no big ball of light. (Congratulations to Mr. Z. Although Kayako and Sadako scared me so much that I didn’t dare to go to the toilet alone at night for a while.)

But at least there should be people around, all kinds of people wearing different clothes and strengthening modes.

But there are so few people here.There was absolutely no one to care about the new Jack Jones.

What the hell did Jack see?If it weren't for the exquisite buildings around him, Jack would always be reminded that this is the main god's space.Even if you tell him that this is a post-apocalyptic ruin, he won't be surprised at all.

Why do you say that.Just look around and you will know.

The sky was pitch black.It's obvious from Jack's extraordinary eyesight.It wasn't some starless night sky.It was covered by an unknown thick layer of black ash.It was dark as far as the eye could see.The place where Jack was was shrouded in a mask of soft light.You can clearly see that the ash that fell on it fell on it, and then slowly disappeared bit by bit as it slid down.

The place where Jack appeared was at the edge of the mask.Except for some occult patterns all around that can make Jack less dramatic.and various buildings that look like science fiction and mystery at first sight.Outside the photomask is a piece of ruins.The place he was in was like a floating island.

Jack was actually quite disappointed by the feeling of disparity in his heart.He was prepared to face a large crowd of people as soon as he came out.Or do something to bully newcomers and collect protection fees.He can accept it.That's why he wears the hooded magic robe that disguises his appearance.

It’s a pity that it’s really here.People have seen it.But Jack didn't get the reaction he wanted.

At this moment, his main watch reacted.A guide was sent to him.Not far from here.

Jack immediately regained his composure.Walk towards where the guide leads you.

He already knew it from the information he got.No vicious events are allowed to occur in the main god's space.This was just as he imagined. He hurriedly walked towards the place guided by his watch.

In a moment, Jack came to the place in the guide.A giant structure that can be seen from anywhere on this floating island.

There is a giant bust standing prominently at the door.The lower body of the statue is a smooth jade slab.

Jack finally understood why this main god space became like this.

The large amount of messy information recorded above was obviously not left by one person.Thousands of messages are posted in memory of those who sacrificed their lives for the victory of humanity.Confessing to so-and-so, wishing to live with so-and-so, these are messy and meaningless messages.

Jack stood for a long time on what looked like a clipboard under the statue.Finally I roughly understood what happened.

a long long time ago. (Ahem. I’m starting to tell a story. The world of the Lord God I designed. At least it conforms to fantasy logic. Maybe humans can really come up with something similar?)

Because human beings’ entertainment life is becoming more and more abundant.Human minds are becoming more and more active.And human thoughts and escaped soul power are captured by the concepts of various film and television works, myths and legends created by humans themselves.These scattered forces attached to these concepts slowly formed small worlds attached to the spiritual level of human beings on earth.

It can also be said to be the spiritual demiplane.Dream space.Or something similar.And humans themselves are also at a time when technology is highly developed.Several weird scientists at that time discovered these strange spaces.Originally these were nothing.

But the bad thing is that science destroys the world.This didn't surprise Jack at all.

A scientist.Of course, if you want to study something, you need to find someone to invest in it.How could a few scientists with extraordinary brain circuits be able to fill such a huge bottomless pit?

History is always surprisingly similar.Several scientists found investment.The world information observed by a few people using crude equipment was shown to investors.This incident spread among a small and secretive circle.

And human beings have never lacked careerists.A few careerists who control the world.Start to unite all forces.The information was concealed.Whether it’s for strength or the legendary elixir.Or is it the immortality that humans have longed for since ancient times?

Anyway, the big crocodiles behind these worlds are starting to exert their power.Invest heavily in these scientists.Just give whatever you ask for.There is only one purpose.Make these worlds truly captureable by humans.At the very least, some of the things inside should be accessible to them.

This has officially scratched an itch for a few scientists.Since they have the same purpose, of course they hit it off immediately.Several scientists began to work hard.over time.The hope of success is growing.But stuck in one place.Human beings can only enter those worlds by using scientific methods to put their spiritual bodies, that is, souls through instruments. (The sense of déjà vu in virtual reality games) And the things in those worlds have tried their best.After observing the collapse of a world, I finally got to the real world by coincidence.But it also started to evaporate when I took it out.It will disappear in just a few seconds.The instrument detects the item that does not belong to the real world and becomes a mental force dissipated.

This is worrying for these people.Finally they came up with a solution that was not a solution.Can we artificially create a special world?So that people can get those virtual world items without disappearing.They actually thought of a way while brainstorming.That is the main god space.It involves reality and fantasy.Just make the world you create infinitely powerful.In the end, it will definitely become an existence that is infinitely close to the real world.Just like in ancient times.Most people in the world believe that there are all kinds of monsters in the world.The last historical records.It was as if those monsters had really been discovered.

In this way, this group of people who were about to give up began to commit suicide crazily.

They began to spread the main god space of the fantasy world in which they had perfected their world view on a large scale.

Novels, movies, TV shows, games.Try your best to do everything you can think of.In the end, they all controlled the weak countries frantically.Or simply hypnotize a large number of criminals in the country they control.Let those people believe from the bottom of their hearts that there is such a world.And then it gets more and more excessive.Spread false news.Create Internet viruses.Fake video.Just to deceive humans.

