Infinite World Traveler

Chapter 1382 - Abnormal coordinates

As Huang Chao’s voice fell, a harsh alarm rang through the stadium. It uses a system with the air defense warning, but in this era it is only used to predict the arrival of sandstorms. Sandstorms have become a great threat to mankind. With the spread of blight, mankind has no spare time to launch a war of self-destruction. When the crisis first appeared, war broke out in this world, but now the remaining humans have realized that the threats they face are from the fields in front of them rather than the enemies far away.

Humans are no longer threatened by war, so air defense warnings are all used to predict sandstorms. The cost of such peace may be a bit too heavy. People have evacuated the sports ground in an orderly manner. Everyone is used to such natural disasters.

The air is full of choking sand and dust, and it is very difficult to breathe every time. When the sand wall has not yet enveloped, the first sand and dust has made people feel uncomfortable. In the distant sky, a huge black wall pressed towards them, it was a violent sand wall. Soon, the sky was dim and the core area of ​​the sandstorm covered the whole town.

Cooper said: “Suppa, we said before to check the harvester problem, now take my car, do you want to go to my house to avoid a sandstorm?” Huang Chao nodded and rubbed Cooper’s car, and His family went to the farm outside the town. It was dark and dark in the sand and dust center, and the fine dust was permeable. Although they were also choked by sand and dust in the car.

Everyone is accustomed to this harsh environment, and Cooper took out sand control mirrors and filter masks to protect themselves in all directions. As a person in this world, Huang Chao maintains the habit of “ordinary people”. He also carries this set of equipment with him: because sand and dust storms may occur at any time in this world, everyone has regarded it as a part of normal life.

Cooper struggled to distinguish the direction. The heavy sand and dust made the visibility outside the car extremely low. He could only see a distance of less than ten meters. Fortunately, the world is almost destroyed. The population density is very low. Cooper drives home from the town without any other vehicles. He used the astronaut ’s operation and successfully took the car to the house. Such a good traffic situation also I do n’t know if it ’s fortunate or sentimental.

Huang Chao paid attention to the information transmitted by the void along the way. Today is the day when Cooper will be strongly disturbed in the future. Invisible gravitational waves come down from the five-dimensional space and cross the timeline to provide the past Cooper with instructions to change fate . Huang Chao analyzed some peripheral information, and did not push back to the five-dimensional core. This is a fragile point in time. In order to bind his world to the movie world and let it have a clear fantasy world position, Huang Chao was careful not to Let the plot of the world deviate too much.

In this way, the country where he exploded technology from the Ming Dynasty was the country of “Interstellar”, not an inexplicable fantasy country, which could occupy the entire timeline of “Interstellar”.

“Hey, the black hole space from the future human civilization beyond four dimensions can penetrate the timeline …”

As the original observer base point of the world, Huang Chao came to his house with the unexplainable plan in mind, following the plot and Cooper. Several people hurried into the house, and Cooper closed the door quickly at the end, leaning his back against the door reinforced with wooden boards, as if there were some fierce beasts behind them chasing them. The sand and dust outside covered the sky, and it was still a sunny morning an hour ago. It is now like the dusk before the sun sets.

Cooper said to the children: “You all go back to the house, are the rooms upstairs closed?” Seeing the expression of her daughter, Cooper realized that the window of her room was still open. A complete disaster. He immediately ran upstairs, Huang Chao followed him and saw that the room had become a kingdom of sand and dust, and everything was covered with a layer of dust in a moment.

Cooper hurriedly pressed the window, and the dim light shone through the window, making the dust flying in the room seem to be some kind of yellow haze. Murphy stood at the door of the room a little helpless, and Cooper did not want to blame his daughter now, saying: “Murphy, today you go to Tom’s room to sleep.”

In the middle of Murphy’s bedroom, the sand of the air fell vertically, forming several continuous lines, just like the few lines remaining on the bead curtain. Sand and dust fall on the ground and pile up sand piles of different thickness. The intervals of the small sand piles are surprisingly the same, and there are only a few patterns of thickness, showing a strange regularity. As a well-trained person, Cooper was immediately attracted by the unusual sand pile. This regular structure seems to contain some kind of information!

Murphy whispered: “It’s that ghost!”

Cooper finally realized that things were beyond his imagination. Before that, he thought the ghost was the childish thought of daughter Murphy. He sat in front of the sequence of sand piles and watched the sand dances flying in front of him. Because of the gravity anomaly, they merged into different sizes in the air and arranged inexplicable information on the ground.

At this time Cooper still had acquaintances, he would not sit still all night as in the movie, silently thinking about this miracle-like anomaly. Cooper looked up at Huang Chao who was standing beside him, and asked, “Supa, what do you think of this thing?”

“There must be something wrong.” Huang Chao said sharply. His wisdom instantly cracked the information contained in this stack. This is the coordinate passed by Cooper from the future. He should guide himself to the NASA base. “Try using a binary crack. “

Cooper tried it a little, with a mixed expression of consternation and helplessness: “Oh, my God, you are right. There is information here, it is a coordinate, it is interesting.”

“You’re welcome ~ ~ Cooper and his daughter quickly determined the location of the coordinates on the map. It was a former air base. He immediately moved to explore the idea: this thing is beyond humanity. Imagine that sand and dust land on the ground to form a pattern, pointing out an obvious coordinate, what is there? Why does this coordinate appear in front of him?

This world is becoming more and more desperate. I am afraid that everyone expects a miracle to change all this. Cooper will certainly not ignore this reminder. This must be an important sign! His expression said with a little excitement: “I’m going to check this place tomorrow, it’s not far from us, maybe there will be something there, isn’t it?”

The next day, the two cars passed away on the dirt road. Not far away, Murphy got out of the pile of clothes in the passenger seat and gave her father a big “surprise”! Cooper almost did not drive the car into the ditch!

Huang Chao got out of the car and watched Cooper shrugging helplessly. Cooper took his daughter without much trouble. He didn’t know what would happen. It was very likely that this was a fruitless trip, so it was better to go outing with his daughter.

Although in this dusty world, there is no place to play.

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