Infinite World Traveler

Chapter 1394 - Hypocrisy

Huang Chao attaches importance to the role of Emily here. He supports Brand to establish a human colony and is planning to use Plan B to open a human colony. However, this world is actually not suitable for survival. In an environment full of ammonia, the spacecraft’s own equipment cannot sustain the survival of more people.

Mann can hibernate in this environment for decades, but their equipment cannot allow humans to start expanding, and even the most basic living conditions cannot be met here. In this case, Mann also accelerated his plan: he had to escape back to earth, in order to conceal the fact that he was making false news, he had to kill all three.

Everything repeats the familiar story of Huang Chao. Mann deceived Cooper to explore the world below the surface and told Huang Chao to protect the information system when dismantling broken robot parts. When he and Cooper came to the rift, Mann’s words increased, futilely covering up the tension in his heart.

Mann said while walking: “Brand told me why you want to go back, but I still have to say that because of the responsibility, such an task, one more engineer will have one more guarantee.” At this time he also disguised as “noble “The explorer, Cooper doesn’t know how despicable the person on the opposite side can only express a little guilt that he wants to go home. The two approached the crack, and Mann ’s eyes began to shift. While expressing his understanding of Cooper, he also made excuses for himself:

“You have a family, but even if you don’t have a family, I promise you will be very concerned about other people.” This is an excuse he found for his betrayal. He can offset his conscience with that person’s common sense, “This feeling It ’s deep-rooted for humans, do n’t underestimate it … “

Although Huang Chao knows that Mann will beep at the last minute, and will fully interpret an alternative villain, he still has to pay attention to this scene, lest any disturbance make Cooper really hang. He watched the two of them jump off the cliff, and Mann began to talk about human survival: “Do you know why we don’t send machines to perform tasks, Cooper? Machines can’t be compared to people, they won’t die right. The fear of survival can make us create miracles when we are near death. “

He paused for a moment and said, “Take you as an example. Cooper, you are a father. If you extend your desire for survival to the children, what will people see before they die? Do you know?”

Cooper had already begun to feel that this person was a little strange, he didn’t answer, and motioned Mann to speak for himself. But this time he thought more, it was Mann who hibernated for a long time and became a little nervous. Mann immediately went on to speak: “You will see your child’s face, and you will struggle subconsciously for them.”

“This man really can’t speak …” Cooper thought, but he wouldn’t work with this neuropathy for too long to return to Earth.

Soon they reached the edge of the cliff, this is the moment when Tu Qiong saw, Mann sighed: “When I left the earth, I thought I was ready to die, and I did not really consider that there is no survival here. The possibility of conditions. The result is completely different from what was expected. “

He has always been regarded as a great precursor, and he devoted himself to humanity. However, his initial so-called sacrifice was to pick himself a “certain” planet with living conditions! He thought he could come here to be a hero, but he didn’t really want to die. Just before Cooper didn’t fully understand his words, Mann walked to the back of Cooper’s side, pulled off his communication antenna, and threw it into the abyss below in Cooper’s furious eyes!

Cooper grabbed the nails that came with the spacesuit and hung them on the edge of the cliff. Mann saw that he was still alive. He climbed down and shouted: “I can’t let you take the spaceship away. I need the spaceship to complete the mission. Once Others find it impossible to survive here, we all have to die! Sorry, sorry! “

He shouted politely, but kicked Cooper’s hand hard with his boots with nails. Mann was so hypocritical that he was about to convince himself that he killed Cooper in order to continue all mankind. At this time, he would not consider it, because he was cowardly and deceived Cooper and others with false data. They could have gone to a planet where humans can really survive.

Mann is the leader of the previous twelve explorers. He has always been regarded as one of the best. He led eleven other people on a basically “death” journey, just to find a new habitat for humans. However, as soon as he came here, he knew there was nothing here.

“This kind of hypocrisy, this two-sided standard … Oh, Mann, you deserve the hope of the remaining human beings on the earth.” Huang Chao watched the fall of the two with a lively mood, and they fell together on the raised platform below. Mann admitted that he sent fake data, and then fell into a poor word, only to repeat “yes, yes.” Although he was filled with guilt on his face, he still walked firmly to Cooper and fought with him.

It must be said that Mann is really a human elite and a human hope? Huang Chao found that he might even become a hero: as long as he secretly killed these three people, he drove the Eternity to the truly suitable planet of Edmunds, where Edmunds was already dead, he could be in There started the human colonization of Plan B. He became the “ancestor” of mankind, and the historical truth is not entirely in his mouth!

Fortunately, this is a world set for light. Mann, like all villains, UU Reading gave the protagonist a chance to make a comeback. He mumbled in the newsletter and said, “Have you felt that desire to survive? … I’m sorry, I can’t watch you die like this, sorry, I thought I could do it, but I can’t do it …” It was a wonderful irony. Mann thought he could die for humans last time, but he couldn’t do it and sent false messages to deceive the second expedition.

Now he can’t do it again, this time he will harm himself. Huang Chao shook his head at the remote base and smiled, how typical Mann’s way of death was. His wordy word reached its peak: “Cooper, I am here, I am here with you. Listen to my voice, Cooper.” He walked back to Cooper and walked a few steps as if Cooper’s misfortune He can’t bear it.

This was caused by his own hands, but he still maintains a sympathetic and sad look. This style allows Huang Chao to watch the live broadcast from afar. Yes, humans can be so despicable, Huang Chao does not have much anger about it, but just looks at the liveliness from the perspective of a complete bystander, just like watching the two ants fighting in a boring way: but this does not prevent him from relying on his own preferences Crush one of them.

Mann smashed Cooper ’s mask, listening to Cooper ’s painful gasp, seeing him writhing and struggling on the ground, and said in the communicator: “You are not alone … Have you seen your child? Do n’t you? Fear, they are waiting for you there. “He also gave Cooper his end-of-life comfort, and he was so desperate. Cooper ignored the **** at all, and all his energy was spent crawling on the communication antenna dropped by Mann …

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