Finally they succeeded.That world went from being illusory and illusory at the beginning to becoming the most real one among the worlds they observed.

But in reality, someone was really captured by the Lord God Dimension.They observed dead humans appearing outside that world.

But they failed too.Because the most basic law of the Lord God Space is to invade all known worlds.

And within a dozen years, the main god space created by human careerists has snowballed into control of all fantasy worlds known to mankind.All fantasy worlds have become existences attached to the main god's space.

Finally it’s the real world’s turn.The main god space, which is entrusted by various human thoughts, has produced the 'main god' of self-intelligence.He is no longer satisfied with his existence in an illusory world created by a weak species like human beings.

He thought of going with those ambitious people.He also wants his world to become the real world.

He used the abilities imagined by humans to start a reverse invasion of reality.The core world of the Lord God began the process of slowly integrating with reality.

Only then did humans discover the truth of the matter.But it's too late.This process cannot be stopped.

There is only one way to bring about the destruction of the Lord God's world.Kill the main god.

That is to die together.

Because the Lord God was created by the power of human souls.Only destroy mankind.Only the Lord God will follow and destroy.

In the end, humans who did not want to become the main god's food killed all those who created the main god's space.Ignited all the weapons of destruction on earth.Before igniting it, for the sake of human beings' recovery.They use those capital giants.Conspirator.The so-called Noah's Ark created in the core of the earth preserved the embryos of humans and all animals.It was completely sealed off.

But the Lord God informed us through the traitors who did not want to perish along with mankind.Got this.The Lord God panicked.The actual plan came into being without any rush.Only changes can be made.

In the end humans succeeded.Also failed.The world is destroyed.But the Lord God also successfully transformed into reality with the small worlds attached to him.

When the world was finally destroyed, the soul power that escaped with the instantaneous destruction of mankind successfully came to the real earth in the main god space.The small worlds attached to him have all become small worlds such as demiplanes that exist around the main god and the real world.

It’s just that the Lord God is dead.

He was originally something similar to artificial intelligence.

He was also chosen by humans themselves when they created the Lord God's world, those who turned from fiction to reality for the success of the Lord God's world.The rigorous worldview of design is a mess.

As the main god space completely changed from virtual to real.He thought he was God, the Lord God.But I didn’t expect that he still didn’t break away from the barriers of artificial intelligence.Now that we have arrived in the real world.The main god who developed autonomous consciousness was directly deleted and reset by the rules written into the bottom layer of the rules when the world was created.

And he also discovered the origin of that special little world of Harry Potter.It was briefly mentioned above.That was the suggestion given by the group of Lord God messengers to the Lord God when he was still struggling in the illusory Lord God space.In order to better cultivate the messengers of the Lord God who invade the world, several special small worlds created by the Lord God can systematically learn extraordinary power.A functional additional world belonging to the main god space.

The main god was directly created by copying the original world of those small worlds for a period of time.As the space of the Lord God changes from virtual to real.Those special small worlds have also been successfully transformed into real existences relying on the power of the Lord God.

And exactly how his soul appeared in that world.That's unknown.Anyway, Jack Jones was not reborn in that special Harry Potter world.The world is still fine.He is a poor loser and has no access to any secret information.

And in that world, the reason why the Lord God did not let him have access to nuclear weapons was probably found.The self-awareness generated by the Lord God is destroyed.But the record should still be there.The power of these weapons can destroy the main god's space.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the main god without self would have similar protection procedures.

Now he is not even sure whether he is from this world.But these are no longer important.There is nothing he can't bear to do to his ex-girlfriend who wants to be resurrected, and there is nothing he has to do if he wants to return to the original world.

He turned out to be a working man at the bottom of society.Life like this now is really wonderful.

Judging from the personnel situation of the main god space.It won't be long before the main god can be restarted.Because in the outside world, even the ashes produced by the explosion of world-destroying weapons are still floating in the sky.Although I don’t know if it’s because of the storm that’s been raging now.It kept sending the fallen ashes high into the sky.

But the world's ability to recover itself is powerful.This situation still exists now.Jack expected.It should not be more than 100 years since the last plan to destroy the world.

And with the resurrection of the human embryos in the so-called Noah's Ark.The main god space was also restarted.Look at the ages of the few humans you come into contact with.The oldest one doesn't look more than 30 years old.The youngest one is also in his 20s.Maybe these people are the first resurrected human seeds.

There is no smaller one.It may not meet the main god’s standards for attracting people.Or simply there are no humans of that age.Now that Jack roughly knows the news.Those other things that are there will no longer exist.

He is not a savior either.What a good person.He will not impose any mission on himself for the recovery of mankind.

You know, he's not human.He is a snake-like creature.This is certified by the Lord God.Although it looks like a human being.But the soul has long since been changed by a final rebirth and extensive use of dark magic.

Although Jack himself still thinks he is human.But he didn't find it.His behavior pattern has long deviated from that of humans.The behavioral habits of snakes can be seen quite a bit.

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