Infinite World Traveler

Chapter 1397 - Deserved

Mann was ashamed and mad in his heart, and it was like tears in the rain: “So I was so mentally disabled ?!” He just wanted to die, but even if he clearly went through the death process again and again, he could still realize himself before returning to his deathbed. Mental retardation.

In his own body, he repeated everything from a bystander’s perspective. He heard familiar words from his mouth, extremely hypocritical and pretentious, and then he would be killed by the spaceship, experiencing the long process of death. The pain made him mad, and his stupid words and deeds made him sick, the physical and mental torture, but it was caused by his own death, which made Mann’s self-cognition collapse.

He felt so disgusting and stupid when he spoke, and the presence in this body made his soul want to explode. But he couldn’t make any changes. He seemed to be stuffed into a can of time, and he could only passively accept the time of the outside world and could not miss a detail.

“Ah, God, help me.” Mann prayed in his heart.

God didn’t come to save him, but Huang Chao, who controlled all this, had a new understanding. If he was going to teach Mann, good results had been achieved by then, but he just pulled the scum back to do the destruction experiment.

Huang Chao stared at the plane in front of him. Mann’s scene was like a page of comics, but Huang Chao was the author of this comic. Mann, who is confined in a lower dimension, still appears as a three-dimensional form, but his dimension of existence is lower than that of Huang Chao, and all existences such as time, space, cause and effect are controlled by the creator of the plane.

Mann experienced a non-illusion, and every time he died in real life, then his soul at the moment of death was gathered by Huang Chao, and he once again invested in a new reincarnation. In the same dimension of Mann, everything around him is a real creation.

The plane contains a completely locked time circle. Mann was reborn to less than a minute after being blown to death. Huang Chao placed him on the beginning of the time circle again and again. For Mann who experienced death, he could not tell whether he went back to the past or repeated death with time and time, but this is very important for Huang Chao, which indicates that his understanding in this world is mature, he can have Orderly grasp the power of the circle of time.

In the dimension of Cooper and others, they saw the eternal explode suddenly, starting from the excuse of the Mann spacecraft, the structure of the spacecraft exploded continuously, and the debris sprayed silently in space. In less than a minute, the location of the Eternal was covered by space debris, and the ring-shaped hull quickly rotated due to the reaction force, away from the original orbit. At the critical moment, Cooper responded calmly, to force the spacecraft to dock with the Eternal …

Otherwise, they will be abandoned in desolate space. This is a continuous flow of one minute, but for the next dimension of Mann, he is pressed into a plane and undergoes a one-minute “before death” playback, which is the same as the outside time, and then he will return to the beginning of this time again. He experienced the baptism of more than ten explosions. The outside world was just a time of “replay” in the past. All his experiences were superimposed in this circle of time.

The overlap of time can allow Mann to experience the real eternity in a minute of the outside world, and exhaust the power of his soul. Mann ’s repeated death experiences have made him confused now.

Huang Chao’s spirit outlined a new scene, Mann appeared lightly in an ice and snow, he was pleasantly surprised to find that he returned to the surface of the planet. What time is this? He hadn’t found the answer yet, an unclear cracking sound came from the space suit mask in front of him.


Mann roared in his heart: “No!” Then he was surprised to find that he made a sound! He could control his body, but it didn’t do much, because the pungent ammonia gas poured in from the crack next moment.

Looking around, Mann discovered that this turned out to be his platform for assaulting Cooper! However, there was no figure of Cooper here. He touched his communication antenna, where there was nothing, as if it had been ripped off. In a short time, Mann understood what he was facing: he was “starred” by some great existence in the world, and his deaths were paying the price for his words and deeds. He will experience the pain of being choked to death by ammonia, something Cooper experienced a while ago.

Mann struggled to find in the snow, he guessed that Cooper must be rescued by recovering the communication antenna. In the crisis, he thought that he was “substituting” Cooper’s desperation, but let him rummage on this familiar platform. , But could not find the shadow of the communication antenna. A gray shadow flashed in front of his eyes, and there was a burning pain in his lungs. Mann fell on the platform and gave a hoarse gasp.

He didn’t find the antenna, Mann felt death approaching himself again, and the pain of suffocation brought him unspeakable regrets: of course he understood that he was tortured because he had insulted Cooper before, and almost made Cooper die like this!

Hell, does God bless Cooper? Mann thought of his first encounter with Huang Chao “after death”, tolerating the pain of suffocation, and trying to make a pious expression of regret: “Great Supayero, I confess to you, I am weak. I have committed deep sins. I hate my sins, and I suffer from **** for this. I repent of my sins with your heavenly favors, and reformed, Supajero, please forgive me … “

Mann racked his brain to read the words of repentance. Huang Chao didn’t need to guess or perceive his inner monologue. Mann’s thoughts were directly revealed, just like the psychological descriptions written in the comics. He pushed Mann into a lower dimension. The prerequisite was complete mastery. At this moment, Mann is like a cartoon character in his pen, everything is well known.

He did not personally write about Mann ’s psychological activities ~ ~ because once he intervened, Mann completely lost his independent will and became a character in his pen. The education was not the insidious, arrogant free will. ” Mann. “

Mann ’s prayer was not answered, he swallowed his last breath in pain, which still smelled full of ammonia … When struggling to death several times from the platform, Mann finally ushered in a turning point: when he again Opened and returned to the sealed camp, the air-making machine filled the room with a breathable atmosphere.

He breathed the normal air greedily, feeling the sweetness in it, and then he saw what was in front of him: the wreckage of an intelligent robot, which was also an elaborate explosion trap.

“No.” Mann said in despair.

Immediately an explosion occurred, engulfing everything. When he opened his eyes again, it was still the familiar wreckage trap.

Mann ’s plane was taken into the hands of Huang Chao, and his existence was compressed to a minimum in this world. At the lower level of dimension, Mann experienced the results he deserved and provided Huang Chao with the information for dimension research.

At this time, Huang Chao looked at the track, Cooper piloted the spacecraft, ready to forcibly dock.

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